ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran disclosure sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara status hubungan dan subjective well-being, dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Partisipan yang mengikuti penelitian ini terdiri dari 314 individu yang berusia 18- 25 tahun, menggunakan aplikasi kencan daring dalam enam bulan terakhir, atau bertemu dengan teman atau pasangan melalui aplikasi kencan daring atau jaringan sosial, dengan partisipan perempuan berjumlah 189 (60,2%). Pengukurun self-disclosure dilakukan dengan menggunakan Self-Disclosure Index (SDI), sementara subjective well-being diukur berdasarkan skor. The Satisfaction With Life Scale Positive and Negative Affect Schedule(PANAS) yang dijumlahkan menjadi satu skor subjective well-being yang sudah terstandarisasi. Hasil analisis dengan teknik regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peran mediasi self-disclosure dalam hubungan antara status hubungan dan subjective well-being. Perbedaan tingkat subjective well-being yang ditemukan antara kelompok status lajang dan berkencan signifikan dimediasi dengan self-disclosure indirect effect = [0,914, - 5,005]). Perbedaan tingkat subjective well-being yang ditemukan antara kelompok status lajang dan berpasangan juga signifikan demediasi dengan self- disclosure CI = [1,833, - 8,056]).
ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the role of self-disclosure as a mediator in the relationship between relationship status and subjective well-being, using quantitative methods. Participants who participated in the study consisted of 314 individuals aged 18-25 years, has used an online dating application in the last six months or had met a friend or partner through an online dating or social networking application, with a total of 189 (60.2%) female participants. Self-disclosure was measured by using the Self-Disclosure Index (SDI), while subjective well-being was measured based on the scores of The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), which were then summed up to create standardized subjective well-being scores (t-score). Results using linear multiple regression statistical analysis indicated that there is a mediating role of self-disclosure in the relationship between relationship status and subjective well-being. Differences in the levels of subjective well-being found between single and mingle individuals were significantly mediated by self- disclosure (indirect effect = 2.68, SE = 1.041, CI = [0.914, - 5.005]). Differences in the levels of subjective well-being found between single and partnered individuals were also significantly mediated by self-disclosure (indirect effect = 4.75, SE = 1.598, CI = [1,833, - 8,056])."