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Ditemukan 193249 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bismo Brevianto
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Defrian Satria Ananda
"Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Swasta dalam pengusahaan jalan tol dalam bentuk Bangun Guna Serah (Bulid Operate Transfer) di Indonesia mulai berkembang sejak lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2004 tentang Jalan, yang kemudian diikuti dengan lahirnya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 15 Tahun 2005 tentang Jalan Tol. Pemisahan antara Regulator dengan Operator Jalan Tol yang diamanatkan dalam kedua peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut dinilai sebagai salah satu langkah maju yang dapat mendorong perkembangan Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Swasta dalam pengusahaan jalan tol dalam bentuk Bangun Guna Serah (Bulid Operate Transfer) di Indonesia.
Selain dalam kedua peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut pengaturan mengenai Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Swasta sendiri diatur pula dalam peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya, baik yang bersifat umum untuk mengatur Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Swasta maupun yang terkait dengan perbendaharaan Negara/pengelolaan barang milik Negara. Di dalam peraturan-peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut diatur pula mengenai pengalihan proyek Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Swasta tersebut di akhir masa konsesi.
Penelitian ini akan berusaha menjawab permasalahan yang terkait dengan pengaturanpengaturan Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Swasta dalam pengusahaan jalan tol dalam bentuk Bangun Guna Serah (Build Operate Transfer) di Indonesia yang diatur dalam berbagai macam peraturan perundang-undangan sebagaimana tersebut di atas, serta permasalahan terkait dengan pengalihan jalan tol tersebut di akhir masa konsesi.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara menganalisa peraturan-peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Swasta tersebut, baik yang bersifat umum, sektoral maupun yang terkait dengan perbendaharaan Negara atau pengelolaan barang milik Negara serta dengan menganalisa Perjanjian Pengusahaan Jalan Tol yang menjadi landasan Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Swasta dalam pengusahaan jalan tol.
Dari hasil penelitian tersebut ditemukan bahwa masih terdapat aturan-aturan yang tidak tersinkronisasi dan terintegrasi satu sama lain dan ditemukan pula adanya inkonsistensi dalam pengaturan serta ketidaklengkapan aturan main dalam PPJT khususnya terkait dengan pengalihan jalan tol di akhir masa konsesi.

Public Private Partnership in toll road concession in the form of Build Operate Transfer in Indonesia began to grow since the enactment of Law No. 38 of 2004 about Road, which was followed by the establishment of the Government Regulation No. 15 of 2005 about The Toll Road. The separation between the toll road Regulator with the toll road Operator which mandated in the aforementioned legislations is considered as a step forward that can boost the development of the Public Private Partnerships in toll road concession in the form of Build Operate Transfer in Indonesia.
In addition to the aforementioned legislation, the regulation regarding Public Private Partnerships also regulated in other legislation, legislation regarding Public Private Partnerships in general and with regards to the State treasury / management of state property. In those regulations, also regulated the transfer of Public Private Partnership projects at the end of the concession period.
This reaserch will attempt to answer the problems associated with the regulation of Public Private Partnership in toll road concession in the form of Build Operate Transfer in Indonesia which is set in a wide range of legislation, as mentioned above, as well as problems related to transfer of the toll road at the end of the concession period.
The reaserch was conducted by analyzing the rules and regulations related to the Public Private Partnership, both in general, sectoral or in regards to the State treasury / management of state property as well as by analyzing The Toll Road Concession Agreement on which became the basis of Public Private Partnership in toll road concession.
The results of these reaserch found that there are rules that are not synchronized and integrated with one another and also found inconsistencies in the setting and the incompleteness of the rules in The Toll Road Concession Agreement, especially related to the transfer of the toll road at the end of the concession period.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Erar Joesoef
"Disertasi ini mengkaji bagaimana Pemerintah menerapkan konsep model kontrak build operate and transfer (BOT) dalam kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta (KPS) yang dituangkan dalam perjanjian pengusahaan jalan tol (PPJT) dibidang infrastruktur jalan tol di Indonesia setelah dikeluarkannya Undang-undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jalan (UU No. 38/ 2004) yang menggantikan Undang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 1980 Tentang Jalan (UU No. 13/ 1980). Data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa total ruas jalan yang terbangun berdasarkan UU No. 38/2004 (2004-2010) sepanjang 131,35 Km yang jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan total ruas jalan yang terbangun berdasarkan UU No. 13/1980 (1978-2004) yaitu sepanjang 610,62 Km. Partisipasi investor swasta juga sangat kecil yaitu hanya 25 % (dua puluh lima persen) sedangkan sisanya 75 % (tujuh puluh lima persen) adalah Jasa Marga sebagai badan usaha milik negara (BUMN).
Pemerintah telah melakukan regulasi-regulasi yang mendukung, namun kendala-kendala masih ditemukan seperti: kenaikan harga tanah, status tanah yang dimiliki Pemerintah namun dibiayai investor swasta, pengadaan tanah, kelembagaan dan prosedur badan layanan umum untuk pendanaan tanah, kemampuan investor swasta dalam pendanaan pengadaan tanah, dan adanya ruas jalan tol yang layak secara ekonomi namun belum layak secara finansial. Permasalahan yang mendasar adalah bahwa Pasal 33 ayat (2) UUD 1945 menyatakan bahwa infrastruktur sebagai salah satu cabang-cabang produksi yang penting bagi Negara dan yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak dikuasai oleh Negara. Hal ini terlihat dari pola investasinya dimana tanah dibiayai oleh investor swasta, namun dimiliki secara hukum oleh Pemerintah. Secara teoritis pola tersebut mengarahkan infrastruktur jalan tol sebagai public goods, padahal konsep model kontrak BOT secara teoritis merupakan private goods.
Disertasi ini mencoba memberikan solusi dengan membuat struktur hukum dimana infrastruktur jalan tol model kontrak BOT tetap sebagai private goods namun tidak melepaskan statusnya sebagai public goods, yaitu dengan memberikan hak penggunaan tanah kepada investor dalam bentuk hak pakai (HP) di atas hak pengelolaan (HPL) dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum RI. Dengan diberikannya HP di atas HPL selama masa konsesi private goods dan dapat dialihkan, disewa atau dijadikan jaminan utang dengan hak tanggungan, namun berdimensi publik, karena Pemerintah (Negara) masih menguasai infrastruktur jalan tol tersebut melalui HPL.

This dissertation examines how the government of Indonesia implements the concept of build operate and transfer (BOT) contract model upon partnership between government and private sector or public private partnership (PPP) of which entered into the toll road concession agreement after the government promulgated Law No. 38 year 2004 concering the Road (Law No. 38/ 2004) as new law which replaced the previous law. Data collected shows that total as built section roads refer to new law only 131,35 Km long compared with previous law which built as 610,62 Km long. Private sector was very small in participation as well with approximately 25 % (twenty five persen) only from which the remain with approximately 75 % (seventy five persen) operated by Jasa Marga as goverment enterprise.
Government had issued the regulations to support its development, but obstacles still exist such as: increasing of land price, land status which owned by government legally but financed by private investor, land acqusition, and there are many toll road sections are economic worthyness but not financial worthyness. However, the basic problem of wich, the article 33 (2) of Indonesian Constitution (UUD 1945) stipulated that infrastructure as one of part of product (goods and services) that is very important for State and dominate the social lives are under authority of State. These could been seen from the pattern of investments where the land acquisition financed by private investor but then owned by the government legally. Theoritically, such patterns bring the toll road infrastructure as public goods whilst the concept of BOT contract model theoritically as private goods.
This dissertation make an attempt to give a solution by making the legal structure where the toll road infrastructure contract model remain as private goods but do not realese the status as public goods, of which by giving to private investor the right of land use (Hak Pakai) upon the management right of land (Hak Pengelolaan) of Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum RI. By giving such the right of land during the concession period to private investor then the toll road infrastructure status could be as private goods, of which could be transferred, rent or could be put as collateral in debt financing (Hak Tanggungan), but with the public dimension, where the Government (State) still have the right of authority through Hak Pengelolaan.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis, sampai
sejauh mana suatu kebijakan dapat di-implementasikan
melalui suatu ketentuan peraturan perundangan, dapat
secara efektif dilaksanakan sesuai dengan maksud dan
tujuannya semula. Sebagaimana amanat dalam Undang-Undang
Dasar 194 5 yang menyangkut tentang perekonomian, termasuk
pengelolaan serta pemanfaatannya bagi kepentingan rakyat
banyak, harus dapat dirasakan hasil dan manfaatnya oleh
segenap rakyat Indonesia secara menyeluruh dan
merata.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian
normatif dengan cara pengumpulan, pengolahan dan analisis
data yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Undang-Undang
Nomor 38 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jalan adalah merupakan salah
satu bentuk ketentuan pelaksanaan kebijakan tentang
bagaimana diaturnya pembangunan infrastruktur jalan,
khususnya jalan tol yang diharapakan antara lain dapat
menjadikan lebih terbukanya jalur transportasi sekaligus
distribusi,yang diharapkan dapat lebih menggerakkan roda
perekonomian sehingga dapat menciptakan pemerataan
pembanguanan dengan hasil-hasilnya, yang pada akhirnya
dapat pula meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi untuk
tercapainya peningkatan taraf hidup rakyat Indonesia demi
kesejahteraan dan keadilan yang merata pula. Dalam
implementasinya, kebijakan pembangunan infrastruktur
jalan khsusnya jalan tol, menghadapi kendala dan hambatan
yang tidak mudah. Keberadaan PT Jasa Marga (Pesero) dan
pembentukan Badan Pengatur jalan Tol (BPJT) tidak serta
merta dapat mempermudah percepatan pembangunan jalan tol.
Keikut-sertaan atau partisipasi Badan Usaha Milik Daerah
(BUMD) maupun Badan Usaha Milik Swasta pun masih
mendapatkan kendala yang cukup besar.Faktor pengadaan
lahan dan penentuan tarif tol merupakan faktor yang dapat
menenetukan menarik-tidaknya investasi jalan tol apabila
ditinjau dari segi kelayakan bisnisnya. Lambannya
pembangunan jalan tol berakibat pada kurang meratanya
jalur transportasi dan distribusi, mengakibatkan
kurangnya pergerakan pemerataan kegiatan perekonomian
guna peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia.
Pemerintah diharapkan dapat melakukan terobosan-terobosan
guna menggairahkan sektor investasi penyelenggaraan jalan

This research is intended to analyze on how far a policy
can be implemented effectively through the provisions of
the laws and regulations in accordance with its initial
objectives and purposes. As instructed in the 1945
Constitutions of the Republic of Indonesia related to the
economy/ including the administration and utilization for
the interest of the people, its result and benefit must
be enjoyed by the entire Indonesian people in general and
equally. This research uses the normative research method
by collecting, processing and analyzing the data that
have analytic descriptive nature. Law Number 38 of 2004
regarding Road is one of the policy implementation
formats in the administration of the road infrastructure
construction particularly toll road that is expected,
among others, will allow the opening of the
transportation as well as the distribution path that can
activate the economic wheels in creating the even
distribution of the development and its result in turn
will improve the economic growth for achieving the better
standard of living for the people in Indonesia as well as
the evenly distributed prosperity and justice. In the
implementation of the policies in the toll road
encountered many problems and hindrances which are not
easily eliminated. The existence of PT Jasa Marga
(Persero) and the establishment of Toll Road Regulating
Board (BP JT) do not automatically make it easier for
accelerating the construction of the toll road. The
participation of the Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) or
Private-Owned Enterprises encountered also significant
problem. The land procurement factor and the decision of
the toll tariff, that makes the investors loss their
interest in constructing the toll road if it is seen from
the business feasibility point of view. In this
condition, the delay in the construction of the toll road
infrastructure resulted in the delay in evenly
distribution of the transportation and distribution path
which at the end prevent the equal movement of the
economic activities in supporting the economic growth in
Indonesia. In this matter, the government is expected to
create a breakthrough to stimulate the investment sector
in the organization of toll road."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis, sampai
sejauh mana suatu kebijakan dapat di-implementasikan
melalui suatu ketentuan peraturan perundangan, dapat
secara efektif dilaksanakan sesuai dengan maksud dan
tujuannya semula. Sebagaimana amanat dalam Undang-Undang
Dasar 194 5 yang menyangkut tentang perekonomian, termasuk
pengelolaan serta pemanfaatannya bagi kepentingan rakyat
banyak, harus dapat dirasakan hasil dan manfaatnya oleh
segenap rakyat Indonesia secara menyeluruh dan
merata.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian
normatif dengan cara pengumpulan, pengolahan dan analisis
data yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Undang-Undang
Nomor 38 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jalan adalah merupakan salah
satu bentuk ketentuan pelaksanaan kebijakan tentang
bagaimana diaturnya pembangunan infrastruktur jalan,
khususnya jalan tol yang diharapakan antara lain dapat
menjadikan lebih terbukanya jalur transportasi sekaligus
distribusi,yang diharapkan dapat lebih menggerakkan roda
perekonomian sehingga dapat menciptakan pemerataan
pembanguanan dengan hasil-hasilnya, yang pada akhirnya
dapat pula meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi untuk
tercapainya peningkatan taraf hidup rakyat Indonesia demi
kesejahteraan dan keadilan yang merata pula. Dalam
implementasinya, kebijakan pembangunan infrastruktur
jalan khsusnya jalan tol, menghadapi kendala dan hambatan
yang tidak mudah. Keberadaan PT Jasa Marga (Pesero) dan
pembentukan Badan Pengatur jalan Tol (BPJT) tidak serta
merta dapat mempermudah percepatan pembangunan jalan tol.
Keikut-sertaan atau partisipasi Badan Usaha Milik Daerah
(BUMD) maupun Badan Usaha Milik Swasta pun masih
mendapatkan kendala yang cukup besar.Faktor pengadaan
lahan dan penentuan tarif tol merupakan faktor yang dapat
menenetukan menarik-tidaknya investasi jalan tol apabila
ditinjau dari segi kelayakan bisnisnya. Lambannya
pembangunan jalan tol berakibat pada kurang meratanya
jalur transportasi dan distribusi, mengakibatkan
kurangnya pergerakan pemerataan kegiatan perekonomian
guna peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia.
Pemerintah diharapkan dapat melakukan terobosan-terobosan
guna menggairahkan sektor investasi penyelenggaraan jalan

This research is intended to analyze on how far a policy
can be implemented effectively through the provisions of
the laws and regulations in accordance with its initial
objectives and purposes. As instructed in the 1945
Constitutions of the Republic of Indonesia related to the
economy/ including the administration and utilization for
the interest of the people, its result and benefit must
be enjoyed by the entire Indonesian people in general and
equally. This research uses the normative research method
by collecting, processing and analyzing the data that
have analytic descriptive nature. Law Number 38 of 2004
regarding Road is one of the policy implementation
formats in the administration of the road infrastructure
construction particularly toll road that is expected,
among others, will allow the opening of the
transportation as well as the distribution path that can
activate the economic wheels in creating the even
distribution of the development and its result in turn
will improve the economic growth for achieving the better
standard of living for the people in Indonesia as well as
the evenly distributed prosperity and justice. In the
implementation of the policies in the toll road
encountered many problems and hindrances which are not
easily eliminated. The existence of PT Jasa Marga
(Persero) and the establishment of Toll Road Regulating
Board (BP JT) do not automatically make it easier for
accelerating the construction of the toll road. The
participation of the Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) or
Private-Owned Enterprises encountered also significant
problem. The land procurement factor and the decision of
the toll tariff, that makes the investors loss their
interest in constructing the toll road if it is seen from
the business feasibility point of view. In this
condition, the delay in the construction of the toll road
infrastructure resulted in the delay in evenly
distribution of the transportation and distribution path
which at the end prevent the equal movement of the
economic activities in supporting the economic growth in
Indonesia. In this matter, the government is expected to
create a breakthrough to stimulate the investment sector
in the organization of toll road."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Welly Sugiarto Raharjo
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan manajemen stratejik untuk memetakan faktor
eksternal dan daya tarik industri jalan tol sebelum nantinya dapat mengidentifikasi
dan memitigasi risiko yang ada untuk kemudian hasilnya dikategorikan berdasarkan
kesamaan arti untuk nantinya memudahkan semua pihak dalam memprediksi risiko
dominan apa yang akan dihadapi. Tiga proyek jalan tol yang dibangun oleh PT Jasa
Marga, perusahaan operator jalan tol terbesar di Indonesia, menjadi sampel dalam
penelitian ini. Proyek jalan tol tersebut memiliki keunikan yaitu fase pembangunan
dan diperoleh dengan cara berbeda. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa risiko dominan
yang dihadapi pada tahap inisiatif proyek, persiapan, pengadaan, konstruksi dan
operasi berturut - turut adalah risiko proyek, risiko performa, risiko proyek, risiko
proyek dan risiko politis. Sedangkan solusi yang ditawarkan dapat dikategorikan
menjadi dua yakni komunikasi yang baik terhadap stakeholders dan manajemen
pengawasan yang kontinu terhadap jalannya sebuah perencanaan.

This research use strategic management approach to map external factors and toll
road industry attractiveness before identify and mitigate all risks that will be
classified later based on meaning similarity to ease all parties in predict what
dominant risk that will be faced in the future. Three toll road projects will be built by
PT Jasa Marga, the biggest toll road operator company in Indonesia, be samples in
this research. These toll road projects have their uniqueness aspect such as their
development phase and the operation permit that get in different ways. This research
show that the dominant risk that faced in project initiative, preparation, tender,
construction and operation sequentially project, performance, project, project and
political risk. Then the solution that offered can be classified in two categories such
as good stakeholders communication and continuous supervisory management
against the project development process.;This research use strategic management approach to map external factors and toll
road industry attractiveness before identify and mitigate all risks that will be
classified later based on meaning similarity to ease all parties in predict what
dominant risk that will be faced in the future. Three toll road projects will be built by
PT Jasa Marga, the biggest toll road operator company in Indonesia, be samples in
this research. These toll road projects have their uniqueness aspect such as their
development phase and the operation permit that get in different ways. This research
show that the dominant risk that faced in project initiative, preparation, tender,
construction and operation sequentially project, performance, project, project and
political risk. Then the solution that offered can be classified in two categories such
as good stakeholders communication and continuous supervisory management
against the project development process.;This research use strategic management approach to map external factors and toll
road industry attractiveness before identify and mitigate all risks that will be
classified later based on meaning similarity to ease all parties in predict what
dominant risk that will be faced in the future. Three toll road projects will be built by
PT Jasa Marga, the biggest toll road operator company in Indonesia, be samples in
this research. These toll road projects have their uniqueness aspect such as their
development phase and the operation permit that get in different ways. This research
show that the dominant risk that faced in project initiative, preparation, tender,
construction and operation sequentially project, performance, project, project and
political risk. Then the solution that offered can be classified in two categories such
as good stakeholders communication and continuous supervisory management
against the project development process., This research use strategic management approach to map external factors and toll
road industry attractiveness before identify and mitigate all risks that will be
classified later based on meaning similarity to ease all parties in predict what
dominant risk that will be faced in the future. Three toll road projects will be built by
PT Jasa Marga, the biggest toll road operator company in Indonesia, be samples in
this research. These toll road projects have their uniqueness aspect such as their
development phase and the operation permit that get in different ways. This research
show that the dominant risk that faced in project initiative, preparation, tender,
construction and operation sequentially project, performance, project, project and
political risk. Then the solution that offered can be classified in two categories such
as good stakeholders communication and continuous supervisory management
against the project development process.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Prasetyanto
"Jalan Tol merupakan salah satu bentuk project financing pada sektor iniiastruktur yang bcmpa jalan, karena konsep jalan tol adalah self financing project yaitu sumbcr pendanaan proyck berasal dari pendapatan setelah proyck tersebut dioperasikan. Sebagaimana investasi pada sektor-sektor lain, investasi pada jalan tol mengandung faktor-faktor resiko yang dapat mengakibatkan turunnya tingkat kelayakan proyek sehingga membuat investasi tersebut menjadi tidak efektif. Khususnya di Indonesia saat ini, terhentinya proyek-proyek BOT Jalan Tol menimbulkan pertanyaan yang terkait salah satunya dengan tingkat efektifitas dan tingkat kelayakannya.
Dengan menggunakan rangkaian proses analisa resiko terhadap faktor resiko hasil identifikasi resiko dan kemudian mensimulasikan faktor faktor resiko tersebut dalam model yang diadopsi dari empat ruas jalan tol yang dibangun dan hendak dibangun oleh private sector akan diperoleh suatu besaran tingkat kelayakan dan efektiiitas dari BOT jalan tol di Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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