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Siregar, Mochammad Aravano
Indonesia merupakan produsen biji kakao ketiga terbesar di dunia . Namun kinerja industri pengolahan kakao Indonesia masih rendah sehingga nilai tambah yang tercipta belum optimal. Pengoptimalan nilai tambah dapat dilakukan dengan mengenali faktor-faktor yang menjadi determinannya. Periode pengamatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ingin melihat dampak dari krisis ekonomi 1998. Metode regresi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ordinary least square (OLS). Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa pengunaan mesin, tenaga kerja merupakan determinan industri pengolahan kakao Indonesia. Sedangkan untuk kapasitas utilisasi, dummy lokasi dan dummy krisis ternyata tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai tambah. Dalam menganalisis, tujuan penelitian ini dicapai dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif.

Indonesia is the third largest producer of the cocoa seed in the world. But the work ethic in the cocoa processing industry in Indonesia is still not up to par hence there is no value added created. The addition of value can be done by learning about the factors that are its determinants. The time period that is used in this research wants to know about the effect of the economic crisis in 1998. The regression method that is used in this research is the ordinary least square (OLS). From the research it is concluded that machine usage, and labor were the determinant of the kokoa processing industry. As for capacity utilization, dummy location, and dummy crisis were not affecting the addition of value. The purpose of this research was done by qualitative and quantitative methods to complete the analysis."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hilman Salahuddin Gumay
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji dampak penerapan kebijakan bea keluar biji kakao terhadap kinerja industri pengolahan kakao dan daya saing produk olahan kakao Indonesia. Dari hasil penelitian, didapati bahwa sejak penerapan bea keluar terhadap biji kakao, industri pengolahan kakao Indonesia mengalami peningkatan kinerja, yang ditunjukkan lewat peningkatan nilai output, jumlah tenaga kerja, dan volume ekspor produk kakao olahan. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil estimasi dengan metode Ordinary Least Square, didapati bahwa sejak penerapan kebijakan bea keluar, daya saing produk olahan kakao Indonesia di pasar dunia mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini terlihat dari adanya hubungan positif antara bea keluar dan nilai RCA sebagai variabel yang melambangkan daya saing. Namun demikian, ditemukan pula bahwa terjadi penurunan produksi biji kakao sejak bea keluar diberlakukan. Berdasarkan hasil temuan tersebut, penulis memberikan dua saran yaitu menjalankan kembali kebijakan gernas kakao untuk meningkatkan produksi kakao nasional serta melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai biaya dan manfaat dari penerapan bea keluar terhadap biji kakao.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of cocoa beans export tax policy on Indonesian cocoa processing industry performance and processed cocoa product competitiveness. The result shows that since the implementation of the export tax, the Indonesian cocoa processing industry performance is getting better. This is shown by the growth of industrial consumption on cocoa beans, output value, labour and processed cocoa export volume. On the other side, based on the estimation using Ordinary Least Square method, it is found that since the implementation of the tax, the Indonesian processed cocoa product competitiveness is higher than before. This was proved by the strong, positive correlation between the export tax and the RCA as a proxy for product competitiveness. Nevertheless, it is also found that since the implementation of the tax, Indonesian cocoa beans production is declining. Based on these findings, the author suggested that the goverment needs re-implement the "gernas kakao" policy to boost the national cocoa beans production and to conduct a further research to analyze the coca beans export tax policy cost and benefit."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nia Amalia
"Implementasi kebijakan pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas penyerahan kakao berpengaruh terhadap keberlangsungan operasional industri kakao. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post positivist, jenis penelitian deskriptif, dengan tujuan menganalisis proses dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi. Hasil penelitian dari ketiga faktor menunjukan bahwa implementasi kebijakan pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas penyerahan kakao memiliki beberapa permasalahan yaitu luasnya wilayah indonesia, kurangnya sumber daya manusia, dan mengganggu ekonomi industri. Selain itu, dalam proses implementasi memunculkan output kebijakan baru, kepatuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak menimbulkan penerimaan pajak, dan terganggunya cashflow industri kakao.

The implementation of Value Added Tax policy for the supplies of cocoa gives impact to the operational activities in that current industry. This research conducted by post positivist approach with descriptive purpose, it is to analyze the implementation process and factors that influance the implementation. The result of this are among the three factors shows the policy impelementation has some problems, there are the wide of area, lack of human resource, and distract economy condition of the industry. Besides, in implementation process issued new policy output, voluntary compliance of taxable person increases tax revenue and disruption of the cocoa industry's cash flow."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ita Kurnia Sholihah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh pembiayaan kredit bank terhadap nilai tambah industri pengolahan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data level sub sektor industri pengolahan. Data yang digunakan yaitu: data kredit sub sektor (bersumber dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan); data nilai tambah, jumlah tenaga kerja, modal tetap (bersumber dari Industri Besar Sedang, Badan Pusat Statistik); dan data upah minimum, nilai tukar, dan Produk Domestik Bruto (bersumber dari Badan Pusat Statistik). Periode penelitian yaitu tahun 2002 - 2012. Metode estimasi yang digunakan adalah Two-Stage Least Square dengan Fixed Effect. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembiayaan kredit bank berpengaruh signifikan mendorong nilai tambah industri pengolahan di Indonesia.

This study aims to measure the effect of bank credit financing to value-added of manufacturing industry in Indonesia. This study uses the data of manufacturing industry sub-sector level. The data used are: sub-sector credit (source: Financial Services Authority); value added, labor, fixed capital (source: Large dan Medium Industry, the Central Bureau of Statistics); and the minimum wage, the exchange rate, and the Gross Domestic Product (source: the Central Bureau of Statistics). The study period is 2002 - 2012. The estimation method used is a Two-Stage Least Square with Fixed Effect. The results showed that the significant effect of bank credit financing to encourage value-added manufacturing industry in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sancaya Naresvari Wijaya
"Adanya peraturan baru mengenai pelaksanaan kewajiban peningkatan nilai tambah menimbulkan suatu fenomena pro dan kontra, selain itu terdapat resistensi dari kalangan pengusaha mengenai besaran tarif Bea Keluar untuk ekspor produk mineral hasil pengolahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui formulasi kebijakan tarif Bea Keluar untuk ekspor produk mineral hasil pengolahan dan pelaksanaan peraturan mengenai peningkatan nilai tambah ekspor mineral hasil pengolahan dan pemurnian. Konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah konsep formulasi kebijakan publik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formulasi kebijakan tarif Bea Keluar untuk ekspor produk mineral hasil pengolahan dibutuhkan untuk melindungi kepentingan nasional. Peraturan yang mengatur ekspor mineral hasil pengolahan dan pemurnian sudah berlaku, namun belum ada kegiatan ekspor yang terjadi yang disebabkan oleh persyaratan ekspor mineral yang belum dipenuhi oleh pengusaha pertambangan mineral.

A new increasing value-added minerals implementing regulations gives rise around phenomenon of the pro and contra and resistence from the mining corporations regarding the export duties tariff on processed mineral products. The purpose of this study is to determine the export duty tariff for processed mineral products policy formulation and implementation of its regulations. Concept used in this study is the concept of public policy formulation. This study applies qualitative with descriptive approach which use in-depth interviews. Result indicates that export duties on processed minerals is necessary in terms of protecting national interests. Regulation on processed minerals has been applied though no export activities happening recently due to lack of requirements and act of resistance from mining corporations."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Columbanus Teto
"Indonesia dalam 10 tahun terakhir sedang menghadapi gejala deindustrialisasi prematur, akibat terlalu cepat bergeser dari sektor manufaktur menuju sektor jasa-jasa informal. Pertumbuhan nilai tambah manufaktur cenderung stagnan di bawah rata-rata ekonomi nasional sebesar 5%. Akibatnya kontribusi sektor manufaktur terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) terus menurun dari capaian tertinggi 31,95% (2002) menjadi hanya 20,16% (2017). Dikhawatirkan jika kondisi ini terus berlanjut akan menyebabkan perekonomian nasional sulit untuk lepas landas, dan masuk pada jebakan pendapatan menengah (middle income trap) seperti yang dialami oleh Argentina maupun Afrika Selatan. Analisis determinan nilai tambah manufaktur pada Survei Industri Pengolahan Besar dan Sedang BPS 1980-2015 menunjukan rendahnya investasi modal tetap untuk mesin maupun peralatan merupakan penyebab utama dari peforma negatif tersebut. Mau tidak mau perusahaan masih bergantung pada sumber daya pekerja murah dengan produktivitas rendah. Namun kabar baiknya, peningkatan produktivitas dalam output per pekerja membawa dampak yang positif signifikan terhadap nilai tambah manufaktur, terutama pada perusahaan dengan investasi asing langsung. Menariknya penggunaan bahan baku domestik sebagai substitusi bahan baku impor secara umum ternyata lebih inefisien dari sisi biaya produksi, sehingga menekan marjin dari nilai tambah. Meskipun dampaknya terhadap penciptaan multiplier maupun stabilitasi makroekonomi bisa jadi cukup signifikan. Sedangkan apresiasi nilai tukar manufaktur riil membuat harga barang domestik menjadi lebih mahal dari impor, sehingga permintaan untuk ekspor maupun nilai tambah menurun.

In the last 10 years, Indonesia has been facing the tendency of premature deindustrialization due to structural transformation from the manufacturing sector to the informal services sector, without going through mass industrialization. Manufacturing value added growth is stagnant below the national economic average of 5%. Not surprisingly the contribution of manucaturing sector to Gross Domestic Product continues to decline, from the highest achievement of 31.95% (2002) to 20.16% (2017). It is feared that if this condition continues will make the national economy difficult to take off, and enter the middle income trap. As experienced by Argentina and South Africa. Determinant analysis of manufacturing value added using Large and Medium Manufacturing Survey data from Indonesia Bureau of Statistics, shows the low fixed capital investment for machinery and equipment is the main cause of this negative performance. Inevitably the company still relies on cheap labor resources with low productivity. However the good news is increasing productivity in output per labor has a significant positive effect on manufacturing value added. Especially for companies with foreign direct investment. Interestingly the use of domestic raw materials as import raw materials subtitute is proven less efficient in terms of production costs. Thus the margin of value added diminished. Nevertheless, the debate over impact on multiplier and macroeconomic stabilization can be quite significant. While the appreciation of real effective exchange rate for manufacturing markedly made the price of domestic goods more expensive than import, so that demand for exports and value added diminished."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Azwin Alfarizsy
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh Foreign Direct Investment terhadap nilai tambah industri pengolahan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data dari 24 sub sektor industri pengolahan menurut Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia. Data yang digunakan pada studi ini yaitu: data realisasi FDI dan PMDN (bersumber dari BKPM); data nilai tambah, jumlah tenaga kerja, modal tetap, biaya input produksi dan pengeluaran tenaga kerja (bersumber dari Badan Pusat Statistik). Metode estimasi yang digunakan adalah Feasible Generalized Least Square dengan Fixed Effect, dengan periode tahun yaitu 2009 hingga 2019. Hasil peneltian ini menunjukkan bahwa FDI dan beberapa variabel terkait memberikan pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap nilai tambah industri pengolahan di Indonesia.

This study aims to measure the effect of Foreign Direct Investment to value-added of manufacturing industry in Indonesia. This study uses data from 24 manufacturing sub-sectors according to the Indonesian Standard Industrial Classification. The data used in this study are: FDI and PMDN realization data (sourced from BKPM); data of value added, labor, fixed capital, production input costs and labor expenditures (sourced from Central Bureau of Statistic). The estimation method used is Feasible Generalized Least Square with Fixed Effect, with a period of years from 2009 to 2019. The results of this study indicate that FDI and several related variables have a significant positive effect on the value added of the manufacturing industry in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shirly Elisa Tedjasaputra
"Latar Belakang. Kalsifikasi vaskular yang ditandai dengan penebalan tunika intima-media (TIM) karotis pada pasien diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2 merupakan faktor prediktor terhadap kejadian serebro-kardiovaskular. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) merupakan petanda disfungsi endotel yang dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor terhadap penebalan TIM karotis.
Penggunaan ultrasonografi (USG) karotis untuk menilai ketebalan TIM karotis masih terbatas di Indonesia sehingga diperlukan metode diagnostik lain yang lebih cost effective. Tujuan. Menentukan faktor-faktor determinan yang bermakna dan nilai tambah diagnostik
pemeriksaan OPG dalam mendeteksi penebalan TIM karotis pada pasien DM tipe 2. Metodologi. Studi potong lintang dilakukan di poliklinik Metabolik Endokrin dan poliklinik spesialis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam RS Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) pada bulan April-Juni 2012 pada pasien DM tipe 2 tanpa komplikasi serebro-kardiovaskular, tanpa komplikasi penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) stadium III – V dan tidak merokok. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis bivariat dan multivariat pada variabel lama menderita DM, hipertensi, dislipidemia, HbA1c dan OPG, kemudian ditentukan nilai tambah pemeriksaan OPG dalam mendeteksi penebalan TIM karotis pada pasien DM tipe 2. Hasil dan Pembahasan. Dari 70 subyek penelitian, didapatkan jumlah subyek dengan peningkatan OPG dan penebalan TIM karotis adalah sebesar 45,7 % dan 70 %. Dari 49 subyek dengan penebalan TIM karotis, didapatkan 61,2 % subyek dengan peningkatan OPG. Lama menderita DM (OR 26,9; IK 95 % 2 – 365,6), hipertensi (OR 22; IK 95 % 2,3 – 207,9), dislipidemia (OR 85,2; IK 95 % 3,6 – 203,6) dan OPG (OR 12,9; IK 95 % 1,4 –
117,3) berhubungan secara bermakna dengan penebalan TIM karotis. Pemeriksaan OPG mempunyai spesifisitas dan nilai duga positif tinggi (90,5 % dan 84 %). Nilai tambah diagnostik OPG hanya sebesar 2,3 % dalam mendeteksi penebalan TIM karotis. Kesimpulan. Faktor-faktor determinan yang bermakna untuk mendeteksi penebalan TIM karotis pada pasien DM tipe 2 adalah lama menderita DM, hipertensi, dislipidemia dan OPG. Nilai tambah diagnostik dari pemeriksaan OPG adalah sebesar 2,3 % dalam mendeteksi penebalan TIM karotis pada pasien DM tipe 2

Background. Vascular calcification measured by carotid intima-media thickness
(CIMT) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patient is a predictor for cerebrocardiovascular
event. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) as a marker for endothelial dysfunction
can be used as a predictor for increased CIMT. Applicability of carotid ultrasonography
(USG) in Indonesia is still limited, therefore other diagnostic method that is more cost
effective is needed.
Objective. To determine the significant determinant factors and the diagnostic added
value of OPG to detect increased CIMT in type 2 DM patient.
Methods. Cross sectional study was conducted in Metabolic Endocrine and Internal
Medicine outpatient clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between April and June 2012
in type 2 DM patient without history of cerebro-cardiovascular event, without history of
chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage III – V and without smoking. Bivariate analysis and
multivariate analysis were performed to variables duration of DM, hypertension,
dyslipidemia, HbA1c and OPG, followed by determining the diagnostic added value of
OPG to detect increased CIMT in type 2 DM patient.
Results. From 70 subjects, there were 45,7 % subject with increased OPG and 70 %
subject with increased CIMT. From 49 subject with increased CIMT, 61,2 % subject had
increased OPG. Duration of DM (OR 26,9; IK 95 % 2 – 365,6), hypertension (OR 22;
IK 95 % 2,3 – 207,9), dyslipidemia (OR 85,2; IK 95 % 3,6 – 203,6) and OPG (OR 12,9;
IK 95 % 1,4 – 117,3) were correlated significantly to increased CIMT. OPG
measurement had high specificity and positive predictive value (90,5 % and 84 %).
Diagnostic added value of OPG was only as 2,3 % to detect increased CIMT in type 2
DM patient.
Conclusion. The significant determinant factors for detection of increased CIMT in
type 2 DM patient were duration of DM, hypertension, dyslipidemia and OPG. The
diagnostic added value of OPG was 2,3 % to detect increased CIMT in type 2 DM
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Hikmahtullah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang faktor-faktor yang
dapat menghambat perkembangan industri pengolahan kakao Indonesia.
Penelitian ini, khususnya, ditujukan untuk menganalisa perkembangan industri
pengolahan kakao di Indonesia setelah penerapan bea keluar terhadap ekspor biji
kakao (bahan baku bagi produk-produk olahan kakao); bagaimana respon dari
industri tersebut dan bagaimana distribusi harga diantara para pelaku dalam rantai
nilai kakao-coklat di Indonesia.
Pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif digunakan dalam analisa penelitian ini.
Analisa kualitatif digunakan untuk melihat secara deskriptif pola ekspor kakao
Indonesia, sebagai gambaran dari perkembangan industri pengolahan kakao
Indonesia. Selain itu, metode kualitatif juga digunakan untuk menganalisa rantai
nilai dari Kakao-Coklat di Indonesia. Analisa deskriptif juga dilakukan terhadap
trend harga biji kakao untuk melihat pembagian harga dan resiko antar pelaku
dalam rantai nilai kakao Indonesia akibat penerapan bea keluar ekspor biji kakao
dan perubahan harga dunia biji kakao. Analisa kuantitatif dilakukan untuk melihat
apakah penerapan bea keluar tersebut mempengaruhi perkembangan industri
pengolahan kakao Indonesia, melalui penawaran ekspor dari produk-produk
olahan kakao Indonesia.
Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa pasokan biji kakao yang tidak cukup untuk
pasar domestik, hambatan berupa bea masuk oleh negara-negara EU, dan
permasalahan transportasi adalah permasalahan utama yang dapat menghambat
perkembangan industri pengolahan kakao Indonesia. Dapat disimpulkan juga
bahwa penerapan bea keluar untuk ekspor biji kakao adalah regulasi yang sangat
efektif untuk menurunkan ketergantungan terhadap ekspor bahan baku pada
ekspor produk kakao Indonesia dan mendorong pengolahan domestik kakao
dengan peningkatan ekspor produk-produk olahan kakao. Selain itu, penerapan
bea keluar dan fluktuasi harga dunia untuk biji kakao dipandang menguntungkan
pemerintah dan industri pengolahan kakao, tapi menyebabkan kerugian bagi
eksporter biji kakao dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap petani. Namun, suatu
mekanisme penetapan harga yang lebih baik antara petani dan industri serta
efektifitas dari keberadaan asosiasi atau organisasi petani dapat menjadi solusi
untuk membuat petani memperoleh keuntungan dari penerapan bea keluar

This paper aims to answer a question regarding factors that can hinder the
development of Indonesian cocoa processing industry. Specifically, the paper is
intended to analyze the development of cocoa processing industries in Indonesia
due to the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans (raw material for cocoa
processing products); how they respond and how the price distribution among
Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the analysis of this paper. The
qualitative analysis is used to see descriptively the pattern of the Indonesian cocoa
exports, as the picture of the development of Indonesian cocoa processing
industry, and analyze the Indonesian cocoa-chocolate value chain, specifically the
processing of cocoa in domestic market. Descriptive analysis is also done for the
trend of cocoa beans price to see the share of price and risk between stakeholders
in Indonesian cocoa value chain due to the imposition of export tax on cocoa
beans and the changes in the world price of cocoa beans. Quantitative analysis is
done to see whether the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans affects the
development of Indonesian cocoa processing industries, through export supply of
the Indonesian cocoa products.
Result of the analysis shows that insufficient supply of cocoa beans for domestic
market, barriers in the form of import duty by the EU countries, and transportation
problems are the major problems that could hinder the development of Indonesian
cocoa processing industry. The analysis also concludes that the introduction of
export tax on cocoa beans is an effective regulation to decrease the dependence on
the export of raw material of cocoa exports and encourage the domestic
processing of cocoa beans by increase the export of cocoa processing products. In
addition, the imposition of the tax and fluctuation on the world price of cocoa
beans is evaluated to be benefited for the government and the processors, but
causes loss on the exporters of cocoa beans and gives no effect to the farmers.
However, a better price mechanism between the farmers and the processors and
the presence of an effective farmer?s association or organization could be a
solution to make the farmers gain benefit of the export tax imposition.;This paper aims to answer a question regarding factors that can hinder the
development of Indonesian cocoa processing industry. Specifically, the paper is
intended to analyze the development of cocoa processing industries in Indonesia
due to the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans (raw material for cocoa
processing products); how they respond and how the price distribution among
Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the analysis of this paper. The
qualitative analysis is used to see descriptively the pattern of the Indonesian cocoa
exports, as the picture of the development of Indonesian cocoa processing
industry, and analyze the Indonesian cocoa-chocolate value chain, specifically the
processing of cocoa in domestic market. Descriptive analysis is also done for the
trend of cocoa beans price to see the share of price and risk between stakeholders
in Indonesian cocoa value chain due to the imposition of export tax on cocoa
beans and the changes in the world price of cocoa beans. Quantitative analysis is
done to see whether the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans affects the
development of Indonesian cocoa processing industries, through export supply of
the Indonesian cocoa products.
Result of the analysis shows that insufficient supply of cocoa beans for domestic
market, barriers in the form of import duty by the EU countries, and transportation
problems are the major problems that could hinder the development of Indonesian
cocoa processing industry. The analysis also concludes that the introduction of
export tax on cocoa beans is an effective regulation to decrease the dependence on
the export of raw material of cocoa exports and encourage the domestic
processing of cocoa beans by increase the export of cocoa processing products. In
addition, the imposition of the tax and fluctuation on the world price of cocoa
beans is evaluated to be benefited for the government and the processors, but
causes loss on the exporters of cocoa beans and gives no effect to the farmers.
However, a better price mechanism between the farmers and the processors and
the presence of an effective farmer?s association or organization could be a
solution to make the farmers gain benefit of the export tax imposition;This paper aims to answer a question regarding factors that can hinder the
development of Indonesian cocoa processing industry. Specifically, the paper is
intended to analyze the development of cocoa processing industries in Indonesia
due to the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans (raw material for cocoa
processing products); how they respond and how the price distribution among
Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the analysis of this paper. The
qualitative analysis is used to see descriptively the pattern of the Indonesian cocoa
exports, as the picture of the development of Indonesian cocoa processing
industry, and analyze the Indonesian cocoa-chocolate value chain, specifically the
processing of cocoa in domestic market. Descriptive analysis is also done for the
trend of cocoa beans price to see the share of price and risk between stakeholders
in Indonesian cocoa value chain due to the imposition of export tax on cocoa
beans and the changes in the world price of cocoa beans. Quantitative analysis is
done to see whether the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans affects the
development of Indonesian cocoa processing industries, through export supply of
the Indonesian cocoa products.
Result of the analysis shows that insufficient supply of cocoa beans for domestic
market, barriers in the form of import duty by the EU countries, and transportation
problems are the major problems that could hinder the development of Indonesian
cocoa processing industry. The analysis also concludes that the introduction of
export tax on cocoa beans is an effective regulation to decrease the dependence on
the export of raw material of cocoa exports and encourage the domestic
processing of cocoa beans by increase the export of cocoa processing products. In
addition, the imposition of the tax and fluctuation on the world price of cocoa
beans is evaluated to be benefited for the government and the processors, but
causes loss on the exporters of cocoa beans and gives no effect to the farmers.
However, a better price mechanism between the farmers and the processors and
the presence of an effective farmer?s association or organization could be a
solution to make the farmers gain benefit of the export tax imposition;This paper aims to answer a question regarding factors that can hinder the
development of Indonesian cocoa processing industry. Specifically, the paper is
intended to analyze the development of cocoa processing industries in Indonesia
due to the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans (raw material for cocoa
processing products); how they respond and how the price distribution among
Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the analysis of this paper. The
qualitative analysis is used to see descriptively the pattern of the Indonesian cocoa
exports, as the picture of the development of Indonesian cocoa processing
industry, and analyze the Indonesian cocoa-chocolate value chain, specifically the
processing of cocoa in domestic market. Descriptive analysis is also done for the
trend of cocoa beans price to see the share of price and risk between stakeholders
in Indonesian cocoa value chain due to the imposition of export tax on cocoa
beans and the changes in the world price of cocoa beans. Quantitative analysis is
done to see whether the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans affects the
development of Indonesian cocoa processing industries, through export supply of
the Indonesian cocoa products.
Result of the analysis shows that insufficient supply of cocoa beans for domestic
market, barriers in the form of import duty by the EU countries, and transportation
problems are the major problems that could hinder the development of Indonesian
cocoa processing industry. The analysis also concludes that the introduction of
export tax on cocoa beans is an effective regulation to decrease the dependence on
the export of raw material of cocoa exports and encourage the domestic
processing of cocoa beans by increase the export of cocoa processing products. In
addition, the imposition of the tax and fluctuation on the world price of cocoa
beans is evaluated to be benefited for the government and the processors, but
causes loss on the exporters of cocoa beans and gives no effect to the farmers.
However, a better price mechanism between the farmers and the processors and
the presence of an effective farmer’s association or organization could be a
solution to make the farmers gain benefit of the export tax imposition, This paper aims to answer a question regarding factors that can hinder the
development of Indonesian cocoa processing industry. Specifically, the paper is
intended to analyze the development of cocoa processing industries in Indonesia
due to the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans (raw material for cocoa
processing products); how they respond and how the price distribution among
Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the analysis of this paper. The
qualitative analysis is used to see descriptively the pattern of the Indonesian cocoa
exports, as the picture of the development of Indonesian cocoa processing
industry, and analyze the Indonesian cocoa-chocolate value chain, specifically the
processing of cocoa in domestic market. Descriptive analysis is also done for the
trend of cocoa beans price to see the share of price and risk between stakeholders
in Indonesian cocoa value chain due to the imposition of export tax on cocoa
beans and the changes in the world price of cocoa beans. Quantitative analysis is
done to see whether the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans affects the
development of Indonesian cocoa processing industries, through export supply of
the Indonesian cocoa products.
Result of the analysis shows that insufficient supply of cocoa beans for domestic
market, barriers in the form of import duty by the EU countries, and transportation
problems are the major problems that could hinder the development of Indonesian
cocoa processing industry. The analysis also concludes that the introduction of
export tax on cocoa beans is an effective regulation to decrease the dependence on
the export of raw material of cocoa exports and encourage the domestic
processing of cocoa beans by increase the export of cocoa processing products. In
addition, the imposition of the tax and fluctuation on the world price of cocoa
beans is evaluated to be benefited for the government and the processors, but
causes loss on the exporters of cocoa beans and gives no effect to the farmers.
However, a better price mechanism between the farmers and the processors and
the presence of an effective farmer’s association or organization could be a
solution to make the farmers gain benefit of the export tax imposition]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shirly Elisa Tedjasaputra
Latar Belakang. Kalsifikasi vaskular yang ditandai dengan penebalan tunika intima-media
(TIM) karotis pada pasien diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2 merupakan faktor prediktor terhadap
kejadian serebro-kardiovaskular. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) merupakan petanda disfungsi
endotel yang dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor terhadap penebalan TIM karotis.
Penggunaan ultrasonografi (USG) karotis untuk menilai ketebalan TIM karotis masih
terbatas di Indonesia sehingga diperlukan metode diagnostik lain yang lebih cost effective.
Tujuan. Menentukan faktor-faktor determinan yang bermakna dan nilai tambah diagnostik
pemeriksaan OPG dalam mendeteksi penebalan TIM karotis pada pasien DM tipe 2.
Metodologi. Studi potong lintang dilakukan di poliklinik Metabolik Endokrin dan poliklinik
spesialis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam RS Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) pada bulan April – Juni
2012 pada pasien DM tipe 2 tanpa komplikasi serebro-kardiovaskular, tanpa komplikasi
penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) stadium III – V dan tidak merokok. Pada penelitian ini
dilakukan analisis bivariat dan multivariat pada variabel lama menderita DM, hipertensi,
dislipidemia, HbA1c dan OPG, kemudian ditentukan nilai tambah pemeriksaan OPG dalam
mendeteksi penebalan TIM karotis pada pasien DM tipe 2.
Hasil dan Pembahasan. Dari 70 subyek penelitian, didapatkan jumlah subyek dengan
peningkatan OPG dan penebalan TIM karotis adalah sebesar 45,7 % dan 70 %. Dari
49 subyek dengan penebalan TIM karotis, didapatkan 61,2 % subyek dengan peningkatan
OPG. Lama menderita DM (OR 26,9; IK 95 % 2 – 365,6), hipertensi (OR 22; IK 95 % 2,3 –
207,9), dislipidemia (OR 85,2; IK 95 % 3,6 – 203,6) dan OPG (OR 12,9; IK 95 % 1,4 –
117,3) berhubungan secara bermakna dengan penebalan TIM karotis. Pemeriksaan OPG
mempunyai spesifisitas dan nilai duga positif tinggi (90,5 % dan 84 %). Nilai tambah
diagnostik OPG hanya sebesar 2,3 % dalam mendeteksi penebalan TIM karotis.
Kesimpulan. Faktor-faktor determinan yang bermakna untuk mendeteksi penebalan TIM
karotis pada pasien DM tipe 2 adalah lama menderita DM, hipertensi, dislipidemia dan
OPG. Nilai tambah diagnostik dari pemeriksaan OPG adalah sebesar 2,3 % dalam
mendeteksi penebalan TIM karotis pada pasien DM tipe 2.

Background. Vascular calcification measured by carotid intima-media thickness
(CIMT) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patient is a predictor for cerebrocardiovascular
event. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) as a marker for endothelial dysfunction
can be used as a predictor for increased CIMT. Applicability of carotid ultrasonography
(USG) in Indonesia is still limited, therefore other diagnostic method that is more cost
effective is needed.
Objective. To determine the significant determinant factors and the diagnostic added
value of OPG to detect increased CIMT in type 2 DM patient.
Methods. Cross sectional study was conducted in Metabolic Endocrine and Internal
Medicine outpatient clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between April and June 2012
in type 2 DM patient without history of cerebro-cardiovascular event, without history of
chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage III – V and without smoking. Bivariate analysis and
multivariate analysis were performed to variables duration of DM, hypertension,
dyslipidemia, HbA1c and OPG, followed by determining the diagnostic added value of
OPG to detect increased CIMT in type 2 DM patient.
Results. From 70 subjects, there were 45,7 % subject with increased OPG and 70 %
subject with increased CIMT. From 49 subject with increased CIMT, 61,2 % subject had
increased OPG. Duration of DM (OR 26,9; IK 95 % 2 – 365,6), hypertension (OR 22;
IK 95 % 2,3 – 207,9), dyslipidemia (OR 85,2; IK 95 % 3,6 – 203,6) and OPG (OR 12,9;
IK 95 % 1,4 – 117,3) were correlated significantly to increased CIMT. OPG
measurement had high specificity and positive predictive value (90,5 % and 84 %).
Diagnostic added value of OPG was only as 2,3 % to detect increased CIMT in type 2
DM patient.
Conclusion. The significant determinant factors for detection of increased CIMT in
type 2 DM patient were duration of DM, hypertension, dyslipidemia and OPG. The
diagnostic added value of OPG was 2,3 % to detect increased CIMT in type 2 DM
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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