ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagi perusahaan untuk dapat mengantisipasi kebangkrutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan dari rasio-rasio keuangan dari tahun 2010 sampai 2014.
Pada penelitian ini dalam melakukan analisis menggunakan model Altman untuk memprediksi kebangkrutan yang di batasi pada perusahaan-perusahaan pengembang properti. Dimana sampel yang digunakan adalah 35 perusahaan dengan menggunakan rasio-rasio keuangan sebagai indikator atas keadaan likuiditas, efisien, leverage, dan probabilitas perusahaan.
Pemodelan ini menggunakan metode analisis diskriman untuk memperoleh model yang baik. Hasil dari analisis diskriminan ini didapat rasio yang berpengaruh yaitu Working Capital, Total liabilities, Retain Earning , Total Asset, MVE,EBIT terhadap kebangkrutan.
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to analyze for companies to be able to anticipate bankruptcy. This study use financial ratios from 2010 to 2014. In this research using Altman model for bankruptcy in the limit on property development companies. The samples used were 35 companies using financial ratios as an indicator of the state of liquidity, efficient, leverage, and the probability of the company. This modeling a method discriminant analysis to obtain a good model. Results of discriminant analysis is obtained that affect the ratio current assets, current liabilities, net income, Retain Earnings, Total Assets, Operating Income, Net Sales for bankruptcy.
;This study aimed to analyze for companies to be able to anticipate bankruptcy. This study use financial ratios from 2010 to 2014. In this research using Altman model for bankruptcy in the limit on property development companies. The samples used were 35 companies using financial ratios as an indicator of the state of liquidity, efficient, leverage, and the probability of the company. This modeling a method discriminant analysis to obtain a good model. Results of discriminant analysis is obtained that affect the ratio current assets, current liabilities, net income, Retain Earnings, Total Assets, Operating Income, Net Sales for bankruptcy.
;This study aimed to analyze for companies to be able to anticipate bankruptcy. This study use financial ratios from 2010 to 2014. In this research using Altman model for bankruptcy in the limit on property development companies. The samples used were 35 companies using financial ratios as an indicator of the state of liquidity, efficient, leverage, and the probability of the company. This modeling a method discriminant analysis to obtain a good model. Results of discriminant analysis is obtained that affect the ratio current assets, current liabilities, net income, Retain Earnings, Total Assets, Operating Income, Net Sales for bankruptcy.
;This study aimed to analyze for companies to be able to anticipate bankruptcy. This study use financial ratios from 2010 to 2014. In this research using Altman model for bankruptcy in the limit on property development companies. The samples used were 35 companies using financial ratios as an indicator of the state of liquidity, efficient, leverage, and the probability of the company. This modeling a method discriminant analysis to obtain a good model. Results of discriminant analysis is obtained that affect the ratio current assets, current liabilities, net income, Retain Earnings, Total Assets, Operating Income, Net Sales for bankruptcy.
, This study aimed to analyze for companies to be able to anticipate bankruptcy. This study use financial ratios from 2010 to 2014. In this research using Altman model for bankruptcy in the limit on property development companies. The samples used were 35 companies using financial ratios as an indicator of the state of liquidity, efficient, leverage, and the probability of the company. This modeling a method discriminant analysis to obtain a good model. Results of discriminant analysis is obtained that affect the ratio current assets, current liabilities, net income, Retain Earnings, Total Assets, Operating Income, Net Sales for bankruptcy.