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Lutfah S. Nurusman
Pengaruh eksudat akar dan ekstrak daun Helianlhus mmuus serta Ipomoea batala' terhadap pertumbuhan rumput gajah Petmiselum po/ystacltyon telah dilakulrnn; diamati pula pertumbuhannya bila ditanam di dalam 1 pot bersama H. annuus atau l batatas.
Pada penelitian ini. eksudat akar H. mvruus mampu menurunkan persentase perkecambahan biji dan panjang kecambah rumput gajah sampai 23,87 dan 47 % terhadap kontrol dalam 90 jam; sementara eksudat akar I. halalas menunjukkan penurunan 22,37% dan 23,83 %.
Eksudat akar dari tanaman bunga matahari yang disiramkan selama 5 minggu pada rumput gajah umur 10 hari menekan tinggi gulma itu 13,62%; berat segar dan berat kerlng 39,56 dan 51,24 %. Eksudat akar tanarnan ubi jalar hanya berpengaruh menekan berat segardan berat kerlng gulma itu sampai 18,58 dan 18,40%.
Ekstrak daun H. anmms sertal. hatatas 4 % b.k. mampu mengbambat persentase perl:ecambahan dan tinggi kecambah rumput gajah dalam 90 jam berturut-turut sebesar 38,45 dan 15,28% serta 30,79 dan 19,45%.
Ekstrak daun H. annuus sertal. halalas 2% b.k.yang disiramkan sekali seminggu Rumput gajah yang ditanam dalam 1 pot bersama H. annuus atau l halatas tidak menunjukkan perbedaan nyata dalam tinggi dan berat segar rumput gajah; namun berat kering menunjukkan penurunan 33,44 dan 39,63% terhadap kontrol.

Pennisetum polystachyon is native of Tropical Africa. It has a high reproductive capacity and rapid seed germinationit becomes a troublesome weed when it takes over waste- and cultivated lands. It is now also found along the road sides and highways in Indonesia. The seeds are wind dispersed and have a resilient ability to survive drought and certain cultural and chemical control methods.
The concept that some crop plants may be allelopathic to certain weeds is receiving increased attention in the search for alternative weed control strategies. Helianthus ammus and Ipomoea aquatica are amongst the crop plants that may have the allelopathic effect to some weeds.
This research aims to study the inhibiting potential of H. mmuus and I. batatas on the growth of P. polystachyon. This study observed the effects of root exudates and leaf extrects of H. annuus and /. batatas on the germination and growth of P. polystachyon; and also on the growth of this weed grown together with H. a1muus or I. batatas.
Root exudates taken from the sand planted with H. mmuus or I. halalaS for 4 Root exudates liquid comes out from watering H. ammus or/. batatas (01, 2, 3 and 4 plants/pot), poured over a 10-days seedling of P. polyslachyon twice a day during 5 weeks (5 replications each) reduced the height, fresh and dry weight of the weed. The height reduced up to 13.62 %; fresh and dry weight up to 39.56% and 51.24% by the root exudate of H. annuus; while those of L batatas had no effect to the height of P. polystachyon hut did reduce the fresh and dry weight up to18.58 and 18.40%.
Leaf extracts of H. anmms or I. halalas (0--4 % dry weight), with 5 replications each, reduced also the percentage of germination and length of the germination of seed ofP. polystachyon. During 90 hours, leaf extracts of H. ammus reduced the percentage of gennination of the weed species up to 38.45 % and length of the germination of seeds up to 15.28 %; while those of L halalas up to 30.79% and 19.45% respectively.
The I0 days-old seedling of P. polystachyon with SO mlleaf extracts of H. anmtus or L halalas (0; 0.5; J.O; 1.5; and 2% dry weight) once a week, showed a little difference effect on those weed growth a week after the third treatment. Leaf extract of H. anmms almost had no effect on the weed growth both in height, fresh and dry H. annuus- P. polystachyon and /. batatas- P.polystachyon grown together in a pot (0-5; 1-4; 2-3; 3-2; 4-1; and 5-0) for 5 weeks; 4 replications each, gave another result; both had no effect on height and fresh weight of P. polystachyon. H. annuus­ P. po/ystachyon and I. halalas- P. polystachyon 4-1 reduced the dry weight significantly up to 33.44 and 39.63 %.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andriana Krisnawati
Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 2004
346.048 AND p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malang: Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Malang. Departemen Pertanian, 1992
633.3 KAC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lutfah S. Nurusman
"Pengaruh eksudat akar dan ekstrak daun Helianthus animus serta Ipomoea batatas terhadap pertumbuhan rumput gajah Penniseturn polystachyon telah dilakukan; diamati pula pertumbuhannya bila ditanam di dalam 1 pot bersama H. annuus atau I batatas.
Pada penelitian ini, eksudat akar H. anrnrus mampu menurunkan persentase perkecambahan biji dan panjang kecambah rumput gajah sampai 23,87 dan 47 % terhadap kontrol dalam 90 jam; sementara eksudat akar I. batatas menunjukkan penurunan 22,37 % dan 23,83 %.
Eksudat akar dari tanaman bunga matahari yang disiramkan selama 5 minggu pada rumput gajah umur 10 hari menekan tinggi gulma itu 13,62%; berat segar dan berat kering 39,56 dan 51,24 %. Eksudat akar tanaman ubi jalar hanya berpengaruh menekan berat segar dan berat kering gulma itu sampai 18,58 dan 18,40 %.
Ekstrak daun H. annuus serta Ibatatas 4 % b.k. mampu menghambat persentase perkecambahan dan tinggi kecambah rumput gajah dalam 90 jam berturut-turut sebesar 38,45 dan 15,28 % serta 30,79 dan 19,45 %.
Ekstrak daun H. annuus serta I. batatas 2 % b.k.yang disiramkan sekali seminggu tidak berpengaruh terhadap tinggi dan berat segar rumput gajah. Ekstrak daun H. annuus meredusir berat kering rumput gajah 19,15 %; sementara ekstrak dawn I. batatas menekan berat segar dan berat kering rumput gajah 9,6 dan 31,01 %.
Rumput gajah yang ditanam dalam 1 pot bersama H. anmuus atau I batalas tidak menunjukkan perbedaan nyata dalam tinggi dan berat segar rumput gajah; namun berat kering menunjukkan penurunan 33,44 dan 39,63 % terhadap kontrol.

Pennisetum polystachyon is native of Tropical Africa. It tins a high reproductive capacity and rapid seed germination; it becomes a troublesome weed when it takes over waste- and cultivated lands. It is now also found along the road sides and highways in Indonesia. The seeds are wind dispersed and have a resilient ability to survive drought and certain cultural and chemical control methods.
The concept that some crop plants may be allelopathic to certain weeds is receiving increased attention in the search for alternative weed control strategies. Helianthus anmrus and Ipomoea aquatica are amongst the crop plants that may have the allelopathic effect to some weeds.
This research aims to study the inhibiting potential of H. anmrus and I. batatas on the growth of P. polystachyon. This study observed the effects of root exudates and leaf extracts of H. annuus and I. batatas on the germination and growth of P. polystachyon; and also on the growth of this weed grown together with H. annuus or I. batatas.
Root exudates taken from the sand planted with H. annuus or I. batatas for 4 weeks diluted 1-- 4 times (5 replications each) inhibited the percentage of germination and the length of germination seeds in 90 hours. Root exudates of H. annuus reduced the percentage of germination up to 23.87 % and the length of the germination seeds up to 19.46 % of control; while root exudates off. batatas reduced both parameters 22.37 % and 23.83 % respectively.
Root exudates, liquid comes out from watering H. annuus or I. batatas (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 plants/pot), poured over a 10-days seedling of P. polystachyantwice a day during 5 weeks (5 replications each) reduced the height, fresh and dry weight of the weed. The height reduced up to 13.62 %; fresh and dry weight up to 39.56 % and 51.24 % by the root exudate of H. annuus; while those of I. batatas had no effect to the height of P. polystachyon but did reduce the fresh and dry weight up to18.58 and 18.40 %.
Leaf extracts of H. anmrus or I. batatas (0--4 % dry weight), with 5 replications each, reduced also the percentage of germination and length of the germination of seed of P. polystachyan. During 90 hours, leaf extracts of H. anmrus reduced the percentage of germination of the weed species up to 38.45 % and length of the germination of seeds up to 15.28 %; while those of I. batatas up to 30.79 % and 19.45 % respectively.
The 10 days-old seedling of P. polystachyan with 50 ml leaf extracts of H. annuus or I. batatas (0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; and 2 % dry weight) once a week, showed a little difference effect on those weed growth a week after the third treatment. Leaf extract of H. annuus almost had no effect on the weed growth both in height, fresh and dry weight except the leaf extract of 2 % dry weight gave a very significant difference with those of control, it reduced up to 19.15 % of the control. Leaf extract off batatas did reduce the fresh and dry weight of the weed species. Tukey's test showed that it reduced significantly the fresh weight to 9.6 % and reduced very significantly the dry weight up to 31.01 %.
H. anmsus -- P. polystachyon and I batatas - P.polyslachyon grown together in a pot (0-5; 1-4; 2-3; 3-2; 4-1; and 5-0) for 5 weeks; 4 replications each, gave another result; both had no effect on height and fresh weight of P. polyslachyon. H. anmrus - P. polyslachyon and I. batatas - P. polystachyon 4-1 reduced the dry weight significantly up to 33.44 and 39.63 %.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Nurlillah Krishnayanti
"Salah satu cara untuk merangsang pembungaan adalah dengan memberikan zat pengatur tumbuh. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan salah satu zat pengatur tumbuh yaitu Hydrasil yang diberikan dengan menyemprotkan larutan ke seluruh bagian tanaman setiap 10 hari dengan 4 kali pemberian.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Hydrasil terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif dan pembungaan anggrek Laeliocattleya. Konsentrasi yang digunakan mulai dari 0,75 ppm hingga 2,50 ppm dengan selang 0,25 ppm.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian Hydrasil berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan lebar daun dan jumlah tunas anakan baru. Pemberian Hydrasil tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan panjang daun, luas daun tinggi tanaman, berat basah tanaman, dan belum mampu merangsang pembungaan.
Hasil uji nonparametrik Friedman pada taraf nyata α = 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa pemberian Hydrasil 0,75 PPm memberi pengaruh paling baik terhadap pertambahan lebar daun. Pemberian Hydrasil 0,75 ppm berpengaruh paling baik terhadap pertambahan jumlah tunas anakan."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Muhaimin
Ukel, Crozier, or Fiddlehead is a term for a fern leaf bud with circinnate type. These structure is one of the distinctive character found in ferns. In this article, some aspects related to the fern leaf bud will be discussed, include the origin of local name, list of non-circinnate type, developmental process, morphological diversity and potential utilization. This article is expected to further increase the interest of researcher and utilize these attractive and unique structure."
Bogor: Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas, 2017
580 WKR 15:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Esti Widiarti
Canangium odoratum Baill. dikenal dengan nama kenanga, banyak ditanam sebagai tanaman hias. Bunganya yang berbau harum dapat diekstraksi untuk diambil minyak atsiri. Kultur kalus telah banyak dicoba untuk mendapatkan berbagai jenis metabolit sekunder yang disintesa oleir tanaman.
Pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh 2,4-D dan kinetin 0,5 1,5 ppm pada media murashige & Skoog 1962 yang dinerkaya dengan air kelapa 15% dan ekstrak khamir 0,2 ppm, merangsang pertumbuhan eksplan petal kenanga hingga terbentuk kalus. Pengamatan kualitatif dilakukan selama 55 hari dengan selang waktu 5 hari. Pengamatan kuantitatif yaitu menimbang berat kalus hari ke-55.
Jenis kalus yang terbentuk friabel kompak dengan warna bervariasi antara lain: putih dan hiiau. Biomassa kalus terbesar diperoleh pada perlakuan dengan pemberian 2,4-D 1,5-pom/kinetin 1,O pmm, yaitu 1,3129 gram berat basah dengan berat kering 0,0525 gram. Berdasarkan hasil uji perbandingan berganda, biomassa kalus dengan pemberian 2,4-D 1, 5ppm / kinetin 1,0 ppm berbeda nyata dengan biomassa kalus pada pemberian 2,4-D O,5 ppm/kinetin 0,5 PPm. Kenaikan konsentrasi 2,4-D dan kinetin mempercepat pembentukan kalus, tetapi tidak selalu disertai dengan kenaikan biomassa kalus.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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