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Nur Muhammad Karim
"Cuka apel merupakan salah satu suplemen makanan yang diklaim dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan berat badan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Namun, jumlah bukti ilmiah yang mendukung pendapat tersebut masih sedikit. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengadakan sebuah penelitian dengan metode eksperimental dan berhipotesis bahwa cuka apel dapat menurunkan berat badan tikus strain Sprague Dawley. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 24 ekor Sprague Dawley dengan berat 190-250 gram sebagai hewan coba. Tikus-tikus ini dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol (sebagai kontrol negatif), kelompok dietilpropion (sebagai kontrol positif), dan kelompok cuka apel. Ketiga kelompok perlakuan diberi makanan dan minuman dengan jumlah dan jenis yang sama. Selama dua minggu penelitian, dari hari ke hari berat badan dan tingkah laku tikus diamati. Data berat badan sebelum dan sesudah terapi dianalisis secara statistik. Pada akhir penelitian, peneliti tidak menemukan adanya penurunan berat badan pada ketiga kelompok perlakuan, akan tetapi efek sebaliknya terjadi peningkatan berat badan tikus. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok cuka apel (p = 0.012 ). Namun, antara kelompok dietilpropion dan cuka apel tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang bermakna. Hal ini juga ditemukan antara kelompok dietilpropion dan cuka apel.

Apple cider vinegar is one of food supplements that commonly used to reduce body-weight by Indonesian citizens. But, there is only few scientific proof that supports this opinion. Therefore, researcher held an experimental study and hipotized that apple cider vinegar could reduce the body weight of Sprague Dawley rats. In this study, 24 rats with body weight 190-250 gram are used as experimental animal. These mice were divided into 3 groups, control group (as negative control), diethylpropion group (as positive control group), and apple cider vinegar group. These 3 groups were given the same amount and type of food and drink. For 2 weeks, the body weight and the attitude of mice were observed day by day. The data of mice?s body weight before-and-after treatment were analyzed statistically using SPSS program. In the end of the study, researcher didn?t find any body-weight loss on the 3 groups, but the result of statistical analytic showed that there was significant difference between control group and apple cider vinegar group (p = 0.012). In the other hand, no significant difference found between diethylpropion group and apple cider vinegar group, as well as between dietyhlpropion group and apple cider vinegar group."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laurentius Johan Ardian
"Belum banyak bukti ilmiah yang mendukung efektivitas cuka apel. Namun, penggunaannya sebagai agen penurun berat badan telah semakin meluas. Bahkan, di berbagai iklan penjualan produk, suplemen makanan ditampilkan seolah-olah memiliki manfaat seperti obat. Untuk itu, peneliti mengadakan penelitian eksperimental dan hipotesis yang akan diuji adalah efektivitas cuka apel tak sebaik yang dimiliki obat standar dalam menurunkan berat badan tikus strain Sprague Dawley. Tikus Sprague Dawley dengan berat 190- 250 gram digunakan sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Ada 24 ekor tikus yang terbagi ke dalam 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol (sebagai kontrol negatif), kelompok mazindol (sebagai kontrol positif), dan kelompok cuka apel. Ketiganya mendapat jenis makanan dan minuman yang sama. Berat badan dan tingkah laku tikus diamati selama dua minggu. Data berat badan sebelum dan sesudah terapi diambil dan dianalisis menggunakan uji hipotesis One Way Anova. Peneliti mendapati tidak adanya penurunan berat badan pada ketiga kelompok perlakuan. Akan tetapi, berat badan tikus terus mengalami peningkatan dari hari ke hari. Data peningkatan berat badan tersebut menunjukkan adanya perbedaan bermakna secara statistik antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok cuka apel (p = 0,012). Sementara itu, tidak adanya perbedaan bermakna terlihat baik antara kelompok kontrol dan mazindol maupun kelompok mazindol dan cuka apel.

There is not much scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar. However, its use as a weight loss agent has been increasingly widespread. In fact, in various advertising sales of products, food supplements appear as if it has benefits such as drugs. For that reason, researchers conducted experimental research and hypotheses to be tested is not as good as the effectiveness of apple cider that has a standard drug in losing weight strain of Sprague Dawley rats. Sprague Dawley rats weighing 190-250 grams are used as samples in this study. There were 24 rats divided into 3 groups, namely the control group (as a negative control), mazindol group (as positive control), and apple vinegar. All of those got kind of the same foods and beverages. Weight and attitude of rats were observed for two weeks. Weight data before and after therapy was taken and analyzed using One Way Anova test hypotheses. Researchers found no change in body weight in all three treatment groups. However, the weight of rats continued to increase from day to day. Weight gain data showed a statistically significant difference between control group and apple cider vinegar group (p = 0.012). Meanwhile, there is no significant differences either between control group and mazindol group or between mazindol group and apple cider vinegar group.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liesta Dewi Gustiany
Cuka apel telah lama digunakan untuk menekan nafsu makan dengan tujuan untuk menurunkan berat badan. Namun, belum banyak bukti penelitian ilmiah yang membuktikan pengaruh penekanan nafsu makan tersebut. Dengan demikian peneliti melakukan sebuah studi eksperimental dengan hipotesis yang akan diuji adalah efektivitas cuka apel dalam menurunkan nafsu makan tikus tidak sebaik yang dimiliki mazindol. Jenis tikus yang digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian adalah tikus Sprague Dawley dengan berat 190- 250 gram. Sampel berjumlah 24 ekor dan dibagi dalam 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol (sebagai kontrol negatif), kelompok mazindol (sebagai kontrol positif), dan kelompok cuka apel. Semua sampel mendapat perlakuan yang sama. Nafsu makan, yang ditunjukkan oleh berat sisa makanan yang diamati selama 2 minggu. Data berat sisa makanan dianalisis menggunakan uji hipotesis One Way Anova dan uji Post Hoc. Peneliti mendapati ada perbedaan bermakna secara statistik berat sisa makanan antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok cuka apel (p = 0,000) dengan uji One Way Anova dan (p = 0,000) dengan uji Post Hoc. Sementara itu, tidak adanya perbedaan bermakna terlihat pada kelompok kontrol dan mazindol (p = 0,623)
dengan uji Post Hoc. Dengan demikian disimpulkan efektivitas cuka apel dalam menurunkan nafsu makan lebih baik daripada mazindol.

Apple cider vinegar has beend used for ages in suppressing appetite in order to lose weight. Meanwhile, there are only few valid studies regarding this matter. Thereby, researcher conducted an experimental study and define the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar is not as good as mazindol for suppressing appetite as the hypothesis. Researcher used Sprague Dawley strain rats which weight are 190-250 grams as research sample. Twenty four rats devided into 3 groups, that is control group (as negative control), mazindol group (as positive control), and apple cider vinegar group. All samples given same treatment. Appetite assessed by the weight of leftovers which has been monitored for 2 weeks. The data of leftovers analyzed by One Way Anova and Post Hoc hyphoteses tests. Researcher found that there is significance difference of leftovers between control and apple cider vinegar group (p = 0,000) using One Way Anova test and (p = 0,000) using Post Hoc test. Meanwhile there is no significance difference between control and mazindol group (p = 0,623) using Post Hoc hypothesis test. In conclusion, the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar in suppressing appetite is better than mazindol.;Apple cider vinegar has beend used for ages in suppressing appetite in order to lose weight. Meanwhile, there are only few valid studies regarding this matter.
Thereby, researcher conducted an experimental study and define the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar is not as good as mazindol for suppressing appetite as the hypothesis. Researcher used Sprague Dawley strain rats which weight are 190-250 grams as research sample. Twenty four rats devided into 3 groups, that is control
group (as negative control), mazindol group (as positive control), and apple cider vinegar group. All samples given same treatment. Appetite assessed by the weight of leftovers which has been monitored for 2 weeks. The data of leftovers analyzed by One Way Anova and Post Hoc hyphoteses tests. Researcher found that there is significance difference of leftovers between control and apple cider vinegar group (p = 0,000) using One Way Anova test and (p = 0,000) using Post Hoc test.
Meanwhile there is no significance difference between control and mazindol group (p = 0,623) using Post Hoc hypothesis test. In conclusion, the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar in suppressing appetite is better than mazindol., Apple cider vinegar has beend used for ages in suppressing appetite in order to lose weight. Meanwhile, there are only few valid studies regarding this matter.
Thereby, researcher conducted an experimental study and define the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar is not as good as mazindol for suppressing appetite as the hypothesis. Researcher used Sprague Dawley strain rats which weight are 190-250 grams as research sample. Twenty four rats devided into 3 groups, that is control
group (as negative control), mazindol group (as positive control), and apple cider vinegar group. All samples given same treatment. Appetite assessed by the weight of leftovers which has been monitored for 2 weeks. The data of leftovers analyzed by One Way Anova and Post Hoc hyphoteses tests. Researcher found that there is significance difference of leftovers between control and apple cider vinegar group (p = 0,000) using One Way Anova test and (p = 0,000) using Post Hoc test.
Meanwhile there is no significance difference between control and mazindol group (p = 0,623) using Post Hoc hypothesis test. In conclusion, the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar in suppressing appetite is better than mazindol.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayesya Nasta Lestari
"Minuman berenergi merupakan minuman yang berfungsi meningkatkan energi orang yang meminumnya. Oleh karena itu, minuman ini banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Minuman berenergi umumnya mengandung kafein, suatu zat yang berpotensi menurunkan berat badan dan menaikkan aktivitas fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat mengenai seberapa jauh minuman berenergi dapat mempengaruhi berat badan dan aktivitas fisik. Pengumpulan data berlangsung pada 14 Desember 2011-2 Januari 2012. Eksperimen dilakukan kepada lima belas ekor tikus yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yang masing-masing mendapatkan minuman berenergi merek 'C', kafein, atau plasebo. Setiap tikus diberi minuman berenergi sesuai dosis dan diamati berat badan serta aktivitasnya. Penelitian menunjukkan berat badan tikus yang mengonsumsi 'C', kafein, dan akuades tidak berbeda secara bermakna (p<0,05). Namun aktivitas fisik berbeda secara bermakna (p>0,05). Efek yang tidak bermakna terhadap berat badan mungkin disebabkan zat-zat yang terkandung dalam minuman berenergi, di mana kafein dan ginseng memiliki efek menurunkan berat badan tapi vitamin B, taurin, dan sebagainya justru meningkatkannya. Namun kafein memiliki efek menghambat adenosin sehingga dapat meningkatkan aktivitas fisik secara bermakna.

Energy drink is a kind of drink that functions to enhance the energy of people who drink it. It's commonly consumed by people. Energy drink commonly contains caffeine, a substance with the potential of reducing weight and increasing physical activity. So, in this research, we want to give people some informations about the effect of energy drink in gaining weight and enhancing physical activity. The collection of data started from 14th December, 2011 until 2nd January, 2012. Experiment is applied to fifteen rats from Sprague-Dawley strain which is separated to three groups and each of groups get 'C' energy drink, pure caffeine benzoate, and placebo (water). After that, their weight gain and physical activity were observed. This research shows that the weight between the rats that were given 'C', caffeine, and water don't show any significant correlation (p<0,05) but there is significant correlation in terms of physical activity (p>0,05). The insignificant correlation on weight gain may be caused by the substances inside the energy drink, in which caffeine and ginseng can reduce weight but the opposite can be caused by taurine and vitamin B. But caffeine can also inhibit the adenosine so that physical activity will be increased significantly."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siahaan, Othdeh Samuel Halomoan
Pendahuluan. Kesulitan dalam tatalaksana defek tulang yang luas merupakan salah satu tantangan dewasa ini. Selain tatalaksananya yang kompleks juga dapat memberikan dampak jangka panjang negatif yang berat. Penggunaan BMP-2 dalam tatalaksana fraktur dengan defek tulang yang luas memegang peranan penting. BMP-2 berperan pada proses osteogenesis dan chondrogenesis dan menghambat osteoclastogenesis melalui RANKL signaling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek dari perbedaan dosis BMP-2 terhadap penyembuhan fraktur dengan defek tulang yang luas.
Metode. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Animal Gizi di FKUI dan Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi FKUI-RSCM, pada bulan Juli hingga September 2015. Desain penelitian adalah randomized post test control group. Sejumlah 25 ekor tikus putih Sprague Dawley dengan usia 3-4 bulan dan berat badan antara 250 ? 350 gram, dibagi secara acak menjadi kelompok kontrol hidroksiapatit (HA) saja dan kelompok kombinasi HA + BMP-2 1 μg/ml, HA + BMP-2 5 μg/ml, HA + BMP-2 10 μg/ml, HA + BMP-2 20 µg/ml. Tiap kelompok dilakukan tindakan berupa frakturisasi dengan defek tulang 10mm pada femur kanan dan dilakukan fiksasi interna dengan menggunakan intramedullary k-wire ukuran 1,4 mm secara retrograd. Setelah 6 minggu dilakukan penilaian secara histomorfometri, radiologis dan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Hasil. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara histomorfometri ditemukan terdapat perbedaan rerata total area kalus yang bermakna diantara kelompok penelitian (p<0,001),terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata area penulangan antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok 1 μg/ml, 5 μg/ml, 10 μg/ml, 20 μg/ml (masing-masing p=0,009, p=0,016, p=0,009 dan p=0,016), terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata area kartilago antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok 1 μg/ml, 5 μg/ml, 10 μg/ml, 20 μg/ml (masing-masing p=0,009, p=0,009, p=0,009 dan p=0,028), terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata area fibrosis antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok 1 μg/ml dengan kelompok kontrol dan 10 μg/ml(masing-masing p=0,047 dan p=0,009).Secara radiologis dengan RUST score didapatkan perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok 1 μg/ml, 5 μg/ml, 10 μg/ml, 20 μg/ml (masing-masing p=0,005, p=0,006, p=0,005 dan p=0,006). Dengan SEM didapatkan gambaran kalus yang lebih homogen dan padat pada kelompok 10μg/ml dibandingkan dengan 5 μg/ml dan 20 μg/ml.
Kesimpulan: Pemberian BMP-2 dapat menstimulasi proses penyembuhan fraktur pada defek tulang luas (critical bone defect) yang bermakna secara statistik, histomorfometri, radiologis maupun secara kualitatif dengan SEM. Terdapat dosis optimal dalam pemberian BMP-2.ABSTRACT
Introduction: Difficulties in the management of extensive bone defects is one of today's challenges. It is not only complex treatment but also can provide long-term negative severe effects. The use of BMP-2 in the treatment of fractures with extensive bone defect plays an important role. BMP-2 plays a role in the process of osteogenesis and chondrogenesis and inhibits osteoclastogenesis via the RANKL signaling. This study aims to determine the effect of differences in doses of BMP-2 on the healing of the fracture with extensive bone defects.
Methods: The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Nutrition at the Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia (FMUI) in July until September 2015. The study design was randomized posttest control group. A number of 25 Sprague Dawley rats aged 3-4 months and bodyweight between 250-350 grams, were randomly divided into a control group of hydroxyapatite (HA) alone and HA+BMP-2 1 µg / ml, HA+BMP -2 5 ug / ml, HA + BMP-2 10 µg / ml, HA + BMP-2 20 ug / ml. Each group carried out fracturization with 10mm bone defect in right femur and internal fixation by using intramedullary K-wire size of 1.4 mm retrograde. After 6 weeks we did histomorfometri assessment, radiological and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Results: Based on the research results histomorfometrcally found there are differences in the mean total area of ​​callus significantly between the study group (p <0.001), there were significant differences in the mean area of ​​woven bone between the control group with group 1 ug / ml, 5 µg / ml, 10 µg / ml, 20 ug / ml (respectively p = 0.009, p = 0.016, p = 0.009 and p = 0.016), there were significant differences in the average area of ​​the cartilage between the control group with group 1 ug / ml, 5 µg / ml, 10 µg / ml, 20 ug / ml (respectively p = 0.009, p = 0.009, p = 0.009 and p = 0.028), there were significant differences in the average area of ​​fibrosis between the control group with group 1 ug / ml in the control group and 10 mg / ml (respectively -masing p = 0.047 and p = 0.009) .In radiologist assessment with RUST scores obtained significant differences between the control group and group 1 ug / ml, 5 µg / ml, 10 µg / ml, 20 µg / ml (respectively p = 0.005 , p = 0.006, p = 0.005 and p = 0.006). SEM features with callus more homogeneous and dense in the group of 10μg / mL compared with 5 ug / ml and 20 µg / ml.
Conclusion: Administration of BMP-2 could stimulate the process of fracture healing in large bone defects (critical bone defect) which was statistically significant with histomorfometri assestment, radiological and qualitatively with the SEM. There is an optimal dose in the administration of BMP-2.;Introduction: Difficulties in the management of extensive bone defects is one of today's challenges. It is not only complex treatment but also can provide long-term negative severe effects. The use of BMP-2 in the treatment of fractures with extensive bone defect plays an important role. BMP-2 plays a role in the process of osteogenesis and chondrogenesis and inhibits osteoclastogenesis via the RANKL signaling. This study aims to determine the effect of differences in doses of BMP-2 on the healing of the fracture with extensive bone defects.
Methods: The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Nutrition at the Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia (FMUI) in July until September 2015. The study design was randomized posttest control group. A number of 25 Sprague Dawley rats aged 3-4 months and bodyweight between 250-350 grams, were randomly divided into a control group of hydroxyapatite (HA) alone and HA+BMP-2 1 µg / ml, HA+BMP -2 5 ug / ml, HA + BMP-2 10 µg / ml, HA + BMP-2 20 ug / ml. Each group carried out fracturization with 10mm bone defect in right femur and internal fixation by using intramedullary K-wire size of 1.4 mm retrograde. After 6 weeks we did histomorfometri assessment, radiological and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Results: Based on the research results histomorfometrcally found there are differences in the mean total area of ​​callus significantly between the study group (p <0.001), there were significant differences in the mean area of ​​woven bone between the control group with group 1 ug / ml, 5 µg / ml, 10 µg / ml, 20 ug / ml (respectively p = 0.009, p = 0.016, p = 0.009 and p = 0.016), there were significant differences in the average area of ​​the cartilage between the control group with group 1 ug / ml, 5 µg / ml, 10 µg / ml, 20 ug / ml (respectively p = 0.009, p = 0.009, p = 0.009 and p = 0.028), there were significant differences in the average area of ​​fibrosis between the control group with group 1 ug / ml in the control group and 10 mg / ml (respectively -masing p = 0.047 and p = 0.009) .In radiologist assessment with RUST scores obtained significant differences between the control group and group 1 ug / ml, 5 µg / ml, 10 µg / ml, 20 µg / ml (respectively p = 0.005 , p = 0.006, p = 0.005 and p = 0.006). SEM features with callus more homogeneous and dense in the group of 10μg / mL compared with 5 ug / ml and 20 µg / ml.
Conclusion: Administration of BMP-2 could stimulate the process of fracture healing in large bone defects (critical bone defect) which was statistically significant with histomorfometri assestment, radiological and qualitatively with the SEM. There is an optimal dose in the administration of BMP-2."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nova Anita
"Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi efek krioprotektif madu lengkeng (Dimocarpus longan) terhadap integritas struktur folikel preantral dan profil ekspresi protein apoptosis jalur intrinsik. Sebanyak 24 ekor tikus (Rattus norvegicus L) dikelompokkan menjadi 8 kelompok, terdiri atas KKN, KKV (NaCl 0,9%), KKP1 (EG 7,5%), KKP2 (EG 15%), KP1 (EG 7,5% + ML 7,5%), KP2 (EG 7,5% + ML 15%), KP3 (EG 15% + ML 7,5%), dan KP4 (EG 15% + ML 15%). Pengamatan terhadap densitas,struktur folikel serta ekspresi protein Bax,Bcl2 dan Caspase3 dilakukan terhadap sayatan ovarium yang dibuat dengan metode parafin dengan pewarnaan Hematoksilin-Eosin (HE) dan imunohistokimia. Antibodi primer yang digunakan adalah antibodi poliklonal Rabbit Anti-Bax (A00183 Boster, USA), Rabbit Anti-Bcl-2 (A00040-2 Boster, USA) dan Active Caspase-3 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody (ab4051 Abcam, UK) dan One Step Neopoly Detection System Kit (BGNK-0025 Biogear, USA). Identifikasi terhadap tiap tipe folikel preantral menggunakan mikroskop cahaya yang terhubung dengan perangkat lunak Image Raster dan IHC profiler. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, efek krioprotektif madu lengkeng dapat meningkatkan densitas folikel, indeks folikel intak G2 dan G3, menurunkan indeks folikel G1, menekan ekspresi protein Bax dan caspase 3 serta meningkatkan ekspresi protein Bcl2. Dengan demikian, madu lengkeng memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai krioprotektan ekstraselular alami dalam aplikasi vitrifikasi ovarium.

A study was conducted to identify the cryoprotective effect of longan honey (Dimocarpus longan) on the structural integrity of the preantral follicle and the expression profile of the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis protein. A total of 24 rats (Rattus norvegicus L) were grouped into 8 groups, consisting of KKN, KKV (NaCl 0.9%), KKP1 (EG 7.5%), KKP2 (EG 15%), KP1 (EG 7.5% + LH 7.5%), KP2 (EG 7.5% + LH 15%), KP3 (EG 15% + LH 7.5%), and KP4 (EG 15% + LH 15%). Observations on the density, follicular structure and protein expression of Bax, Bcl2 and Caspase3 were carried out on ovarian sections made by paraffin method with Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining and immunohistochemistry. The primary antibodies used were Rabbit Anti-Bax polyclonal antibody (A00183 Boster, USA), Rabbit Anti-Bcl-2 (A00040-2 Boster, USA) and Active Caspase-3 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody (ab4051 Abcam, UK) and One Step Neopoly Detection System Kit (BGNK-0025 Biogear, USA). Identification of each type of preantral follicle using a light microscope connected to Image Raster software and an IHC profiler. The results showed that the cryoprotective effect of longan honey could increase follicle density, G2 and G3 intact follicle index, decrease G1 follicle index, suppress Bax protein expression and caspase 3 and increase Bcl2 protein expression. Thus, longan honey has the potential to be developed as a natural extracellular cryoprotectant in ovarian vitrification applications."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kafein yang merupakan salah satu komponen utama dalam minuman berenergimemiliki dampak pada berat badan dan aktivitas fisik Konsumsi kafein akanmenyebabkan peningkatan dari kesadaran dan kewaspadaan Dengan terjadinyapeningkatan ini maka aktivitas fisik akan meningkat sehingga berat badan dapatturun Hal ini masih menjadi perdebatan beberapa ahli antara hubungan kafeindengan berat badan Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuipengaruh kafein terhadap berat badan dan aktivitas fisik Penelitian dilakukan denganmemakai 15 ekor hewan coba tikus yang akan diberi Minuman B kafein danakuades Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan dengan pemberian bahan uji setiap hariselama 5 hari per minggu dan dilakukan selama 3 minggu Berat badan diukur setiappagi hari 30 menit setelah pemberian bahan uji dan aktivitas fisik dalam detik diukurselama 3 menit Hasil penelitian menunjukan tidak terjadi perbedaan yang bermaknapada perubahan berat badan dari minuman berenergi B dengan kafein p 0 251 Minuman B dengan akuades p 0 762 dan kafein dengan akuades p 0 105 Tidakterdapat perbedaan yang bermakna dari aktivitas fisik tikus antara Minuman Bdengan kafein p 0 076 terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara Minuman B denganakuades p 0 001 dan antara kafein dengan akuades p 0 000 Batas penilaiankemaknaan ditentukan dengan nilai p 0 05.

Caffeine is one of major component in energy drinks have impact to body weight andphysical activity Consumption caffeine will increase consciousness and alertness Byincrease physical activity the body weight can be decreased It is still debate by someexpert the correlation between caffeine and body weight So the purpose of thisresearch was to determine the effect of caffeine on body weight and physical activity This research was conduct by using 15 rats that each five of them was given B drinks caffeine and aquadest respectively The research was conducted by administering thetest substance daily for 5 days per week for 3 weeks Body weight was measuredevery morning 30 minutes after administration of the test substance and physicalactivity measured in seconds for 3 minutes Result from this research is notsignificant The result showed up in rat body weight between B drinks and Caffeine p 0 251 Minuman B and akuades p 0 762 caffeine and aquadest p 0 105 Furthermore no significant result in mouse physical activity between Minuman Band Caffeine p 0 076 but have significant result between B drinks and aquadest p 0 001 and between caffeine and aquadest p 0 000 There is significant result ifp 0 05 "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shovy Suha Naulia
"Latar Belakang: Ti-6Al-4V merupakan material implan yang sering digunakan untuk aplikasi biomedis, tetapi biaya produksi yang masih mahal. Sehingga diperlukan perlakuan panas untuk mengurangi biaya produksi dengan hasil produk yang optimal. Salah satu syarat diterimanya material implan yaitu harus kompatibel dengan jaringan sekitar.
Tujuan: Mengamati efek implantasi material implan Ti-6Al-4V ELI dengan perlakuan panas 850°C pada regenerasi tulang femur tikus yang diamati melalui gambaran histologi.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi ekperimental pada 2 tikus betina Sprague Dawley di setiap kelompok. Terdapat 3 kelompok penelitian yang mencakup kelompok kontrol normal, kelompok kontrol defek, serta kelompok perlakuan yang diberi defek dan diimplantasi bahan uji material implan Ti-6Al-4V ELI dengan perlakuan panas 850°C. Tikus dikorbankan pada minggu ke-4 lalu dilakukan pengamatan histologis menggunakan skoring histologi Salkeld yang dimodifikasi.
Hasil: Hasil skor histologi pada kedua sampel kelompok kontrol defek dan sampel-1 kelompok perlakuan yaitu 2 yang menandakan proses pembentukan tulang baru mencapai tahap pembentukan fibrokartilago. Pada sampel-2 kelompok perlakuan didapatkan hasil skor histologi 3 yang menandakan proses pembentukkan tulang sudah mencapai tahap terjadinya mineralisasi kartilago.
Kesimpulan: Implantasi material implan Ti-6Al-4V ELI dengan perlakuan panas 850°C dapat diterima oleh jaringan tulang disekitarnya diamati dari proses regenerasi tulang yang ditunjukkan oleh adanya fibrosa, fibrokartilago, dan kartilago yang termineralisasi. 

Background: Ti-6Al-4V is an implant material that is often used to biomedis application but the production costs are still expensive, so that heat treatment is needed to reduce production costs with optimal product results. One of the conditions for implant material is that it must be compatible with surrounding tissue.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of Ti-6Al-4V ELI implan material implantation with 850°C heat treatment on the regeneration of rat femoral bone observed through histology.
Method: This study used an experimental study design with two female Sprague Dawley Rattus novergicus rat on each group. There were three observation groups including normal control group, defect control group, and one treatment group that was given a defect and implanted by the implant material (Ti-6Al-4V ELI) with 850° C heat treatment. Rats were sacrificed in the fourth week and performed histological observation using modified Salkeld scoring.
Result: The results obtained from histological scoring of 2 samples of control group and sample-1 of treatment group are 2 which indicate that they reached the formation stage of fibrocartilago tissue. The histological results of sample-2 treatment groups is 3 which indicates the recovery process have reached mineral cartilage mineralization.
Conclusion: Implantation of Ti-6Al-4V ELI implant material with 850°C heat treatment is acceptable within the nearest bone tissue, observed from bone regeneration process which is indicated by the presence of fibrous, fibrocartilages, and mineralized cartilages.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Devy Pragitara
"Latar Belakang: Ti-6Al-4V adalah salah satu bahan implan yang paling umum digunakan. Dalam upaya mengurangi biaya produksi implan titanium, bahan dipanaskan untuk mengoptimalkan produk akhir mereka. Salah satu kondisi yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bahan implan baru adalah biokompatibilitas bahan untuk jaringan di sekitarnya.
Tujuan: Untuk memahami efek implantasi material implan Ti-6Al-4V ELI yang dipanaskan pada 10500C pada tulang paha tikus Sprague Dawley melalui studi histologis.
Metode: Desain penelitian eksperimental digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan tikus Sprague Dawley betina yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok: kelompok perlakuan; kelompok kontrol normal; dan kelompok kontrol cacat, yang dibuat lubang pada tulang paha. Dua tikus digunakan di masing-masing kelompok. Pada kelompok yang diberi perlakuan, defek tulang paha diimplantasikan dengan material implan Ti-6Al-4V ELI yang dipanaskan 10500C. Tikus dikorbankan setelah empat minggu dan dievaluasi secara histologis menggunakan Salkeld Histological Scoring yang dimodifikasi.
Hasil: Skor histologis kelompok sampel 1 yang diobati adalah 3 yang berarti regenerasi tulang yang hampir sempurna, ditunjukkan oleh penampilan tulang rawan mineral. Nilai untuk kelompok perlakuan sampel 2 dan kelompok kontrol cacat sampel 1,2 adalah 2, yang berarti regenerasi tulang hanya mencapai fase pembentukan fibrocartilage.
Kesimpulan: Regenerasi tulang dapat diperoleh di sekitar lokasi implantasi 10500C yang dipanaskan Ti-6Al-4V ELI material implan yang ditunjukkan oleh adanya jaringan fibrosa, fibrocartilage, dan tulang rawan termineralisasi.

Background: Ti-6Al-4V is one of the most commonly used implant materials. In an effort to reduce the cost of producing titanium implants, the material is heated to optimize their final product. One of the conditions that need to be met for new implant material is the biocompatibility of the material for the surrounding tissue.
Objective: To understand the effect of implantation of TiI 6Al-4V ELI material that was heated at 10500C on the femur of Sprague Dawley rats through histological studies.
Methods: The experimental research design used in this study with female Sprague Dawley mice was divided into three groups: the treatment group; normal control group; and the deformed control group, which made a hole in the femur. Two mice were used in each group. In the treated group, femur defects were implanted with the implant material 10500C EL-Ti-6Al-4V. Mice were sacrificed after four weeks and evaluated histologically using modified Salkeld Histological Scoring.
Results: The histological score of the sample group 1 treated was 3, which means almost perfect bone regeneration, indicated by the appearance of mineral cartilage. The values ​​for the sample 2 treatment group and the sample defect control group 1,2 are 2, which means bone regeneration only reaches the fibrocartilage formation phase.
Conclusion: Bone regeneration can be obtained around the implantation site of ELI Ti-6Al-4V implant material heated by 10500C which is indicated by the presence of fibrous tissue, fibrocartilage, and mineralized cartilage.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutmainah Nur Ramahwati
Osteoporosis merupakan suatu penyakit metabolik pada tulang yang ditandai dengan menurunnya kepadatan massa tulang. Pengobatan osteoporosis dapat dilakukan dengan menambahkan kadar kalsium Ca3 PO4 2 berukuran nano. Ca3 PO4 2 merupakan mineral yang terdapat pada tulang dan berfungsi untuk membangun dan memperkuat tulang dan gigi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektifitas penambahan Ca3 PO4 2 ndash;nano yang dapat diserap oleh tulang dan melihat struktur kristal yang terbentuk pada tulang setelah diberi purifiet diet dengan penambahan Ca3 PO4 2 ndash;nano. Purifiet diet untuk pakan tikus diberi Ca3 PO4 2-nano dengan variasi komposisi 0,5X, 1,0X dan 1,5X dari kebutuhan normal. Kemudian tikus dipanen setiap dua minggu untuk diambil tulang belakangnya. Pengujian yang dilakukan pada tulang belakang tikus dengan menggunakan Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy AAS , serta X-Ray Diffraction XRD . Nilai efektif dari kebutuhan kalsium yang diperlukan tulang berada pada nilai 0,5X. Kandungan Ca mengalami kenaikan sedangkan kandungan Mg cenderung fluktuatif. Struktur kristal yang terbentuk merupakan tipe heksagonal dari hidroksiapatit dengan ukuran butir yang kecil. Parameter kisi kristal hidroksiapatit yang diperoleh adalah a = 9,50 dan nilai c = 6,83.

Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease in bones identified by the decreasing of bone mass. The treatment of osteoporosis can be done by adding the level of nano sized calcium Ca 3 PO4 2. The Ca 3 PO4 2 is a mineral contained in the bones to build and strengthen the teeth and bones. The purposes of this research were discovering the effectivity of added nano sized Ca 3 PO4 2 that was absorbed by the bones and identifying the crystalline structure formed at the bone after being given purified diet with the addition of nano sized Ca 3 PO4 2. The purified diet as the food for rats was given with varied compositions of 0.5X, 1.0X and 1.5X of nanosized Ca 3 PO4 2 from the normal requirement. The rats were harvested in every two weeks then their spines were investigated. The characterizations applied for the rat rsquo s spine were Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy AAS and X Ray Diffraction XRD . The effectivity value of the varied composition was found in 0.5X. The calcium content was increasing, while the magnesium content tended to be fluctuating. The crystalline structure was identified as hexagonal from hydroxyapatite with very small grain size. The lattice parameters of hidroxyapatite were a 9,50 and c 6,83."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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