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"Batik is one of popular arts of Indonesia. The batik industries in Sragen, Central Java, are prepared to compete in global market. In order to realize that objective, batik products should fulfill some qualifications, one of which is ?environmental friendliness?. As batik production is usually generating wastewater which pollutes the environment, the technology of wastewater treatment should be developed to solve the problem. This preliminary study has been done to assess the effectiveness of anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) and rotating biological contactor (RBC) in batik wastewater treatment. In 40 days of treatment period, the ABR performance in reducing pollutants showed an effectiveness up to 75%, whereas RBC effectiveness was in the range of 15-57%. Concerning the quality standard of wastewater, the wastewater treatment system showed a good performance to decrease pH, whereas the COD was still high. Further optimization, then, is needed to improve the quality of effluent."
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Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Faathir Surya
"Tampungan efektif bendungan erat kaitannya dengan laju sedimentasi yang terjadi yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor karakteristik suatu DAS. DAS Krueng Keureuto terletak di kabupaten Aceh Utara memiliki sebuah bendungan yang direncanakan untuk reduksi banjir yang melanda Kota Lhok Sukon dengan demikian diubtuhkan penelitian terkait tampungan efektif dari bendungan karna banyaknya masalah terkait dengan umur rencana bendungan yang tidak sesuai dengan umur rencana desain akibat sedimentasi yang terjadi. Analisis sedimentasi menggunakan bantuan software ArcGis 10.1 dan metode USLE untuk menghitung laju sedimentasi yang terjadi dengan menggunakan proyeksi tata ruang wilayah tahun 2012-2032 yang didapatkan hasil peningkatan efektifitas tampungan bendungan meningkat hingga 15,54 dari tampungan efektif desai bendungan sehingga fungsi bendungan menjadi lebih optimal.

Effective storage of a dam is closely related to sedimentation rates that are influenced by various characteristics of a watershed. Krueng Keureuto Watershed located in Aceh Utara district has a dam planned for the reduction of flood that hit Lhok Sukon city thereby demystified research related to effective dam from dam due to many problems related to the age of dam plan which is not in accordance with age of design plan due to sedimentation that happened. Sedimentation analysis uses ArcGis 10.1 software and USLE method to calculate sedimentation rate by using spatial projection for 2012 2032. Sedimentation results obtained 14,937.37 m3 year resulting in an increase in the effectiveness of the dam reservoir up to 15.34 of the effective design of the dam, so that the effective dam of the dam becomes more optimal. "
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aida Mawardah
"Penelitian mengenai kualitas air DAS Cilutung yang dilakukan pada tiga Sub DAS merepresentasikan kegiatan yang berbeda di lingkungan sekitar Sub DAS, diantaranya kegiatan mandi cuci kakus MCK pada Sub DAS Cideres, tambang pasir pada Sub DAS Cijurey, dan pertanian pada Sub DAS Cisaar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kualitas air DAS Cilutung, Majalengka, Jawa Barat berdasarkan makroinvertebrata dan dianalisis menggunakan metode Biological Monitoring Working Party - Average Score Per Taxon BMWP - ASPT . Parameter lingkungan juga turut diukur dalam penelitian ini.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan 23 famili makroinvertebrata bioindikator kualitas perairan, diantaranya Chrysomelidae, Cincidelidae, Gyrinidae, Heteroceridae, Baetidae, Cydnidae, Gerridae, Mesoveliidae, Naucoridae, Aeshnidae, Lindeniidae, Corduliidae, Lestidae, Libellulidae, Perlidae, Perlodidae, Hydropsychidae, Limnephilidae, Palaemonidae, Parathelpusidae, Viviparidae, Lymnaidae, dan Thiaridae. DAS Cilutung, Majalengka, Jawa Barat memiliki kisaran nilai ASPT 5--5,9 yang menunjukkan bahwa kondisi perairan tergolong kedalam kualitas air tercemar ringan.

A research of water quality assessment in Cilutung Watershed has been conducted at three Sub Watershed representing the diverse activities around them, which are toilet activites on Cideres Sub Watershed, sands mining on Cijurey Sub Watershed, and farming on Cisaar Sub Watershed. This research aimed to determine the quality of Cilutung Watershed, Majalengka, Jawa Barat using benthic makroinvertebrates as bioindicator through Biological Monitoring Working Party Average Score Per Taxon BMWP ASPT method. Environmental parameter is also measured.
The results obtained were twentythree families of benthic macroinvertebrates namely Chrysomelidae, Cincidelidae, Gyrinidae, Heteroceridae, Baetidae, Cydnidae, Gerridae, Mesoveliidae, Naucoridae, Aeshnidae, Lindeniidae, Corduliidae, Lestidae, Libellulidae, Perlidae, Perlodidae, Hydropsychidae, Limnephilidae, Palaemonidae, Parathelpusidae, Viviparidae, Lymnaidae, and Thiaridae. Cilutung Watershed, Majalengka, Jawa Barat has ASPT range between 5 5,9 which classified as fairly polluted water quality.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sepanie Putiamini
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh distribusi curah hujan dan karakteristik fisik setiap sub-DAS Ci Liwung Hulu yang terdiri dari topografi, jenis tanah dan penggunaan tanah terhadap debit aliran Daerah Aliran Ci Liwung Hulu. Metode yang digunakan adalah Soil Conservation Service (SCS) yang disimulasikan menggunakan model hujan-debit HEC-HMS yang di validasi menggunakan metode RMSE dan Nash.
Hasil pengolahan data menunjukan bahwa karakteristik dan distribusi hujan setiap sub-DAS mempengaruhi besar kecilnya debit yang dihasilkan. Sub-DAS Ci Liwung (Tugu) merupakan sub-DAS yang menghasilkan sumbangan debit terbesar pada DA Ci Liwung Hulu pada kejadian banjir Tahun 2002 dan 2007.
Berdasarkan hasil validasi, simulasi, data curah hujan radar cuaca memiliki nilai simpangan yang lebih kecil dibandingkan data curah hujan observasi. Penggunaan data radar cuaca memberikan gambaran distribusi hujan spasial dengan resolusi tinggi dan dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi debit aliran yang dihasilkan oleh suatu Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS).

This study aims to determine impact of rainfall distribution and physical characteristics in each sub-watershed towards run-off in the Upper Ci Liwung Watershed. It consist of topography , soil type and land use. The method utilizing Soil Conservation Service (SCS ) applied on HEC - HMS rainfallrunoff model and was validated using the RMSE and Nash.
The results show that the physical characteristics and rainfall distribution of each sub-watershed has significant impact on the run-off in Upper Ci Liwung Watershed especially sub-watershed Ci Liwung ( Tugu) on the flood events of 2002 and 2007.
Based on the simulation validation result, weather radar rainfall data has a deviation value smaller than rainfall data of observation . Weather radar data provide accurate rainfall measurements at high resolution and can be applied to predict run-off in watershed.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
A. Karsidi
Jakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1980
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Caya Maitri
"Populasi manusia di dalam DTA UI meningkat pesat, bukan hanya penduduk asli tapi juga pendatang dari daerah lain. Peningkatan tersebut meningkatkan intensitas aktivita yang ada pada DTA, maka dari itu dibutuhkan pengelolaan sumber daya air. Salah satu prinsip Dublin dalam Integrated Water Resource Management IWRM adalah pengembangan dan pengelolaan sumber daya air seharusnya berdasarkan pendekatan partisipatif yang melibatkan pengguna, perencana, dan penegak hukum pada semua jenjang. Salah satu dari delapan instrumen perlindungan DTA yang dikembangkan oleh Center For Watershed Protection adalah kepedulian pemangku kepentingan. Disamping penerima manfaat, masyarakat sebenarnya adalah pemegang peran utana yaitu juga sebagai perencana dan eksekutor dari upaya perlindungan DTA.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi masyarakat merancang aktivitas menuju lingkungan ramah air berdasarkan potensi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesehatan sistem perairan di UI dan DTA UI. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Participatory Action Research PAR dengan pendekatan Appreciative Inquiry AI. Data ndash; data yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dari survey lapangan dan data sekunder. Survei lapangan dilakukan dengan cara mewawancara populasi acak yang bertempat tinggal didalam DTA untuk mengetahui gambaran umum pola kebiasaan masyarakat. Analisis efisiensi dilakukan dengan membandingkan debit keluaran subDTA sebelum dan sesudah dimodelkan dengan teknologi berdasarkan hasil survei lapangan.

The population in the catchment area of Universitas Indonesia UI campus cascade pond system is growing rapidly, not only by native inhabitants but also by migrants from any other parts of the country. The rapid growth of population increases the activities intencity in the catchment area, so that a better water resource management is urgently needed. The Dublin Principles in Integrated Water Resource Management IWRM among others says that water development and management should be based on a participatory approach, which involving users, planners and policymakers at all levels. The Watershed Stewardship Program is one of the Eight Tool for Watershed Protection developed by Center for Watershed Protection. Community as the main role holder, besides as beneficiary, is also as planner and executor of the program.
The study aims to facilitate community in designing the activities towards water friendly neighborhood, in the framework of community potential based watershed management, to increase the health of UI aquatic system and its catchment area. A combination of Participatory Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry method is applied. The required data and information is collected through field survey and secondary data. Field survey is conducted by interviewing random population in purposively selected village inside the catchment area to get the behavior pattern overview of the community. Eficiency analysis is conducted by comparing the outlet discharge of sub catchment areas before and after installing the technologies based on field survey.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aipouzi Sendy Megantara
"Peningkatan pembangunan di wilayah kampus Universitas Indonesia berakibat pada semakin meningkatnya permukaan kedap air. Dengan demikian maka perlu diketahui klasifikasi kerentanan wilayah Universitas Indonesia terhadap perubahan tutupan lahan kedap air melalui analisis tertentu. Salah satu metode yang memberikan panduan dalam melakukan proses analisis tersebut adalah The Watershed Vulnerability Analysis. Metode ini merupakan metode cepat yang digagas oleh Center for Watershed Protection dan diterbitkan pada tahun 2002. Metode ini membagi wilayah yang dianalisis menjadi tiga klasifikasi yaitu sensitive, impacted dan non-supporting. Dengan demikian maka kondisi daerah yang dilakukan analisis menjadi mudah dikenali dan dapat dijadikan acuan dalam rencana pembangunan wilayah kampus Universitas Indonesia.

Development growth in campus Universitas Indonesia can impact to the increasing of impervious cover. Thus, it?s necessary to know Universitas Indonesia campus soil vulnerability classification in regards to the impervious cover alteration through a specific analysis. One method that provides guidance in conducting the analysis process is The Watershed Vulnerability Analysis. This method is a rapid method initiated by the Center for Watershed Protection and published in 2002. These rapid, dividing the analysis region?s to one of three classifications which are sensitive, impacted and non supporting. Thus, the conditions in the area of analysis to be easily recognizable and can be used as a reference in the development plan campus Universitas Indonesia."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Setyo Pambudi
Cimanuk Watershed is one of the important water sources in West Java Province. The damage that occurred in Cimanuk watershed affected the sustainability of water supply in West Java. The administrative area of ​​Cimanuk watershed extends to 4 regencies, namely Garut Regency, Sumedang Regency, Majalengka Regency, and Indramayu Regency. The Cimanuk River itself has a length of ± 338 km which can supply water needs of 2.2 billion m3 every year with the main utilization for irrigation in agricultural areas. Forest areas in the upper Cimanuk watershed affect the continuity of the hydrological, erosion and sedimentation process. Changes in the upstream area in terms of land use and forest exploitation that do not consider environmental aspects can damage the entire watershed ecosystem, causing fluctuations in water flow, sediment transport, and material dissolved in the water flow system. Given the reciprocal relationship in the concept of watershed management, the implementation of the Payment Environmental Services or PES mechanism is important, where water is one of components that deserves be consideration. The economic valuation of water quantified as water prices is also a fundamental reason for the importance of PES studies. Water prices based on scientific calculations, both qualitative and quantitative, determine the feasibility value that will be given from the downstream community upstream as conservation actors to support the concept of fair environmental services. Quantitative analysis is carried out in the form of valuations involving several methods, namely the Contingent Valuation Method, Value of Marginal Product Water, and Full Cost Pricing. The price of water can be used as an indicator of the cost of forest environmental services as a water provider as well as improving market mechanisms. This paper concludes the mechanism of payment for environmental services (PES) through water pricing policies can be an alternative source of funding to improve the condition of a watershed"
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Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2019
330 JPP 3:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moja Tania
"Gosong merupakan merupakan salah satu bentukan morfologi pada sungai yang merupakan akumulasi dari sedimen yang dibentuk dari batu, kerikil, pasir, atau lumpur, yang membentuk seperti pulau ditengah/tepi sungai (Charlton, 2008). Dinamika morfologi gosong dapat menjadi indikator perubahan lingkungan pada daerah sungai. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk meneliti perubahan bentuk dari morfologi gosong pada alur Ci Herang, yang merupakan salah satu sub dari aliran Ci Leungsi Hulu.
Metode penelitian ini didasari pada interpretasi melalui citra google earth pada tahun 2009, 2012, 2013, dan 2015 dan melalui survei pengukuran di lapangan. Variabel lain yang berpengaruh terhadap gosong, seperti debit aliran, penggunaan tanah, kemiringan sungai, dan tipe alur sungai, diperoleh melalui pengolahan data sekunder peta RBI, dan data curah hujan dari instansi.
Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa morfologi gosong sangat dinamis, baik dalam jangka waktu panjang maupun pada jangka waktu pendek. Gosong pada tipe alur sungai lurus, terutama pada yang tipe alurnya mengalami perubahan menjadi teranyam, cenderung lebih dinamis dibandingkan pada tipe alur lainnya. Debit aliran pada 1 hari sebelum pengamatan sangat berpengaruh terhadap dinamika gosong tersebut.

Bars is one of morphological formations in the river which is an accumulation of sediment formed of stone, gravel, sand, or mud, which is formed like islands on the center or side of river channel (Charlton, 2008). Dynamics of morphology bars can be an indicator of environmental change in that watershed. This study aimed to examine the changes of bars?s shape in the Ci Herang river, which is one of nine watershed on Ci Leungsi Hulu watershed.
This research method is based on interpretation google earth?s image in 2009, 2012, 2013, and 2015 and also survey in the field. Another variable affecting the bars, such as flow rate, landuse, slope of the river, and the river channel type, obtained through secondary data processing RBI maps, and rainfall data from the agency.
The results showed that the morphological bars very dynamic, both in the long term and the short term. Bars in straight river channel types tend to be more dynamic than the other type. The flow rate at 1 day before observation its most affects the dynamics of the sandbar.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heathcote, Isobel W.
New York: Wiley, 2998
333.9115 HEA i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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