ABSTRAKPertumbuhan perekonomian di Indonesia kian lama kian meningkat dan
terus tumbuh ditengah krisis ekonomi yang melanda dunia. Kondisi seperti ini
memerlukan sarana insfrastruktur yang sangat memadai sebagai alat mobilitas
masyarakat dari daerah satu ke daerah lainnya. Pembangunan industri transportasi
juga merupakan salah satu rencana yang harus dijalankan oleh pemerintah dalam
melakukan pembangunan dan percepatan ekonomi Indonesia. Kereta api adalah
jawaban dari masalah transportasi di Indonesia. Akan tetapi PT Kereta Api
Indoensia pada masa lalu selalu terpuruk dan dianaktirikan. Tujuan dari penelitian
ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran dan pembelajaran tentang bagaimana
sebuah organisasi perusahaan berkembang dan berevolusi dari masa kemasa.
Sehingga kita dapat memprediksi bagaimana organisasi tersebut pada masa yang
akan datang.
ABSTRACTIndonesia's economy has been increasing even though world's economic crisis. A
county in this situation needs a proper infrastructure for public to mobilize from
one point to other. The development in transportation industry is one of the aspect
government needs to process immediately to optimize the economic growth.
Developing public train as mass transportation might have been the answer for
Indonesia all along.But in the other side, PT Kereta Api Indonesia, as one of
Indonesia's co rporate in public train transportation, had been through the worse in
their history. The main purpose of this study and research is to get the descriptions
about how an organization in a company grows and develops from time to time.
So that we can learn about the pattern and predict the strategy for the future, Indonesia’s economy has been increasing even though world’s economic crisis. A
county in this situation needs a proper infrastructure for public to mobilize from
one point to other. The development in transportation industry is one of the aspect
government needs to process immediately to optimize the economic growth.
Developing public train as mass transportation might have been the answer for
Indonesia all along.But in the other side, PT Kereta Api Indonesia, as one of
Indonesia's co rporate in public train transportation, had been through the worse in
their history. The main purpose of this study and research is to get the descriptions
about how an organization in a company grows and develops from time to time.
So that we can learn about the pattern and predict the strategy for the future]"