"Dalam paradigma baru sistem pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia, DPRD mempunyai kedudukan sejajar dan menjadi mitra pemerintah daerah. DPRD telah berfungsi sebagai lembaga perwakilan rakyat di daerah yang merupakan wahana pemberdayaan untuk melaksanakan demokrasi Pancasila. DPRD melakukan agregasi dan artikulasi kepentingan rakyat yang diwakilinya, merupakan ukuran kualitas penyelenggaraan fungsi sebagai wakil rakyat. Berhasil tidaknya pemberdayaan DPRD sebagai lembaga tergantung dari berhasil tidaknya DPRD melaksanakan fungsinya.
Sedangkan dalam pelaksanaan penegakan hukum, pemerintah belum memberi rasa keadilan dan kepastian hukum. Para penegak hukum (polisi, jaksa, hakim dan pengacara) di lapangan masih kurang professional. Karena itu, perlu adanya pembenahan aparat penegak hukum.
Untuk mewujudkan demokrasi dan tertib hukum di tataran lokal dibutuhkan lembaga perwakilan rakyat daerah dan aparat penegak hukum lokal yang berdaya dan profesional agar berpengaruh terhadap terwujudnya ketahanan daerah sebagai bagian integral ketahanan nasional.
Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh variabel pemberdayaan DPRD (X1) dengan variabel ketahanan daerah (Y), variabel pembenahan aparat penegak hukum (X2) terhadap variabel ketahanan daerah (Y) serta variabel pemberdayaan DPRD (Xl) dan variabel pembenahan aparat penegak hukum (X2) secara bersama-sama terhadap variabel ketahanan daerah (Y).
Berdasarkan perhitungan statistik berkorelasi dan analisa jalur dapat dikatakan bahwa pengaruh pemberdayaan DPRD dan pembenahan aparat penegak hukum terhadap ketahanan daerah kota Surabaya sangat signifikan setelah diuji statistik inferensial sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan:
1. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara variabel pemberdayaan DPRD (X1) terhadap variabel ketahanan daerah (Y) dengan besar koefisien korelasi = 2,077.
2. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara variabel pembenahan aparat penegak hukum (X2) terhadap variabel ketahanan daerah (Y) dengan besar koefisien korelasi = 4,213.
3. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara variabel pemberdayaan DPRD (X1) dan variabel pembenahan aparat penegak hukum (X2) terhadap variabel ketahanan daerah (Y) dengan besar koefisien korelasi = 2,961.
Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan sebagai akhir dari penelitian ini bahwa ketiga variabel tersebut diatas telah terbukti memiliki korelasi secara positif dan signifikan.
In new paradigm of local government system in Indonesia, local house of representatives or local legislative as an institution of people's representative in territory is a vehicle toward making empowerment to realize the democracy based on Pancasila. Local House of Representatives is independent institution and to stand on his own feet, not as a part of local government anymore. The local House of Representatives ability in doing an aggregation and an articulation of interest of the represented people is a measured quality of the operation of its function as a people representative. Local House of Representatives success or failure as an institution depends on the success of its members to realize the function.So, in performed to law enforcement, the government not to give justice feel and law certainty yet. The law enforcement officers (police, district attorney, judge and lawyer) in the field do not professional yet. Because that, to improvement the law enforcement officers it's very necessary.To achieve democracy and law order in local level to need House of Representatives people and officers law enforcement local of strongly or empowerment and professional in order to achieve region resilience as part by national resilience integral.In this research recite the influence of variable local House of Representatives empowerment (X1) with variable region reliance (Y), variable improvement the law enforcement officer (X2) with variable region reliance (Y) and variable local House of Representatives empowerment (X1) and variable improvement the law enforcement officer (X2) together with variable region reliance (Y).Based on the procedure of correlation statistic counting and the stripe analytic it is taken the conclusion as below:1. The correlation coefficient of positive and significance between variable local house of representatives empowerment (X1) in front of variable region reliance (Y) with coefficient of correlation 2,077.2. The correlation coefficient of positive and significance between variable improvement the law enforcement officer (X2) in front of variable region reliance (Y) with coefficient of correlation 4,213.3. Both correlation coefficient of positive and significance between variable local house of representatives empowerment (X1) and improvement the law enforcement officer (X2) in front of variable region reliance (Y) with coefficient of correlation 2,961.So, let's say that as the end of this research those the three variable have been proved process a positive correlation and significantly."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004