ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas pengaturan serta kewenangan yang dimiliki oleh Komisi Pengawasan
Persaingan Usaha di Indonesia, Belanda dengan Autoriteit Consument en Markt serta Singapura
dengan Competition Commission of Singapore. Komisi Pengawasan Persaingan Usaha (KPPU)
memiliki tugas untuk menegak Hukum Persaingan Usaha serta mengadili terjadinya pelanggaran
larangan di dalam Hukum Persaingan Usaha. Walaupun KPPU telah melaksanakan tugasnya,
namun KPPU memiliki beberapa kekurangan yang membuatnya tidak menegak hukum
persaingan usaha dengan maksimal. Karena kekurangan tersebut, skripsi ini menggunakan
metode yuridis normatif dengan membandingkan dua komisi serta perundang-perundangan yang
terkait di luar Indonesia, yakni Belanda dan Singapura dengan melihat persamaan dan perbedaan
di antara para komisi agar dapat mengaplikasikan perbedaan tersebut kepada KPPU.
ABSTRACTThis research will explain the regulations and the authority which are given to the Commission
of the Supervisory of Business Competition in Indonesia, the Netherlands with Autoriteit
Consument en Markt and Singapore with Competition Commission of Singapore. The
Commission of the Supervisory of Business Competition has the obligation to enforce & protect
the Competition Law in Indonesia and also to judge any cases which violate the Competition
Law. Though Commission of the Supervisory of Business Competition has executed it?s job, it
currently faces disadvantages which prevent them from executing their obligations maximally.
Because of those disadvantages, this research will use the judicial normative method, by
comparing two foreign competition commission and the statutes which are applied in two
foreign countries, the Netherlands and Singapore, to observe the advantages and the
disadvantages made between those commissions that can be applied to the Commission of the
Supervisory of Business Competition in Indonesia."