"Sistem Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Puskesmas (SP3) merupakan bagian dari SIK, yang telah diakui sebagai sumber data yang berasal dari Puskesmas. SP3 telah diberlakukan tahun 1981 dengan SK Menkes No.63/Menkes/SK/II/1981 dengan Petunjuk pelaksanaan SK dari Dirjen Binkesmas No.143/Binkesmas/Dj/III/1981. Dalam perjalanannya sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan Puskesmas (SP3) mengalami pemantapan, hasilnya tertuang dalam SK. Dirjen Binkesmas No. 590/BM/DJ/Info/V/96 tanggal 10 Mei 1996 dengan dua komitmen terpenting menurut penulis yaitu menghindari format lain diluar SP3 dan pembinaan SP3 berjenjang.
Hasil penjajakan awal di lapangan di Kab. Karawang, tenyata ditemukan beberapa kendala pemanfaatan SP3 belum berjalan seperti yang diharapkan, diantaranya tumpang tindihnya laporan SP3 dengan laporan program lain, mekanisme alur pelaporan SP3 dan UPTD Puskesmas ke Dinas Kesehatan belum tertata dengan baik, ketidak tahuan tentang system operation prosedur (SOP), tidak adanya bimbingan SP3 secara berjenjang.
Penulis meneliti apakah yang menyebabkan hambatan alur pelaporan dari Puskesmas ke Dinas Kesehatan dan tidak adanya proses analisa data, umpan balik serta pembinaan teknis secara berjenjang. Tujuan penulisan ini diharapkan tersedianya jaringan informasi kesehatan untuk kelancaran dan kelangsungan SP3 dan tersedianya SOP. Rancangan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan evaluatif terhadap aspek review program SP3 yang saat ini berjalan di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Karawang. Cara pengukurannya yaitu melalui hasil observasi langsung dengan menggunakan "Cheklist" dan melalui hasil olahan brain storming, wawancara mendalam serta work shop.
Hasil yang diperoleh penelitian yaitu tersedianya mekanisme alur pelaporan SP3 dan SOPnya. Tersedianya tenaga pengelola SP3 dan sarana komputer di lingkungan Dinas Kesehatan maupun di UPTD Puskesmas, sangat memungkinkan untuk dikembangkannya jaringan informasi kesehatan pada SP3. Restukturisasi Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Dinas Kabupaten Karawang, memacu untuk menata kembali TUPOKSI para pengelola SP3 di tingkat Kabupaten maupun di tingkat UPTD Puskesmas. Untuk mengoptimalkan jaringan informasi kesehatan pada SP3 maka penulis menyarankan: Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Karawang dalam mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan SP3 dengan sistem jaringan informasi berbasis komputer maka diperlukan adanya peningkatan dan penambahan tenaga operator, teknisi komputer serta peningkatan kualitas komputer. Dan untuk para peneliti lain diharapkan adanya penelitian lanjutan tentang kebutuhan data esensial SP3 dan pembuatan software SP3 untuk tingkat Puskesmas yang langsung akses ke tingkat Kabupaten dan ke tingkat Propinsi.
Health Information Network Design on Recording and Reporting System of Public Health Care at Karawang Regency Government Health ServiceThe recording and reporting system of Public Health Care (SP3) is a part of Health Information System (SIK) which has been accepted as data resource of the public health care. SP3 has been accepted legally in 1981 by health minister deuce No. 63/Menkes/SK/II/1981 completed with operational direction from Public Health Guide General Directorate No.143/Binkesmas/Dj/III/1981. The application on recording and reporting system of Public Health Care has been developed and its result written in Public Health Guide General Directorate Decree No. 590/BM/DJ/Info/V/96 dated on May, 10, 1996. According to writer the last decree consists of two commitments i. e. to avoid other forms and to practice Recording and Reporting System of Public Health (SP3) itself gradually. The early result before the field in Karawang Regency, really has been found some hindrances in the usage of recording and reporting system of Public Health Care (SP3). It has not been running smoothly as Ls, expected. Among of them are found some complicated records and reports which missed with other matters, the mechanism of SP3 current from Public Health Care to government Health Service has not been well, the ignorance about procedure operation system (SOP) and no guidance on SP3 gradually. The has researched that the cause of hindrance on reporting current from Public Health Care to Government health service and the absence of data analyzing process are feed back to gradual technical guidance. This writing target expects the Health Information Network is available; the continuation of SP3 and the SOP is available. The design researches by using qualified method with evaluation tsipproach on recording and reporting system of Public Health Care are applied. Recently research designing by using qualified method with approach to SP3 Program Review Aspect is running well in Government Service of Karawang Regency. How to measure are through live observation result with using checklist and by brain storming result, by intensive interviews and by workshop. The result of the research gets the availability of current mechanism for SP3 and for SOP. The availabilities of skillful men and computers for SP3 in Government Health Service and at Public Care must have great possibility for developing of health information network at SP3. The organization Restructure on Government in Karawang Regency will give spirit to set up again the man for SP3 in Regency level and at Public Health Care level. To maximize the health information network at SP3 the writer suggests to Government Health Service of Karawang Regency in order to maximize SP3 application by computer base information network system of course are needed the increase and the addition of operators, computer technicians, and the increase of computer quality itself. And to other researchers, the writer expects the existence of continuous researches about SP3 software products for Public Health Care which has access straightly to regency and province level."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002