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Faisal Reza
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Distinctly the 1945 Constitution has given authority to perform judicial power to the รข€œSupreme Court", that is the authority to perform judiciary. The authority to perform judiciary in concrete reality, means expressing what the law is for the case presented to him. Reviewing (testing) the law in principle is also an action for expressing its law, because this action means determining whether a law is conitradictory to the Constitution or not"
340 KANUN 11:29 (2001)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Fritz Edward
"The Constitutional Court of Indonesia plays significant role in securing democracy in Indonesia. In exercising their authorities, including the election result dispute and judicial review, the Court continues to affirm institutional judicial legitimacy and pursue their role to guard 1945 Constitution. The first Chief Justice Jimly Asshiddiqie showed how within five years of the Court?s establishment, he could strategically maximize its momentum and build the Court as a respectful institution. The Chief Justice Mahfud M D was then elected to reduce the judicial activism started by Jimly?s bench. However, against promises and expectations, Mahfud M D brought the Court to a level far beyond the imagination of the Constitution drafters. Parliament and President tried to limit the Court?s authority, not ones, and the Court was able to overcome those constrain. Current various available studies observed only how the Court issued their decisions and solely focus to the impact of the decisions. Scholars slightly ignore other constitutional actors in studying about the Court. In fact, political environment where the Court operated is one of the most important aspects which strengthen the Court?s institutional legitimacy. This paper attempts to discover the rise of the Court from political environment view outside the court. Political parties? maturity and political constraint are the key factors that support the development of the Court?s institutional power.

Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (Mahkamah) memerankan peran yang signifikan dalam mengawal demokrasi di Indonesia. Dalam menjalankan kewenangannya, termasuk di dalamnya penyelesaian sengketa tentang hasil pemilihan umum dan pengujian undang-undang terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, Mahkamah terus membangun legitimasi institutisinya dalam menjalankan peran sebagai pengawal Konstitusi 1945. Ketua Mahkamah yang pertama, Jimly Asshiddiqie, menunjukkan bagaimana dalam jangka waktu lima tahun dari pendirian Mahkamah, beliau dapat secara strategis memaksimalkan momentum pendirian ini dan membangun Mahkamah sebagai institusi yang dihormati. Kemudian Mahfud M D dipilih sebagai Ketua Mahkamah, dengan maksud untuk mengurangi kegiatan yudisial yang dimulai oleh Jimly dan jajarannya. Namun demikian, berlawanan dengan janji-janji dan harapan-harapan, Mahfud M D justu membawa Mahkamah ke tingkat yang jauh lebih tinggi dari yang semula dibayangkan oleh para pencetus pendirian Mahkamah. Perwakilan Rakyat dan Presiden kemudian mencoba untuk membatasi kewenangan Mahkamah, namun Mahkamah berhasil mengatasi hambatan-hambatan tersebut. Berbagai studi atas Mahkamah saat ini hanya meneliti bagaimana Mahkamah mengeluarkan putusan-putusan dan hanya berfokus pada dampak putusan-putusan tersebut serta acap kali mengesampingkan aktor-aktor konstitusional lainnya. Faktanya, situasi politik di mana Mahkamah berada saat itu merupakan salah satu hal yang terpenting yang dapat memperkuat legitimasi insitusional Mahkamah. Artikel ini mencoba untuk menemukan kebangkitan Mahkamah dari sudut pandang situasi politik di luar Mahkamah. Kedewasaan partai-partai politik dan kendala politis merupakan kunci yang mendukung perkembangan kewenangan institusional Mahkamah."
Depok: Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nilam Rahmahanjayani
"Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam menjalankan kewenangan menguji Undang-undang terhadap UUD 1945 berperan sebagai negative legislator. Dalam perkembangannya seringkali Mahkamah Konstitusi tidak hanya memutus apakah suatu norma bertentangan dengan UUD 1945 atau tidak tetapi juga merumuskan norma baru. Sikap aktif Mahkamah Konstitusi tersebut dianggap sebagai bentuk penerapan prinsip judicial activism. Judicial Activism dipahami sebagai dinamisme para hakim ketika membuat putusan tanpa melalui batas-batas konstitusi. Namun banyaknya kritik terhadap prinsip judicial activism melahirkan doktrin judicial restraint sebagai sebuah antitesa. Dalam doktrin judicial restraint, pengadilan harus dapat melakukan pengekangan diri dari kecenderungan ataupun dorongan untuk bertindak layaknya sebuah miniparliament. Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang menerapkan prinsip ini pun tidak sedikit jumlahnya. Namun hingga kini penerapan kedua prinsip tersebut oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi belum jelas. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini ingin membahas mengenai penerapan kedua prinsip tersebut dalam putusan pengujian Undang-undang di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan bahan kepustakaan serta wawancara.
Dari hasil riset didapati bahwa belum adanya parameter bagi Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk memutuskan kapan dan dalam keadaan yang bagaimana bisa menerapkan prinsip judicial restraint dan judicial activism menimbulkan kerancuan. Prinsip judicial restraint dan judicial activism tidak bisa disamakan penerapannya dalam setiap kasus karena masing-masing kasus memiliki persoalan yang berbeda. Tidak ada satu prinsip yang lebih baik atau yang lebih tinggi dari prinsip lainnya, sehingga tidak bisa dikatakan jika Mahkamah Konstitusi lebih baik mengedepankan penerapan judicial restraint dibanding judicial activism maupun sebaliknya.

The Constitutional Court in executing its authority to review the constitutionality of the law act as negative legislator. In its development the Constitutional Court often to not only decide whether a norm contradict to the constitution or not but also formulate a new norm. The Constitutional Court 39s active stance is considered as a form of applying the judicial activism principle. Judicial Activism is understood as the dynamism of judges when making decisions without going through the boundaries of the constitution. However, many criticisms towards judicial activism causing judicial restraint doctrine to rise as an antithetical view In judicial restraint doctrin, the court must be able to exercise self restraint from the tendency to act like a miniparliament. There are many Constitutional Court's cases that applies the judicial restraint principle. However, until now the application of both principles by the Constitutional Court is not clear. Therefore, this thesis would like to examine about the application of both principles on judicial review cases in Constitutional Court. Research method used is normative juridical writing with qualitative approach from library materials and interview.
The research results found that there is no parameter yet for the Constitutional Court to decide when and under what circumstances to apply the judicial restraint and judicial activism principles. It cause confusion. Nevertheless, the judicial restraint and judicial activism principle can not be equated with the application in each case because each case has different problems. There is no one principle that is better or higher than other principles, so it can not be said if the Constitutional Court is better put forward the implementation of judicial restraint than judicial activism or vice versa.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Efer Koritelu
"Kedudukan hukum pemohon judicial review di Indonesia hanya perorangan warga negara Indonesia menyebabkan warga negara asing tidak dapat mengajukan judicial review, meskipun hak asasi manusia warga negara asing dirugikan atau dilangar dengan berlakunya perundang-undangan pelaksana. Oleh karena itu dalam penulisan ini dibahas, Kedudukan hukum pemohon dalam sistem pengujian peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia, Perbandingan kedudukan hukum pemohon warga negara asing dalam mengajukan judicial review di beberapa negara, kedudukan hukum pemohon warga negara asing dalam mengajukan judicial review di Indonesia. Untuk menjawab itu, digunakan metode penelitian hukum dengan pendekatan undang-undang, kasus, konsep dan perbandingan. Dari penelitian di peroleh hasil bahwa kedudukan hukum dalam mengajukan permohonan judicial review di Indonesia dapat dilihat melalui kualifikasi pemohon dan kualifikasi kerugian, kualifikasi pemohon adalah perorangan warga negara Indonesia, kesatuan masyarakat hukum adat, badan hukum publik dan privat serta lembaga negara dan kualifikasi kerugian terhadap hak-hak yang telah diatur dan dijamin dalam UUD 1945. Kedudukan hukum pemohon hanya perorangan warga negara Indonesia menyebabkan warga negara asing yang mengalami kerugian hak asasi manusia tidak dapat diterima oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi. Namun ada beberapa hakim konstitusi mengajukan pendapat berbeda yang pada intinya menyatakan bahwa pemohon warga negara asing seharusnya diberikan kedudukan hukum jika substandi permohonan judicial review berkaitan dengan hak asasi manusia yang tidak dapat dikurangi dalam keadaan apapun. Perbandingan kedudukan hukum pemohon judicial review di beberapa negara seperti Jerman, Mongolia, Ceko, Goergia, Hungaria, Austria, Korea Selatan, Africa Selatan, Rusia dan Amerika Serikat, yang tidak membatasi warga negara asing sebagai pemohon judicial review, bahkan beberapa pemohon warga negara asing yang diterima kedudukan hukum dan permohonan dalam oleh negara pembanding tersebut. Kedudukan hukum pemohon warga negara asing yang tidak diterima di Indonesia menyebabkan terjadinya pelangaran terhadap prinsip-prinsip negara hukum dan hak asasi manusia, yaitu hak diakui sebagai pribadi dihadapan hukum dan pengadilan dan hak persamaan dihadapan hukum dan pengadilan, dimana hak ini telah dijamin dalam UUD 1945. Dalil konstitusional mengenai pembatasan hak asasi ternyata tidak dapan menjamin oleh karena hak yang dilangar merupakan hak asasi manusia yang tidak dapat dibatasi dalam keadaan apapun. Sehingga perlu tangung jawab negara untuk memberikan kedudukan hukum melalui pembentukan peraturan yang baru dengan mencantumkan pemohon adalah setiap orang yang mengalami kerugian konstitusional sedangkan terhadap warga negara asing hanya pada kerugian yang termasuk dalam katagori non derogable rights sedangkan derogable rights tidak.

The legal standing of the applicant for judicial review in Indonesia is only an individual Indonesian citizen, causing foreign nationals to be unable to apply for a judicial review, even though the human rights of foreign nationals have been harmed or violated by the enactment of the implementing laws. Therefore, in this paper discussed, the legal position of the applicant in the system of testing the laws and regulations in Indonesia, the comparison of the legal position of the applicant for foreign nationals in filing a judicial review in several countries, the legal position of the applicant for a foreign citizen in filing a judicial review in Indonesia. To answer that, legal research methods are used with the approach of laws, cases, concepts and comparisons. From the research, it is found that the legal position in applying for a judicial review in Indonesia can be seen through the qualifications of the applicant and the qualifications for losses, the qualifications of the applicants are individual Indonesian citizens, indigenous peoples, public and private legal entities and state institutions and qualifications of loss to rights. Right that has been regulated and guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution. The legal standing of the applicant is only an individual Indonesian citizen, which means that foreign nationals who experience human rights losses cannot be accepted by the Constitutional Court. However, there were several constitutional judges who put forward a different opinion which basically stated that the foreign citizen applicant should be given a legal standing if the substance of the application for judicial review relates to human rights which cannot be reduced under any circumstances. Comparison of the legal standing of the applicants for judicial review in several countries, such as Germany, Mongolia, Czech, Goergia, Hungary, Austria, South Korea, South Africa, Russia and the United States, which do not limit foreign nationals as applicants for judicial review, even some applicants are foreign nationals the legal standing and application received by the comparable country. The legal standing of the applicant for foreign citizens who is not accepted in Indonesia causes violations of the principles of the rule of law and human rights, namely the right to be recognized as a person before the law and court and the right to equality before the law and court, where this right has been guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution. Constitutional arguments regarding the limitation of human rights are not guaranteed because the rights that are violated are human rights that cannot be limited under any circumstances. So it needs the responsibility of the state to provide a legal position through the formation of a new regulation by including the applicant is everyone who experiences a constitutional loss while foreigners only suffer losses which are included in the category of non derogable rights while derogable rights are not."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chelsea Astafirla Andrea
Asuransi hewan peliharaan merupakan salah satu produk asuransi baru di Indonesia. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai (1) risiko yang timbul dari serangan hewan peliharaan dalam asuransi hewan peliharaan; (2) bagaimana timbulnya prinsip insurable interest dalam asuransi hewan peliharaan ditinjau dari hukum asuransi, dan; (3) kewajiban pemilik hewan peliharaan untuk memiliki asuransi terkait dengan perilaku hewan peliharaannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif. Selain itu, Penulis menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, (1) risiko yang timbul dalam serangan hewan peliharaan dapat diasuransikan dalam asuransi hewan peliharaan, namun hanya terbatas pada kucing dan anjing; (2) insurable interest dalam asuransi hewan peliharaan timbul karena hubungan kepemilikan, dan; (3) pemilik hewan peliharaan di Indonesia tidak dapat diwajibkan untuk memiliki asuransi terkait dengan perilaku hewan peliharaannya karena sampai saat ini tidak ada peraturan yang mewajibkan. Penulis menyarankan kepada asosiasi asuransi atau perusahaan asuransi agar memperluas definisi hewan peliharaan tidak hanya terbatas pada anjing dan kucing.

Pet insurance is one of the new insurance products in Indonesia. This thesis discusses (1) the risks that arise from pet attacks in pet insurance; (2) how the principle of insurable interest arises in pet insurance in terms of insurance law, and (3) the obligation of pet owners to have insurance related to the behavior of their pets. This is a judicial-normative research. In addition, the author used quality analysis method. The result of the analysis shows that (1) the risks that arise in pet attacks can be insured in pet insurance, but limited to cat and dog only, (2) insurable interest in pet insurance arises because of ownership relationship, and (3) pet owners in Indonesia cannot be obliged to have insurance related to the behavior of their pets because, until now, there is no obligatory regulation. The author advises insurance associations in Indonesia or the insurance company to expand the definition of pet, not only to cat and dog."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The problem of children outside of marriage recently is to be an interested conversation in the middle of discussion between legal norm, religion and human rights. In a religious perspective, the issue of children outside of marriage has been determined, which is related to civil matters with his mother. Meanwhile, civil relationship with her mother-in human rights perspective-will only cause distress to the child's him/herself because someone who has a lot of wealth and power over is husband. In addition to to civil relationship with the mother, it will only cause the husband abuse the mother. Therefore, the constitutional court's decision that states children outside of marriage also have a civil relationship with their father is also a new breakthrough that gives a sense of justice."
EDISMIKA 5:1 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Constitutional Court has authority to judge at the first and final level that decision is final functioning, among other, to review Law against Constitution Final decision of the court, as intended in Article 24C of 1945 Constitution of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, does not open opportunity for appeal, cassation or other legal efforts."
340 JIHAG 13:3 (2005)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Adlia Catur Putri
"Pemegang paten memiliki hak eksklusif untuk melaksanakan paten yang dimilikinya dan melarang pihak lain yang tanpa persetujuannya melaksanakan paten tersebut Hak eksklusif ini bagi pemegang paten meliputi hak untuk impor produk. Adanya peluang yang luas untuk mengimpor akan memberikan dampak buruk bagi industri farmasi dalam negeri.
Penelitian ini akan membahas pengaturan hak eksklusif mengenai importasi terhadap kewajiban untuk melaksanakan paten serta pengaruhnya terhadap ketergantungan bahan baku obat.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif, dimana penulis menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu undang-undang dan konseptual. Selain itu, penulis menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif.
Setelah melakukan perbandingan dan analisis, ternyata pengaturan hak eksklusif mengenai importasi masih sangat luas dan berpengaruh terhadap pelaksaan dan kewajiban pada pemegang paten. Agar dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik, maka pengaturan mengenai importasi perlu dibatasi dan perlu diatur lebih lanjut agar dapat mengurangi jumlah angka ketergantungan bahan baku obat dan dapat mengembangkan industry manufaktur farmasi di Indonesia.

Patentee has the exclusive right to exploit its patents and prohibit the other party without the consent of the patent implementing these exclusive rights to the patentee includes the right to import products. The big of opportunities for import will affect the domestic pharmaceutical industry.
This research will discuss the regulation of exclusive right and its influence on the importation of raw material drug dependence.
This research is a normative and qualitative research, where the authors use two approaches, it?s from regulation and conceptual laws. In addition, the author uses the method of qualitative analysis.
After analyzing the problem in this research, I came to the conclusion that the regulation about exclusive right of importation is still very widespread and affect the implementation and obligations on patentee. In order to be implemented properly, then the regulation of importation should be limited and should be further arranged to be decrease the total number of raw material dependence and can develop manufacturing industry of drug and pharmaceutical in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamid Chalid
Through the momentum of the third amendment of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which was passed in 2001, Indonesia has officially adopted a dualistic judicial review system. Under such system, the authority to conduct judicial review is divided/spread to the two judicial organs, each with its own scope of review; namely, the Supreme Court/Mahkamah Agung reviews regulations below the level of Law (Undang-undang), while the Constitutional Court/Mahkamah Konstitusi reviews the same against the Constitution (constitutional review). Seen from the theoretical and practical perspective adhered to by states which adopt the formation of the Constitutional Court (centered judicial review model), the system adopted by Indonesia is uncommon, and moreover it could be considered as an error in designing the judicial review system. This is in view of the fact that in states which have a Constitutional Court, the authority to conduct judicial review is concentrated / centered upon the Constitutional Court. Such division of authority under the two review regime (legal review and constitutional review) as practiced by Indonesia is not known (except for South Korea), neither in states which use the centralized judicial review model nor in those which use the distribution judicial review model. Such distribution is bound to disrupt the judicial review itself, as the authority to review is implemented by two different institutions with different review standard. Accordingly, in the final part of this research the author puts forward the proposition to centralize the authority to conduct judicial review in the Constitutional Court thus putting an end to the practice of dualistic judicial review which has been proven to be problematic and ensuring that the judicial review system in Indonesia can be reconstructed and placed upon the correct theoretical and practical basis."
Depok: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2017
340 UI-ILR 7:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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