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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 95175 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Resi Rosiana
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Bina Rena Pariwara, 1994
338.52 GUN t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Amin
"A contracting state cannot tax the profits of an enterprise (resident) of the other Contracting State unless it carries on its business through a permanent establishment (PE) situated therein. Hence the establishment of a PE is a main condition that the source country can impose taxes on profits from foreign business activities.
Considering the importance of a PE to a source country in terms of imposing taxes on foreign business activities, therefore in order to optimize tax revenues, Directorate General of Tax (DGT) must carry out extensification efforts optimally on PE. Whether these extensification efforts on PE are optimal or not really depends on DGT?s capability in identifying and declaring PE status of Foreign Taxpayers that engage in business activities in Indonesia.
Based on the result of the research which has been done trough a series of interview with relevant parties, it can be concluded that extensification efforts of PE which have been done by DGT especially KPP Badora Dua are not optimum enough. The main source point of these not so optimum extensitication efforts is due to the not optimal process of PE identification being done.
There are various problems that cause PE identification could not be done optimally, which are: unavailability of sufficient data, weak skills of DGT's human resources, the lack of comprehension of the industry being supervised, the rapid growth of telecommunication and information technology, the high mobility of Foreign Taxpayers, taxpayer's poor knowledge as to the concept of PE, the tendency to impose Income Tax article 26 on every transaction having to do with Foreign Taxpayers, and also the reluctance of Foreign Taxpayers to register itself in as a PE.
To optimize PE extensification efforts, the DGT is advised to increase its capability in identifying and declaring the PE's status through development of a comprehensive and up to date data bank, stepping up employees know how, more intense cooperation with business association and certain technical departments, intensifying counselling to tax payers, renegotiation of Tax Treaties, increasing the quality of service and tax administration, and taking the follow-up steps intensively of the results of extensification.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manullang, Jus Marsondang
"Era globalisasi melanda dunia, termasuk Indonesia, menyebabkan tidak dapat lagi membendung masuknya perusahaan konstruksi asing yang secara langsung menangani proyek-proyek konstruksi di Indonesia. Pengerjaan proyek konstruksi yang ditangani secara langsung oleh perusahaan kontruksi asing ini dapat menimbulkan Bentuk Usaha Tetap (BUT). Pajak atas penghasilan WP Badan BUT usaha jasa konstruksi cukup besar jumlahnya dan masih dapat ditingkatkan penerimaannya. Peningkatan penerimaan pajak atas penghasilan WP Badan BUT usaha jasa konstruksi secara optimal meliputi juga peraturan perpajakan yang memenuhi azas-azas perpajakan. Peraturan perpajakan yang balk adalah peraturan yang memenuhi azas-azas perpajakan. Menurut Adam Smith terdapat 4 azas-azas perpajakan, yaitu equity (keadilan), certainty (kepastian hukum), convenience of payment, dan economy in collection. Pokok permasalahan yang akan ditulis dalam tesis adalah berkenaan dengan pemenuhan azas-azas perpajakan keadilan dan kepastian hukum dalam peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku terhadap pengenaan pajak atas penghasilan WP Badan BUT usaha jasa konstruksi.
Tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah deskriftif analitis, dan jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Penulis akan menguraikan mengenai pengertian-pengertian pajak penghasilan atas BUT usaha jasa konstruksi serta perlakuan pengenaan pajak penghasilan atas BUT usaha jasa konstruksi, dan akan diuraikan pendapat para ahli berkenaan dengan pengenaan pajak penghasilan atas BUT usaha jasa konstruksi. Sesudah mendeskripsikan berbagai hal yang relevan, selanjutnya penulis akan melakukan analisis atas data-data guna memecahkan pokok permasalahan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian. Pengumpulan data utama dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan pejabat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak yang merumuskan kebijakan perpajakan, Konsultan Pajak, dan WP Badan BUT usaha jasa konstruksi. Penulis juga menggunakan questionnaire sebagai pecengkap data utama. Ketentuan perpajakan yang mengatur tentang pengenaan pajak penghasilan atas penghasilan WP Badan BUT usaha jasa konstruksi yang berlaku mulai 01 Januari 1984 s.d. sekarang dapat dibagi dalam 3 periode; yaitu periode pertama mulai 01 Januari 1984 s.d. 31 Desember 1996 dikenakan ketentuan PPh Non-Final, periode kedua mulai 01 Januari 1997 s.d. 31 Desember 2000 dikenakan PPh Final, dan periode ketiga mulai 01 Januari 2001 s.d. sekarang dikenakan PPh Non-Final dengan tidak mengakui kompensasi kerugian terhadap penghasilan kena pajak 2001 dan seterusnya.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku dalam menghitung pajak atas penghasilan WP Badan BUT usaha jasa konstruksi dalam periode 01 Januari 1984 s.d. 31 Desember 1996 memenuhi azas keadilan dan kepastian hukum; periode 01 Januari 1997 s.d. 31 Desember 2000 memenuhi sebagian azas keadilan dan tidak memenuhi azas kepastian hukum; dan periode 01 Januari 2001 s.d. sekarang memenuhi sebagian azas keadilan dan tidak memenuhi azas kepastian hukum. Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut, penulis menyarankan sebagai berikut :
1. mempertahankan definisi penghasilan yang terdapat dalam pasal 4 ayat (1) UU PPh Nomor 7 tahun 1983, Nomor 7 tahun 1991, Nomor 10 tahun 1994, dan Nomor 17 tahun 2000;
2. membatalkan diberlakukannya ketentuan perpajakan PPh Final, yaitu Pasal 4 ayat (2) UU PPh Nomor 7 tahun 1983, Nomor 7 tahun 1991, Nomor 10 tahun 1994, dan Nomor 17 tahun 2000; Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 73 tahun 1996 tanggal 20 Desember 1996 tentang Pajak Penghasilan atas Penghasilan dari Usaha Jasa Konstruksi dan Jasa Konsultan; dan peraturan pelaksanaannya Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor : 7041KMKIKMK.0411996 tanggal 26 Desember 1996 tentang Pajak Penghasilan atas Penghasilan dari Usaha Jasa Konstruksi dan Jasa Konsultan, dan Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Pajak Nomor : SE-421PJ.0411996 tanggai 31 Desember 1996 tentang Pajak Penghasilan atas Penghasilan dari Usaha Jasa Konstruksi dan Jasa Konsultan; dan digantikan dengan ketentuan perpajakan PPh Final ;
3. meninjau kembali (inencabut) pasal 5 Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor :
5591KMK.0412000 yang menyatakan kerugian fiskal tidak boleh
dikompensasikan dengan penghasilan kena pajak mulai masa 01 Januari
2001 dan seterusnya; dan
4. Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pajak Nomor : KEP-961PJ.12001 tanggal 07 Pebruari 2001 yang berlaku mulai 07 Pebruari 2001, dalam rangka memenuhi kepastian hukum, agar diberlakukan mulai 01 Januari 2001.

Globalization knock over world, including Indonesia, causing cannot against barricade entry of the foreign construction company which is directly handle project of construction in Indonesia. Workmanship of project of construction handled directly by company of this foreign construction can generate Permanent Establishment. Tax on Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company's income is big enough and it still can be raised. The raises of acceptance of income tax on Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company?s income cover also regulation of taxation fulfilling taxation principality. According to Adam Smith of there are 4 taxation principality, that is equity, certainty, convenience of payment, and economy in collection. Fundamental Problems to be written in this thesis is the accomplishment of principality of taxation of equity and certainty of law in regulation of taxation for calculating income tax on Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company's income.
Type of research used in this thesis Is analytical descriptive, and type of research used in this thesis is qualitative research. Writer will elaborate to hit congeniality of income lax on Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company's income and also treatment of imposition of income tax Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company's income, and will be described the opinion of all expert with reference to imposition of income tax Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company's income. Hereafter describe of relevant matters, hereinafter the writer will do analysis data that utilized to solve fundamental of problems obtained in research. Primary data is collected through circumstantial interview with functionary on Tax General Directorate that foal mutating taxation policy, Tax Consultant, and Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company. Writer also use questionnaire as supplementary of primary data. Taxation rule arranging about imposition of income tax on Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company's income start 01 Januari 1984 s.d. now can divided into 3 period : the first period start 01 January 1984 s.d. 31 December 1996 imposed by Non-Final Income Tax, second period start 01 January 1997 s.d. 31 December 2000 is imposed by Final Income Tax, and third period start 01 January 2001 s.d. is now imposed by Non-Final Income Tax with exception cannot loss compensate the loss to taxable income at 2001 and so on.
Result of research conclude that taxation regulation for calculating income tax on Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company's income in period 01 January 1984 until 31 December 1996 is fulfilling equity and certainty principality; period 01 Januari 1997 until 31 December 2000 menu of some of justice principality and do not fulfill rule of certainty principality; and period 01 Januari 2001 until now menu of some of equity principality and do not fulfill certainty principality. Pursuant to the conclusion, writer suggests the following:
1. maintaining definition of Income which is there are in Article 4 (1) UU Income Tax Number 7 year 1983, Number 7 Year 1991, Number 10 year 1994, and Number 17 year 2000;
2. canceling the rule of taxation Final Income Tax, that is Governmental Regulation ()i number 73 year 1996 date of 20 December 1996 about Income Tax on Permanent Establishment Construction Services, and number : 7041KMKIKMK.0411996 date of 26 December 1996 about Income Tax on Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company's income, and Handbill of Tax General Director number : SE-421PJ.0411996 date 31 December 1995 about Income Tax on Permanent Establishment Construction Services Company's income; and replaced with ruie of taxation of Non Final Income Tax ;
3. revising ( abstracting ) aril clie 5 Finance Ministr ial Decree number : 559/KMK.04120G0 expressing fiscal loss may not compensated with taxable income in periode 01 Januari 2001 and so on ; and
4. Tax General Director Decision number : KEF-961PJ.12001 date 07 Pthruari 2001 going into effect to start 07 :'ebruari 2001, in order to fulfilling rule of law, is in order to gone into effect to by start 01 Januari 2001.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudi Saptono
Kegiatan ekonomi dunia di era globalisasi saat ini membawa dampak pada transaksi lintas negara atas sumber daya serta modal baik melalui partisipasi langsung maupun tidak langsung. Dari transaksi-transaksi kegiatan usaha antar negara tersebut berpotensi menimbulkan Bentuk Usaha Tetap.
Bentuk usaha tetap (BUT) merupakan suatu bentuk usaha yang digunakan oleh wajib pajak luar negeri untuk mewakili kegiatan atau kepentingannya di suatu negara (sumber) Konsep BUT dalam model persetujuan penghindaran pajak berganda (P3B) dimaksudkan untuk menenlukan hak pemajakan negara sumber agar dapat mengenakan pajak atas laba usaha yang diterima atau diperoleh oleh subjek pajak dari negara lainnya.
Permasalahan dalam menentukan keberadaan suatu BUT atau dapat disebut dengan identifikasi BUT menjadi hal yang sangat penting terutama bagi negara sumber, karena dapat mencegah hilangnya potensi penerimaan pajak yang ditimbulkan dari transaksi kegiatan usaha intemasional.
Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam melakukan identifikasi BUT adalah terbalasnya data dan infomasi yang dimiliki Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DIP) dan kurangnya kerjasama antar instansi, sehingga link data dan informasi dari instansi lain ke DIP belum terwujud. Selain itu pemahaman tentang perpajakan internasional terutarna mengenai BUT dan Tax Treaty dari para pegawai pajak maupun pihak wajib pajak juga menjadi kendala tersendiri.
Pada sistem administrasi perpajakan modem (SAPM), terdapat Account Representative (AR) dibawah koordinasi Kepala Seksi Pengawasan dan Konsultasi. Keberadaan AR akan mempermudah komunikasi antara pihak kantor pajak dengan wajib pajak. AR bertanggung jawab dan berwenang memberikan pelayanan secara langsung, edukasi, asistensi, mendorong dan mengawasi pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban wajib pajak. Dalam menjalankan fungsi pengawasan, AR harus dapat melakukan analisa data dan informasi wajib pajak baik dari segi jenis usahanya (nature of business) maupun penerapan suatu peraturan perpajakan kaitannya dengan identifikasi BUT.
Terciptanya suatu kerjasama antar instansi seperi Imigrasi, BKPM dan juga Departemen Luar Negeri yang dapat memberikan dukungan data dan informasi yang selalu up to date dan dapat diakses langsung oleh DIP akan sangat mendukung pelaksanaan identifikasi BUT atas transaksi internasional. Disamping itu, peningkatan kemampuan analisa kegiatan usaha wajib pajak dan peningkatan pemahaman perpajakan internasional dari parat pajak periu ditingkatkan dengan melakukan pendidikan dan pelatihan yang rutin dan berkesinambungan.
Jadi bersinerginya antara data dan infomaasi yang lengkap atas transaksi intemasional dengan kemampuan analisa serta pamahaman mengenai BUT yang dikemas dalam SAPM akan sangat mendukung identifikasi BUT secara cepat yang pada akhirnya dapat mencegah hilangnya potensi penerimaan pajak dari transaksi internasional.

The global economic transactions has been leading to the exchange of goods and services and movements of capital, technology and person. Those international transactions may cause the existence of a permanent establishment of an enterprise of one country in another country.
The permanent establishment generally is a place of business through which an enterprise of one country carries on its business in another country. The main concept of a permanent establishment is to determine the right of a source country to tax the proiits of an enterprise ofthe other country.
The identification of a permanent establishment plays an important role in a source country since the source country shall only tax the profits of an enterprise if it derives from a permanent establishment. Otherwise, the potential tax revenue fiom the international transactions may be lost.
There are several obstacles in determination of a permanent establishment, namely a lack of data and information and a lack of coordination between department especially data link from the Directorate General of Taxes to and from other department, and also the limitation of the taxpayer?s and tax official?s knowledge of international taxation.
In a Modem Tax Administration System (SAPM) there is an Account Representative (AR) who is responsible and authorized to provide services, consultation, assistance for taxpayer and to supervise a taxpayer in term of taxpayer's right and obligation, The existence of AR hopefully may make the taxpayer easy to communicate to the tax oflice since the function of AR is a liaison officer of taxpayer in the tax office.
In their function as a supervisory, an AR is required to have better knowledge of nature of business of taxpayer, and to analyze the consequence of taxation of every single transaction the taxpayer made. Finally AR could identify the existence of permanent establishment from the taxpayer?s transaction.
It is suggested to create the coordination between government agencies such as Immigration, Investment Coordinate Board and Foreign Affair Ministry to support data and information which will be very useful in identifying the existence of permanent establishment. Such exchange of infomation should always be update and the DGT should have the direct access to the information. Moreover, the capability of AR in international taxation and analyses of tax payer?s nature of business should be increased by providing them regular and continue training.
In conclusion, the synergy between the availability data and information of international transaction and the ability of tax officer to analyze the taxation of international transaction in Modern Tax Administration System may support the accurate determination of a permanent establishment, and finally may prevent the lost of tax revenue from international transaction."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Gabriel Muara Thobias
"Ketentuan reduced rate yang berlaku dalam tax treaty berlaku khusus terhadap pengenaan Branch Profit Tax (BPT) pada UU PPh berdasarkan asas lex specialis derogat legi generali. Namun, dalam praktiknya kerap terjadi sengketa mengenai penerapan reduced rate yang dilakukan oleh kontraktor migas, alasannya karena penerapan reduced rate dianggap mengakibatkan ketentuan bagi hasil yang tercantum dalam Production Sharing Contract (PSC) menjadi tidak terpenuhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kedudukan tax treaty dengan PSC agar mengetahui ketentuan mana yang harus diacu pada penyelesaian sengketa BPT Bentuk Usaha Tetap hulu migas dan mengetahui desain bagi hasil yang menciptakan kepastian hukum dalam pengenaan BPT. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan studi literatur dan studi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karena ketentuan perpajakan dalam PSC dikembalikan kepada UU PPh yang berlaku, maka ketentuan tax treaty dapat diterapkan dalam PSC berdasarkan Pasal 32A UU PPh, lalu untuk menciptakan kepastian hukum diperlukan penegasan terkait penggunaan tax treaty dalam ketentuan PSC.

Reduced rate provisions in tax treaty are applicable to the imposition of Branch Profit Tax (BPT) of the Income Tax Law based on the lex specialis derogat legi generali principle. However, in practice there are often tax disputes regarding the application of reduced rates towards BPT by oil and gas contractors because the implementation of reduced rates is presumed to result in the non-fulfillment of the production sharing provisions stated in the Production Sharing Contract (PSC). This study aims to analyze the comparison of legal position between tax treaty and PSC in order to find out which provisions should be referred to in the dispute resolution of BPT imposition towards oil and gas Permanent Establishments and to know the production sharing design that creates legal certainty in BPT imposition. The research method used is a qualitative approach by conducting literature studies and field studies. The result of this research indicates that because tax provisions in the PSC are based on the prevailing Income Tax Law, therefore tax treaty provisions can be applied toward PSC based on Article 32A of the Income Tax Law, and then to create legal certainty it is necessary to affirm in the PSC clauses the use of tax treaty provisions."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wika Maharisa
"Khusus untuk Bentuk Usaha Tetap (BUT) di Indonesia dikenakan pajak atas sisa laba setelah pajak yang diatur dalam UU PPh Pasal 26 ayat (4) atau biasa disebut dengan Branch Profit Tax (BPT). Menjadi pertanyaan bagaimana penghitungan BPT untuk BUT yang atas penghasilannya dikenakan final, salah satunya adalah yang menjalankan usaha konstruksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penghitungan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Badan dan BPT atas BUT yang menjalankan usaha jasa konstruksi. Dari studi kasus terhadap beberapa Putusan Pengadilan Pajak terkait sengketa penghitungan BPT sehubungan dengan penghitungan dasar pengenaan pajaknya, terdapat perbedaan pendapat antara Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) di satu sisi dengan Wajib Pajak dan Majelis Hakim di sisi lain. DJP berpendapat bahwa penghitungan BPT untuk BUT yang menjalankan usaha jasa konstruksi adalah berdasarkan Penghasilan Kena Pajak menurut pembukuan setelah dikoreksi fiskal dikurangi PPh Final, sedangkan Wajib Pajak dan Majelis Hakim beranggapan bahwa penghitungan Penghasilan Kena Pajak adalah menggunakan Norma Penghasilan Neto dikurangi PPh Final. Analisis perlakuan perpajakan atas penghitungan BPT tersebut dilakukan dengan menganalisis pendapat yang dikemukakan masing-masing pihak pada tiga contoh kasus yang diambil dalam penulisan ini. Dari hasil analisis menunjukkan atas PPh Badan dari BUT yang menjalankan usaha jasa konstruksi adalah dikenakan final menurut PPh Pasal 4 ayat (2) dan untuk penghitungan BPT adalah dengan menggunakan Norma Penghasilan Neto sesuai dengan Pasal 26 ayat (4) UU PPh dikurangi PPh Final.

Permanent Establishment (PE) in Indonesia is imposed tax for the income after tax that regulated in the Income Tax Act Article 26 Paragraph (4) or commonly called the Branch Profit Tax (BPT). The question is how the BPT calculations for PE on income subjected to the final tax, one of which is running business of the construction services. The purpose of this study was to determine how the calculations of the Corporate Income Tax and the BPT of PE which runs business of construction services are. From the case studies of several Tax Court Decisions related dispute of BPT calculation with respect to the calculation of its taxable base, there are differences of opinions between the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) on one side with the Taxpayers and the Judges on the other side. DGT found that the taxable income for BPT calculation for PE which running business of construction services is based on the bookkeeping after fiscal correction and deducted by Final Income Tax, while the Taxpayers and the Judges argued that the calculation of taxable income is using deemed profit deducted by Final Income Tax. Analysis of the tax treatment on BPT calculation is done by analyzing the opinions expressed on each side of three case examples taken in this research. The results from the analysis indicate that the Corporate Income Tax of PE which runs business of construction services is subjected to Final Income Tax under Income Tax Act Article 4 paragraph (2) and for the calculation of BPT is using deemed profit deducted by Final Income Tax in accordance with Article 26, paragraph (4) of Income Tax Act."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Sinung Wahyu W.
"The creation of uncollected loan allowance decided by subjective factors bases on condition of each bank client and projection of economic condition.
Subjective things bases on level of risk management conservatism at each banks in giving credit. First, make a classification of credits, and current credits, special mention credits, non current credits, uncertain credits, and not running credits. Second, kind of collateral is deducted from credit point. Third, appraisal that
Collateral to take credit.
Central Bank Directors Decree Number. 31/148/KEP/DIR dated
November 12, 1998 mentioned a preparation for facing loss risk from fund investment determines performance of a bank. Preventing loss risk upon uncollected loan, a bank should create an uncollected loan allowance. For taxation determination, the creation of uncollected loan allowance is a deduction of taxable income so it can reduce income tax payment. The tax planning with choosing the
best from several alternatives in the creation of uncollected loan allowance is allowed by tax rules, and then it may reduce tax payment which means economizing on tax.
The opportunity for maximizing the creation of uncollected loan allowance, is born from the creation of uncollected loan allowance that is asymmetrical. Thus according to Central Bank only certain guarantee which can become a base in creating an allowance and collateral appraisal is not bank duty. With high credit
standard and without collateral appraisal, taxpayer can maximize the creation of uncollected loan allowance expense and reduce tax payment."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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