ABSTRAKTesis ini akan membahas proyeksi dan antisipasi strategis situs-situs radikal pasca
kebijakan pemerintah menutup situs-situs tersebut. Situs-situs radikal adalah salah
satu instrumen yang digunakan oleh teroris dan pelaku jihad online untuk
menyebarkan berita provokatif, propaganda, dan juga perencanaan aksi terror.
Teori regulasi, model analisis antisipasi strategis dan proyeksi intelijen penegakan
hukum dan metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan dalam melakukan proyeksi and
antisipasi strategis dalam tesis ini. Penggunaan deep web, steganography, imitasi
spam, membentuk kafilah cyber bahkan perang psikologis terhadap pemerintah
diproyeksi akan dilakukan oleh teroris dan pelaku jihad online pada masa
mendatang. Antisipasi dapat dilakukan pemerintah melalui pemblokiran situs,
mengkaji kembali strategi kontra narasi, sindikasi situs, pelatihan soft skill
terhadap masyarakat, optimalisasi cyber army, memperkuat intelligence sharing,
penggunaan software dan juga membentuk undang-undang radikalisasi online.
Sebagai kesimpulan penelitian ini perkembangan situs-situs radikal akan tetap
berkembang seiring perkembangan teknologi dan tren maka pemerintah dan
aparat keamanan harus segera mengantisipasi dan mencegah tindak radikalisasi
online yang dilakukan oleh teroris maupun pelaku jihad online.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses on how to project and anticipate radical websites
strategically following government policy on shutting them down. Radical
websites are one of the instruments used by terrorists and online jihadists to
spread provocative news, propaganda, as well as to plan terror attacks. Regulation
theory, analysis model of strategic anticipation and projection of law intelligence
enforcement, and qualitative research method are used in projecting and
anticipating in this thesis. The use of deep web, steganography, spam mimicking,
establishment of cyber caliphate even a psychological warfare against the
government are projected to be carried out by terrorists and online jihadists in the
future. Anticipation can be done by the government through blocking,
reevaluating counter narrative strategy, websites syndication, soft skills training
for public, optimizing cyber army, strengthening the intelligence sharing, using
software and establishing a new constitution regarding online radicalization. As a
conclusion of this research, the development of radical websites will keep on
developing as technology and trend develop so that the government and law
enforcement have to anticipate and prevent online radicalization that have been
conducted by terrorists and online jihadists., This thesis discusses on how to project and anticipate radical websites
strategically following government policy on shutting them down. Radical
websites are one of the instruments used by terrorists and online jihadists to
spread provocative news, propaganda, as well as to plan terror attacks. Regulation
theory, analysis model of strategic anticipation and projection of law intelligence
enforcement, and qualitative research method are used in projecting and
anticipating in this thesis. The use of deep web, steganography, spam mimicking,
establishment of cyber caliphate even a psychological warfare against the
government are projected to be carried out by terrorists and online jihadists in the
future. Anticipation can be done by the government through blocking,
reevaluating counter narrative strategy, websites syndication, soft skills training
for public, optimizing cyber army, strengthening the intelligence sharing, using
software and establishing a new constitution regarding online radicalization. As a
conclusion of this research, the development of radical websites will keep on
developing as technology and trend develop so that the government and law
enforcement have to anticipate and prevent online radicalization that have been
conducted by terrorists and online jihadists.]"