"[Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah identity fusion memiliki hubungan dengan kesediaan berkorban dalam bentuk noncombative (mengeluarkan harta, meluangkan waktu dan diri) pada konteks agama dan apakah feelings of agency dapat berfungsi sebagai mediator dalam hubungan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 52 partisipan pada kelompok Jamaah Tabligh. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara identity fusion dan kesediaan berkorban dalam bentuk noncombative pada konteks agama (c = 0,931, p < 0,05). Selain itu, dengan menggunakan SPSS makro yang di disediakan oleh hayes (2014), peneliti melakukan bootstrapping test (n boots = 10.000), kemudian dihasilkan bahwa bias-corrected bootstrap CI untuk indirect effect (ab = 0,578, p < 0,05) sepenuhnya di atas nol (0,3277-0,9381), hal ini menunjukkan bahwa efek mediasi terdukung. Terakhir diperoleh bukti bahwa c' < c, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan identity fusion dan kesediaan berkorban dimediasi sebagian oleh feelings of agency (c' = 0,353).
;This study is conducted to find out whether identity fusion has correlation with willingness to sacrifice on noncombative on religion and whether feelings of agency can be mediator in that relation. This research has 52 participant of Tablighi Jamaat. The result shows that there are significant influence between identity fusion and willingness to sacrifice on noncombative on religion aspect (c = 0,931, p < 0,05). Besides that, the researcher uses macro SPPS by hayes (2014) and makes bootstraping test (n boots = 10.000) so the result is bias-corrected CI for indirect effect (ab = 0,578, p < 0,05)) entirely above zero (0,3277-0,9381), it?s mean mediation effect fulfilled. Final results showed c' < c, it?s mean that correlation between identity fusion and sacrifice willingness was partially mediated by feelings of agency (c' = 0,353).
;This study is conducted to find out whether identity fusion has correlation with willingness to sacrifice on noncombative on religion and whether feelings of agency can be mediator in that relation. This research has 52 participant of Tablighi Jamaat. The result shows that there are significant influence between identity fusion and willingness to sacrifice on noncombative on religion aspect (c = 0,931, p < 0,05). Besides that, the researcher uses macro SPPS by hayes (2014) and makes bootstraping test (n boots = 10.000) so the result is bias-corrected CI for indirect effect (ab = 0,578, p < 0,05)) entirely above zero (0,3277-0,9381), it?s mean mediation effect fulfilled. Final results showed c' < c, it?s mean that correlation between identity fusion and sacrifice willingness was partially mediated by feelings of agency (c' = 0,353).
, This study is conducted to find out whether identity fusion has correlation with willingness to sacrifice on noncombative on religion and whether feelings of agency can be mediator in that relation. This research has 52 participant of Tablighi Jamaat. The result shows that there are significant influence between identity fusion and willingness to sacrifice on noncombative on religion aspect (c = 0,931, p < 0,05). Besides that, the researcher uses macro SPPS by hayes (2014) and makes bootstraping test (n boots = 10.000) so the result is bias-corrected CI for indirect effect (ab = 0,578, p < 0,05)) entirely above zero (0,3277-0,9381), it’s mean mediation effect fulfilled. Final results showed c' < c, it’s mean that correlation between identity fusion and sacrifice willingness was partially mediated by feelings of agency (c' = 0,353).