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Asri Wasponingsih
"Keberhasilan program pemberdayaan dan pengembangan usaha agribisnis LM3 dilndikasikan dengan kemandlrlan usaha LM3 yang dlharapkan akan berdampak pada (1) tumbuhnya LM3 sebagai embrio pembentukan inti kawasan agriblsnis; (2) berkembangnya usaha agribisnis dan agrolndustri di sekitar lokasi LM3; (3) terjadinya penlngkatan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan LM3 dan masyarakat sekitamya; serta (4)berfungsl LM3 model sebagai pusat pelatlhan pertanian·pedesaan.
Dalam perjalanannya pelaksanaan dan implementasl program pemberdayaan dan pengembangan usaha agribisnis LM3 belum memperilhatkan hasil yang optimal. Kegiatan pembinaan yang dilakukan tidak berkesinambungan serta pembinaan yang dilakukan selama ini masih bersifat parsial dan kurang sinergls. Ketiadaan instrumen sebagal pengukur ttngkat kemandtrian usaha LM3 merupakan salah satu kendala dalam melakukan evaluasi dan analisis terhadap kebljakan dalam penyelenggaraan program tersebut.
Tesis ini bertujuan menyusun suatu indeks komposit yang diharapkan btsa menjadi salah satu altematif usulan instrumen pengukur kemandirian usaha LM3 yang selanjutnya dlsebut Indeks Kemandirlan Usaha (IKU) sebagat indikator keberhasilan pemberdayaan dan pengembangan usaha agrlbtsnis LM3. Melalui representast dari indikator-indikator yang membangun indeks tersebut dilakukan ujt coba dan analisis pada empat LM3 yang terpilih."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sembiring, Mahli
"Model Strategi Kemitraan mengusulkan integrasi antara teori manajemen stratejik dengan kemitraan yang didorong oleh kewirausahaan dalam membangun agribisnis untuk menghasilkan produk yang unggul bersaing sebagai aplikasi dari teori keunggulan bersaing.
Model Strategi Kemitraan paling sesuai untuk diterapkan dalam Proposal Kemitraan Agribisnis Jagung Karo karena kepentingan strategis agribisnis jagung, biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam pembentukan kemitraan, ketersediaan sumber daya di pasar, dan daya tarik bisnis jagung bagi para pemasok untuk membuka usaha sendiri juga dinilai dalam tingkatan moderat.
Keritraan Agribisnis Jagung Kara sangat sesuai dijadikan pilihan investasi karena: (1) Pasar sedang tumbuh tinggi (10-15%). (2) Hasil keuangan tinggi: tingkat imbalan investasi (ROI) rata-rata 207% per tahun selama lima tahun operasi; jangka waktu pengembalian investasi (PBP) sangat singkat (7 bulan untuk arus kas atau 11,54 bulan untuk iaba bersih); ketahanan tinggi terhadap perubahan harga dan biaya (hingga 40%). (3) layak menurut Metode Tujuan, Manfaat dan Biaya, dan (4) Sumberdaya agribisnis jagung telah tersedia dalam berbagai alternatif.
Model Strategi Kemitraan dapat dijadikan alternatif pembangunan pertanian di Indonesia untuk mengubah paradigma status pertanian yang kurang menarik menjadi agribisnis yang primadona untuk karir dan profesi bagi generasi muda dan pada akhimya meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia, khususnya para petani dan mengangkat status dari negara miskin menjadi negara kaya.

Strategic Partnering Model proposes integration between strategic management with partnership theory driven by entrepreneurship to establish agribusiness enterprises to produce champions' product in applying competitive advantage strategic theory.
Strategic Partnering Model is the best choice of business processing strategic to execute Karo Corn Agribusiness Partnering in line with strategic interest, cost to establish partnering, availability of productions input, and business attractiveness to supplier consider in moderat level.
Karo Corn Agribusiness Partnering is the best destination of investment due to: (1) high growing market (10-15%), (2) very high return on investment 207% annually average for five years operation, (3) short term pay back period (7 months by cash flow or 11.54 months by net profit), (4) feasible by goal, benefit and cost method assesstment, and (5) supporting by available technology in wide alternatives.
Strategic Partnering Model proposes as effective business processing strategic and powerful) method to change bad image of agriculture to attractive fields of agribusiness for careers and professions for young generations and ultimately increase Indonesia people prosperity, especially for the farmers and shift their status from poor nation to rich nation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zainal Arifin
"Agrosilvo ekosistem hutan rakyat (HR) adalah bentuk pengelolaan sumber daya alam berkelanjutan dan adaptif terhadap perubahan. Penelitian ini merumuskan model keberlanjutan dan adaptasi pengelolaan agrosilvo ekosistem HR, sebagai dasar konsep strategi pengelolaan lahan kritis DAS serta strategi adaptasi perubahan iklim berbasis ekosistem hutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga tahapan analisis. Pertama, analisis statistik deskriptif untuk menggambarkan karakteristik dan fungsi agrosilvo ekosistem HR. Kedua, Analisis Multi Dimensional Scaling menggunakan aplikasi Rapid Appraisal HR (RAP-HR) untuk mengetahui status dan faktor pengungkit keberlanjutan dan adaptasi pengelolaan HR. Ketiga, analisis prospektif untuk merumuskan model keberlanjutan pengelolaan dan adaptasi agrosilvo ekosistem HR dalam rekayasa skenario masa depan. Karateristik agrosilvo ekosistem HR dicirikan oleh pola penanaman multispecies dan multilayer yang mampu memenuhi fungsi sosial ekonomi dan hidrologis lahan dalam perubahan pola iklim yang terjadi. Karateristik agrosilvo ekosistem HR dibentuk oleh inisiatif adaptasi subsistem sosial. Keberlanjutan dan adaptasi pengelolaan HR pada unit analisis cukup adaptif dan berkelanjutan didukung keberlanjutan variabel perencanaan tanaman, karateristik agrosilvo ekosistem, dan kelembagaan. Variabel pola silvikultur dan pola pemanenan berada dalam status kurang adaptif dan kurang berkelanjutan. Keberhasilan model keberlanjutan dan adaptasi pengelolaan agrosilvo ekosistem HR digerakkan oleh faktor program penguatan kelembagaan dan diungkit oleh faktor aktivitas pengendalian lahan, penetapan jarak tanam, serta stratifikasi tanaman dan kesinambungan produksi yang berlangsung dalan skenario optimistik progresif.

Agrosilvo ecosystem of privately owned forest (PoF) is a form of sustainable and adaptive natural resource management. This study formulates a model of sustainability and adaptive management of PoF agrosilvo ecosystems, as a basis for formulating the strategic concept of degraded watersheds management and rehabilitation and also forest ecosystem-based climate change adaptation strategies. This study uses three phases of analysis. First, descriptive statistical analysis to describe the characteristics and functions of PoF agrosilvo ecosystem. Secondly, multi dimensional scaling analysis using Rapid Appraisal HR (RAPHR) application to determine the status and leverage factors of sustainability and adaptive management of PoF. Third, prospective analysis to formulate a model of sustainability and adaptive management of agrosilvo ecosystems in engineered future scenarios. Agrosilvo ecosystem of PoF are characterized by multispecies and multilayer planting that is able to meet socio-economic needs and continuously maintain the carrying capacity of land in a changing climate pattern. The characteristic of agrosilvo ecosystem of POF were formed by autonomous adaptation initiatives of social subsystems. The sustainability and adaptation of PoF management on the unit of analysis is quite adaptive and sustainable, which are supported by the sustainability of plants planning, agrosilvo ecosystem characteristics, and institutional variables. Silvicultural pattern and harvesting pattern are less adaptive and less sustainable. The model of sustainability and adaptive management of PoF are driven by institutional strengthening program and supported by land management activities, plant spacing determination, plant stratification, and sustainability of production factors in progressive optimistic future scenario.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research is intended to describe the efficiency level of rice agriculture in Central Java. Agribusiness approaches enable to explain the agriculture sector more comprehensively, focusing on agriculture with its backward and forward subsystems. This research employs DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) to compute efficiency level, and covers fourteen districts with land productivity above the province average level. This research finds that only four districts perform efficiency level 100 percent relative to other districts. The solution for this inefficiency problem can be achieved by employing managerial simulation generated by DEA."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Halimah W. Kadarsan
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1995
657.863 HAL k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tobacco is one of the world's important commodities in trading. The main products of tobacco are tobacco leaf and cigarette. Since 2000's world agribusiness of tobacco tended to decrease after experiencing a light growth in few decades. This was indicated by the decreasing growth of harvested area, production and consumption of tobacco leaves and cigarettes. This situation was primarily affected by the increasing public pressure against tobacco, mainly in developed countries, due to health and environmental aspects. developed countries responded the dynamics by the application of a policy to restrict tobacco in their land and move the production to developing countries. Production of tobacco decreased faster than its consumption causing larger gaps between supply and demand of tobacco leaf. On the other hand, the market of tobacco supply and demand grow along with the growth of population triggering the increase of tobacco leaf world price. The potential market would be available in developing countries such as Indonesia, in short and intermediate terms. Indonesia is a potential market for cigarette. This fact is in line with the number of population and its smoking culture. Large cigarette companies and multinational corporations take huge advantages from such promising market in Indonesia. The existence of both could raise investment instead of disadvantaged public and government of Indonesia by causing unexpected negative impacts and social costs. Indonesia should redirect industrial products of tobacco from domestic to export markets. The export potential could be empowered by: (a) strengthening priority on the existing marketable products, (b) prioritize the competitiveness of the Na Oogst (cigars), and (c) shift production of cigarettes from the unfiltered and filtered to the light and ultra light cigarettes and promote the export markets. In a long term, it is necessary to antcipate the decrease of tobacco/cigarettes' demand by introducing alternative high value crops to substitute tobacco. The substitution effort must be supported by all stakeholders at whom the decision makers could guarantee the substitute crops market and price."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The limited procession of resources such as physical capital especially land, finance, and technology need social resources empowerment as potential local resources followed by equality and inclusiveness in implementing of development programs. This paper tries to elaborate sociological theory in the dynamics of social capital study especially social networks linked to the social reality on empirical level. In line with the theories of new institutionalism, social networks, diffusion of innovation, and social mobility, on the empirical level it shows that agribusiness development is not supported by synchronization of policy environment in macro level, informal rules at meso level, and individual needs in micro level and availability of informal rules at meso and micro levels in the community. The failure of agribusiness development is also believed to be affected by unequal social-resources and also by less concern on the effect of economic benefit on social network, i.e. without considering the following aspects, e.g. (i) Norm and density network; (ii) The Strength of Weak Ties; (iii) The importance of Structural Holes; and (iv) The Interpenetration of Economic and Non-Economic Action in developing agribusiness. Agribusiness community will keep facing obstacles to grab opportunity in accessing information and technology innovation and in turn it will lower productivity, income and welfare as well as vertical mobility. "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sjamsoe`oed Sadjad
Jakarta: Grasindo Widiasarana Indonesia, 1997
338.1 SJA m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Bungaran
Bogor: Yayasan USESE , 2001
338.1 SAR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudya Alif Ridhoni Prakusya
"Kabupaten Banyumas adalah salah satu kabupaten yang memiliki potensi yang baik dalam sektor pertanian. Kabupaten Banyumas sendiri sejak 2011 melakukan pengembangan Kawasan Agropolitan yang tercantum dalam RTRW Kabupaten Banyumas. Namun, pada kenyataannya kebijakan ini belum dapat berjalan, baik secara sistem maupun keruangan. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini mencoba menilai bagaimana pengembangan Kawasan Agropolitan Kabupaten Banyumas kedepannya. Dengan menggunakan dua basis komoditas yakni padi dan kelapa untuk dikembangkan, penelitian ini menilai dimana lokasi yang sesuai untuk wilayah usaha tani, sentra produksi, dan juga pasar serta pusat perkotaan pada Kawasan Agropolitan Kabupaten Banyumas. Dengan analisis kesesuaian lokasi desa, yakni kesesuaian lahan untuk wilayah usaha tani dan indeks komposit dengan z score dapat ditentukan wilayah mana saja yang sesuai dalam pengembangan Kawasan Agropolitan Kabupaten Banyumas. Dengan juga melihat karakteristik dan aksesibilitas, dinilai juga bagaimana keterhubungan antar wilayah fungsional dalam Kawasan Agropolitan Kabupaten Banyumas. Hasilnya, dalam penelitian ini dapat dilihat bahwa untuk wilayah usaha tani, secara keseluruhan Kawasan Agropolitan Kabupaten Banyumas sesuai untuk dikembangkan padi dan kelapa. Selanjutnya pun terdapat 11 desa yang sangat sesuai untuk dikembangkan sebagai lokasi sentra produksi, sementara terdapat empat desa yang sangat sesuai untuk lokasi pasar dan perkotaan Kawasan Agropolitan Kabupaten Banyumas. Karakteristik yang ada juga menunjukan adanya potensi untuk dikembangkan Kawasan Agropolitan Kabupaten Banyumas yang juga telah memiliki keterhubungan baik ini.

Banyumas Regency is one of the districts that has good potential in the agricultural sector. Banyumas Regency itself since 2011 has been developing the Agropolitan Area listed in the RTRW of Banyumas Regency. However, in reality this policy has not been able to work, both systemically and spatially. Therefore, this study tries to assess how the development of the Banyumas Regency Agropolitan Area will be in the future. By using two commodity bases namely rice and coconut to be developed, this study assesses which locations are suitable for farming areas, production centers, as well as markets and urban centers in the Agropolitan Area of ​​Banyumas Regency. By analyzing the suitability of the village location, namely the suitability of land for farming areas and a composite index with a z score, it can be determined which areas are suitable for the development of the Banyumas Regency Agropolitan Area. By also looking at the characteristics and accessibility, it is also assessed how the connectivity between functional areas in the Agropolitan Area of ​​Banyumas Regency is assessed. As a result, in this study it can be seen that for the farming area, the overall Agropolitan area of ​​Banyumas Regency is suitable for rice and coconut development. Furthermore, there are 11 villages that are very suitable to be developed as production center locations, while there are four villages that are very suitable for market and urban locations in the Agropolitan Area of ​​Banyumas Regency. The existing characteristics also show the potential for developing the Banyumas Regency Agropolitan Area which also has this good connection."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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