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"Pada makalah ini dilaporkan hasil rancang bangun penyempurnaan probe optik untuk mengukur konsentrasi suspensi phytoplankton. Dari hasil pengujian skala laboratorium dengan menggunakan kultur Scenedesmus sp. ditunjukkan bahwa untuk rentang konsentrasi dari 10 pangkat 4 hingga di sekitar 1 x 10 pangkat 6 sel/mL intensitas fluoresensi pada λ = 685 nm memiliki hubungan yang linier terhadap konsentrasi sel dengan konstantaproporsianlγ = 4×10-5mL/sel. sementara itu untuk rentang konsentrasi yang sama, logaritma intensitas pada λ= 405 nm berbanding lurus dengan konsentrasi sel dengan konstatnta proporsional β= ?2×10-7mL/sel.

This paper discusses the results of improved optical probe that works according to optical fluorescence and absorption phenomena for measuring the phytoplankton suspension concentrations. Measurements are made on the Scenedesmus sp. culture. The laboratory test has shown that range of concentration from 10 up to around 1 x 10 cells/mL; fluorescence intensity at λ= 685 nm; and logarithmic of transmission intensity at λ = 405 nm are proportional to the cell concentration linear with proportional constant γ=4×10-5 and β= ?2×10-7mL/cell respectively.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yu, Francis T.S.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1983
621.36 FRA o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Finita Textiani
"Optical differentiation is one of many methods in the optical data processing that is useful for, e.g. image contouring. In this thesis, the differentiation filter is caried out based on the spatial filtering techniques. The ob ject is transformed with a Fourier lens to obtain the spatial frequency spectrum of the object at the Fourier plane. A spatial differentiation filter is placed at the Fourier plane. And finally, with another lens the filtered spectrum is transformed back to obtain the output image.
The critical step of the experiment is the design and the fabrication of the filter. In this thesis, two kinds of models have been used to approximate the differentiation filters: (1) multi-step function and (2) Gaussian spot. The multi-step function is intended to approximate the first order differentiation filter. However, due to the photographic limitations, the multi-step function has become a single step function or simply a high-pass filter. Nevertheless, the result may be useful as the approximation of the second (not the first) order differentiation. A filter with a diameter of 0.4 mm appears to give a good result for an object consisting of letters of 4 mm high.
To obtain the Gaussian spot, a He-Ne laser beam spot with 6328 nm has been used. with several attenuations, the laser beam spot has been recorded with various shutter speeds in an open camera. It appear that the Gaussian filter is a very good approximation of the second order differentiation filter. Compared to the high-pass filter, it gives higher S/N ratio. The Gaussian spot obtained with a shutter speed of 1/4000 and minimum attenuation gives the best image output. However, none of the filters gives the first order differentiation output."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Listiana Satiawati
"Termotivasi untuk memperluas studi teoritis yang pernah dilakukan sebelumnya, kami melakukan perhitungan konduktivitas optik tergantung temperatur pada La0:7Ca0:3MnO3 dalam rentang energi foton yang luas hingga 22 eV, untuk menangkap transisi logam ke insulator, dengan tetap mempertahankan profil ketergantungan terhadap temperatur yang sesuai dengan data eksperimen pada energi foton yang lebih tinggi. Sistem dimodelkan dengan koordinasi Mn-O sederhana melalui metode tight binding dengan beberapa integral hopping dianggap sebagai fungsi magnetisasi. Menggabungkan efek Jahn-Teller statis, Coulomb-Hubbard dan interaksi pertukaran magnetik, kami dapat mereproduksi tren kualitatif dari konduktivitas optik yang tergantung pada suhu, terutama untuk rezim energi rendah dan tinggi, seperti yang diamati dalam data eksperimen. Hasil kami menggarisbawahi pentingnya efek korelasi yang saling mempengaruhi pada derajat kebebasan kisi, muatan dan magnet dalam menentukan profil keseluruhan respon optik terhadap temperatur dari manganite, hubungannya dengan respon fisika optik energi tinggi dan sifat transpor listrik DC.

Motivated to extend our previous theoretical study, we perform temperaturedependent optical conductivity calculation on La0:7Ca0:3MnO3 in a wide photon energy range up to 22 eV, to capture the metal to insulator transition, while still preserving in most way the correct temperature-dependent profile at higher photon energies. The system is modeled with a simple Mn-O coordination via the tight binding method with some hopping integrals being considered as functions of magnetization. Incorporating static Jahn-Teller effect, Coulomb-Hubbard and magnetic exchange interactions, we are able to reproduce the qualitative trend of the temperature-dependent optical conductivity, especially for the low-and high-energy regimes, as observed in the experimental data. Our results underline the importance of correlation effects due to interplay of lattice, charge, and magnetic degrees of freedom in determining the overall profile of temperature-dependent optical response of manganites, connecting the physics of high-energy optical response and the transport properties at the dc limit.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jonathan Elloy S
"Barcode merupakan kumpulan data optik yang dapat dimengerti sebuah mesin dan memiliki fungsi yang sangat luas, sebagai contoh adalah karcis parkir kendaraan. Karcis parkir merupakan penanda sebuah kendaraan agar bisa keluar dan masuk ke dalam parkiran tersebut. Kendaraan dapat keluar dari area parkir dengan memindai barcode yang tertera pada karcis parkir. Namun, seringkali karcis parkir memiliki kerusakan yang menyebabkan barcode yang tertera sulit terbaca dengan alat pemindaian dan kendaraan tidak dapat keluar dari area parkir. Kerusakan bisa disebabkan karena kelalaian manusia (terkena air yang menyebabkan karcis basah, atau terlipat-lipat sehingga lecek) dan juga kesalahan pencetak. Untuk menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut, sistem pembacaan barcode karcis parkir dikembangankan. Sistem tersebut menggunakan Autoencoder dan Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (CGAN) dalam merekonstruksi barcode. Barcode dikatakan berhasil direkonstruksi bila decoder (pyzxing dan pyzbar) dapat decoding gambar barcode rekonstruksi tersebut.
Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa model CGAN mampu merekonstruksi karcis parkir dunia nyata dengan true recognition rate 16% tanpa super resolution, sedangkan untuk model autoencoder masih belum mampu untuk merekonstruksi barcode dengan baik. Dengan super resolution, performa kedua model menurun dalam merekonstruksi barcode. CGAN juga lebih baik dibandingkan dengan autoencoder dalam rekonstruksi barcode generated dengan 1x augmentasi. Dengan menggunakan pyzxing decoder, Autoencoder mampu merekonstruksi barcode yang tidak terbaca dengan true recognition rate sebesar 95,50% dan CGAN mampu menghasilkan true recognition sebesar 97% dengan durasi prediksi rata-rata autoencoder 0,17 detik dibandingkan dengan CGAN 0,672 detik per 1 gambar.

Barcode is a collection of optical data that can be scanned by a machine and has a broad function, such as a vehicle parking ticket. A parking ticket is a marker for a vehicle to enter and exit the parking lot. Vehicles can exit the parking area by scanning the barcode printed on the parking ticket. However, parking tickets often have damage that cause the barcodes printed are difficult to be scanned and the vehicle cannot exit parking area. Damage can be caused by human error (wet tickets, or it folds up so that it becomes wrinkled) as well as printer error. To overcome this problem, a parking ticket barcode reconstruction system was developed. The system uses Autoencoder and Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (CGAN) in reconstructing barcodes. The barcode is said to be reconstructed successfully if the decoders (pyzxing and pyzbar) can decode the reconstructed barcode image.
This paper shows that the CGAN model can reconstruct real-world parking tickets with a true recognition rate of 16% without super resolution, while the autoencoder model is still unable to reconstruct barcodes properly. With super resolution, the performance of both models decreases in reconstructing barcodes. CGAN is better than autoencoder in reconstructing barcode generated with 1x augmentation. Using the pyzxing decoder, Autoencoder can reconstruct unreadable barcodes with a true recognition rate of 95.50% and CGAN is able to produce true recognition of 97% with an average autoencoder prediction duration of 0.17 seconds compared to CGAN of 0.672 seconds per 1 image.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ucuk Darusalam
"Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan konfigurasi perangkat optik untuk mengukur konsentrasi fitoplankton dalam medium cair Konfigurasi perangkat tersebut bekerja dengan memanfaatkan fenomena fluoresensi, yang terdiri dari laser dioda ungu (A = 405nm, P = 4mW, repetisi pulsa = l ms), curette, filter optik, dan fotodioda. Dari pengujian terhadap kultur ('hlurellu sp. didapatkan bahwa untuk rentang konsentrasi 0 - 15. 106 semi diperoleh hubungan yang konsisten antara intensitas fluoresensi dengan kenaikan konsentrasi sel, yaitu meningkat secara tinier seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi sel. Gradien untuk rentang konsentrasi yang tinggi (1106 - 15 . 10'' sel/ml) adalah < 5. 10 9nillsel, sedangkan untuk rentang konsentrasi rendah (2'10- 1 .10'sel/ml) 610-9ml/sel. Ambang pengukuran konsentrasi ('lifore la sp. di sekitar 2. 102 sel/ml.

In this research, has been designed the optical device configuration aim for measuring the concentration of phytoplankton suspension. The device works according to fluorescence phenomenon, composed of violet diode laser (, = 405nm, P = 4mW, pulse repetition = l ms), cuvette, optical filter, and photodiode. From the measurement results, it is shown that the fluorescence intensity has a consistent relationship with the ('h/orellu sp, concentration in the range of 0 - 15'106 cell/nil, increase linearly to the cell concentration. The gradient for high concentration (1 10" -15. 10` cell/ml) is < 5 ' 10'9ml/cell, while for low concentration (2-102 - 1I0" cell/ml) is = 6.10 `'nil/cell. The threshold (Wore/la sp. concentration of measurement is about 2.102 cell/ml."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Orlando: Academic Press, 1982
621.367 APP
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunady Haryanto
"Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan probe optik untuk mengukur konsentrasi fitoplankton dalam medium cair. Perancangan probe tersebut bekerja dengan memanfaatkan fenomena fluoresensi, yang terdiri dari Light Emitting Diode ungu ( λ = 405nm, P = 10 mW, frekuensi modulasi 625 Hz), wadah ukur, filter optik, dan fotodioda. Dari pengujian terhadap kultur Scenedesmus sp. didapatkan bahwa untuk rentang konsentrasi 102 ? 106 sel/ml diperoleh hubungan yang konsisten antara intensitas fluoresensi dengan kenaikan konsentrasi sel, yaitu meningkat secara linier seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi sel. Gradien yang diperoleh untuk rentang konsentrasi tinggi lebih rendah dari pada rentang konsentrasi rendah.

The design of optical equipment in this research aim to measure phytoplankton concentration in liquid medium. This design, composed purple of light emitting diode (λ = 405nm, P = 10 mW, modulation frequency 625 Hz), graduated cylinder, optical filter and photodiode, works based on fluorescence phenomenon. The results of measurments shows that the fluorescence intensity has a consistent relationship with the Scenedesmus sp. concentration in the range of 102 - 106 sel/ml. The fluorescence intensity would increased if the concentration has been increased. The gradient for low range higher than high range concentration."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop-proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition, CBDAR 2011, held in Beijing, China, in September 2011. The 13 revised full papers presented were carefully selected during a second round of reviewing and improvement from numerous original submissions. Intended to give a snapshot of the state-of-the-art research in the field of camera based document analysis and recognition, the papers are organized in topical sections on text detection and recognition in scene images, camera-based systems, and datasets and evaluation
Berlin: Springer-Verlag , 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jidan Dhirayoga Gumbira
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang pengembangan sistem face recognition yang diaplikasikan pada aplikasi ujian berbasis Android yang diberi nama AyoTest menggunakan FaceNet. Tujuan dari dikembangkannya AyoTest sendiri adalah untuk membantu tenaga pengajar dalam meningkatkan efektivitas pengawasan ujian yang dilakukan secara daring. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu dalam meningkatkan efektivitas pengawasan ujian daring dengan menggunakan face recognition untuk mengotomatisasi sebagian besar dari kegiatan pengawasan yang sebelumnya harus dilakukan secara manual oleh tenaga pengajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan bahwa implementasi sistem face recognition dari aplikasi AyoTest dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pengawasan ujian, di mana pada proses face authentication akurasi yang didapatkan adalah sebesar 100% bahkan ketika peserta ujian hanya memiliki 1 foto pada basis data wajah dan nilai false negative dan false positive pada proses face monitoring yang tercatat hanya sebesar 16,67% dan 22,22% untuk 18 partisipan yang berhasil melaksanakan ujian.

This bachelor thesis discusses the system development of face recognition applied to an Android-based examination application called AyoTest using FaceNet. The purpose of the development of AyoTest itself is to assist teaching staff in increasing the effectiveness of conducting online examinations. This research is hoped to assist in increasing the effectiveness of examination proctoring with face recognition to automate most of the supervisions that previously had to be conducted manually by teaching staff. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the implementation of the face recognition system from the AyoTest application can be used to increase the effectiveness of examination proctoring, where the accuracy score obtained in the face authentication process is 100% even if the examinee only has 1 photo in the face database and the false negative and false positive scores in the face monitoring process were recorded at only 16.67% and 22,22% for 18 participants who successfully carried out the examination."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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