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Agustyadewi Srinawangsari
Penelitian ini membahas dampak penerapan PSAK 30 (Sewa) terkait konvergensi PSAK ke IFRS. Perubahan mendasar dari konvergensi tersebut adalah perubahan pendekatan dari rule based menjadi principle based. Penerapan standar tersebut memerlukan interpretasi dan judgment dari pengguna standar atas substansi transaksi sehingga dapat diperoleh justifikasi yang memadai. Dalam ketentuan perpajakan, terdapat pengaturan khusus atas transaksi leasing. Perbedaan pengaturan atas transaksi leasing menurut PSAK 30 dan ketentuan perpajakan akan meningkatkan biaya kepatuhan pajak, namun perbedaan tersebut masih dapat diatasi melalui rekonsiliasi fiskal. Apabila ketentuan perpajakan diselaraskan dengan standar akuntansi, perubahan pendekatan dari rule based menjadi principle based menimbulkan perubahan yang bersifat on balance sheet yang berdampak pada penurunan penerimaan pajak dari Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 23. Dengan demikian harmonisasi peraturan perpajakan dengan SAK tidak perlu dilakukan dengan pertimbangan utama prinsip kepastian dalam pemungutan pajak dan fungsi yang diemban pajak sebagai fungsi budgeter dan reguler.

The focus of this study is impact of application of PSAK 30 on lease accordance to convergence PSAK to IFRS. The basic change for said convergence is approach change from rule based to principle based. All user should have interpretation and judgment for transaction subtance to gain reasonable justification. On tax side, there are any special rule on leasing transaction. The difference of leasing transaction treatment between PSAK rules and tax rules will increase tax compliance cost, but we still can cover by fiscal adjustment. If the tax regulations are aligned with accounting standard, change of the rule-based approach to principle-based approach cause changes that are on the balance sheet that will impact on the decrease of tax revenue from income tax Article 23. For the said reason, harmonization tax rules and SAK will not be done by consideration of certainty principle on tax and the tax function as the budgeter and reguler."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This thesis covered the income tax treatment of leasing transaction in PT. Y. The topic was chosen after the writer have had seen so many regulation about leasing practical. It became a curiosity for the author, whether some regulation does not match to other, or the confusion that might happen among the users. Subject matter of these researches is what the tax clerk might do in a leasing transaction to meet the income tax system regulation. With a list, taxation duty that has been accomplished by PT Y, divergence that is occurred in the leasing, and the efforts in order to make the leasing transaction is more appropriate to the tax income regulation. The research method is a descriptive approach to the case study, which is a research about status of the subject matter that links with some specific phase.
Leasing defined as a practical of cost activity that supply capital goods according to either option right or non-option right to some lessee to used for the installment. There are draft theories in this thesis. First, economy principle from a leasing transaction which contain leasing that define from various theories and the divergence in leasing with a transaction such as renting activity, hire purchase, installment sales and credit loan, the advantage and disadvantage of a leasing transaction activity. Second, taxes, which generally contain tax definition, basic law of tax in Indonesia, taxes from various opinions, tax function and tax principle. Third, the tax and account treatment of leasing transaction, tax and account treatment from a leasing transaction as well.
Income tax system from a leasing transaction is contained with tax income policy, act of tax linking to a leasing transaction, which is the decree of the republic of Indonesia and Exposure Draft as well. The Author also adding the certainty rules that is interrelated with leasing industries in Indonesian which contains Presidential decree of the Republic of Indonesia about the financing institution, circular letter from the Ministry of Finance Affairs, Ministry of Industrial Affairs, and Ministry of commerce Affairs about the operation license of the leasing company, the regulation, and the implementation systems of financing institution.
Author has had interviewing PT Y as a lesser, some lessee from PT Y and tax staff in Madya Tax Service Office Central of Jakarta and Central Tax Office of Directorate General of Taxation as research object to build the body of work in this thesis. From the interviewed, they had given the answers of the subject matters in this thesis for the author. The taxes staff had suggested the author to review some tax policy. Capital goods grouping that mentioned in the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia which had been adapted to a valid income tax law. Whereas from the lesser and lessee, the author obtaining some complains due to the divergence which are occurred in the fields and the lack of comprehension of the taxation rules from the lessee: Therefore, the author has obtained more comprehension about the cases that related with a leasing transaction which occur in the fields it self.
The interviewed with all those three parties has been analyzed by the author is connected to subject matter in these thesis. And it could be connected as well with income tax policy and the implementation regulation upon leasing transaction. The author found that implementation regulation of tax is still inappropriate yet one and another. The unstable and inappropriate law could merge some problem, which caused the lesser, and the country loosed.
There are some conclusion from these research which is the lesser had claimed that the tax clerk ask for the fee, but that was before Madya Tax Service Office had been formed. Some more, there is lack of knowledge of the tax clerk according to leasing transaction's policy. According to the conclusion above, Tax Commission has changed all the Tax Service Office into Madya Tax Service Office, such as Tax Service Office Madya central of Jakarta. Training and education are suggested to tax clerk to enhance human resource among Directorate General of Taxation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitopu, Armelia Sri Wulandari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dampak dari pengimplementasian IFRS terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan di Indonesia, dan difokuskan pada satu standar akuntansi yaitu standar akuntansi sewa (PSAK 30). Penelitian ini menggunakan data perusahaan publik yang tercatat di BEI untuk periode 2002-2012 yang melaporkan transaksi sewa operasi dan sewa pembiayaannya.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengimplementasian IFRS khususnya standar akuntansi sewa meningkatkan value relevance dari informasi akuntansi dimana value relevance PSAK 30 (Revisi 2007) lebih tinggi dibandingkan PSAK 30 (1994) dan PSAK 30 (Revisi 2011) lebih tinggi dibandingkan PSAK 30 (Revisi 2007). Hal ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kualitas informasi akuntansi dengan dilakukannya penyempurnaan atas PSAK 30 (Revisi 2007). Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan adanya perbedaan valuasi investor atas harga saham perusahaan pada masa krisis dibandingkan pada masa normal, dimana investor lebih teliti dalam membaca laporan keungan pada masa terjadinya krisis.

This research aims to examine the impact of IFRS implementation on the quality of financial statement in Indonesia, focused on one accounting standard: leasing (PSAK 30). This study uses data of public companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) which report its financial and operating lease transaction during 2002-2012.
The result of this research shows that implementation of IFRS, especially lease accounting standard increase value relevance of accounting information where value relevance of PSAK 30 (Revisi 2007) is higher than PSAK 30 (1994) and value relevance of PSAK 30 (Revisi 2011) is higher than PSAK 30 (Revisi 2007). This shows that there is an increasing in accounting information quality by improving PSAK 30 (Revisi 2007) to PSAK 30 (Revisi 2011). In this research also found there is a valuation difference on companies share price by investor during period of crisis compared to normal period. Investors become more thorough in reading the financial statements during the period of crisis."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Saumun Qodri
"Laporan magang ini membahas mengenai perlakuan akuntansi atas pengakuan pendapatan sewa dan pengungkapan atas transaksi sewa pada PT Bengawan, salah satu perusahaan rental kendaraan roda empat terkemuka di Indonesia yang dianalisis menggunakan dua standar akuntansi yaitu PSAK 30 yang diimplementasikan penuh saat periode pelaporan dan PSAK 73 yang akan berlaku efektif per 1 Januari 2020. Selain itu dalam laporan magang ini juga membahas mengenai prosedur audit atas akun pendapatan PT Bengawan untuk periode yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2017. Berdasarkan analisis perlakuan akuntansi, PT Bengawan telah mengimplementasikan PSAK 30 secara penuh baik dari pengakuan hingga pengungkapannya. Berdasarkan hasil proses audit, laporan keuangan konsolidasian PT Bengawan telah disajikan dengan wajar untuk segala hal yang bersifat material. Perlakuan akuntansi dan prosedur audit yang dijalankan tim audit KAP MTY telah sesuai dengan teori dan standar yang berlaku.

This internship report is aimed to explain the accounting treatment for the recognition of rental income and disclosure of lease transactions of PT Bengawan, one of best four-wheeled rental companies in Indonesia that analyzed using two accounting standards which are PSAK 30 that fully implemented during the reporting period and PSAK 73 which is effective as of January 1, 2020. In addition, this report also discusses about audit procedures for PT Bengawan 39;s revenue account for the period ended December 31, 2017. Based on the analysis of accounting treatment, PT Bengawan has fully implemented of PSAK 30 from the recognition to the disclosure section. Based on the results of the audit process, the consolidated financial statements of PT Bengawan have been fairly presented for all material matters. The accounting treatment and audit procedures that conducted by the KAP MTY have been in accordance with prevailing theories and standards."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Afwan
"Semakin bervariasi bentuk perjanjian sewa guna usaha, membuat para pengguna dari perjanjian sewa guna usaha tersebut mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan klasifikasi jenis sewa yang ada pada perjanjian sewa guna usaha itu. PSAK 30 (revisi 2011) mengatur ketentuan-ketentuan yang harus dipenuhi dalam menentukan klasifikasi perjanjian sewa guna usaha di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode studi literatur dan penelitian lapangan, penelitian ini menganalisis pengklasifikasian suatu perjanjian sewa guna usaha dari sewa operasi menjadi sewa pembiayaan dan dampak jika terjadi perubahan terhadap laporan keuangan serta rasio keuangan PT PIP.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pengakuan piutang sewa pembiayaan sebesar Rp 32.796.105.295 dan berkurangnya nilai buku aset tetap PT PIP sebesar Rp 32.634.423.873. Sedangkan pada rasio keuangan terjadi perubahan yang cukup besar pada rasio periode penagihan rata-rata yang meningkat 84%, perputaran piutang usaha yang menurun sebesar 46% dan perputaran aset tetap yang meningkat sebesar 1.040% setelah mengalami perubahan menjadi sewa pembiayaan.

The more veried the form of lease agreement, makes the users of lease agreement face difficulties to determine the classification of lease agreement. PSAK 30 (revised 2011) provides rules to be completed in classifiying a lease agreement in Indonesia. By using the library research and field research methods, this research analyzes the classification of lease agreement from operating lease to finance lease and the effects if any changes to PT PIP financial statements and financial ratio.
The results of this research are the recognition of lease receivables amounting to Rp 32,796,105,295 and declined the PT PIP book value of fixed assets amounting to Rp 32,634,423,873. While on financial ratios have substantial changes in the average collection period increased by 84%, accounts receivable turnover decreased by 46% and fixed assets turnover increased by 1,040% after changing into a finance lease.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Reza
"Penelitian skripsi ini memiliki dua tujuan. Tujuan pertama adalah untuk menganalisis perlakuan PPh badan atas pembayaran sewa sebagai allowable deduction dari sisi penyewa setelah pemberlakuan PSAK 73 berdasarkan asas ease of administration. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk menganalisis perlakuan withholding tax atas pembayaran imbalan sewa dari sisi penyewa setelah pemberlakuan PSAK 73 berdasarkan asas ease of administration. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan post-positivist yang pengumpulan datanya dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan dan wawancara mendalam. Berdasarkan analisis atas data yang telah dikumpulkan tersebut, diperoleh dua kesimpulan sebagai jawaban atas dua pertanyaan penelitian. Pertama, perlakuan PPh badan atas pembayaran sewa sebagai allowable deduction dari sisi penyewa setelah pemberlakuan PSAK 73 tidak memenuhi asas ease of administration karena asas clarity dan economy tidak terpenuhi. Sementara itu, untuk kesimpulan kedua, perlakuan withholding tax atas pembayaran imbalan sewa dari sisi penyewa setelah pemberlakuan PSAK 73 tidak sepenuhnya memenuhi asas ease of administration karena asas clarity tidak terpenuhi. Atas dua kesimpulan tersebut, dihasilkan dua saran. Untuk saran pertama, diperbaruinya KMK No. 1169/KMK.01/1991 atau diperkenalkannya suatu ketentuan pajak baru yang mengatur perlakuan transaksi sewa, yang sebaiknya dapat menjelaskan konsekuensi dari adanya perbedaan pengakuan dan pengukuran antara akuntansi dan pajak. Sedangkan, untuk saran kedua, pengaturan konsep utang dalam Pasal 4 ayat (2) PP 34/2017 sebaiknya diperjelas agar tidak menimbulkan ketidakpastian

This undergraduate thesis aims to accomplish two objectives. The first objective is to analyze the treatment of corporate income tax on lease payments as an allowable deduction from the lessee's perspective after the implementation of PSAK 73 based on the principle of ease of administration. The second objective is to analyze the treatment of withholding tax on lease payments from the lessee's perspective after the implementation of PSAK 73 based on the principle of ease of administration. This research utilizes a post-positivist approach, with data collection conducted through literature review and in-depth interviews. Based on the analysis of the collected data, two conclusions are drawn in response to the research questions. First, the treatment of corporate income tax on lease payments as an allowable deduction from the lessee's perspective after the implementation of PSAK 73 does not meet the principle of ease of administration because the principles of clarity and economy are not fulfilled. Meanwhile, for the second conclusion, the treatment of withholding tax on lease payments from the lessee's perspective after the implementation of PSAK 73 does not fully meet the principle of ease of administration because the principle of clarity is not fulfilled. Based on these two conclusions, two recommendations are proposed. The first recommendation is to update KMK No. 1169/KMK.01/1991 or introduce a new tax regulation that governs the treatment of lease transactions. This new regulation should clarify the consequences of the differences in recognition and measurement between accounting and taxation. As for the second recommendation, the concept of debt in Article 4, paragraph (2) of Government Regulation No. 34/2017 should be clarified to avoid causing uncertainty."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dilla Andyana Sari
"Laporan magang ini menganalisis prosedur audit AAA Indonesia dan penerapan PSAK 30 revisi 2011 atas sewa pembiayaan PT. SHB, suatu perusahaan jasa kesehatan. Pengadaaan sebagian besar aset medis PT. SHB dilakukan dengan menggunakan skema sewa pembiayaan. Masalah yang muncul pada sewa pembiayaan ini berkaitan dengan pembatalan perjanjian sewa, prosedur audit AAA Indonesia yang meliputi prosedur konfirmasi pihak ekternal dan prosedur penilaian going concern entitas, dan jawaban konfirmasi yang dibuat oleh pihak perusahaan pembiayaan. Hasil analisis menyimpulkan perlunya penyesuaian yang dilakukan oleh PT. SHB terkait pembatalan perjanjian dan perbaikan prosedur audit AAA Indonesia serta pembenahan dalam pembuatan jadwal pembayaran oleh pihak ketiga.

This report analyzes the lease audit procedures done by AAA Indonesia and the implementation of PSAK 30 revised 2011 in PT. SHB, a health care company. In order to acquire its medical equipment, PT. SHB uses financing lease as an option to provide most of its medical equipment. The main problems arising on these financing lease agreements are related to the cancellation of the lease agreement, the audit procedures held by AAA Indonesia that include the external confirmation procedure and going concern entity assessment, and confirmation responses made by third parties. The analysis results conclude the need for adjustments made by PT. SHB related to the cancellation of agreements, improvement of AAA Indonesia audit procedure, and enhancement in the preparation of leasing schedules by third parties."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bima Andriansyah Harimurti
"Skripsi ini tentang Analisis dan Audit atas Penerapan PSAK 30 serta dampaknya terhadap Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Jasa Angkutan Udara: Studi Kasus pada PT EEA. PT EEA merupakan perusahaan jasa angkutan udara, bergerak di bidang jasa charter pesawat terbang dan penerbangan reguler. PT EEA memperoleh aset utamanya, yaitu pesawat, dengan cara sewa. Isu utama yang terdapat dalam pencatatan dan pengakuan sewa adalah mengenai klasifikasi perjanjian sewa, yang dari sisi PT EEA sebagai lessee, dapat dibagi menjadi sewa pembiayaan dan sewa operasi yang masing-masing memiliki perbedaan pencatatan yang signifikan terhadap laporan keuangan. Kesimpulannya adalah di dalam perusahaan jasa angkutan udara ini, klasifikasi sewa yang tepat dan konsisten berdasarkan substansi perjanjian sewa pesawat dan semua kriteria-kriteria dalam PSAK 30 adalah sewa operasi.

This thesis contains the Analysis and Audit of the Application of PSAK 30 and Its Impact on Air Transportation Services Company Financial Statement's: A Case Study in PT EEA. PT EEA is an air transportation service company engaged in aircraft charter services and regular flights. PT EEA acquire its main asset, the aircraft used in its business, by lease. The main issues contained in the lease recording and recognition is the classification of lease agreement, by which PT EEA in this case act as lessee, that can be divided into finance leases and operating leases, each of which has the significant distinction of recording in the financial statements. The conclusion is, in this air transportation service company, the correct and consistent classification of aircraft leases based on the substance of the lease agreement and the criteria?s in PSAK 30 is an operating lease."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alexander Mamboretta
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah perusahaan telah menerapkan pelaporan dan pengungkapan akuntansi atas transaksi sewa pada perusahaan pembiayaan sesuai PSAK 30 tentang sewa yang telah diadopsi dari IFRS secara bertahap oleh DSAK-IAI. Penelitian juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan terkini isu penerapan konsep joint project IAS 17 IASB dan FASB atas akuntansi sewa pada perusahaan pembiayaan. Tujuan penelitian juga untuk menganalisis kebijakan perusahaan pembiayaan dalam menentukan segmentasi pasarnya sesuai penerapan PSAK 30 tentang sewa. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah studi kasus pada dua perusahaan pembiayaan di Jakarta yang memiliki karakter dan latar belakang usaha yang berbeda sebagai objek penelitian. Analisis pembahasan terhadap dua perusahaan pembiayaan secara umum telah melakukan penerapan PSAK 30 meskipun masih terdapat beberapa hal yang masih perlu diperbaiki. Pada konsep joint project IAS 17 tentang sewa kedua perusahaan telah mengetahui dan siap menerapkan konsep tersebut. Berdasarkan kebijakan dan analisis perhitungan PSAK 30 tentang sewa, perusahaan pembiayaan juga telah menerapkan PSAK 30 tentang sewa dalam menentukan segmentasi pasar perusahaan.

This research objective is to analyze whether the report and disclose of accounting for lease transactions has implement in accordance with PSAK 30 on Lease from IFRS that have been adopted gradually by DSAK IAI. This research also intend to perceive the current progress issue of the implementation joint project concept IAS 17 IASB and FASB on lease accounting at finance companies. This research also intend to analyze the companys financing policy in determining market segmentation in accordance PSAK 30 on Lease. The research method in this study is a case study in two finance companies in Jakarta, which has the character and background of different businesses as a research object. Analysis of the discussion of the two finance companies in general have been doing PSAK 30 on Lease though there are still some things that still need to be improved. On the concept of joint project of IAS 17 Leases both companies have recognized this and are ready to apply the concept. Based on the policies and analysis concerning the calculation of PSAK 30 Leases, finance companies have also applied PSAK 30 on Lease in determine market segmentation."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Chelvin Romaretho
"Laporan magang ini membahas tentang prosedur audit KAP Lannister pada akun Pendapatan berdasarkan PSAK 23 dan PSAK 30 pada laporan keuangan PT Stark. PT Stark adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di industri keuangan dengan kegiatan usaha utamanya adalah sewa pembiayaan, pembiayaan konsumen, anjak piutang, dan pembiayaan working capital. Prosedur audit dilakukan atas pendapatan yang berasal dari kegiatan utama perusahaan dan pendapatan yang bukan berasal dari kegiatan utama perusahaan yaitu: pendapatan bunga bank, pendapatan administrasi, pendapatan penalti, dan pendapatan lain-lain. Setelah dilakukan prosedur audit sesuai standar yang berlaku, tim audit KAP Lannister memberikan opini wajar tanpa pengecualian atas laporan keuangan PT Stark untuk periode yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2017.

This report is aimed to explain the audit procedures conducted by KAP Lannister on Revenue Account of PT Stark, based on PSAK 23 and PSAK 30. PT Stark is a company operating in financal industry, with the main business activities of the company are financing lease, consumer financing, factoring, and working capital financing. Audit procedure is conducted on revenue that derived from the main business of the company, and revenue that not derived from the main business of the company, such as: interest revenue on current account, administration revenue, penalty revenue, and other revenues. After the audit procedures has been done, according to the applicable standard, audit team of KAP Lannister formed a unqualified opinion on the financial statements of PT Stark for the year ended December 31st, 2017."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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