ABSTRAKIndonesia membutuhkan pembangunan infrastruktur telekomunikasi yang dilakukan berdasarkan asas manfaat, adil dan merata serta adanya kepastian hukum sehingga mampu mendorong pemerataan ekonomi. Namun, dengan kondisi keuangan operator saat ini, terutama operator non dominan, rasa kawatir akan kemampuan operator untuk melakukan pembangunan infrastruktur telekomunikasi yang adil dan merata di seluruh wilayah Indonesia menjadi sebuah tanda tanya tersendiri. Suatu cara yang bisa dilakukan operator, khususnya operator non dominan, yaitu melakukan efisiensi di sisi pengeluaran melalui berbagi infrastruktur. Akan tetapi, berbagi infrastruktur dapat mempengaruhi kompetisi antar operator seluler, termasuk perubahan landscape model bisnis, sehingga sering kali menimbulkan resistansi dari operator yang telah memiliki infrastruktur jaringan yang lebih merata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengusulkan kerangka regulasi berbagi infrastruktur jaringan bagi operator seluler yang tepat diterapkan di Indonesia. Hasil analisis menggunakan regulatory impact analysis menunjukkan bahwa regulasi eksisting sudah saatnya dilakukan perubahan sehingga regulasi yang baru diharapkan mampu mendorong terciptanya iklim bisnis yang sehat dan berkelanjutan secara komersial bagi seluruh operator. Regulatory framework yang berupa mengizinkan operator seluler untuk melakukan skema MORAN bisa diterima oleh semua stakeholder, kecuali oleh operator dominan dengan tingkat resistansi yang relatif tidak terlalu besar. Hasil analisis menggunakan cost and benefit analysis menghasilkan net benefit sebesar Rp. 52,183 trilyun selama 5 tahun, nilai multi criteria analysis sebesar 49, dan nilai competitive impact analysis sebesar 60.
ABSTRACTIndonesia needs the development of telecommunication infrastructure based on the principle of benefit, fair, equitable and the existence of legal certainty so as to encourage economic equity. However, with the current financial condition of operators, especially non dominant operators, a sense of anxiety over the operators capability to undertake a fair and equitable development of telecommunication infrastructure across Indonesia becomes a question mark. A way that operators can, especially non dominant operators, do efficiency on the expenditure through infrastructure sharing. However, infrastructure sharing can affect competition among mobile operators, including changes in the landscape of business models, which often leads to the resistance of operators who already have a more equitable network infrastructure. The purpose of this study is to propose a regulatory framework of infrastructure sharing for mobile operators appropriately implemented in Indonesia. The result of the analysis using regulatory impact analysis showed that the existing regulation is time to change so that the new regulation is expected to encourage the creation of commercially sustainable and healthy business for all operators. Regulatory framework in the form of allowing mobile operators to perform MORAN schemes can be accepted by all stakeholders, except by dominant operators with relatively small resistance levels. The result of analysis using cost and benefit analysis resulted net benefit Rp. 52.183 trillion for 5 years, multi criteria analysis value is 49, and competitive impact value is 60. "