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Sihite, Beatrise Marsaulina
"Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengamati dampak kebijakan PSAK 1 (Revisi 2009) terhadap reaksi volume perdagangan saham di seputar penerbitan laporan keuangan tahun 2011. PSAK 1 (Revisi 2009) mengharuskan perusahaan untuk menyajikan bottom-line income dalam bentuk Laba Rugi Komprehensif, yaitu angka yang merangkum seluruh perubahan ekuitas perusahaan, kecuali perubahan yang berasal dari transaksi dengan pemilik. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 44 perusahaan yang termasuk dalam indeks LQ45 periode Februari hingga Agustus 2012, dengan total observasi sebanyak 88 pengumuman laba tahunan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pengumuman laba yang disajikan dalam bentuk Laba Rugi Komprehensif sebagai bottom-line income, memiliki kandungan informasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan Laba Bersih.
Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengamati dampak kebijakan PSAK 1 (Revisi 2009) terhadap reaksi volume perdagangan saham di seputar penerbitan laporan keuangan tahun 2011. PSAK 1 (Revisi 2009) mengharuskan perusahaan untuk menyajikan bottom-line income dalam bentuk Laba Rugi Komprehensif, yaitu angka yang merangkum seluruh perubahan ekuitas perusahaan, kecuali perubahan yang berasal dari transaksi dengan pemilik. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 44 perusahaan yang termasuk dalam indeks LQ45 periode Februari hingga Agustus 2012, dengan total observasi sebanyak 88 pengumuman laba tahunan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pengumuman laba yang disajikan dalam bentuk Laba Rugi Komprehensif sebagai bottom-line income, memiliki kandungan informasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan Laba Bersih."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigit Prasetyo
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi atas penerapan pengakuan pendapatan program keanggotan klub golf pada PT XYZ sesuai PSAK 23 dan PSAK 72 pada tahun 2019 dan 2020. Objek penelitian adalah pendapatan yang terkait dengan program keanggotaan yaitu pendapatan atas keanggotaan dan iuran anggota. Pendapatan tersebut termasuk dalam nonrefundable upfront fees. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Sumber data terdiri dari data primer yang diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara dan pengambilan data langsung ke perusahaan. Sumber data sekunder dilakukan melalui studi pustaka. Studi kasus ini menemukan bahwa penerapan pengakuan pendapatan program keanggotaan PT XYZ belum sesuai dengan PSAK 23 untuk tahun 2019 dan PSAK 72 untuk tahun 2020. Entitas mengakui pendapatan atas program sebagai pendapatan langsung saat kas diterima. Sementara menurut ketentuan PSAK 23 dan PSAK 72 pendapatan tersebut dialokasikan sesuai dengan periode manfaatnya. Perbedaan pengakuan pendapatan tersebut berdampak pada laporan keuangan.

This research aims to evaluate the implementation of revenue recognition for the golf club membership program at PT XYZ in accordance with PSAK 23 and PSAK 72 in 2019 and 2020. The object of research is income related to membership programs, that is income from membership and member fees. This income is included in the type of non-refundable upfront fees. The research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. The data source consists of primary data obtained through interview techniques and direct data collection from the company. Secondary data sources were carried out through library research. The research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. Primary data sources were obtained through interview techniques and data collection directly from the company. Secondary data sources were obtained through literature study. This case study finds that the implementation of revenue recognition for the PT XYZ membership program is not in accordance with PSAK 23 for 2019 and PSAK 72 for 2020.The entity recognizes income from the program as direct income when cash is received. Meanwhile, according to the provisions of PSAK 23 and PSAK 72, income is allocated according to the benefit period. These differences in revenue recognition have an impact on financial statements."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh penerapan PSAK 1 (Revisi 2009) terhadap hubungan penghasilan komprehensif lain dan manajemen laba akrual. Pengaturan ini mengatur perubahan lokasi penyajian penghasilan komprehensif lain yang ditujukan agar penyajian informasi lebih jelas dan transparan; sehingga menekan perilaku manajemen laba, khususnya manajemen laba akrual yang biasa dilakukan oleh bank. Sampel yang digunakan adalah bank-bank Indonesia dengan periode observasi 2010-2013; dengan jumlah observasi 168 firm-years.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan pengaruh antara penyajian penghasilan komprehensif lain terhadap manajemen laba sebelum dan sesudah penerapan PSAK 1 (Revisi 2009).
This study aims to examine the impact of PSAK 1 (Revision 2009) on the relationship between Other Comprehensive Income and accrual earnings management. In brief, this standard was revised to facilitate clear articulation and transparency; in hoping to curb earnings-management?s behavior, especially accrual earnings management that often conducted by banks. A sample of banking industry is used with a period observation of 2010-2013 and a total observation of 168 firm-years.
Results consistently show that there is an indifferent effect on presentation of Other Comprehensive Income on earnings management before and after the revision.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Reza
"Penelitian skripsi ini memiliki dua tujuan. Tujuan pertama adalah untuk menganalisis perlakuan PPh badan atas pembayaran sewa sebagai allowable deduction dari sisi penyewa setelah pemberlakuan PSAK 73 berdasarkan asas ease of administration. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk menganalisis perlakuan withholding tax atas pembayaran imbalan sewa dari sisi penyewa setelah pemberlakuan PSAK 73 berdasarkan asas ease of administration. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan post-positivist yang pengumpulan datanya dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan dan wawancara mendalam. Berdasarkan analisis atas data yang telah dikumpulkan tersebut, diperoleh dua kesimpulan sebagai jawaban atas dua pertanyaan penelitian. Pertama, perlakuan PPh badan atas pembayaran sewa sebagai allowable deduction dari sisi penyewa setelah pemberlakuan PSAK 73 tidak memenuhi asas ease of administration karena asas clarity dan economy tidak terpenuhi. Sementara itu, untuk kesimpulan kedua, perlakuan withholding tax atas pembayaran imbalan sewa dari sisi penyewa setelah pemberlakuan PSAK 73 tidak sepenuhnya memenuhi asas ease of administration karena asas clarity tidak terpenuhi. Atas dua kesimpulan tersebut, dihasilkan dua saran. Untuk saran pertama, diperbaruinya KMK No. 1169/KMK.01/1991 atau diperkenalkannya suatu ketentuan pajak baru yang mengatur perlakuan transaksi sewa, yang sebaiknya dapat menjelaskan konsekuensi dari adanya perbedaan pengakuan dan pengukuran antara akuntansi dan pajak. Sedangkan, untuk saran kedua, pengaturan konsep utang dalam Pasal 4 ayat (2) PP 34/2017 sebaiknya diperjelas agar tidak menimbulkan ketidakpastian

This undergraduate thesis aims to accomplish two objectives. The first objective is to analyze the treatment of corporate income tax on lease payments as an allowable deduction from the lessee's perspective after the implementation of PSAK 73 based on the principle of ease of administration. The second objective is to analyze the treatment of withholding tax on lease payments from the lessee's perspective after the implementation of PSAK 73 based on the principle of ease of administration. This research utilizes a post-positivist approach, with data collection conducted through literature review and in-depth interviews. Based on the analysis of the collected data, two conclusions are drawn in response to the research questions. First, the treatment of corporate income tax on lease payments as an allowable deduction from the lessee's perspective after the implementation of PSAK 73 does not meet the principle of ease of administration because the principles of clarity and economy are not fulfilled. Meanwhile, for the second conclusion, the treatment of withholding tax on lease payments from the lessee's perspective after the implementation of PSAK 73 does not fully meet the principle of ease of administration because the principle of clarity is not fulfilled. Based on these two conclusions, two recommendations are proposed. The first recommendation is to update KMK No. 1169/KMK.01/1991 or introduce a new tax regulation that governs the treatment of lease transactions. This new regulation should clarify the consequences of the differences in recognition and measurement between accounting and taxation. As for the second recommendation, the concept of debt in Article 4, paragraph (2) of Government Regulation No. 34/2017 should be clarified to avoid causing uncertainty."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudi Ismoyo
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan penerapan konsep pajak penghasilan final (PPh final) atas transaksi perdagangan aset kripto di pasar fisik aset kripto berdasarkan teori hard-to-tax (HTT). Menurut Das-Gupta (1994), hard-to-tax groups memiliki banyak transaksi sehingga membuat penghasilan dari sektor tersebut menjadi lebih kompleks untuk diawasi, sehingga persyaratan kepatuhan wajib pajak yang lebih rendah dan peran pihak ketiga sangat penting dalam menangani hard-to-tax groups. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui wawancara kepada responden dari Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP), Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (Bappebti), pedagang aset kripto, serta kuesioner terbuka yang diberikan kepada sampel pelanggan aset kripto. Data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan thematic analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa transaksi perdagangan aset kripto di pasar fisik aset kripto tergolong dalam sektor HTT sehingga Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) final dianggap sebagai alternatif pemajakan yang tepat dibandingkan pengenaan pajak berbasis capital gain. Berdasarkan prinsip dasar perpajakan, hampir seluruh aspek terpenuhi, kecuali prinsip horizontal dan vertical equity. Untuk tindak lanjut, diperlukan tarif yang setara atau lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan PPh final yang dikenakan atas transaksi penjualan saham di bursa efek, kesiapan penyelenggara pasar fisik aset kripto untuk melakukan withholding tax, bursa berjangka yang mengawasi pasar fisik aset kripto, serta payung hukum setingkat Peraturan Pemerintah untuk menerapkan PPh Final tersebut.

This study proposes implementing the concept of final income tax on crypto-asset trading transactions in the crypto assets physical market based on hard-to-tax (HTT) theory. According to Das-Gupta (1994), hard-to-tax groups have a large number of transactions that make income from the sector more complex to monitor, so that lower taxpayer compliance requirements and the role of third parties are essential in dealing with hard-to-tax groups. The data in this study were collected through interviews with respondents from the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT), the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (CoFTRA), crypto-asset traders, and an open questionnaire was given to a sample of crypto-asset customers. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The study results indicate that crypto asset trading transactions in the physical market of crypto assets belong to the HTT sector, so the Final Income Tax is considered an appropriate alternative to taxation. Based on the fundamental principles of taxation, almost all aspects are met, except for horizontal and vertical equity principles. An equivalent or lower tax rate to the final income tax on the stock exchange, the readiness of crypto assets physical market operators to carry out withholding taxes, futures exchanges that oversee the physical market for crypto assets, and a legal standing at the level of a Government Regulation is required to implement the Final Income Tax."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Claudia Jusuf
"Laporan ini membahas mengenai pemberian tunjangan pajak bagi eskpatriat ITR Global yang bekerja di Indonesia. Tunjangan pajak ini timbul akibat adanya perbedaan tarif dan perlakukan perpajakan di negara asal eskpatriat dengan di Indonesia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat komponen penghasilan atas pekerjaan yang belum diperhitungkan dalam perhitungan hypothetical tax pada awal tahun pajak. Hal tersebut dapat meningkatkan selisih pajak yang perlu dibayar jika pada akhir tahun pajak terutang lebih besar dari hypothetical tax. Selain itu, pemberian tunjangan dalam bentuk tax equalization akan lebih menguntungkan bagi ekspatriat karena seluruh beban pajak yang lebih tinggi dari pajak dalam negeri asal akan ditunjang oleh perusahaan.

This report explains the tax allowance given for ITR Global expatriates who work in Indonesia. This allowances arise due to the differences in tariffs and tax treatment in expatriates' country of origin and in Indonesia. The results of the analysis show that there is an employment income component which has not been taken into account in the calculation of the hypothetical tax at the beginning of the fiscal year. This treatment can increase the tax difference that would be paid if the actual tax payable at the end of the fiscal year is higher than the calculated hypothetical tax. In addition, the provision of allowance in the form of tax equalization will be more advantageous for expatriates, since higher tax burdens caused by higher tax rate in Indonesia compared to the tax rate of origin country will be paid by the company.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruwina Tri Astuti
Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penerapan prosedur audit yang dilakukan KAP RRR untuk pendapatan PT RTA pada periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2018. PT RTA merupakan produsen dan eksportir logam timah serta mengoperasikan segmen usaha penambangan timah terintegrasi di Indonesia. Penerapan prosedur substantif untuk pendapatan PT RTA meliputi penyusunan lead schedule, pengujian cut off penjualan/piutang, dan pengujian transaksi pendapatan dari penjualan barang. Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan prosedur substantif, semua asersi telah dicapai secara wajar. Berdasarkan evaluasi temuan audit, akun pendapatan PT RTA telah disajikan secara wajar.

This internship report aims to evaluate the implementation of audit procedures performed by KAP RRR for revenue of PT RTA for the period ended December 31, 2018. PT RTA is a producer and exporter of tin, and also operates an integrated tin mining business segment in Indonesia. The implementation of substantive procedures for revenue of PT RTA includes the preparation of lead schedule, testing of sales/account receivable cut off, and testing of revenue transactions from sale of goods. Based on the result of the implementation of substantive procedures, all assertions have been reasonably achieved. Based on the evaluation of the audit findings, the revenue of PT RTA has been presented fairly."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia , 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elvan Wirasta
"Pemberian natura oleh wajib pajak yang dikenakan pajak bersifat final serta yang menggunakan norma penghitungan khusus yang menjadi objek pajak penghasilan bagi penerimanya sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang tentang Pajak Penghasilan pada praktiknya masih menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan baik bagi perusahaan maupun bagi aparat perpajakan. Data primer kualitatif berupa wawancara dengan pihak Dirjen Pajak, pihak Kantor Pajak Pratama Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Tiga, serta dengan pihak konsultan pajak dan wajib pajak telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari penerapan peraturan tersebut serta untuk mendapatkan solusi dari permasalahan yang muncul darinya.
Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan seperti penjelasan yang kurang detail mengenai pengertian dan batasan pelaporan biaya pemberian natura pada peraturan perpajakan, kendala dalam penerapan aturan perpajakan terkait pemberian natura, atau kurangnya komponen pengawasan yang terdapat dalam Surat Pemberitahuan menunjukkan belum efektifnya penerapan peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku. Diperlukan perbaikan pada peraturan perpajakan mengenai pemberian natura oleh wajib pajak yang dikenakan pajak bersifat final serta yang menggunakan norma penghitungan khusus pada karyawan serta diperlukan kesadaran dari wajib pajak untuk melaporkan biaya tersebut sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada.

Fringe benefit provition from taxpayers which are taxed by final income taxes and deemed profit taxes that become taxable income to the recipients as mentioned in Income Tax Regulation leads to various problems for both company and tax authority. Qualitative primary datas in interview form are compiled from government, Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Tiga tax office, tax consultant, and tax payer to understand the effectivity of the regulation and to find solutions for those problems.
Data analysis results problems like the lack of explanation in law regulation about the definition and limitation of fringe benefit, problem in implementing the tax regulation about fringe benefit provision, or the lack of supervision component trough tax report (SPT) which shows that the tax regulations are not effective enough. It needs more adjustment to the income tax law for taxpayers which are taxed by final income taxes and deemed profit taxes about these fringe benefit provition and also willingness from company to report their taxes based on the regulation.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chandra Pribadi
"Revision occurred on Annual Corporate Income Tax Returns (Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan) commenced from year 2002 is the application of financial statements of financial accounting system as main data resource to fulfill them. The previous development is that all companies either issuing obligations traded to public (as public companies) or others company since book year of 2001 should apply Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (Pernyataan Standar Aktuitansi Keuangan/PSAK) 46 entitled ?Accounting for Income Taxes? for their accounting policy.
In this research there are two main research questions to be revealed. Firstly, It PSAK 46 application may result in financial statements as calculation base of Owed Income Tax on Annual Corporate Income Tax Returns is. Secondly, It possible to align format of Annual Income Tax Retum presentation suitable with resulted financial statements from PSAK 46's application is.
The implementations of self assessment system by trusting corporate tax payers for calculating by their self regarding total Owed Income Tax both efficiently and effectively, are require any data resource as material for fulfilling Annual Income Tax Returns? form. Financial statements as final result of process or accounting cycle providing information on financial position, performance and changes of financial position of any company will give benefit for most of users in making economic decisions. PSAK 46 implement calculation of current tax expense and deferred tax expense as set of profit or loss calculation closure for one accounting period, subsequently, it will be presented in profit or loss statement (income statement). Financial items related with such tax imposition acquisition are very benefit when company as Corporate Tax Payer will fulfill form of Annual Tax Rettm1s(form 1771).
The research methodology in this thesis is social qualitative research method by descriptive description. Its objective is to reveal and clarify a real subject and object of research. This research is conducted against twelve Corporate Tax Payers who applied PSAK 46. Conveniently and accidentally, the samples are obtained from Optimizing Team of State Revenue. Materials and research data among them financial statements resulted from financial accounting implementation and Annual Corporate Income Tax Returns (a complete set of form 1771) for book or fiscal year 2002.
Those twelve Corporate Tax Payers at accounting accounts relating with Income Tax in income statement and notes for financial statements - as its value adjustment finance - had presented the data value same as announced at Annual Tax Returns. These data value similarity at Annual Tax Retums are found at (a) form 1771-I : (1) accounting net income (pretax accounting income) and (2) fiscal net income; and (b) form 15771 : (1) taxable income and (2) owed income tax. Generally, the models or formats of Corporate Income Tax Retums having been revised since 2002, especially for form 1771-I (Calculation of Fiscal Net Income), it had been able to accomodate iinancial statements information resulted from PSAK 46. But, for some certain segments, e.g, Accounting Net income on Other Business Expenses segment specially (subsegment 1.c), Positive and Negative Fiscal Adjustments (segments of 3 and 4), they are necessary improved in order to suitable with resulted financial statements Bom PSAK 46 application. On segment 2 regarding Income had been imposed Final Income Tax and income excluding tax objects, had not been related with form l77l-IV.
Research result as had been revealed in this thesis present suggestions to Directorate General of Fiscal in order to improve form 1771-I on those segments above while considering convenience, simplicity, compatibility with financial accounting standard and integrated with other 177] forms. Specially, for fiscal adjustments segment, it is suggested to issue guide or practical instructions for abridging adjustment among juridical and fiscal aspects using financial aspects from financial accounting standard (PSAK 46).
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chandra Tris Fajar Uji Putra
"Penelitian ini berisi analisis tentang bagaimana wajib pajak merespon perubahan ketentuan perpajakan, khususnya pajak penghasilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan periode 2006-2012 untuk menjelaskan perilaku Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi yang melakukan kegiatan usaha sehubungan dengan perubahan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2008 menggunakan metode bunching. Penelitian ini menemukan adanya perilaku bunching pada titik batas pertama, yaitu pada batasan penghasilan yang dikenakan tarif pajak terendah. Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa Wajib Pajak di Indonesia menunjukkan perilaku yang unik. Terdapat resistensi wajib pajak dalam melaporkan penghasilan meskipun batasan tarif pajak paling rendah berubah. Juga, terdapat perilaku bunching yang unik di atas batasan penghasilan yang dikenakan tarif pajak penghasilan sebesar 10% yang mengindikasikan penghindaran pajak.

Income tax reforms generally constitute some changes in marginal tax rates and its income thresholds which often lead to a higher tax liability. Taxpayers may respond to these changes differently, mainly by trying to lower their tax payments. Selfemployed individuals have a greater incentive to strategically adjust to a lower income declaration. Using administrative tax data, this paper examines the reaction of self-employed taxpayers to the 2008 Indonesian Income Tax Reform using bunching analysis. Beside a clear evidence on bunching around the first kink point, our empirical findings suggest that Indonesia exhibits special cases. We find an inertia of pre-reform bunching around the first kink point in later years as well as an extraordinary bunching above the first kink point in the post-reform periods."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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