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Suratno Lulut Ratnoglik
"Infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus tipe I (HIV-1) sebagai penyebab AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) merupakan salah satu masalah utama kesehatan dunia yang barns segem diatasi. Sejak ditemukannya penyakit tersebut, vaksin yang dihampkan tidak kanjung tersedia karena berbagai usaha I pengembangan vaksia HIV-1 mengalami hambatan besar oleh karena keanekar&gaman HIV·I yang tinggi. Strategi mutakhir untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut adalah pengembangan vaksin HIV-I yang spesifik pada subtipe dan populasi di regional tertentu. menggunakan isolat identik dengan sekuen konsensus yang telah ditentukan, sebagai kandidat vaksin.
Tujuan pcnelitian ini adalah menentukan sekuen konsensus HlV-1 di Indonesia dengan menggunakan sekuen - sekuen gen protease dan gen reverse transcriptase HN - 1 subtipe paling dominan isola!Indonesia dati isolat damb plasma omng terinfeksi HIV akibat penggunaan narkoba dengan jarum suntik (penasnn). Berdasarkan analisis dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa CRFO I_AE merupakan subtipe paling dominan di Indonesia dan telah berhasH diperoleh sekuen konsensus protease dan reverse transcriptase HIV-1 CRFOl_AE Indonesia Sekuen konsensus protease Indonesia tersebut. memiliki perbedaan dengan sekuen konsensus dari database Los Alomos National Laboratory (LANL) sebesar 2,7% untuk sekuen nukleotida (p = 0,030); 5,1% untuk sekuen asam amino (p = 0,000). Sedangkan sekuen konsensus reverse trancriptase Indonesia merniliki perbedaan dengan sekuen konsensus dari LANL sebesar 2,0% nntuk nuklootida (p = 0,208) dan 3,0% untuk asam amiao (p = 0,015).

Human Immunodeficiency Virus type I (HIV-I) infection as the etiology of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is a major health problem which need to be urgently solved. Since the discovery of the desease, the effective vaccine is still not available. It is caused by widely the diversity of HIV-I. Novel strategy to overcome this problem is to develop country-specific HIV-1 vaccine, which use the most identical isolate with consensus sequences that had been determined, as vaccine candidate.
This study aims to determine consensus sequences (CS) of HIV-1 in Indonesia by using sequences of protease gene and reverse transcriptase l gene of the most predominant subtype HIV-1 sequences from HIV-infected intravenous drog users' blood plasma. This study concluded that CRFOl_AE is I the most predominant subtype HIV-1 in Indonesia Nucleotide and amino acid of Iprotease which determine as CS has 2.7% (p = 0,030) and 5.1% (p = 0,000) differences with CS of CRFOI AE respectively. While nucleotide and amino acid of reverse trancriptase of the CS has 2,0% (p = 0,208) and 3,0".4 (p = 0,015) differences with CS of CRFOI_AE of the LANL, respectively."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome disebabkan oleh infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) terhadap sel-sel T CD4+, limfosit, dan makrofag. Sebanyak 90.7% penderita HIV di Indonesia terinfeksi oleh HIV-1 subtipe CRF01_AE. Protein Gag P7 yang dikode oleh gen gag p7 dan terdapat di dalam genom HIV-1 merupakan protein yang dapat digunakan sebagai obat antiretrovirus dan kandidat antigen untuk sistem diagnostik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh fragmen DNA gag p7 (nukleokapsid) HIV-1 yang berukuran 210 pb. Fragmen gen gag p7 diperoleh dari hasil Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) dengan menggunakan primer forward AE_p7F dan primer reverse AE_p7R. Cetakan DNA (template) berasal dari RNA virus yang diambil dari serum pasien penderita HIV-1 di Indonesia. Hasil visualisasi pada gel poliakrilamida 10% menunjukkan bahwa fragmen gen gag p7 (nukleokapsid) berhasil teramplifikasi dengan ukuran 210 pb.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome caused by human immunodeficiency virus infections to the CD4+ cells, lymphocyte, and macrophage. More than 90.7 % HIV patient in Indonesia were infected by HIV-1 subtype CRF01_AE. The Gag P7 protein coded by gag p7 gene which found in HIV genome was known as protein in which could be used for antiretroviral drugs (ARV) and diagnosis of HIV-1 infections. The purpose of research is to get DNA fragment of gag p7 (nucleocapsid) gene of HIV-1 which has length 210 bp. Fragment of gag p7 gene could be gotten from the process of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in which use primer forward AE_p7F and primer reverse AE_p7R. The templates is RNA virus that taken from patient?s serum of HIV-1 in Indonesia. The electrophoresis visualization shown that fragment of gag p7 (nucleocapsid) gene was success amplified in which has length 210 bp."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Wahdini
"Cryptosporidium sp adalah parasit yang merupakan protozoa penyebab diare pada individu imunodefisiensi seperti penderita HIV/AIDS. Diagnosis criptosporidiosis dengan menemukan ookista pada tinja menggunakan metode pulasan tahan asam dinilai kurang sensitif. Deteksi koproantigen Cryprosporidfum sp mengunakan ELISA diketahui lebih sensitif dan spesifik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk deteksi koproantigen Cryptosporidium sp pada pasien HIV/AIDS dengan diare kronik menggunakan ELISA dan MTA serta melihat korelasi antara nilai absorbansi dengan hitung ookista. Sebanyak 95 sampel tinja dari pasien HIV/AIDS dengan diare kronik diperiksa rnenggunakan pulasan tahan asam yang merupakan gold standorr dan deteksi koproantigen. Frekuensi kriptosporidiosis menggunakan deteksi koproantigen sebesar 36,8% dan dengan metode MTA lI,6%. Nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas koproantigen dibandingkan dengan pulasan tahan asam sebesar 100% dan '71,4%. Tidak terdapat korlasi antara nilai absorbansi dengan hitung ookista.

Cryptosporidium sp is a protozoan parasite, causes severe diarrhea in imrnunodeticient hosts like the HIV/AIDS patients. Diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis by finding the oocyst from stool by modified acid fast staining, is insensitive. Coproantigen detection offers more sensitive and specific technique to detect Cqptosporidium infection. The objective of this study is to determine eryptosporidiosis proportion among HTV/AIDS patients by Cryptosporidial antigen detection in stool compare it to modified acid fast staining and determine its correlation with ooeyts count. A number of 95 stool specimens from the HIV/AIDS patients with chronic diarrhea were subjected to coproantigen ELISA test and modified acid-fast staining (gold standard). The frequency of Criptosporidial infection was 36,8% and 11,6% respectively by coproantigen detection and AF staining with 100% sensitivity and 71,4% specificity. There is no correlation between optical density and oocyst count."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Nengah Dwi Fatmawati
"Human Immunodeficiency Virus type-I (HIV-1) merupakan penyebab sindroma penurunan sistem imun tubuh yang disebut dengan Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Infeksi HIV-I di dunia dan Indonesia cenderung meningkat. Pemeriksaan yang cepat dan spesifik diperlukan untuk mencegah penyebaran infeksi HIV-I. Berbagai teknik telah dikembangkan untuk deteksi infeksi HIV-I. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan pemeriksaan RT-PCR HIV-1 Mikrobiologi FKUI (in-house RT-PCR) untuk mendapatkan uji alternatif deteksi HIV-1. Sebanyak 46 plasma dan serum kelompok berperilaku risiko tinggi yang berkunjung ke klinik VCT . RSUP Sanglah Denpasar, telah diperiksa dalam penelitian ini. Serum diperiksa dengan 3 kit rapid test yang berbeda yaitu DetermineTM HIV-1/2 (Abbott), ImmunoCombR HIV 1 & 2 BiSpot (Organics), dan SerodieR HIV-1/2 (Fujirebio Inc.). Plasma diuji dengan pemeriksaan RTPCR generasi I menggunakan primer spesifik terhadap daerah gag dan RT-PCR generasi 2 menggunakan primer spesifik terhadap daerah protease dari genom HIV-1. Hasil rapid test menunjukkan dari 46 sampel, sebanyak 26 serum (56,5%) reaktif dan 20 serum (43,5%) non-reaktif. Tingkat sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif, dan nilai duga negatif RT-PCR generasi 1 secara berturut-turut adalah 80,8%, 95%, 95,5%, dan 79,2%, sedangkan rasio kemungkinan positif dan negatif adalah 16,2, dan 0,2. Pemeriksaan RTPCR generasi 2 menunjukkan tingkat sensitivitas 65,4%, spesifisitas 90%, nilai duga positif 89,5%, nilai duga negatif 66,7%, rasio kemungkinan positif 6,5, dan rasio kemungkinan negatif 0,4. Teknik RT-PCR yang menggunakan primer tersebut dapat mendeteksi HIV pada semua stadium klinis WHO pada kelompok ini. Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas RT-PCR generasi 1 lebih baik daripada RT-PCR generasi 2, tetapi, masih lebih rendah daripada baku emas, Secara keseluruhan, RT-PCR pada penelitian ini belum dapat direkomendasikan sebagai uji altematif baik uji skrining maupun uji konfirmasi dalam mendeteksi infeksi HIV-1.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) can cause decrease of immune response which is called Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV-l infection in the world and Indonesia tends to increase. Many techniques were developed to detect HIV-1 infection. A specific and rapid diagnosis is needed to prevent transmission of HIV-1 infection. In this study, we performed RT-PCR HIV-1 Microbiology FKUI (in-house RT-PCR) as an alternative test to detect HIV-1. Forty six plasmas and serums from high risk behavior group who visited VCT Clinic Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar were used in this study. Serums were tested with 3 different rapid test kits i.e. Determine ° IIIV-112 (Abbott), immunoComb HIV I & 2 BiSpot (Orgenics), and Serodia ' HIV-112 (Fujirebio Inc.). Plasmas were tested with I generation RT-PCR which used specific primers to gag region in HIV-1 genome and specific primers to protease region in IIIV-1 genome for 2nd generation RT-PCR. Results of rapid test demonstrated 26 serums (56.5%) were reactive and 20 serums (43.5%) were non-reactive. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of 1st generation RT-PCR was 80.8%, 95%, 95.5%, 79.2%, whereas positive likelihood ratio (LR +) and negative likelihood ratio (LR -) was 16.2, and 0.2, respectively. The 2"d generation RT-PCR showed sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, LR (+), and LR (-) was 65.4%, 90%, 89.5%, 66.7%, 6.5, and 0.4, respectively. These in-house RT-PCR could detect HIV-1 in all WHO clinical staging in this group. This study showed that lsi generation RT-PCR gives better results than 2"d generation RT-PCR. But still inferior than rapid test to detect HIV-1 infection. Overall, RT-PCR in this study has not been recommended yet as an alternative test to detect HIV-I infection."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athena P. Kourtis, editor
"In this book, expert HIV researchers critically review every aspect of this highly evolving and topical subject. The opening chapters deal with the epidemiology, global magnitude and biologic mechanisms of HIV-1 transmission from mother to child through breastfeeding and include considerations of the virus (quantity, compartments, characteristics) and the host (genetic, immunity-innate, cellular, humoral). The effects of breastfeeding on the HIV-infected mother’s health and nutritional status, and the social and cultural issues associated with the practice of breastfeeding are also discussed. The next few chapters provide cutting-edge reviews of the latest approaches to prevention of HIV transmission to the infant through breastfeeding, including antiretroviral strategies, nutritional and immune-based approaches, and treatment of expressed breast milk. The remaining chapters provide a fascinating review of the many iterations this subject has received, as reflected in the several different sets of guidelines for infant feeding by HIV-infected mothers issued by the World Health Organization, and a debate by leading scientists on whether HIV-infected mothers should breastfeed their infants-in resource-limited and in resource-rich settings. A comprehensive overview of the current state of implementing the new evidence for prevention of breastfeeding transmission of HIV all over the world is also presented."
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Serologic assays are commonly used for screening (ELISA) and for confirmation (Western blot) of HIV-1 infection; however, both assays have potentially yielded the false-positive or false-negative results. In this study, a diagnostic RTPCR assay as an alternative test for detection of HIV-1 was developed. Forty-six plasma specimens from highly risky groups, who visited a voluntary counseling and testing for HIV (VCT) in Sanglah Clinic of General Hospital, Denpasar, Bali, were tested by RT-PCR assay with specific primers for Pol region of HIV-1 genome. The results of the RT-PCR tests were then compared with those of serologic tests to obtain the sensitivity and specificity of RT-PCR assay.
The results of this study showed that the RT-PCR assay could detect 17 (sensitivity: 65.4%) of 26 serologically positive specimens and was unexpectedly able to detect 2 (specificity: 90%) of 20 serologically negative specimens. Thus, the RT-PCR assay developed in this study is potential to be used as an alternative test, even though there are numerous aspects, particularly the sensitivity, that need to be improved in further research."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Prasetya Widjaya
"Perubahan tunika intima media (TIM) karotis dan flow mediated dilatation (FMD) dapat digunakan sebagai pemeriksaan untuk mengetahui aterosklerosis dini. Pada ODHA TIM karotis dan FMD dapat dipengaruhi oleh inflamasi kronik akibat infeksi HIV itu sendiri, efek samping terapi ARV, dan koinfeksi virus atau bakteri lain. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menelaah kinetika penanda inflamasi (CRP, ICAM-1 dan sTNFR), kondroitin sulfat (KS) serta antibodi CMV, mengorelasikannya dengan perubahan TIM karotis dan FMD pada ODHA yang memulai terapi ARV serta dibandingkan dengan kontrol sehat setelah 60 bulan terapi ARV.
Desain penelitian kohort prospektif dan cross-sectional. Subjek penelitian didapatkan dengan consecutive sampling dari Januari 2013 sampai Desember 2014, diamati dalam 3 kurun waktu selama 60 bulan di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Dilakukan pemeriksaan USG pembuluh darah karotis pada semua subjek, diamati perubahan ketebalan TIM karotis, FMD, kadar CD4, indeks massa tubuh, kadar CRP, ICAM-1, sTNFR, KS, dan antibodi CMV setiap periode pengamatan. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann Whitney U, Wilcoxon, Spearman’s correlation, Pearson’s correlation dan multiple linear regression.
Tidak didapatkan perubahan TIM karotis setelah dilakukan terapi ARV selama 12 bulan dan 60 bulan. Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna untuk TIM karotis dan FMD antara ODHA dengan kontrol sehat. ICAM-1 memiliki korelasi dengan TIM karotis pada kunjungan awal sebelum terapi dan KS memiliki korelasi dengan TIM karotis setelah 60 bulan terapi ARV. FMD memiliki korelasi negatif dengan KS dan antibodi CMV lysate pada ODHA, sedangkan pada kontrol sehat FMD memiliki korelasi negatif dengan sTNFR dan KS, namun memiliki korelasi kuat dengan antibodi CMV gB.
Inflamasi kronik pada ODHA tidak menyebabkan perubahan TIM karoti. KS dan antibodi CMV lysate dapat memengaruhi nilai FMD pada ODHA. Pada kontrol sehat, KS dan sTNFR bisa memengaruhi nilai FMD, namun antibodi CMV gB bisa berfungsi sebagai faktor pelindung.

Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and flow mediated dilatation (FMD) used to detect early atherosclerosis. In people living with hiv/aids (PLWH), CIMT and FMD could be influenced by chronic inflammation affected HIV infection, ART and co-infection. We did the research to study the kinetic of inflammation biomarkers (CRP, ICAM-1 and sTNFR), chondroitine sulfate (CS) and CMV reactive antibodies, to find correlation for CIMT and FMD starting ART and compare to healthy control (HC) after 60 months.
This was a cohort prospective study and repeated cross sectional. The subjects were collected from January 2013 until December 2014, follow up to 60 months. Every visit we did USG for carotid artery and FMD at brachial artery, CD4, BMI, CRP, ICAM-1, sTNFR, CS and CMV antibodies level were also measured. Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney U, Wilcoxon, Spearman’s correlation, Pearson’s correlation and multiple linear regression.
There were no differences in CIMT changes in 60 years follow up. There were no differences of CIMT and FMD between PLWH and HC. ICAM-1 had a correlation with CIMT before starting ARV therapy and CS had a correlation with CIMT after 60 months of ARV therapy. FMD had a negative correlation with CS and CMV Lysate antibody for PLWH. FMD had negative correlation to CS and sTNFR but strong correlation to CMV gB antibody in HC.
Chronic inflammation in PLWH did not cause CIMT changes. CS and CMV Lysate antibody may influenced FMD in PLWH, but for HC, CS and sTNFR may influenced FMD, but CMV gB antibody could be a protective factor.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Pamungkas
"Dalam upaya menginduksi kekebalan berspektrum luas yang responsif terhadap subtipe-subtipe HIV-1 yang berbeda, telah diteliti imunisasi vaksin DNA menggunakan vektor plasmid DNA dan virus fowlpox rekombinan dengan memanfaatkan gen-gen HIV-1 yang dirancang dari runutan konsensus turunan subtipe-subtipe HIV-1 di dunia yang mengekspresikan semua protein dari genom HIV-1 dengan peptida berukuran 30 asam amino yang overlapping dan tersusun secara acak (scrambled antigen vaccines, atau SAVINE).
Tiga grup hewan coba yang terdiri dari masing-masing tujuh beruk (Macaca nemestrina) diimunisasi dengan regimen vaksin DNA standar dengan veklor plasmid DNA pHIS-64 dan vektor virus fowlpox rekombinan (rFPV) berbasis gen gag dan pol dan HIV-1 subtipe B, regimen vaksin DNA SAVINE dengan vektor pHIS-64 dan vektor rFPV berbasis genom HIV-1 yang diacak, serta vektor plasmid pHIS-64 dan FPV yang tidak mengandung gen sebagai grup kontrol. Respon kebal selular diamati dengan teknik ELiSpot dan pewamaan silokin intraselular, sedangkan respon kebal humoral diamati dengan teknik ELISA. Pada ketujuh hewan coba yang diimunisasi dengan vaksin DNA HIV-1 standar, secara umum hasil penelitian menunjukkan terinduksinya respon kebal selular terhadap protein Gag HIV-1 serta respon kebal humoral yang ditunjukkan dengan terdeteksinya antibodi terhadap protein p24 HIV-1. Respon kebal selular silang terhadap protein Gag HIV-1 dari subtipe yang berbeda juga ditunjukkan pada grup yang sama. Namun upaya melakukan imunisasi boosting ke-dua dengan vektor rFPV tidak menunjukkan perbaikan induksi respon kebal. Berbeda dari grup hewan coba yang menerima regimen vaksin DNA HIV-1 standar, pada grup yang menerima regimen vaksin DNA HIV-1 SAVINE secara umum tidak menunjukkan adanya induksi respon kebal, kecuali pada satu ekor hewan yang menunjukkan respon kebal selular yang lebih luas terhadap protein Pol dan protein-protein lain HIV-1 meski pada tingkat induksi yang amat rendah. Pengembangan teknologi vaksin SAVINE terus diperbaiki dan disempumakan dengan kemungkinan melibatkan vektor virus aktif yang lain sehingga induksi respon kebal yang diharapkan bisa tercapai.
Specific Immune Responses to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 (HIV-1) Proteins In Pigtail Macaque (Macaca nemestrina) Immunized with Whole Gene and Whole Virus Scrambled Antigen Vaccines
T cell immunity plays a critical role in controlling HIV-1 viremia, and encoding a limited set of HIV-1 genes within DNA and poxvirus vectors can, when used sequentially, induce high levels of T cell immunity in primates. However, a limited breadth of T cell immunity exposes the host to potential infection with either genetically diverse HIV-1 strains or T cell escape variants of HIV-1. In an attempt to induce maximally broad immunity, we examined DNA (prime) and recombinant Fowlpox virus (rFPV, boost) vaccines encoding all HIV-1 genes derived from a global HIV-1 consensus sequence, but expressed as multiple overlapping scrambled 30 amino acid segments (scrambled antigen vaccines, or SAVINEs).
Three groups of 7 pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were immunized with sets of DNA and rFPV expressing Gag/Pol antigens only, the whole genome SAVINE antigens, or no HIV-1 antigens. T cell immunity was monitored by ELISpot and intracellular cytokine staining, while the humoral immune response was monitored by p24 antibody capture ELISA. High levels of cross-subtype HIV-specific T cell immunity to Gag were consistently induced in the 7 macaques primed with DNA and rFPV vaccines expressing Gag/Poi as intact proteins. The humoral immunity was also induced in the animals from the same group. It was however, difficult to repeatedly boost immunity with further rFPV immunizations, presumably reflecting high levels of anti-FPV immunity. Unfortunately, this vaccine study did not consistently achieve a broadened level of T cell immunity to multiple HIV genes utilizing the novel whole-virus SAVINE approach, with only one of 7 immunized animals generating broad T cell immunity to multiple HIV-1 proteins. Further refinements are planned with alternate vector strategies to evaluate the potential of the SAVINE technology.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Puspita Sari
"Measles merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi menular dengan jumlah kasus yang masih tinggi di Indonesia. Jumlah kasus yang tinggi tersebut perlu dilakukan konfirmasi secara laboratoris sehingga dapat dilakukan tindakan pencegahan secara cepat dan tepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan spesimen urin untuk pemeriksaan laboratorium measles dengan metode kultur virus dan Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction RT-PCR. Kultur virus dilakukan dengan menggunakan sel vero/hSLAM lalu dilakukan pengamatan Cytopathic effect CPE, sedangkan RT-PCR digunakan untuk mengamplifikasi fragmen gen N menggunakan primer MeV 214 dan MeV 216. Hasil sampel didapatkan sebanyak 120 spesimen urin yang berasal dari 9 provinsi berbeda di Indonesia selama periode tahun 2016. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan nilai positivitas kultur virus sebesar 7, sedangkan nilai positivitas RT-PCR sebesar 36. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode RT-PCR memiliki nilai positivitas yang lebih tinggi dalam mendeteksi virus measles dibandingkan dengan kultur virus.

Measles is one of infectious diseases with a high number of cases in Indonesia. The high number of cases needs to be confirmed in a laboratory so that precautions can be taken quickly and accurately. This study used urine specimens for laboratory measles examination using viral culture method and Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction RT PCR. Viral culture was done by using vero cells hSLAM then made observations cytopathic effect CPE, while RT PCR were used to amplify the N gene fragment using the primers 214 MeV and MeV 216. The results showed a number of 120 specimens of urine obtained from 9 different provinces in Indonesia during the period of 2016. the test results showed a virus culture positivity value of 7 while the value of RT PCR positivity of 36. The results showed that the RT PCR method has a higher positivity value in detecting measles virus compared to viral culture.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djajadiman Gatot
Infeksi HIV dapat terjadi melalui hubungan seksual, pemakaian alat-alat kedokteran yang tercemar, pemakaian komponen darah yang telah terpapar HIV ataupun secara transplasental dari ibu yang terinfeksi HIV.
Pada anak, umumnya infeksi ini terjadi melalui transfusi komponen darah, terutama mereka yang secara terus menerus memerlukannya karena menderita penyakit tertentu seperti hemofilia atau thalassemia.
Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui proporsi infeksi HIV pada anak yang telah menerima transfusi komponen darah berulang, khususnya penderita hemofilia dan thalassemia.
Selama periode satu tahun (Sept 92- Sept 93) telah diteliti serum dari 40 penderita hemofilia dan 40 penderita thalassemia mayor, terhadap infeksi HIV dengan metoda ELISA.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak satupun dari para penderita tersebut yang telah terpapar HIV.

Human immunodeficiency virus infection can occur via direct bloodstream inoculation from blood or blood products or infected needles, through sexual contact and transplacentally from an infected mother.
In children, the major mode of transmission of HIV is from transfusion of blood or blood products, especially those who require repeated and regular transfusion because of their specific illness.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the proportion of HIV infection in children with hemophilia and thalassemia who had received repeated blood or blood product transfusions.
During a period of 12 months (Sept. 92 - Sept. 93) sera from 40 children with hemophilia and 40 children with thalassemia were tested against HIV infection using ELISA method.
Result of this study showing no HIV infection could be detected in all children."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
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