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Ward, Kenneth E.
Victoria : Centre of Southeast Asian Studies Monash University, 1974
324.959 8 WAR n (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kusin, J.A.
Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 1978
612.3 KUS c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susilo Yanuardi
"Sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2011 tentang Penyelenggara Pemilihan Umum, Dewan Kehormatan Penyelenggara Pemilu/DKPP) adalah sebuah dewan etik independen yang memiliki kewenangan untuk menyelidiki dan memutuskan ada atau tidaknya dugaan pelanggaran kode etik, berikut memberikan sanksi atau rehabilitasi. Dalam prakteknya, DKPP tidak hanya membuat keputusan terkait dengan etika pelanggaran, sanksi, dan rehabilitasi tetapi juga memerintahkan Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah untuk meninjau ulang atau mengubah Keputusan tentang penetapan peserta pemilukada, sementara kewenangan untuk meninjau ulang atau mengubah susbstansi keputusan tata usaha Negara oleh KPUD adalah Pengadilan Tata Usaha.
Fokus tesis ini adalah pemilihan gubernur di Provinsi Jawa Timur sebagai contoh dimana Putusan DKPP memerintahkan KPUD untuk mengubah keputusan mereka terkait penetapan peserta pemilukada yang sebelumnya dinyatakan tidak memenuhi syarat menjadi peserta pemilukada oleh KPUD. Perintah DKPP semacam ini tidak sejalan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2011. Putusan DKPP tidak mengubah prinsip-prinsip dan mekanisme pengujian sebuah keputusan tata usaha Negara sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang tentang TUN.
Mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa TUN terkait pemilukada di PTUN yang tidak sejalan dengan proses dan tahapan pemilukada telah mengakibatkan DKPP menjadi pilihan bagi calon peserta pemilukada untuk mendapatkan keadilan. Dari sudut pandang penulis, perlu dibentuk suatu mekanisme khusus penyelesaian sengeketa TUN terkait pemilukada di lingkungan peradilan TUN yang sejalan dengan keberadaan, tugas, dan kewenangan DKPP.

In accordance with Law No. 15 Year 2011 on the General Election Implementers, Election Organizers Ethics Council is an independent ethic council that has authority to investigate and decide on complaints of alleged violations of code of conduct,which include sanctions or rehabilitations,committed by election organizers (included in the governor/regional elections). In practice, DKPP not only make decisions related to ethic violations, sanctions, and rehabilitations but also order the election organizers to review and/or change the Regional Election Commission decision. Whereas reviewing and changing KPUD decisions is Administrative Court authority.
This thesis focus on governor election in East Java Province as an example area which DKPP verdict compelled KPUD to alter their decision related to electoral candidates, who previously ruled ineligible, could participate in the election. This mechanism is not in line with Law No. 15 Year 2011. DKPP verdict should not change the principles and mechanisms of test administrationin Administrative Court asstipulatedin Administrative law.
Mechanism of election dispute in PTUN is not in line with election process in the regional level. Therefore, DKPP be a favourable option for election candidates to gain justice. From author perspective, it is necessarry to establish special administrative resolution mechanisms in administrative court which it should be along with the existence of DKPP.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endik Hidayat
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi fenemona transformasi peran kiai setelah
reformasi dari yang disebut Geertz sebagai makelar budaya (cultural broker) menjadi
makelar politik atau bahkan aktor politik (politic broker). Kiai dan pesantren masih
menjadi tujuan utama dalam mencari dukungan politik dalam pilpres 2014. Pesantren
Areng-Areng pada pilpres 2014 dijadikan tempat deklarasi dukungan politik kepada
calon presiden Prabowo oleh kiai se-Jawa Timur. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini
dilakukan untuk mencari jawaban Bagaimana bentuk-bentuk peran kiai dalam
mendukung pasangan Prabowo-Hatta dalam pemilihan presiden tahun 2014.
Sebagai pijakan teoritis, penelitian ini menggunakan teori status dan peran
(Linton dan Merton), teori elit (Pareto, Mosca dan Keller), dan teori kepemimpinan
(Weber). Ketiga teori tersebut diperkuat dengan teori pendukung, yaitu teori patronklien
(Scott, Jackson dan Maswadi Rauf)
Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sedangkan teknik analisa data
menggunakan deskriptif-analitis. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan dua methode
pengumpulan data yaitu: Pertama, studi literatur meliputi buku, penelitian terdahulu,
berita cetak/online. Kedua, melalui wawancara mendalam (indepth interview)
terhadap narasumber para kiai pendukung Prabowo-Hatta, tim sukses dan para
Berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian di lapangan mempertegas penelitian
terdahulu terutama pasca reformasi bahwa kiai sebagai makelar (broker) politik
masih berlangsung. Fenomena dapat dilihat bagaimana kepiawaian dan fleksibilitas
kiai duntuk menjaga eksistensi kekuasaan informalnya. Sehingga antara kepentingan
pesantren, yang diwakili dirinya, dan kepentingan luar keseimbangan tetap
terakomodasi. Selain itu bentuk peran politik kiai dalam pemilihan presiden 2014,
mencakup sebagai: (1) menggunakan agama untuk kepentingan politik, (2)
pembentuk opini,(3) fasilitator, (4) juru kampanye dan penggerak massa.
Implikasi teoritis kajian ini menunjukan keterlibatan kiai dalam politik
menguatkan teori patron-klien antara kiai dengan santri. Namun, hubungan patron
klien jaga terjadi antara sesama kiai terutama kiai sepuh bertindak sebagai guru
(patron) dan kiai yang lebih muda sebagai murid (klien). Demikian juga teori elit dan
kekuasaan weber relevan untuk digunakan bentuk kekuasaan kiai adalah kekuasaan
kharismatik-patronase, yaitu kekuasaan yang bersumber dari kharisma sang kiai
sebagai elit agama. Teori peran dan status Linton para kiai dengan perangkatnya
tidak hanya menjalankan status dan peranannya di wilayah keagamaan saja, mereka
juga terlibat dalam wilayah politik, karena faktor kepentingan (interest).

This study is motivated by phenomenon of transformation of kiai role after
reformation which is called Geertz as a cultural broker become political broker or
even political actor. Kiai and boarding school still be main objective in looking for
political support in the presidential election. Areng-Areng boarding school on the
2014 presidential election be used as a declaration of political support to presidential
candidate Prabowo by kiai throughout East Java. Therefore, this study was conducted
to look answers How the forms of kiai role in supporting the pair of Prabowo-hatta in
the 2014 presidential election.
As a theoretical foothold, this study uses the theory of status and role (Linton
and Merton), the theory of elite (Pareto, Mosca, and Keller), and theory of leadership
(Weber). These three theory is reinforced with supporting theory, namely the theory
of patron-client (Scott, Jackson, and Maswadi Rauf).
This study uses a qualitative approach. While data analysis technique using
descriptive-analytic. In this study used two methods of collecting data: First, the
study of literature, including book, previous research, newsprint/online. Second,
through in-depth interview to sources the kiai?s supporter Prabowo-Hatta, successful
team and academics.
Based on the result of research in the field reinforce previous research,
especially after reformation that kiai as the political broker is still on going. The
phenomenon can be seen how the expertise and flexibility of kiai maintain existence
of informal power. So between the interest of boarding school, that represent
themselves, and outside interest balance remains accommodated. In addition, kiai?s
political role in the 2014 presidential election, includes: (1) use religion for political
purposes, (2) opinion formers, (3) the facilitator, (4) campaigners and community
The theoretical implications of this study indicate kiai involvement in politic
strengthen of patron-client between kiai with student. However, the patron-client
relationship also occur among kiai mainly the elderly kiai which act as teachers
(patron) and sub kiai who are younger as a student (client). Likewise, the theory of
elite and power weber relevant to be used forms of kiai power is charismaticpatronage
power, the power that comes from kiai charisma as the religious elite. The
theory of role and status Linton kiai?s with their device not only run status and role in
the religious sphere, they are also involved in the political realm, because of the
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Bahrul Anshori
"Penelitian memiliki tiga tujuan, yaitu, pertama, mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilih pada Pilgub Jatim tahun 2018 di Madura. Kedua, menganalisis pengaruh faktor-faktor tersebut terhadap kemenangan paslon Khofifah-Emil pada Pilgub Jatim tahun 2018 di Madura secara simultan dan parsial. Ketiga, menganalisis strategi politik pesantren dalam pemenangan paslon Khofifah-Emil pada Pilgub Jatim tahun 2018 di Madura. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan campuran kualitatif dan kuantitatif (mixed method) dengan teknik analisis data regresi logistik. Hasil pengolahan data menyimpulkan, pertama, ada 4 (empat) faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilih pada Pilgub Jatim tahun 2018 di Madura, yaitu, politik pesantren, program kerja, partai politik, dan dukungan masyarakat muslim modern. Kedua, secara simultan keempat faktor tersebut berpengaruh terhadap kemenangan paslon Khofifah-Emil, sedangkan secara parsial ada lima variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemenangan paslon Khofifah-Emil, yaitu, program kerja, dukungan masyarkat muslim modern, politik pesantren dengan indikator banyaknya alumni, gender daerah Sumenep, dan gender daerah Bangkalan. Ketiga, hasil dari regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa strategi politik pesantren yang dijalankan paslon Khofifah-Emil adalah memaksimalkan banyaknya jaringan alumni dan dukungan pesantren modern atau semi modern (masyarakat muslim modern).

This research has three aims, first, knowing the factors that influence voters in the 2018 East Java Pilgub in Madura. Second, analyzing the influence of these factors on the victory of the Khofifah-Emil candidate pair in the 2018 East Java Pilgub in Madura simultaneously and partially. Third, analyze the pesantren's political strategy in winning the Khofifah-Emil candidate pair in the 2018 East Java Pilgub in Madura. The results of data processing conclude, first, there are 4 (four) factors that influence voters in the 2018 East Java Pilgub in Madura, namely, pesantren politics, work programs, political parties, and the support of the modern Muslim community. Second, simultaneously these four factors influence the victory of the Khofifah-Emil candidate pair, while partially five variables have a significant effect on the victory of the Khofifah-Emil candidate pair, namely, work programs, support for modern Muslim communities, pesantren politics with indicators of the number of alumni, the regional gender of Sumenep, and the regional gender of Bangkalan. Third, the results of the logistic regression indicate that the pesantren political strategy carried out by the Khofifah-Emil candidate pair is to maximize the number of alumni networks and support for modern or semi-modern pesantren (modern Muslim societies)."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gatot Armadiantoro Adi
"The practice of overloading, which violates Law Number 22 of 2009, poses a persistent and substantial challenge in freight transportation. This issue greatly damages roads as axle load limits are exceeded. The undue concentration of excess weight on individual wheels accelerates the deterioration of road infrastructure and exacerbates air pollution levels. The Surabaya-Jombang primary arterial road section is of particular significance, serving as a crucial conduit for the movement of goods between the western region of East Java and Central Java Province. The primary goal of this study is two-fold: firstly, to delve into the categorisation and distinctive attributes of structural damage incurred by the pavement; secondly, to quantitatively assess the degree to which overloading influences the intended longevity of the road and the severity of air pollution. Through a comprehensive exploration of these dimensions, this research seeks to identify the specific vehicle types contributing to overloading patterns, unravel the interplay between traffic composition and overloading characteristics inherent to each vehicle category, and ascertain how these combined dynamics impact the road's planned lifespan and air pollution. The anticipated outcomes hold the potential to significantly inform the formulation of strategies aimed at curbing the prevalence of overloading within the study locale

Praktik kelebihan muatan, yang melanggar Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009, merupakan tantangan yang terus-menerus dan substansial dalam transportasi angkutan barang. Masalah ini sangat merusak jalan karena batas muatan sumbu terlampaui. Konsentrasi beban berlebih yang tidak semestinya pada masing-masing roda mempercepat kerusakan infrastruktur jalan dan memperburuk tingkat polusi udara. Ruas jalan arteri primer Surabaya-Jombang memiliki arti penting karena merupakan jalur penting bagi pergerakan barang antara wilayah barat Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini ada dua: pertama, untuk mendalami kategorisasi dan atribut khas kerusakan struktural yang terjadi pada perkerasan jalan; kedua, untuk menilai secara kuantitatif sejauh mana beban berlebih mempengaruhi umur jalan dan tingkat polusi udara. Melalui eksplorasi yang komprehensif terhadap dimensi-dimensi tersebut, penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengidentifikasi jenis kendaraan tertentu yang berkontribusi terhadap pola muatan berlebih, mengurai interaksi antara komposisi lalu lintas dan karakteristik muatan berlebih yang melekat pada setiap kategori kendaraan, dan memastikan bagaimana dinamika gabungan ini mempengaruhi umur rencana jalan dan polusi udara. Hasil yang diharapkan berpotensi untuk secara signifikan menginformasikan perumusan strategi yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi prevalensi kelebihan muatan di wilayah studi."
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Harmanto
"On reaching to the customer in East Java, the electrical energy sourced from all existing generator in Java Island and Bali Island will flow over several cluster system, particularly in technical matters related to maximum capability and efficiency in distribution. To increase the customer satisfaction, prior to the things shall be precised that is by knowing some factors subject to the relative customer satisfaction, with the result of recognizing whatever determining services should be maintained and increased and decreased.
Subject to the problem of this research will concern with decisive factors in the level of interest and satisfaction to customer for service quality, Subjects of this problem include such as below; How big is the customer satisfaction level of PLN meet to the existing service performance of PLN? What is the result found in the intelligence analysis that the PLN could survive from and without being surpassed by its customer?
The Aim of Research, To define the map of customer expectation by performing the service from PT PLN East Java Distribution; To define the result of analysis intelligence to potential disruption in stability of services from PT PLN East Java Distribution.
Field observation is implemented by doing the survey. The aim of this method is to aggregating a number of respondent data from some examples through measuring tools of interview in form of list of questionnaire.
As from the observation result herein will have resulted several factors point of servicing in PLN that must be notified by PT. PLN East Java Distribution within a short term, so that the service performance of PT. PLN is getting better to the customer and hindered from disruption and threaten."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feby Syofia Hapsari
"Metoda inversi simultan merupakan salah satu metoda yang digunakan dalam proses AVO inversion, yang didalam prosesnya mengolah input seismik "partial stacking" dalam satu proses untuk menghasilkan volume seismik untuk parameter elastik dan impedansi. Metoda Lambda Mu Rho merupakan metoda yang menggunakan parameter elastik dalam analisanya, dimana Lambda merupakan parameter incompressibilitas, yaitu kemampuan batuan dalam terbentuknya perubahan volume apabila terkena stress dan Mu merupakan parameter rigiditas dari batuan, yaitu kemampuan batuan dalam perubahan bentuk apabila terkena stress.
Study ini mempelajari reservoar karbonat dengan memberikan analisa secara kualitatif untuk klasifikasi fluida dengan menggunakan inversi simultan. Analisa "RockPhysics" dilakukan untuk mengestimasi secara kualitatif parameter-parameter dari Lambda Mu Rho.
Hasil akhir dari study ini adalah seismik 3D untuk karakterisasi reservoir dengan ketidakpastiannya yang terdiri dari reservoir karbonat dengan kandungan gas dan air, dan juga Lambda Mu Rho volume (Volume 3D untuk Lambda-Rho dan Mu-Rho). Objek penelitian yang digunakan adalah data dari offshore di Jawa Timur.

Simultaneous Inversion is a method that used in the AVO inversion, that process the partial stacking as input and the elastic parameter and impedances as output in one batch. Lambda Mu Rho is a method that used elastic parameter for the analysis: Lambda as the incompressibility parameter, the ability of rocks to transform their volume when are given a stress and Mu as the rigidity parameter, the ability of rocks to transform their shape when are given a stress.
This study was carried out in carbonate reservoir to present qualitative fluid classification with level of confidence based on Simultaneous seismic Inversion. Rock physics analysis was also conducted to quantitatively estimate Lambda Mu Parameter.
The final product of this study workflow is a 3D cube of reservoir characterization with uncertainties which consist of probability of wet carbonate and gas carbonate, and Lambda Mu Rho (Lambda-Rho and Mu-Rho 3D cube). As object of the study, the data from offshore East Java was used.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tourism is an important sector in developing countries to support economic growth, and coastal areas are famous destinations in tourism. The plan and design for Balekambang coastal area as a tourism destination in East Java, Indonesia has been formulated and published. However, it seems lack ecological and social perspectives. This study examines coral reefs structure as one of the ecological parameter and tourist perspectives as social parameter for destination development evaluation. Twently belt-transect were established along balekambang coastline, and then divided into three sections, the east, the centre and the west sections. Every belt-transect was 200m in length and consist of 15 plots 1x2m. The tourist perspectives to Balekambang were determined using questionnaire among 234 respondent. Based on the Morisita similarity index, the coral reef of east section consists of 2 zones, the centre consists of 5 zones and west section consists of 4 zones. The shannon diversity index (H') among zones at every location was ranged. The diversity index of the east section ranged from 2.07 to 2.72, the central section ranged from 1.32 to 4,20, and the west section ranged from 3.13 to 4.20. Zones that were close to the coastline had lowest diversity indices than zones that located far from the coastline. Mostly, tourists stated that Balekambang was interesting, but the attraction of tourism should be added. Respondent knew there were forest surrounding Balekambang, and it has the possibility to develop as tourism destination. These findings argue that the forest conversion to cottage area that planned by the local government in the west section should be reviewed. It seems forest in the west section should be developed as a forest patk to meet tourist needs and redistribute tourist concentration in the coastline."
JITUB 2:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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