Proporsi kemiskinan perdesaan selalu lebih tinggi dibandingkan kemiskinan perkotaan di Indonesia. Program pengentasan kemiskinan, khususnya di perdesaan sudah seharusnya menempatkan masyarakat sebagai subjek dalam setiap program pengentasan kemiksinan. Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Provinsi Jawa Timur mengalami penurunan kemiskinan yang signifikan termasuk di wilayah perdesaaan karena didukung sektor pariwisata yang mendorong peningkatan pendapatan per kapita Banyuwangi dari tahun ke tahun. Penurunan angka kemiskinan dan peningkatan pendapatan per kapita Banyuwangi tidak bisa dilepaskan dari program “smart kampung” dan pengembangan ekonomi lokal melalui pariwisata berbasis masyarakat yang dilakukan melalui industri lokal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam dengan 30 informan yang terdiri dari pemerintah daerah, organisasi ekonomi lokal dan masyarakat lokal. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan proses pengembangan ekonomi lokal melalui pariwisata berbasis masyarakat yang dilakukan sudah terlaksana dengan cukup baik. Kemudian BUMDes Ijen Lestari sebagai inovasi pelayanan publik memberikan dampak yang positif dalam pembiayaan kegiatan ekonomi lokal dan lapangan pekerjaan. Kemudian pemberian pelayanan dan media untuk perubahan dan interaksi. Selanjutnya pengembangan ekonomi lokal melalui pariwisata berbasis masyarakat terhadap kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat memberikan dampak positif, dimana ada kemajuan pola pikir ekonomi, bertambahnya mata pencaharian baru, peningkatan pendapatan dan pengelolaan keuangan serta cara dan perilaku kerja. Namun demikian, komunitas dan BUMDes Ijen Lestari perlu juga bermitra dengan stakeholder lainnya dalam upaya pengembangan destinasi strategis serta meningkatkan sumber daya manusia lokal untuk pemanfaatan Informasi dan Teknologi (IT) melalui website dan media sosial dengan konten yang menarik perhatian wisatawan.
The proportion of rural poverty is always higher than urban poverty in Indonesia. Poverty reduction programs, especially in rural areas, should put the community as the priority subject in each program. Banyuwangi Regency in East Java Province is one of the best example in poverty reduction program. Banyuwangi succeed to reduce its poverty rate significantly from tourism sector. This tourism increases income per capita of Banyuwangi from year to year. The poverty reduction in Banyuwangi is influenced by “smart kampung” and local economic development through a community-based tourism. (CBT) and Initiating local industry. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research. Whereas the data collection used in-depth interview method with 30 informants who were composed of local governments, local economic organizations and local communities. The results of this study show that the process of developing the local economy through CBT carried out quite well. Later, Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Ijen Lestari is an innovation for public services contributes to the community by giving loan fund to finance local economic activities and employment. BUMDes also provides services and a media for positive change and interaction. Furthermore, the development of the local economy through CBT on the economic well-being of the community has a positive impact, where there is progress in the economic mindset, increasing new livelihoods, increasing income and financial management and ways and work behavior. This research, concluded that communities and BUMDes gives positive impacts to provision of employment and tourism business income. However, as an innovation of public services, BUMDes also needs to enhance its networking with other stakeholders in order to develop its strategic destinations and improve the skills of their local human resources for using Information Technology to attract the tourists attention.
Kata kunci: Pembangunan Sosial; Kesejahteraan Sosial; Ekonomi Kreatif; Jamu
This article discusses social development by the community carried out by the Paguyuban Jamu Gendong Lestari in Kuningan Barat Village, Mampang Prapatan Subdistrict, South Jakarta through the creative economy sector, namely jamu gendong business as a culinary sub-sector based on culture and local wisdom. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive types. The results show that the Jamu Gendong Lestari Association as a community that runs a business in the creative economy, namely jamu as an Indonesian cultural heritage has succeeded in carrying out the social development process based on seven characteristics of social development. The social development strategy that is carried out is a social development strategy by the community through which the members of the Paguyuban Jamu Gendong Lestari are members who work together harmoniously to meet their needs, solve their problems and try to create opportunities to improve life through the management of jamu businesses.
Keywords : social development; social welfare; creative economy; jamu