Penelitian ini membahas tentang hubungan antara prokrastinasi akademis dengan tiga jenis goal orientation, yakni mastery orientation, performance approach orientation dan performance avoidance orientation. Prokrastinasi diukur dengan melihat frekuensi menunda serta persepsi individu mengenai seberapa besar dampak prokrastinasi. Pengujian data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis statistika korelasi parsial. Untuk memahami lebih dalam arah hubungan antara goal orientation dengan prokrastinasi akademis, dilakukan pengujian korelasi tambahan antara jenis goal orientation dengan alasan-alasan melakukan prokrastinasi. Penelitian terhadap 208 mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa mastery orientation memiliki hubungan yang signifikan negatif dengan prokrastinasi akademis, sementara performance approach orientation memiliki hubungan yang signifikan positif dengan prokrastinasi. Di sisi lain performance avoidance orientation tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan, namun jenis goal orientation ini paling banyak banyak berhubungan positif signifikan dengan alasan melakukan prokrastinasi. Analisa tambahan menunjukkan bahwa jenis goal orientation paling dominan pada responden adalah mastery orientation. Sementara itu ditinjau dari jenis kelamin, perbedaan signifikan hanya ditemukan pada kecenderungan mengadopsi performance avoidance orientation.
This study investigated the relationship between academic procrastination and three types of goal orientation, that are mastery orientation, performance approach orientation and performance avoidance orientation. Two hundred and eight University of Indonesia’s students are participated in this study. Academic procrastination was assessed by the frequency of delays and person’s perception about problems related to the delays. To assess the relationship between those variables, partial correlation is used in this study. Since partial correlation cannot assess the correlation’s direction, additional analysis such as the correlation between goal orientation types and reasons to procrastination is necessary to be done. Mastery orientation was found to be inversely significantly correlated with academic procrastination, while performance orientation was positively correlated with the same variable. Performance avoidance orientation was not significantly correlated with academic procrastination, but this type of goal orientation was found to be correlated with most of procrastination’s reasons. Additional results show that mastery orientation is the most dominant adopted goal orientation. Meanwhile based on gender, the only significant difference in adopting goal orientation was found only in performance avoidance orientation.