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Ditemukan 153869 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ade Erlanda Revianty
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek hukum perjanjian kredit pemilikan rumah dan penerapan ketentuan wanprestasi atas sengketa perdata yang terjadi dalam perjanjian kredit pemilikan rumah antara PT. BTN Cabang Padang dengan Ridwan S ditinjau dari KUHPerdata. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, yaitu dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder yang bersifat hukum atau berupa norma hukum tertulis. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa perjanjian kredit pemilikan rumah merupakan suatu jenis perjanjian tersendiri yang pada umumnya dibentuk oleh ketentuan- ketentuan dalam hukum perdata. Berdasarkan Pasal 1238 KUHPerdata, PT. BTN Cabang Padang dinyatakan wanprestasi terhadap Ridwan S selaku konsumen.

This research aims to ascertain legal aspects of KPR agreement and how the provisions concerning breach of contract according to Civil Code are implemented under civil dispute occured in KPR agreement between PT. BTN Branch Padang and Ridwan S. This research used normative legal research method by examining literatures or other secondary data related to law and any form of written legal norms. This research concluded that KPR agreement is a type of agreements which is generally formed by the provisions of Civil Law/Private Law. According to Article 1238 Civil Code, PT BTN Branch Padang declared breach of contract."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Sarawati Purnamasari
"Diana Saraswati Purnamasari, Mahasiswi Program Pasca Sarjana Magister Hukum Universitas Indonesia,?Perjanjian Baku Dalam Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) (Studi kasus: Analisis PerjanjianKPR antara PT. Bank Panin Tbk dengan X) dengan pembimbing Prof.Dr.Rosa Agustina, S.H., M.H. Perjanjian baku sebagai salah satu jenis perjanjian yang sering kali digunakan karena dianggap efektif oleh pihak konsumen sering kali menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan yang terkait dengan perlindungan hukum bagi pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalamnya karena tidak mempunyai peluang untuk merundingkan isi dari klausula-klausula di dalamnya. Dalam thesis ini yang menjadi permasalahan adalah dalam hal klausul-klausul apa saja yang tidak boleh dimuat dalam perjanjian KPR yang menimbulkan kerugian dan kedudukan yang tidak seimbang diantara para pihak, bagaimanakah kekuatan mengikat dari perjanjian baku KPR yang dibuat oleh Bank Panin serta bagaimana penyelesaian wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak dalam perjanjian baku KPR Bank Panin. Berdasarkan ketertarikan penulis, maka dilakukan penelitian pada kantor Bank Panin Kantor Pusat Bandung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode yuridis normatif, dimana penulis meneliti dan melihat penerapan aturan-aturan hukum yang berkaitan dengan pemberian kredit dengan menggunakan perjanjian baku berdasarkan asas-asas perjanjian dalam Hukum Perdata dengan dikaitkan dengan prinsip-prinsip perbankan.Penelitian juga dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui prosedur pemberian kredit, persyaratan pemberian kredit serta data-data pemberian KPR oleh Bank Panin. Perjanjian baku ini sangat sulit dihilangkan sebagai satu jenis perjanjian yang selalu digunakan dengan alasan efektif. Dalam rangka untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada para Debitor, maka yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan terus memberikan perbaikan-perbaikan dan memonitor jalannya perjanjian baku ini.

Standard agreement as one of the types of agreements which are often used because it is considered effective by the consumer often cause various problems associated with legal protection for the parties involved in it because they do not have the opportunity to negotiate the content of clauses in it. In this thesis, the problem is in terms of any clauses that should not be contained in Credit House Loan agreements to incur losses and position are not balanced between the parties, how the binding force of the standard agreement of Credit House Loan made by Bank Panin and how to breach the settlement performed by one party in default of Credit House Loan Agreement Panin Bank. Based on the interest the writer, then conducted research at the office of Panin Bank Head Office in Bandung. This research was conducted with normative method, in which the writer examines and see the application of legal rules relating to the granting of credit by using standard agreements based on the principles of the agreement in Civil Law to be associated with the principles of banking. Research is also done with the interview method, with the aim to know the procedures for granting credit, lending requirements and the datas of Loan Home given by the Bank Panin. This standard agreement is very difficult to remove as one type of agreement that is always used with an effective excuse. In order to give legal protection to the debtor, then that can be done is to continue to deliver improvements and monitor the course of this standard agreement."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Ricardo Putra
"Tiap jenis perjanjian mempunyai persyaratan yang berbeda yang dapat melahirkan perjanjian tersebut. Perjanjian yang dicapai dengan kata sepakat yang disampaikan dengan sikap diam dapat menimbulkan akibat hukum pada masing-masing pihak. Akibat-akibat yang ditimbulkan ini beragam tergantung jenis perjanjian apa yang dilakukan oleh kedua belah pihak. Skripsi ini membahas tentang putusan hukum di tingkat Kasasi Mahkamah Agung antara PT. Dwi Damai dengan PT. Philips Indonesia yang melakukan Perjanjian Distributor secara diam-diam. Penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui kedudukan perjanjian secara diam-diam dalam hukum Indonesia. Metode penelitian skripsi ini adalah yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perjanjian distributor merupakan perjanjian konsensual yang dapat dilahirkan melalui perjanjian diam-diam. Dengan demikian PT. Dwi Damai dan PT. Philips Indonesia telah terikat oleh perjanjian distributor yang dilakukan secara diam-diam.

Each type of agreement has its requirements that create the agreement itself. The agreement that based on silent agreement could have many legal consequences toward the parties. This legal consequences appear based on the type of agreement the parties perform. This study discusses Indonesian High Court Decision between PT. Dwi Damai and PT. Philips Indonesia that perform Distributor Agreement by silent agreement. The purpose of this study is to discover silent agreement legal standing based on Indonesian law system. The study will employ normative-juridical method. The result of this study show that distributor agreement is a consensual agreement which can created by silent agreement. Therefore PT. Dwi Damai and PT. Philips Indonesia have been attached by distributor agreement made by silent agreement."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Mutia Rahmah
"Penafsiran suatu perjanjian atau kontrak yang didalam KUHPerdata diatur melalui Pasal 1342 sampai dengan Pasal 1351 masih diperlukan bagi pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalamnya, mengingat perbedaan penafsiran dalam menjalankan isi perjanjian atau kontrak dapat berakibat pemenuhan prestasi sebagaimana telah dirumuskan dalam perjanjian atau kontrak tersebut menjadi berjalan tidak lancar atau terhambat. Dengan adanya penafsiran perjanjian atau kontrak diharapkan maksud para pihak yang terlibat dalam perjanjian atau kontrak tersebut dapat dipertemukan, sehingga tidak ada lagi perbedaan dalam pemenuhan isi perjanjian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis-normatif.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan agar dalam merumuskan perjanjian atau kontrak hendaknya para pihak yang terlibat harus memperhatikan kata-kata dan maksud yang tersirat didalam perjanjian atau kontrak tersebut sehingga perjanjian atau kontrak yang dibuat isinya jelas, mudah dipahami serta tidak menimbulkan perbedaan penafsiran. Akan tetapi, apabila masih terdapat perbedaan penafsiran diantara para pihak yang terlibat didalam perjanjian atau kontrak hendaknya penafsiran terhadap isi perjanjian atau kontrak tersebut tetap dilakukan secara adil dan berpedoman pada peraturan yang ada sehingga pelaksaan isi perjanjian atau kontrak tersebut dapat terlaksana dengan baik.

The interpretation of agreement or contract in Civil Code which have been set in Article 1342 until Article 1351 still be needed for parties involved. In view of the differences in interpretation of the contents in the contract or agreement this can cause misunderstandings and obstructing the fulfillment of achievements which have been formulated in that agreement or contract. The agreement or contract interpretation can give a good meaning for the parties in that agreement or contract so there will be a clear understanding to fulfill the agreement. This research is using literature study of juridical-normative.
The result of this research needs to be that the parties has to know carefully the meaning of the words or content of the agreement or contract in order to be clearly or easily understood and could not have any different interpretation. But, if there still are different interpretations between parties involved in that agreement or contract, it should be fair and guided by the existing rules in the interpretation of the agreement or contract content so the implementation of the agreement or contract content can be concluded properly.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014;2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athalia Devina
"Globalisasi serta kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi memiliki dampak yang nyata dalam ketenagakerjaan. Penggunaan tenaga kerja asing sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah di Indonesia. Adanya tenaga kerja asing menimbulkan kekhususan karena status kewarganegaraan yang berbeda dengan pemberi kerja. Suatu perjanjian yang subyek hukumnya berbeda kewarganegaraan menimbulkan pilihan hukum dalam perjanjian mereka. Pilihan hukum dibatasi oleh peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan asas ketertiban umum. Secara umum pada suatu perjanjian berlaku asas kebebasan berkontrak, tidak terkecuali perjanjian kerja. Adanya asas kebebasan berkontrak membuat para pihak bebas dalam menentukan hal-hal yang terkait dengan perjanjian. Status yang berbeda antara pemberi kerja dan tenaga kerja tidak jarang menimbulkan ketimpangan sehingga tidak jarang pula merugikan salah satu pihak.

Globalization and advances in science and technology have a real impact on employment. The use of foreign labor has become commonplace in Indonesia. The presence of foreign workers create specificity because there are different nationalities between the employer and the employee. An agreement which the subjects have different nationalities create choice of law in their agreement. Choice of law is limited by laws and regulations and the principles of public order. In general, freedom of contract is applicable to any agreements, service agreement is no exception. In general, a valid principle of freedom of contract agreements, employment agreements are no exception. The existence of the principle of freedom of contract makes the parties free to determine matters relating to the agreement. Different status between employers and labor rarely causes inequality that often detrimental to either party."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maya Hasanah
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai beberapa klausul spesifik dalam Perjanjian Kemitraan Inti-Plasma dengan menggunakan asas proporsionalitas sebagai landasan utama untuk menilai apakah perjanjian tersebut telah mengakomodir kepentingan para pihak secara fair. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksplanatoris dengan menggunakan metode yuridis-normatif, dimana dari data sekunder yang ada dilakukan analisa secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa dalam hubungan kemitraan inti-plasma ini para pihak berada dalam 'posisi tawar' yang tidak seimbang, sehingga pada tahap pra kontrak asas proporsional tidak terpenuhi, sedangkan pada tahap pembentukan kontrak terdapat klausul yang memenuhi asas proporsionalitas, namun ada pula yang tidak memenuhi asas proporsionalitas. Pada akhirnya penulis menyarankan bahwa, diperlukan intervensi pemerintah untuk mengefektifkan program kemitraan inti-plasma ini, selain itu perlu adanya pembekalan wawasan akan aspek-aspek hukum kontrak serta konsekueansinya bagi para peternak/petani plasma, serta perlu dibentuk suatu organisasi peternak/petani plasma sebagai wadah advokasi/pendampingan para anggotanya.

This thesis discusses about some specific clause in the 'Inti-Plasma' Partnership Agreement using 'the proportionality principle in commercial contract' as the primary basis for asessing whether the agreement has accommadate the interests of the parties fairly. This research is an explanatory research which use 'juridical-normative' format were collected the data from the seccondary data which analysed by qualitative methods. The conclusion from this study is, in the 'inti-plasma' relationship the parties are in a unbalance bargaining position,so that in the stage of 'pre-contract' , that principle are not met, while at the stage of 'formation of contracts' there are some clauses that met and does not met with that principle. In the end, the researcher suggest that government intervention is needed to streamline the 'inti-plasma partnership program' eficienly, in addition to the need for debriefing the ranchers/farmers about any aspects of contract law and its consequences for their bussiness relation, beside that it's need to set up an organization of ranchers/farmers as a forum to accommodate the inspirations and the interests of its member, so that through these forum can provide safeguards provisions for a fair contract although the contract was made in the standard agreement."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Azizah
"Tesis ini ditulis berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang menganalisa klausula arbitrase dalam judul tesis ini berfokus untuk menjawab apakah klausula arbitrase yang terdapat dalam judul (Indonesia) sudah cukup mengakomodir dalam penggunaan arbitrase sebagai cara penyelesaian sengketa dan memudahkan proses penyelesaian sengketa asuransi kebakaran di Indonesia. Kajian pustaka dijadikan dasar dalam penelitian guna penulisan tesis ini. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dengan menganalisis data serta norma, diperoleh gambaran mengenai kelebihan-kelebihan dari arbitrase dibandingkan dengan pengadilan umum dalam menyelesaikan sengketa bisnis.
Dari penelitian ini dapat dilihat bagaimana klausula arbitrase yang terdapat dalam tidak atau belum mengakomodir kemudahan untuk proses penyelesaian sengketa asuransi. Ketidakjelasan atau ambiguitas kurang terperincinya klausula arbitrase dalam polisnya telah menimbulkan perbedaan penafsiran yang justru menyebabkan terjadinya sengketa (kesulitan) dalam menentukan cara/forum yang digunakan dalam penyelesaian sengketa, yang ternyata menyebabkan berlarut-larutnya proses penyelesaian sengketa (perdagangan). Sengketa yang timbul dari pelaksanaan putusan No:46/pdt.6/1999/Jakarta Selatan yang mencantumkan klausula arbitrase di dalamnya, sebagaimana telah ditentukan oleh Undang- Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 (UU Arbitrase) bahwa para pihak dalam perjanjian kehilangan haknya untuk membawa sengketanya ke pengadilan umum dan pengadilan umum yang bersangkutan dilarang menerima dan wajib menolak permohonan sengketanya, ternyata masih saja kasus arbitrase yang bersangkutan diterima oleh pengadilan umum.
Dari hasil anallisis kasus yang ada penulis menyarankan bagaimana dapat dilakukan pembenahan dalam penyusunan klausula-klausula arbitrase yang ada di dalam perjanjian, Indonesia dengan memperhatikan elemen-elemen esensial yang harus ada dalam suatu klausula arbitrase. Memperhatikan sikap hakim (pengadilan) yang masih menerima kasus sengketa perjanjian dagang yang telah mencantumkan klausula arbitrase, perlu diadakan sosialisasi UU no. 30 Tahun 1999 tersebut terhadap masyarakat umumnya dan kepada para hakim khususnya dalam menyikapi kasus sengketa yang timbul dari perjanjian yang telah memiliki klausula arbitrase supaya kelebihan-kelebihan arbitrase benar-benar efektif.

This thesis is written based on the research that analyzes the arbitration clauses in the court. This thesis is focused on answering whether the arbitration clause contained in the court is sufficient to accommodate the use of arbitration as a way of disputes resolution and facilitate the process dispute reolution in Indonesia or not. Literature review of the research is the basis in this research in order to write this thesis.
From this research we can see how the arbitration clauses the court contained is not (yet) able to accommodate the effectiveness of dispute settlement process. Vagueness or ambiguity and the lacking of the details in the arbitration clauses the ineffectiveness on the dispute settlement process. The disputes arising from the implementation of that includes the arbitration clauses in it, as determined by Law No:46/pdt.6/1999/Jakarta Selatan (Arbitration Law) that the parties in the contractlose their right to take the disputes to the general court and relevant court is barred from receiving and shall dispute settlement reguest, apparently there still disputes case is accepted by the general court.
From the results of the analysis of the case, the author suggest the improvements can be made in darfting the arbitration clauses in the agreements, especially in the court view of the elements that essential to exist in an arbitration clause. Noting the attitude of the judge (general court) that is still receiving the contract disputes cases which its includes the arbitration clauses, it is necessary to socializw the Law No. 30/1999 (Arbitration Law) to the public generally and especially to the judges in dealing with the disputes arising from agreements which have arbitration clauses so that the advantages of the arbitration van be really effective.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denny Afriyuliany
"Pesatnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ekonomi mendorong pemerintah untuk melakukan upaya peningkatan pendapatan nasional di bidang pembangunan. Salah satunya memanfaatk:an tanah ulayat yang pada dasarnya merupakan kepunyaan masyarakat hukum adat. Menurut hukum adat Minangkabau, tanah ulayat memiliki sifat kolektif, dimana peruntukkaffi.?ya ditujukan bagi kesejahteraan komunitas pemilik tanah ulayat. Pemanfaatan tanah ulayat dapat dilakukan oleh pemilik tanah ulayat, pemerintah maupun pihak investor/pengusaha. Bagi pihak investor yang melakukan pemanfaatan tanah ulayat di "Ranah Minang" ini, harus melewati prosedur sesuai dengan hukum adat Minangkabau. Yaitu meminta kesepakatan seluruh anggota pemilik tanah ulayat dengan menuangkannya dalam suatu perjanjian pemanfaatan.

The rapidly of economic development is the reason for government to have increase the national income. One of the act is using ulayat land that basically prescriptive law society as the owner. According to the Minangkabau prescriptive law society, ulayat land has collectiveness at ownership, that is priority to fullfil needed of community ulayat land owner. The owner of ulayat land, government and investor can do utilizing the ulayat land. For investor who utilize ulayat land in "Ranah Minang", have to performed by all procedures according to Minangkabau prescriptive law. That is ask all of community who authorized the ulayat land with a pattern of utilization agreement.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riska Komala
"Notaris berperan dalam pembuatan suatu akta autentik. Kredit adalah pemberian prestasi oleh suatu pihak kepada pihak lain yang membutuhkan dan oleh pihak yang menerima prestasi berjanji akan mengembalikan prestasi tersebut pada jangka waktu tertentu. Istilah pemalsuan tidak selalu diartikan memalsukan surat atau sejenisnya tetapi termasuk juga isi berita atau informasi yang langsung diucapkan dan tidak mengandung kebenaran Maka penulis dengan ini membahas mengenai 'Akibat Hukum Terhadap Akta Notaris Atas Ketidak Benaran Keterangan Penghadap (Studi Kasus: Akta Perjanjian Kredit Antara Bank D dengan PT PK)' dengan pokok permasalahan bagaimana kedudukan akta yang dibuat Notaris apabila ada keterangan palsu yang diberikan penghadap? dan bagaimana perlindungan terhadap Notaris yang membuat aktanya? Penulis melakukan penelitian ini dianalisis secara deskriptif analitis dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Dengan simpulan bahwa akta tersebut tetap menjadi akta autentik sepanjang belum diputuskan pengadilan dan Notaris tidak dapat dipersalahkan dalam hal ini karena sudah membuat akta sesuai dengan Undang-Undang.

Notary have a role to making a authentik deed. Credit is giving a performance by a side to the other side who need it and by a side who approve a performance to promise will return that performance at specific periode of time. Term of false not only have a meaning false in making a document or of a find but also an information who someone said and it isn't contains a true. So writter make observation with theme 'The Legal Consequences Of False Information By The Appearer In Notarial Deed (Case Study: Loan Agreement Between Bank D and PT PK)' with the main problem are how to Notarial deed if happens false information by appearer? And how to protect the Notary which make a Notarial deed? Writer make this observation using an analysis with descriptive analytical and with using a approachment juridical normatif. The conclusion are notarial deed still be autentik before have judgement from jurisdiction and Notary make a notarial deed with regulation so Notary can't be a someone who make fault in a notarial deed."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anthony Kristanto
Penelitian ini membahas tentang Perjanjian Bangun Guna Serah (Build, Operate
and Transfer/ BOT) yang merupakan istilah baru dalam kegiatan ekonomi
Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah
penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif dan menggunakan alat
pengumpul data yang berupa studi dokumen baik data primer maupun data
sekunder. Adapun pengertian BOT adalah pemanfaatan barang milik kekayaan
negara atau swasta/ perorangan yang berupa tanah oleh pihak lain, dimana pihak
tersebut diberikan hak untuk membangun bangunan dan/ atau sarana lain berikut
fasilitas di atas tanah tersebut, serta mendayagunakannya dalam jangka waktu
tertentu, untuk kemudian menyerahkan kembali tanah, bangunan, dan/ atau sarana
lain berikut fasilitas tersebut beserta pendayagunaannya kepada Departemen/
Lembaga atau pemilik lahan bersangkutan setelah berakhirnya jangka waktu yang
disepakati. Dalam perjanjian BOT ada kemungkinan terjadinya wanprestasi,
dalam hal ini wanprestasi terjadi antara PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk.; Dana
Pensiun BRI Dengan PT. Mulia Persada Pacific. PT. Mulia Persada Pacific
dianggap melakukan wanprestasi karena tidak memenuhi beberapa kewajibannya
yang sudah diperjanjikan yang pada akhirnya harus diselesaikan melalui
pengadilan yang berakibat pada berakhirnya perjanjian BOT tersebut dan PT.
Mulia Persada Pacific harus membayar biaya ganti rugi, denda dan bunga serta
biaya perkaranya. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan agar perjanjian BOT perlu
segera dibuat pengaturan khusus yang dapat berupa peraturan perundangundangan
ataupun peraturan pemerintah serta para pihak yang berkepentingan
dalam perjanjian BOT harus lebih selektif dalam memilih mitra kerjasamanya.

This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners.;This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners.;This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners., This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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