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Nova Aulia Fadjar
"Data BPS Sulawesi Selatan 2012 menunjukkan bahwa ekspor perikanan, industri bambu, kayu dan rotan di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap nilai ekspor di Sulsel, dan juga banyak menyerap tenaga kerja dengan upah yang relatif rendah dibandingkan rata-rata nasional. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dan menganalisis besarnya dampak ekspor perikanan, ekspor produk industri bambu, kayu dan rotan dalam menciptakan nilai tambah regional bruto, beserta komponen-komponennya dan menentukan dan menganalisis besarnya dampak ekspor sektor tersebut terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja, dan ketahanan ekonomi daerah Sulsel. Penelitian ini didesain sebagai penelitian yang bersifat kuantitatif dan bersifat kausalitas yang didasarkan atas data sekunder, jurnal, artikel dan literatur yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan penelitian dan dianalisis dengan analisis dampak dari I-O (Input-Output) dari Wassily W. Leontief melalui pendekatan pada hubungan interdependensi antar sektor dalam suatu perekonomian yang dinyatakan dengan persamaan linear.
Desain penelitian ini diturunkan dari data I-O Sulawesi Selatan Atas Dasar Harga Produsen 112 sektor yang dipublikasikan oleh Balitbangda dan BPS Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan tahun 2009 yang diagregasi menjadi 30 sektor, dimana memuat sektor-sektor yang menjadi obyek penelitian dan bersifat kuantitatif.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dari Nilai Tambah Regional Bruto yang dihasilkan oleh ekspor perikanan Sulsel, sebesar 76% diterima pengusaha/ eksportir dalam bentuk surplus usaha, kemudian 19% diterima oleh nelayan dalam bentuk upah/ gaji, dan sebanyak 4% sebagai penyusutan, sisanya sebesar 1% diterima pemerintah dalam bentuk pajak tak langsung. Dan ekspor sektor perikanan Sulsel mampu menciptakan kesempatan kerja rata-rata sebanyak 155.153 orang setiap tahun. Sedangkan untuk NTRB yang dihasilkan oleh ekspor sektor industri bambu, kayu dan rotan Sulsel dengan komposisi 55% diterima sebagai surplus usaha, kemudian 33% upah/ gaji, sebanyak 9% penyusutan, dan 3% pajak tak langsung. Sektor industri bambu, kayu dan rotan di Sulsel mampu menciptakan kesempatan kerja rata-rata sebanyak 6.853 orang setiap tahun. Selain peningkatan pendapatan, ekspor sektor perikanan dan sektor industri bambu, kayu dan rotan Sulsel mampu menciptakan kesempatan kerja, hal ini dapat mendorong dan memperlancar pergerakan roda perekonomian Sulsel, sehingga meningkatkan keamanan, artinya ekspor sektor tersebut mampu meningkatkan Ketahanan Ekonomi Daerah Sulsel melalui meningkatnya kesejahteraan dan keamanan Sulawesi Selatan.

BPS Data South Sulawesi 2012 shows that fishery exports, bamboo industries, wood and rattan in South Sulawesi has been given a great contribution to the value of exports in South Sulawesi, and also has been absorbed labor in relatively low wage compared to the national average. This research aims to identify and analyze the impact of fishery exports, exports of bamboo industry product, wood and rattan in creating regional gross value added, and their components also to determine and analyze the impact of the export sector on labor absorption and regional economic security in South Sulawesi. This study is designed as a quantitative and causality research which is based on secondary data, journals, articles and literatures related to the research problem and analyzed with analysis of the impact of IO (Input-Output) by Wassily W. Leontief through the relationship of interdependence approach among economy sectors represented by a linear equation.
The design of the research was derived from the IO data of South Sulawesi based on 112 manufacturer sectors published by Balitbangda and BPS South Sulawesi on 2009 that was aggregated into 30 sectors, which was included the sectors that become the object of studies and quantitative.
The analysis result showed that Regional Gross Value Added generated by Sulawesi fishery exports, 76% received by entrepreneurs / exporters in the form of business surplus, and 19% received by fishermen in the form of wages / salary, and about 4% as depreciation, the rest 1 % received by the government in the form of indirect taxes. And South Sulawesi fishery exports are able to create job opportunities on average 155,153 people every year. Whereas for the NTRB generated by South Sulawesi bamboo industry export sector, wood and rattan with a composition of 55% received as surplus business, 33% as salary / wage, 9% of depreciation and 3% indirect tax. The industrial sector of bamboo, wood and rattan in South Sulawesi are able to create job opportunities with an average of 6853 people in every year. Besides increasing revenue, fishery export sector and the industrial sector of bamboo, wood and rattan of South Sulawesi are able to create job, it also able to encourage and facilitate the movement on the wheels of the economy in South Sulawesi, strengthen security, it means that the export sector is able to strengthen regional economic security in South Sulawesi through prosperity and security."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Halim, auhtor
"Salah satu komoditi ekspor di Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang memberikan nilai tambah bruto cukup besar, ialah Kopi. Permasalahan yang ada dalam penelitian untuk tesis ini ialah tingkat upah pekerja di sektor perkebunan relatif rendah apabila dibandingkan dengan tingkat upah perkebunan di tingkat nasional. Disamping itu lulusan SD sampai dengan SMA yang ada di pedesaan cukup banyak yang menganggur. Peranan ekspor kopi cukup banyak memberikan lapangan pekerjaan di pedesaan, namun demikian berapa besar dampak ekspor kopi itu terhadap nilai tambah regional bruto dan penyerapan tenaga kerja kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir belum diketahui.
Tujuan penelitian ini ialah (1) Menghitung dampak ekspor kopi terhadap penciptaan nilai tambah regional bruto di Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan dari tahun 2007 sampai tahun 2011. (2) Menghitung dampak ekspor kopi tersebut terhadap upah pekerja di sektor perkebunan kopi tersebut. (3) Menghitung dampak ekspor kopi terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja disektor perkebunan kopi di Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut (1) Dampak ekspor kopi terhadap nilai tambah regional bruto di Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan cukup signifikan, tiap penambahan ekspor satu persen, mampu meningkatkan nilai tambah bruto 2.32 persen (elastisitasnya è = 2,32 > 1). (2) Dampak ekspor kopi terhadap upah pekerja di perkebunan kopi sepertiga dari pendapatan surplus usaha di perkebunan kopi. (3) Terdapat korelasi positif antara ekspor kopi Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan dengan penyerapan tenaga kerja di sektor perkebunan kopi.

One of the export commodities from South Sulawesi Province giving large additional bruto value is coffee. The existing problem in this research is that the labour wage in the coffee plantation is relatively low compared to national labour wage. Besides, many elementary school and high school graduates are unemployed. Coffee export's role in increasing the regional additional bruto value and providing job opportunities is not yet known.
The objective of this research are (1) To measure the impact of coffee export on additional bruto value in South Sulawesi Province. (2) To measure impact of coffee export on the labour wage in the coffee plantation (3) To measure the impact of coffee export on the job availability in the coffee plantation in South Sulawesi Province.
The research indicates as follows : (1) The impact of coffee export on the regional additional bruto value is quite significant. Each additional in export of 1 % can increase additional bruto value to 2.32 percent (it means the elasticity = è = 2,32 > 1). (2) The impact of coffee export on labour wage in the coffee plantation is one third of the surplus income in the coffee plantation. (3) There is a positive correlation between coffee export in Sulawesi Selatan Province and the job availability in the coffee plantation."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Sarino Rahmadi
"Negara Kepulauan Indonesia memerlukan alat transportasi laut (angkutan air) baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Data menunjukkan bahwa investasi untuk angkutan air amat sedikit dibandingkan dengan kebutuhannya. Permasalahan yang ada dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1). Berapa besar dampak Investasi sektor perhubungan laut terhadap penciptaan Nilai Tambah Bruto (NTB) (2). Berapa besar dampak Investasi sektor Perhubungan Laut dalam Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja (3). Berapa besar backward linkage dan forward linkage akibat investasi di sektor perhubungan laut.
Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mengukur dan menganalisis dampak investasi sektor perhubungan laut terhadap penciptaan NTB. (2) Menghitung dan menganalisis dampak multiplier yang ditimbulkan investasi perhubungan laut dalam penyerapan tenaga kerja serta implikasinya pada Ketahanan Nasional (3) Menghitung dan menganalisis besarnya backward linkage dan forward linkage akibat investasi di sektor perhubungan laut. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Input-Output dengan tahun dasar 2010, periode yang diteliti adalah data investasi perhubungan laut 2007-2012.
Hasil Menunjukkan Investasi di sektor perhubungan laut periode 2007-2012 dengan rata-rata: Rp 922.887 JT berdampak kepada: (1) NTB di sektor perhubungan laut dengan ratarata sebesar Rp 295.826 JT, dan Elastisitas NTB perhubungan laut rata-rata 0,86411 (2) Penciptaan tenaga kerja di sektor perhubungan laut dengan rata-rata 5.525 orang, Elastisitas tenaga kerja perhubungan laut rata-rata 0,69; implikasinya pada Ketahanan Nasional cukup baik karena banyak menyerap tenaga kerja (3) Forward Linkage dan Backward Linkage yang kuat pada sektor: Industri alat pengangkutan dan perbaikannya, Backward Linkage terkuat sektor Angkutan Darat: 1,295 dan Forward Linkage terbesar sektor Perdagangan: 2,652. Perhubungan laut (angkutan air) Backward Linkage: 1,215 dan Forward Linkage: 0,766.

The Indonesian archipelagic states require sea transport (water transport) both in quantity and quality. The data show that investment in water transport is very little compared to the needs. Existing problems in this study were: (1). How large is the impact of marine transportation sector investments towards the creation of Gross Value Added (NTB) (2). How large is the impact of investments in the sector of Sea of Manpower Absorption (3). How large is the backward linkage and forward linkage due to investment in marine transportation sector.
The study objectives were: (1) To Measure and analyze the impact of marine transportation sector investments towards the creation of NTB. (2) To Calculate and analyze the multiplier effects generated sea transportation investment in employment and its implications on National Security (3) To Calculate and analyze the magnitude of backward linkage and forward linkage due to investments in the marine transportation sector. The method used is the Input-Output method with the base year 2010, the period under study is a marine transportation investment data from 2007 to 2012.
Results Shows Investment in sea transportation sector with the period 2007-2012 average: Rp 922 887 Milion impact on: (1) NTB in sea transportation sector with an average of Rp 295 826 Milion, and Elasticity NTB average sea transportation 0.86411 (2) Creation of employment in the marine transportation sector, with an average of 5,525 people, the labor elasticity sea transportation average 0.69; implications on National Resilience is quite good because a lot of employment (3) Forward and Backward Linkage Linkage strong on sectors: transportation equipment industry and improvement, the strongest sector Backward Linkage Land Transportation: 1,295 and Forward Linkage biggest trade sector: 2.652. Sea transportation (water transport) Backward Linkage: 1.215 and Forward Linkage: 0.766.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afrizal Agung Satria, athor
Indonesia kaya akan sumber daya laut terutama yang dapat dikelola dan dapat meningkatkan potensi ekonomi seperti rumput laut. Namun, sebagai negara kepulauan, potensi budidaya rumput laut dapat berkembang ketika nelayan mampu berinovasi. Salah satunya adalah pengembangan budidaya rumput laut di Pulau Tanakeke. Pulau Tanakeke memiliki potensi komoditas rumput laut Agrobisnis mencapai lebih dari 200 ton. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis kehidupan sosial-ekonomi masyarakat dalam budidaya rumput laut. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif seperti studi literatur, observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan nelayan, tokoh masyarakat, dan pemerintah daerah, penelitian dilakukan dalam jangka waktu dua bulan mulai dari September sampai dengan Oktober 2016, berfokus pada wawancara mendalam dengan pemerintah daerah, tokoh masyarakat, pelaku ekonomi atau nelayan, dan masyarakat setempat sebagai sumber data primer. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa potensi budidaya rumput laut di pulau Tanakeke dapat meningkatkan sosio-ekonomi bagi penduduk pulau. Diharapkan intervensi sosial dan peningkatan pengetahuan nelayan, terutama dalam cara pengolahan rumput laut menjadi produk jadi, seperti makanan ringan atau barang setengah jadi, potensi masa depan budidaya rumput laut bisa mendukung ketahanan ekonomi daerah di pulau Tanakeke, sambil meningkatkan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat pulau.at, Ketahanan Ekonomi.

Indonesia is rich in marine resources especially those that can be managed and can increase the economic potential such as seaweed. However, as an Archipelago nation, the potential of seaweed cultivation can develop when the fishermen were able to innovate. One of the development of seaweed cultivation in the island Tanakeke. Tanakeke Island has reached more than 200 ton potential of seaweed Agribusiness commodities. This is the result of field research aimed to analyze the social and economic life of society in seaweed cultivation. By using qualitative methods such as literature studies, observations and interviews with fishermen, community leaders, and local governments, research carried out within a period of two months from September to October 2016, focusing on in depth interviews with local governments, community leaders, economists or fishermens, and the local community as the primary data source. The results of this study found that the potential of seaweed cultivation in Tanakeke island can improve the socio economic for the islanders. Expected social intervention and increased knowledge of fishermen, especially in the way seaweed processing into finished products, such as snacks or semi finished goods, the future potential of seaweed farming could support local economic resilience in the island Tanakeke, while increasing prosperity for the people of the island."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasibuan, Abdul Hakim
Pengusahaan potensi panas bumi Indonesia baru termanfaatkan 1.403,5 MegaWatt dari 28.910 MW pada 312 lokasi dalam 67 WKP, faktualnya dimana area potensi panas bumi terdeteksi disitu terdapat beberapa kepentingan yang menyimpan potensi konflik, namun Chevron Geothermal Salak, Ltd satu investor yang berani investasi dan berhasil mengelola panas bumi Gunung Salak dengan aman. Penelitian kualitatif ini untuk mendiskripsikan keberhasilan CGS tanpa konflik dengan berbagai kepentingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan CGS melaksanakan upaya pendekatan kepada Pemerintah dan masyarakat sesuai aturan, serta melaksanakan faktor-faktor kewajibannya juga aktif melaksanakan Community Social Responsibility (CSR) sebagai investasi sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kondisi perekonomian daerah.

Exploitation of geothermal potential new Indonesia exploited 1.403,5 megawatts from 28.910 MW of the 312 locations in 67 WKP, the main constraint where geothermal potential is detected, there are several potential conflicts of interest resulting store, but Chevron Geothermal Salak, Ltd one investor who dared investments and successfully manage Gunung Salak geothermal safely. This qualitative study was to describe the success of CGS without conflict with various interests. The results showed CGS implement approaches to the Government and the public according to the rules, and to implement its obligations factors are also actively implementing Community Social Responsibility (CSR) as an investment and therefore contributes to regional economic conditions.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
La Ode M. Suhartono
"Realisasi PAD Kabupaten Muna dari tahun ke tahun mengalami fluktuasi, bahkan cenderung mengalami penurunan. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi dalam mencapai target PAD disebabkan oleh (1) Perda PAD yang berkaitan dengan penentuan tarif pajak dan retribusi daerah sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan nilai pasar yang terjadi; (2) Sulitnya membuat Perda Baru tentang PAD karena dikhawatirkan terjadi tumpang tindih dengan pajak-pajak propinsi dan pusat yang telah ada dalam menentukan definisi dan ketetapan pajak itu sendiri; (3) Ketidakmampuan SKPD dalam melihat potensi dan efektivitas serta permasalahan sistem dan prosedur PAD; (4) Belum optimalnya penggalian potensi pajak dan retribusi daerah; (5) Belum optimalnya sarana dan prasarana pelayanan yang dapat menunjang peningkatan penerimaan PAD; (6) Masih kurangnya tingkat kesadaran masyarakat dalam memenuhi kewajibannya sebagai wajib pajak; dan (7) Masih kurang optimalnya pemberian sanksi kepada wajib pajak dan retribusi yang tidak melaksanakan kewajibannya untuk melakukan pembayaran. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan strategi peningkatan PAD Kabupaten Muna. Tujuan khusus penelitian adalah: (1) mengukur efektivitas dan efisiensi PAD Kabupaten Muna; (2) mengukur elastisitas PAD terhadap PDRB Kabupaten Muna; (3) mengukur rasio kemandirian daerah; (4) mendeskripsikan strategi untuk peningkatan PAD Kabupaten Muna; (5) mendeskripsikan peran PAD hubungannya dengan ketahanan daerah. Objek penelitian ini adalah PAD Kabupaten Muna. Lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Muna, khususnya pada Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (DPPKAD). Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari 10 responden yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Kabupaten Muna. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah efektivitas, efisiensi, elastisitas, kemandirian daerah, dan pertumbuhan PAD. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa (1) efektivitas PAD Kabupaten Muna selama tahun 2007-2011 berfluktuasi dan cenderung menurun, (2) Efisiensi PAD Kabupaten Muna cenderung mengalami peningkatan dan Elastisitas PAD terhadap PDRB Kabupaten Muna memiliki nilai positif, (3) Rasio kemandirian daerah fluktuasi dan cenderung menurun, (4) Strategi yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan PAD Kabupaten Muna adalah; (i) melakukan perbaikan terhadap sistem informasi manajemen data; (ii) melakukan sosialisasi UU dan Peraturan Daerah kepada masyarakat akan pentingnya pajak/retribusi daerah bagi pelaksanaan pemerintahan dan pembangunan daerah; (iii) peningkatan sarana dan prasaran yang memadai; dan (iv) melakukan peningkatan keahlian SDM apartur yang profesional dan bertanggung jawab, dan (5) Peningkatan PAD akan menjamin kesejahteraan masyarakat dan menciptakan kondisi keamanan yang kondusif yang merupakan tujuan dari ketahanan daerah.

Actual PAD Muna from year to year fluctuations, and even tends to decrease. The main problems encountered in achieving revenue targets caused by (1) PAD regulations relating to determination of tax rates and local retribution are no longer in line with market value that occurred, (2) The difficulty of making new laws about PAD because they feared overlap with taxes provincial and national taxes that already exist in determining the definition and the assessment itself, (3) SKPD inability to see the potential and effectiveness and PAD system and procedure problems (4) Not potential of potential taxes and local retribution, (5) Not optimal service infrastructure to support the increasing acceptance of PAD, (6) Still lack the level of public awareness in fulfilling its obligations as a taxpayer, and (7) Still less optimal sanctions to compulsory taxes and charges are not carrying out their obligations to make payments. The general objective of this study was to formulate a strategy to increase local original revenue of Muna District. Specific objectives of research are: (1) measure the effectiveness and efficiency of PAD, (2) measure the elasticity of PAD to GDP Muna, (3) measures the ratio of local independence, (4) describe strategies to increase PAD Muna, (5) describe the role of PAD realtion to regional resilience. Object of this study is PAD Muna. Location of research in Muna District, especially at the Department of Revenue, Finance Management and Regional Asset (DPPKAD). The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from 10 respondents were selected by purposive sampling method. While the secondary data obtained from the Department of Revenue, Finance Management and Regional Asset in Muna District. The analysis used in this study are effectiveness, efficiency, elasticity, local independence, and the growth of PAD. The results of this study revealed that (1) The effectiveness of PAD Muna during 2007-2011 fluctuated and tended to decline, (2) PAD Muna efficiency tends to increase and the elasticity of PAD to GDP Muna has a positive value, (3) The ratio of local independence and fluctuation tends to decrease, (4) Strategies used to increase PAD Muna are: (i) make improvements to data management information system, (ii) to disseminate the Law and Local Regulations to the public on the importance of taxes/ retribution for the implementation of governance and local development, (iii) improvement of facilities and infrastructure are adequate, and (iv) skills upgrading human resources and professional personnel who are responsible, and (5) Increase in PAD will ensure the welfare of the community and create security conditions conducive that is the purpose of the local resilience."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudi Kurnia Setiawan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peranan tenaga kerja UMKM,
modal fisik dan modal manusia terhadap perekonomian daerah. Dengan
menggunakan model General Least Square (GLS) dan data sekunder dari Badan
Pusat Statistik (BPS) tahun 2009-2012 pada 33 provinsi di Indonesia, hasil
analisis menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan tenaga kerja UMKM berpengaruh
positif terhadap pertumbuhan PDRB per Kapita demikian juga dengan
pertumbuhan modal fisik dan pertumbuhan modal manusia. Selain itu dari dengan
menggunakan hipotesis β konvergensi dari Barro, diketahui nilai β konvergensi
menunjukkan hasil negatif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi konvergensi
antar daerah dimana daerah yang miskin akan mengejar pertumbuhan dari daerah
yang kaya. Konvergensi ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor struktural, seperti
pertumbuhan penduduk, modal fisik dan modal manusia yang ada disetiap daerah.

This study aims to analyze the role of MSMEs labor, physical capital and
human capital to the regional economic. By using a model of the General Least
Squares (GLS) and secondary data from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) 2009-2012
at 33 provinces in Indonesia, the results of the analysis indicate that the
employment growth of SMEs has a positive effect on the growth of GDP per
capita growth as well as physical capital and the growth of human capital. In
addition to the use of β convergence hypothesis of Barro, known β convergence
value was negative. This suggests that there has been a convergence between
regions where poor area will pursue the growth of rich areas. This convergence is
influenced by structural factors, such as population growth, physical capital and
human capital available in every region."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fransiskus Chandra Dwiputra Meliala
"Skripsi ini menganalisis penyebab dari kegagalan keluarga politik Yasin Limpo untuk mempertahankan kekuasaan di Sulawesi Selatan 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka analisis boundary control Edward Gibson, sebagai teori utama, dan dilengkapi dengan analisis otonomi elit dari Eva Etzony Halevy. Menggunakan metode kualitatif, hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa ada tiga faktor yang menyebabkan kegagalan keluarga politik Yasin Limpo dalam pemilihan kepala daerah Sulawesi Selatan 2018. Pertama, melemahnya kontrol politik dari keluarga Yasin Limpo yang disebabkan oleh gagalnya strategi boundary strengthening mereka. Kedua, adanya strategi boundary opening yang berhasil melemahkan kekuatan keluarga Yasin Limpo. Ketiga, seiring dengan keberhasilan boundary opening, intensitas kompetisi antar elit di pilkada meningkat karena terjadi distribusi sumber daya antara elit elit.

This thesis analyzes the causes of Yasin Limpo's political family failure to maintain power through the South Sulawesi Regional Head Election 2018. This study uses Edward Gibsons Boundary Control analysis framework, as the main theory, and is equipped with elite autonomy analysis from Eva Etzony Halevy. Using qualitative methods, the results of this study show that there are three factors that led to Yasin Limpo's political family failure in the South Sulawesi regional elections in 2018. First, the weakening of political control of Yasin Limpo family caused by the failure of their boundary strengthening strategy. Secondly, there was a boundary opening strategy from challenger elites who managed to weaken Yasin Limpos political family power. Third, along with the success of the boundary opening, the intensity of competition among elites in regional election increased due to resources distribution between elites.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dafa Gusti El Kareem
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang tinjauan kembali harmonisasi rancangan peraturan daerah di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Sulawesi Selatan, dan Riau berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 58 Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2022 Tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan yang ditindaklanjuti oleh Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan HAM No. 22 Tahun 2018 Tentang Pengharmonisasian Rancangan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan yang Dibentuk di Daerah Oleh Perancang Peraturan Perundang-Undangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan, studi pustaka, dan diiringi dengan wawancara oleh narasumber terkait. Hasil dari penelitian ini berdasarkan wawancara yang dilakukan oleh penulis adalah terdapat beberapa perbedaan pelaksanaan harmonisasi rancangan peraturan dari ke tiga Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM seperti perbedaan peraturan teknis, belum ditegakkan syarat administratif berupa Naskah akademis atau keterangan/penjelasan, dan terdapat perbedaan sistem pelaksanaan di mana terdapat kantor wilayah yang sudah menjalankan harmonisasi melalui sistem berbasis elektronik dan di sisi lain terdapat pelaksanaan harmonisasi masih melalui surat elektronik. Dari ketiga Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM terdapat hambatan pelaksanaan harmonisasi rancangan peraturan daerah seperti terbatasnya anggaran, terbatasnya sumber daya manusia, terbatasnya database peraturan perundang-undangan, dan pengajuan harmonisasi sangat dekat dengan jadwal pembahasan. Dengan demikian, tinjauan kembali yang ditawarkan oleh penulis adalah perubahan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 87 Tahun 2014 Tentang Peraturan Pelaksana Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan, penegakkan syarat administratif, dan integrasi sistem aplikasi berbasis elektronik.

This research discusses reviewing the harmonization of draft regional regulations in the Regional Offices of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in DKI Jakarta, South Sulawesi and Riau Provinces based on the provisions of Article 58 of Law Number 13 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of The Laws and Regulations followed up by the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights No. 22 of 2018 concerning Harmonization of Draft Legislation Formed in the Regions by Drafters of Legislation. This research is normative legal research with an approach to statutory regulations, literature study, and is accompanied by interviews with relevant informants. The results of this study based on interviews conducted by the author are that there are several differences in the implementation of the harmonization of draft regulations from the three Regional Offices of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights such as differences in technical regulations, administrative requirements in the form of academic papers or statements/explanations have not been enforced, and there are differences in the implementation system in where there are regional offices that have carried out harmonization through electronic-based systems and on the other hand there are still harmonization implementations via electronic mail. From the three Regional Offices of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights there are obstacles to the harmonization of draft regional regulations such as limited budgets, limited human resources, limited database of laws and regulations, and submissions for harmonization are very close to the discussion schedule. Thus, the review offered by the author is an amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2014 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation, enforcement of administrative requirements, and integration of electronic-based application system."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vredegoor, Mark T.J.
"Stimson, et al. (2009) developed one of the most relevant and well known model for Regional Economic Development. This model covers the most important factors related to economic development question. However, this model excludes the social components of development. Local community should be included in terms of the development of a region. This paper introduced to the Stimson model "Skills" and "Knowledge" at the individual level for local actors indicating the capabilities at the individual level and introduced "Human Coordination" for the capabilities at the collective level. In our empirical research we looked at the Indonesian seaweed market with a specific focus on the region of Baubau. This region was chosen because there are hardly any economic developments. Furthermore this study focuses on the poorer community who are trying to improve their situation by the cultivation of Seaweed. Eighteen local informants was interviewed besides additional interviews of informants from educational and governmental institutions in the cities of Jakarta, Bandung and Yogyakarta. The informants selected had a direct or indirect relationship with the region of Baubau. With the support of the empirical data from this region we can confirm that it is worthwhile to include the local community in the model for regional economic development. The newly added variables: at the individual level; Skills and Knowledge and at the level of the collective: Human Coordination was supported by the empirical material. It is an indication that including the new variables can give regional economic an extra dimension. In this way we think that it becomes more explicit that "endogenous" means that the people, or variables closely related to them, should be more explicitly included in models trying to capture Regional Economic Development or rephrased as Local Economic Development "
[Place of publication not identified]: University of Groningen, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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