ABSTRAKSebagai salah satu episode paling populer dari serial televisi fiksi ilmiah asal Inggris, San Junipero dipandang sebagai salah satu episode serial Black Mirror yang menarik untuk dianalisis, terlebih dari segi sains dan teknologi, karena adanya penggunaan teknologi virtual canggih didalamnya. Meskipun demikian, pembahasan tentang isu-isu LGBT dalam serial televisi fiksi seperti ilmiah Black Mirror masih jarang ditemukan. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis mise-en-scènes untuk menelaah aspek-aspek sinematografis seperti latar, warna, kostum, teknik kamera, serta akting, sekaligus metode analisis literatur untuk menelaah keberadaan serta karakteristik tokoh-tokoh LGBT di dalamnya, tulisan ini mencoba menelaah aspek-aspek heteronormatif yang masih bertahan di balik imej celebration of queerness yang diakui oleh para penggemar episode ini. Dari hasil analisis, nilai-nilai heteronormativitas masih tercermin di dalam episode ini karena, faktanya, kedua karakter LGBT di dalamnya masih ditampilkan secara stereotipikal. Eksistensi karakter-karakter LGBT di dalam episode ini juga ternyata sesuai dengan kritik Rich (1980) tentang latar belakang eksistensi lesbian yang berkaitan dengan heteronormativitas.
ABSTRACTAs one of the episodes from the famous sci-fi British TV series, San Junipero has become one of the most interesting episodes from Black Mirror series to be analyzed, specifically from the perspective of science and technology, for its mind-blowing VR-based invention. Nevertheless, the aspect of gender and LGBT issues has not been commonly explored in sci-fi literature like Black Mirror. Using mise-en-scène as an approach to analyze some of the cinematographic elements, (setting, color, costume, camera work and performance) as well as analyzing the queer characters, this article tries to identify the heteronormative elements that still persist under the image of a celebration of queerness the episode has received from the fans. Apparently, heteronormativity is still depicted in the episode for the fact that the queer characters are still portrayed rather stereotypically according to several studies about the representation of queer characters in the media discussed by Seifs (2013). As a heterotopia, according to Foucaults (1986), the establishment of the queer characters in San Junipero also fit Richs (1980) critique towards the lesbian existence in relation to compulsory heteronormativity that queer romance exists through melancholy. Nevertheless, not all aspects in the episode scream pure heteronormativity. Although at first glance it seems stereotypical, the queer characters appearance seem to help establishing a non-stereotypical identity in female-female relationship."
[Depok, Depok]: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019