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Ardi Putra Prasetya
"Fenomena desistensi dari terorisme tidak hanya sebatas menjelaskan bagaimana mantan pelaku teror dapat berhenti menjadi teroris atau kembali terlibat dalam kelompok teroris.  Di sisi lain, penelitian tentang Desistensi dari terorisme harus menjawab berbagai macam faktor dan pengaruh lain yang mendukung seseorang mengalami Desistensi dari terorisme. Peneliti memulai penelitian ini dengan tinjauan existing literatur tentang Desistensi dari terorisme, dengan mempertimbangkan tantangan konseptual dan meninjau teori utama kerangka kerja dan temuan empiris dari Desistensi dari terorisme khususnya di Indonesia. Didasarkan pada hal ini terdapat kemungkinan pembentukan tipologi Desistensi dari terorisme berserta peramalannya dapat memberikan pandangan yang berbeda terkait penanganan dan pencegahan tindak pidana terorisme. Peramalan tersebut akan mencakup berkembangnya kondisi idling mode yang cenderung dialami oleh mantan pelaku teror. Setelah idling mode, ditemukan catalyst event yang mendorong mantan pelaku teror kembali melakukan aksinya. Kondisi ini juga tidak terlepas dari pengaruh globalisasi yang telah mengakibatkan badai informasi, di mana mantan pelaku teror terlibat dan memiliki peran dalam organisasi terorisme. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, Peneliti melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap 35 Mantan Teroris, serta melakukan Focus Group Disscussion (FGD) bersama 13 Pakar intervensi pelaku teror. Dari hasil penelitian ini, tergambarkan bagaimana wujud dari tipologi Desistensi dari terorisme. Berdasarkan tipologi tersebut, dapat dilihat faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat terjadinya Desistensi dari terorisme, seperti catalyst event dan idling mode. Di bagian akhir, penelitian ini membahas tentang bentuk intervensi yang dapat dilakukan kepada Mantan pelaku teror, yaitu pendekatan heaven, home, dan habit.

The phenomenon of Desistance from Terrorism is not only limited to explaining how former terrorists can stop being terrorists or get involved in terrorist groups again. On the other hand, research on Desistance from Terrorism must address various other factors and influences that support a person experiencing Desistance from Terrorism. The researcher started this research by reviewing the existing literature on Desistance from Terrorism, taking into account the conceptual challenges and reviewing the main theoretical framework and empirical findings of Desistance from Terrorism, especially in Indonesia. Based on this, there is a possibility that the establishment of a typology of Desistance from Terrorism along with its forecasting can provide different views regarding the handling and prevention of terrorism crimes. The forecasting will include the evolving conditions of idling mode that former perpetrators of terror tend to experience. After idling mode, a catalyst event was found that pushed former terror perpetrators back into action. This condition is also inseparable from the influence of globalization which has resulted in a storm of information, in which former terror perpetrators are involved and have a role in terrorism organizations.  Using qualitative methods, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 35 former terrorists, as well as conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with 13 terrorism intervention experts. From the results of this study, it is described how the form of the tipology of Desistance from Terrorism is described. Based on this tipology, it can be seen the factors that support and inhibit the occurrence of Desistance from Terrorism, such as catalyst events and idling modes. In the end, this study discusses the forms of intervention that can be done to ex-terrorists, namely heaven, home, and habit approaches."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krisnawati Wijayakusuma
"Terorisme yang dipandang sebagai kejahatan kriminal luar biasa dan pelanggaran berat HAM telah menjadi ancaman serius terhadap perdamaian, keamanan dan perkembangan sosial/ekonomi negara di berbagai kawasan. Indonesia secara konsisten mengutuk keras segala bentuk tindakan terorisme dan memiliki komitmen kuat dalam mencegah dan memberantas tindak pidana pendanaan terorisme. Mengingat jaringan dan operasi teroris/kelompok teroris merupakan masalah kompleks dan lintas negara sehingga perlu terus meningkatkan kerjasama internasional, baik dalam kerangka multilateral (PBB) maupun regional serta bilateral.
Maraknya aksi terorisme tersebut melatarbelakangi usaha melawan pendanaan terorisme. Pendanaan merupakan faktor utama dalam setiap aksi terorisme sehingga upaya penanggulangan tindak pidana terorisme diyakini tidak akan berhasil tanpa pemberantasan pendanaannya. Perhatian dunia internasional terhadap praktek pencucian uang dan pendanaan terorisme semakin meningkat setelah FATF mengeluarkan The Forty Recommendations dan DK PBB mengeluarkan UNSCR 1267 Tahun 1999, yang pada prinsipnya meminta agar setiap negara melakukan “pembekuan seketika (freezing without delay)” terhadap dana dan aset keuangan lainnya atau sumber ekonomis dari individu dan entitas yang berkaitan dengan Al-Qaida dan/atau Taliban atau kegiatan terorisme lainnya.
Dengan adanya UU No.6 Tahun 2006 dan Rekomendasi FATF serta kelemahan pada peraturan yang ada, maka Indonesia wajib membuat atau menyelaraskan peraturan per-UU agar sejalan dengan ketentuan dalam konvensi/rekomendasi tersebut sehingga terbit UU No.9 Tahun 2013 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pendanaan Terorisme.

Terrorism is seen as extraordinary crime and gross violations of human rights has become a serious threat to peace, security and social development/economic countries in various regions. Indonesia consistently condemns all forms of terrorism and has a strong commitment to preventing and combating the financing of terrorism a criminal offense. Given the network and terrorist operations / terrorist groups is a complex issue and cross-country so it needs to continue to enhance international cooperation, both within the framework of multilateral (UN) and regional and bilateral.
The rise of terrorism are behind the fight against the financing of terrorism. Funding is a major factor in any act of terrorism so that the response to terrorism is believed to not be successful without suppression of funding. International attention to the practice of money laundering and financing of terrorism has increased after the FATF issued the Forty Recommendations and the UN Security Council issued UNSCR 1267 of 1999, which, in principle, requested that each country undertake "immediate freezing (freezing without delay)" of the funds and other financial assets or economic resources of individuals and entities associated with Al-Qaida and / or the Taliban or other terrorist activities.
With the existence of Act 6 of 2006 and the FATF Recommendations as well as weaknesses in the existing legislation, the Indonesian establish or harmonize regulation by-laws to be in line with the provisions of the convention/recommendation so that rised Act No.9 Year 2013 Concerning The Prevention And Suppression Criminal Acts Of Terrorism Financing.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Muchzin Guntur Muarif
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan modus operandi residivis terorisme kasus bom Thamrin dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Teori yang digunakan sebagai pisau analisis penelitian ini adalah teori jejaring aktor dan differential association theory. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data penelitian ini dikumpullkan melalui wawancara secara mendalam, studi dokumentasi, dan observasi. Adapun sumber informan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 8 (delapan) sumber informan meliputi Pelaku residivis terorisme kasus bom Thamrin, Pihak Lapas, BNPT, Densus 88 Anti Teror, dan teman pelaku, serta peneliti yang pernah meneliti kedua pelaku residivis terorisme. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah modus operandi yang dilakukan dalam kasus bom Thamrin adalah melakukan penyerangan langsung dan melakukan aksi bom bunuh diri yang sasaran utamanya adalah Pemerintah dan Kepolisian yang dianggap sebagai anshar thogut serta masyarakat yang mereka anggap bertentangan dengan paham dan keyakinan kelompok mereka. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi fenomena residivis terorisme dalam kasus bom Thamrin adalah faktor ideologi. Disamping itu para pelaku residivis terorisme ini menolak dengan tegas untuk mengikuti program deradikalisasi sehingga pemahaman dan keyakinan mereka selama di dalam Lapas tidak berkurang sehingga melakukan kembali aksi teror

This study aims to explain the modus operandi of recidivism in terrorism in the Thamrin bombing case and identify the factors that influence it. The theory used as an analysis tool in this research is actor network theory and differential association theory. This study uses a qualitative approach. The data for this research were collected through in-depth interviews, documentation studies, and observation. The sources of informants in this study were 8 (eight) sources of informants including recidivists of terrorism in the Thamrin bombing case, Penitentiary, BNPT, Densus 88 Anti-Terror, and friends of the perpetrators, as well as researchers who had studied the two recidivists of terrorism. The data analysis technique of this research was carried out using qualitative data analysis techniques including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/data verification. The result of this study is that the modus operandi used in the Thamrin bombing case was to carry out direct attacks and carry out suicide bombings whose main targets were the Government and the Police who were considered as anshar thogut and the people who they considered contradicted their group's understandings and beliefs. The factor influencing the phenomenon of recidivism in terrorism in the Thamrin bombing case is the ideological factor. Besides that, these recidivists of terrorism firmly refuse to take part in the deradicalization program so that their understanding and belief while in prison is not reduced so that they commit acts of terror again."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhio Kusuma Putra
"Konflik di Suriah mendapat simpati dari masyarakat internasional, termasuk para warga negara dari berbagai negara untuk melakukan jihad. Pasca kekalahan Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) oleh pasukan koalisi Amerika Serikat (AS) di Kota Baghouz, para Foreign Fighter yang tergabung ke ISIS menyerah dan tertangkap oleh pasukan Syria Democratic Force (SDF). Kondisi tersebut kemudian memicu gelombang kembali (Returnees) dari Foreign Fighter ke negara asal. Foreign Terrorist Fighter (FTF) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendalami motivasi dan harapan para FTF Indonesia untuk kembali ke negara asal. Apakah selama ini kembalinya ke Indonesia hanya untuk mencari tempat perlindungan dari potensi munculnya sanksi dari internasional maupun negara lain, atau mereka merasa kecewa dan sadar bahwa selama ini yang mereka lakukan adalah tindakan yang salah karena mendukung kelompok teroris. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara terhadap narasumber dan studi pustaka dari literatur terkait. Selanjutnya, data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis Miles dan Huberman dengan menginterpretasikan dan mencari hubungan di antara dimensi-dimensi uraian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi kembali para FTF terdiri dari empat hal, yakni meneruskan jihad, penyesalan, kecewa, dan bertahan hidup. Sementara itu, harapan kembali para FTF terdiri dari tiga hal, yaitu jihad global, kehidupan normal, dan kehidupan layak. Dari keempat motivasi dan ketiga harapan kembali para FTF tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa motivasi dan harapan kembali para FTF memberikan pengaruh terhadap perilaku mereka setelah memilih menjadi returnees. Di sisi lain, disarankan agar dapat melakukan pemilihan dan kategorisasi terhadap para Foreign Terrorist Fighter, khususnya latar belakang mereka apakah berasal dari kelompok teroris dalam negeri ataupun berangkat karena dorongan individu.

The conflict in Syria has received sympathy from the international community, including citizen  from various countries, to carry out jihad. After the defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) by the United States (US) coalition forces in Baghouz, the Foreign Fighters who joined ISIS surrendered and were captured by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). This situation triggers a wave of returns (Returnees) from Foreign Fighters to their countries. The Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) who returned to their home country brought the potential for spreading radicalism, and some already had military capabilities. Even so, not all FTF from Indonesia who returned still harbored the desire to continue their terror agendas. This research analyzes and explores the motivations and expectations of Indonesian FTF to become returnees. Have they only returned to Indonesia to seek refuge from the potential for sanctions from international and other countries, or have they felt disappointed and realized that what they did was wrong because they supported terrorist groups. This research uses a qualitative approach through interviews with informants and literature studies from related literature. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman analysis techniques by interpreting and looking for the relation between the description dimensions. The results of this study indicate that the motivation of FTF  to become returnees consists of four things: continuing jihad, regret, disappointment, and survival. Meanwhile, the expectations for the return of the FTF consists of three things: global jihad, a normal life, and decent life. From the four motivations and three expectations of the returnees, it can be seen that the motivations and expectations of the returnees influence their behavior after choosing to become returnees. On the other hand, it is recommended for further research to be able to categorize FTF, especially their background, whether they come from domestic terrorist groups or depart because of individual motivation."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hana Naufanita
"Pendekatan psikologi menjadi salah satu perspektif yang kerap digunakan untuk menggali motivasi teroris dan intervensi dalam program deradikalisasi. Secara spesifik pendekatan psikologi ditempatkan untuk membangun profil, penilaian risiko, dan modifikasi perilaku. Dari tujuan tersebut, tampak bahwa terorisme dipahami sebagai sebuah perilaku, padahal ia juga merupakan proses mental yang melibatkan aspek kognitif, afektif, dan perilaku sekaligus. Distorsi kognitif pada diri teroris menjadi sumber permasalahan yang disepakati masyarakat, akademisi, maupun pemangku kepentingan. Sayangnya dinamika ketiga domain tersebut tidak benar-benar didiskusikan lebih jauh. Penelitian ini berupaya mengelaborasi dinamika domain kognitif, afektif, dan perilaku mantan narapidana terorisme Muslim dari tradisi keilmuan Islam klasik yang mampu menyuguhkan aspek psikospiritual, yaitu melalui teori ilm (ilmu), hal (kondisi hati), dan amal (aksi) milik Imam Al Ghazali. Memahami proses interaksi ketiga domain menjadi penting dalam upaya perumusan program intervensi yang tepat sesuai kebutuhan para teroris yang mengidentifikasikan diri sebagai ‘jihadis’. Walaupun agama dalam kasus terorisme menjadi kambing hitam, kebutuhan transenden yang dibangun lewat ajaran agama pada tiap-tiap ‘jihadis’ sedikit banyak tetap memiliki andil dalam membentuk motivasi mereka untuk terlibat dalam pemahaman dan/atau kelompok teror. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa domain ilmu dan hal berkompetisi dalam membentuk motivasi ‘jihadis’.

Psychology has become one of those promising approaches to study terrorists’ motivation and intervention in deradicalization program. This approach specifically attempts to construct profiling, risk assessment, and behavior modification. From those objectives terrorism tends to be seen as behavioral problem, whereas it is a mental process that includes cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects. Cognitive distortion of terrorist as the source of problem becomes common understanding among society, scholars, and stakeholders. Unfortunately, as far as this research is being conducted, the dynamics of the three-domain left undiscussed. The study elaborates how cognitive, affective, and behavior of former Muslim terrorist convict interact from Imam Al Ghazali’s perspective that offers psychospiritual aspects that is ilm (knowledge), hal (heart condition), and amal (action). Comprehension of the three-domain’s dynamics become crucial to construct precise intervention program based on terrorists’ —who identify themselves as ‘jihadist’— spiritual needs. Although religion in the case of terrorism becomes scapegoat, transcendent need built through religious teachings in each ‘jihadist’ somehow has part in enforcing their motivation. This research found that ilm and hal intensely compete each other to dominate ‘jihadist’ motivation."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didik Novi Rahmanto
Fenomena foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) dalam beberapa tahun terakhir telah mendapatkan perhatian dari seluruh negara-negara di dunia. Sebutan ini diberikan kepada orang-orang yang pergi ke Suriah ataupun daerah konflik lainnya dengan tujuan berpindah ataupun berperang di sana. Sejak kejatuhan Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) dan terbunuhnya pimpinan ISIS juga menjadi pemicu kepulangan para FTF ke negara asalnya atau yang kemudian disebut dengan returnees. Arus kepulangan para returnees ini memunculkan kekhawatiran bagi seluruh negara di dunia sebab para returnees tersebut telah mengikuti pelatihan militer sehingga pemerintah khawatir bahwa kepulangan mereka akan memunculkan aksi-aksi terorisme di negara asal.
Hal ini juga terjadi di Indonesia, namun ternyata tidak semua returnees asal Indonesia yang kembali dari ISIS masih terus tergabung dalam jaringan terorisme. Beberapa diantara mereka memilih untuk berhenti dan keluar dari jaringan teroris.
Keputusan mereka untuk berangkat ke Suriah hingga pulang kembali ke Indonesia dianalisis dengan menggunakan konsep dan teori habitus, dekonstruksi, dan just world. Penelitian ini, menggunakan wawancara mendalam sebagai teknik yang dipilih dalam proses pengumpulan data. Terdapat 20 narasumber dalam penelitian ini yang termasuk sebagai returnees dan sudah keluar dari jaringan terorisme.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat interaksi antara ketiga konsep dan teori yang digunakan dalam menggambarkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi seseorang hingga memutuskan untuk berangkat dan kemudian pulang kembali ke Indonesia hingga akhirnya tidak bergabung kembali dengan jaringan teroris. Satu faktor terpenting sebagai hasil temuan penelitian ini adalah pandangan atas dunia yang ideal yang kemudian ditunjang oleh tiga faktor lainnya yaitu radicalism, individual obligation, dan expectation gap. Ketiga faktor inilah yang membentuk faktor utama. Sehingga ketika terjadi perubahan terhadap diri individu dalam mengambil keputusan (dalam konteks ini adalah pulang ke Indonesia dan keluar dari jaringan teroris) disebabkan karena view of ideal world individu tersebut juga telah berubah.
Selain faktor utama dan faktor penunjang, terdapat lima faktor pendukung yang juga memiliki kontribusi dalam mempengaruhi masing-masing pemikiran dan tindakan yang diambil oleh narasumber. Kelima faktor tersebut adalah interaction, exposure, frustration, emotional anomalies, dan ideal status and roles based on religion.

The phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) in recent years has received attention from all countries in the world. This title was given to people who went to Syria or other conflict areas to move or fight there. Since the fall of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the killing of ISIS leaders also triggered the return of the FTF to their home countries or later called returnees. This flow of returnees raises concerns for all countries in the world because the returnees have participated in military training so the government is worried that their return will lead to acts of terrorism in their country.
This also happened in Indonesia, but apparently, not all returnees from Indonesia returning from ISIS continue to be incorporated in terrorist networks. Some of them choose to stop and get out of terrorist networks.
Their decision to leave for Syria until returning to Indonesia was analyzed using the concepts and theories of habitus, deconstruction, and just world. This study, using in-depth interviews as a technique chosen in the data collection process. There are 20 speakers in this study who are included as returnees and have come out of the terrorist network.
The results of this study indicate that there is an interaction between the three concepts and theories used in describing the factors that influence a person to decide to leave and then return to Indonesia until finally not re-joining the terrorist network. One of the most important factors as a result of this research is an ideal world view which is then supported by three other factors namely radicalism, individual obligation, and expectation gap. These three factors make up the main factor. So when there is a change in the individuals self in making decisions (in this context is returning to Indonesia and out of the terrorist network) due to the individuals view of the ideal world has also changed.
In addition to the main factors and supporting factors, there are five assisting factors that also have a contribution in influencing each thought and action taken by the persons. These five factors are interaction, exposure, frustration, emotional anomalies, and ideal status and roles based on religion"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Beberapa dampak negatif yang perlu dieksplorasi dalam diskusi ini adalah gejala globalisasi media massa membuka kondisi dunia yang borderless world. Kondisi dunia tanpa batas ini mengakibatkan apa yang sering disebut dengan penyeragaman secara global dalam sistem, pola dan budaya komunikasi dunia dan Indonesia khususnya."
384 WACA 5:21 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuruddin Lazuardi
Rangkaian konflik komunal yang terjadi pada tahun 1998 hingga 2001kemudian berlanjut menjadi aksi teror menimbulkan pertanyaan besar sejumlahkalangan Salah satunya adalah mempertanyakan apakah intelijen kepolisiangagal berperan sebagai alat negara dalam mendeteksi mengantisipasi danmemberikan infomasi penting terkait kerusuhan yang terjadi di wilayah Poso Akhirnya dalam kurun waktu lebih dari dua tahun 2005 2007 sebagian besarpelaku teror yang beroperasi di pulau Sulawesi pada umumnya dan di kota Posopada khususnya berhasil dibongkar dan diungkap intelijen Polri Pengungkapanini memunculkan pertanyaan bagaimana intelijen kepolisian berhasilmengungkap jaringan tersebut Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif Metode in depthinterview digunakan untuk pengumpulan data penelitian Informan sebagai narasumber penelitian ini merupakan anggota kepolisian yang pernah bertugas dalamoperasi kepolisian di Poso selama konflik dan teror Poso tahun 1998 2007 Informan lainya adalah pelaku teror serta tokoh masyarakat Poso Untukmenjawab pertanyaaan penelitian digunakan teknik analisa timeline fishbone danwildcard analysis Untuk menganalisa kegagalan inteljen tersebut penulis mengunakananalisa kegagalan intelijen dengan pendekatan teori Thomas Copeland Sedangkanuntuk analisa keberhasilan intelijen digunakan antithesis dari teori kegagalanThomas Copeland Dalam penelitian ini penulis akhirnya menemukan sejumlahvariabel kegagalan maupun keberhasilan intelijen Polri sesuai dengan penjelasanThomas Copeland pada sisi Kebijakan dan Kepemimpinan Organisasi AnalisisIntelijen dan Persepsi Informasi Ancaman

The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ;The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ;The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information , The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avina Waliyanri
"Fenomena pelaku tunggal atau lone wolf terorisme merupakan masalah yang terus berkembang di Indonesia. Hal ini biasanya tidak terlepas dari pengaruh radikalisme online, yang terjadi melalui media sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana penggunaan media sosial dapat berpengaruh terhadap terorisme lone wolf di Indonesia menggunakan studi kasus Raden Bagaskara. Penelitian ini membahas 5 teori yang berkaitan dengan radikalisme online dan terorisme lone wolf, yaitu teori analisis jaringan sosial, echo chamber pada media sosial, piramida radikalisasi, passion obsesif dan obsesi ideologi, dan teori bathtub motivasi lone wolf.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa seorang pengguna media sosial memasuki jaringan sosial bersifat online, dan algoritma media sosial dapat menciptakan echo chamber yang akan memaparkan konten propaganda radikalisme terhadap pengguna secara terus menerus. Dengan paparan tersebut, maka pemahamannya akan bergeser menjadi radikal dan keinginan untuk melakukan serangan akan muncul. Apabila motivasi untuk menyerang berakumulasi dan melebihi ambang batas, maka serangan terorisme lone wolf akan terjadi.

The phenomenon of lone wolf terrorism is a problem that continues to develop in Indonesia. This usually relates to the influence of online radicalism through social media. This study aims to examine how the use of social media can influence lone wolf terrorism in Indonesia using the case study of Raden Bagaskara. This study discusses five theories related to online radicalism and lone wolf terrorism, namely the social network analysis theory, the echo chamber theory on social media, the radicalization pyramid, obsessive passion and ideological obsession, and the lone wolf motivation bathtub theory. This research uses a qualitative approach. The research data for this study were collected through interviews and documentation studies. The data analysis technique for this research was carried out using qualitative data analysis techniques, including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/verifying data. The result of this study is that a social media user enters an online social network, and the social media algorithm can create an echo chamber that will continuously present radical propaganda contents to the user. With this exposure, their understanding will shift to become radicalized and the desire to carry out an attack will emerge. If the motivation to attack accumulates and exceeds its limits, then a lone wolf terrorist attack will occur."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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