Kata kunci : Keadilan, Hak Asasi Manusia, Peradilan Terbuka untuk Umum, Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi.
One of criminal justice system purpose is prevent people of being crimes victims and resolve crime's cases, in order to satisfied the community that the justice has been enfourced and the guilty being convicted. If we talk about justice, then there will also be a connection with human rights. In its development, human rights have a long history as a struggle againts absolute abd tyrannical power. The development of human rights also influences several aspect of life, which one is law enforcement. in law enforcement, there is principle that court is open to the public. The open court is an implementation of fair trial or due process of law. Open court principles raises clashes related to justice purpose and human rights that both the right to obtain information. in addition, the broadcasting process is feared to lead public opinion on a case that can affect the independence of court. Regarding the nature of open court principle, the relevance of publish prohibition related to the trial with technological developments and the understanding about interpret limit of openness in open court principle in Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. On the other hand, the rapid development information technology is increasingly encouraging openness, especially in law enforcement. A live broadcast of criminal trial cant violate the fair principles and impartial trial. One of the important element by this principle that based on human rights is the presumption of innocent principle. The exsistence of open court principles is basically for public education about court system by enabling them to see the function of court, as well as to make opportunities for social control that aims in order people can directly know about legal process that can provide control for justice realization.
Keyword : Justice, Human Rights, Open Court, Development of Technology Information