"Pendahuluan: Ikan teri jengki (Stolephorus insularis) mengandung fluor dalam bentuk senyawa CaF2.
Tujuan: Menganalisis perubahan kekerasan mikro permukaan email setelah pemberian ikan teri jengki.
Metode: Perlakuan dilakukan pada 9 gigi tikus Sprague dawley yang terbagi menjadi kelompok baseline, perlakuan pakan teri, perlakuan oles larutan teri, kontrol negatif pakan, dan kontrol negatif akuades.
Hasil: Nilai kekerasan Vickers pemberian ikan teri jengki metode pakan (440.30 ± 24.72) dan oles (510.32 ± 35.72) lebih tinggi bermakna daripada kontrolnya (315.80 ± 17.51) dan (347.28 ± 28.56).
Kesimpulan: Penggunaan ikan teri jengki metode oles lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan kekerasan email dibandingkan metode pemberian pakan.
Introductions: Anchovies (Stolephorus insularis) contain high enough fluor in the form of CaF2.
Aim: To analyze the alteration of enamel microhardness after anchovy substrate application.
Method: Treatment was done on 9 incisors of Sprague dawley rats, comprised from groups which were baseline, feeding application, topical application, negative control of feeding, and negative control of topical.
Results: Vickers hardness number of anchovies consumption by feeding (440.3 ± 24.72) and topical solution (510.32 ± 35.72) is statistically higher than its negative control (315.80 ± 17.51) and (347.28 ± 28.56).
Conclusion: The use of anchovy (Stolephorus insularis) by topical is proven more effective in increasing the microhardness of tooth enamel surface."