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Sijabat, Edwin K.
"Industri kertas Indonesia saat ini berkembang dengan pesat dengan adanya penambahan kapasitas produksi dan banyaknya investasi baru di industri ini. Kertas industri merupakan salah satu grade yang memiliki nilai tambah karena bahan baku yang berasal dari kertas bekas (waste paper). Dengan bahan baku ini berarti tidak perlu menebang pohon dan ramah lingkungan. Analisa Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) terhadap industri ini akan memberikan gambaran struktur dan kinerja dari industri ini. Concentration Ratio (CRn), Minimum Efficiency Scale (MES) dan Profit Cost Margin (PCM) dengan time series dari tahun 2001 ? 2009 akan disajikan dalam penelitian ini. Analisa Ekonometrik juga akan dipakai untuk Supply Demand untuk mendapatkan nilai forecast produksi, ekspor, impor dan permintaan domestik yang bermamfaat dalam pengambilan keputusan dalam ekspansi dan investasi baru. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan industri kertas jenis kertas industri Indonesia merupakan pasar kompetitif rendah dengan konsentrasi tinggi. Diperoleh Indeks CR3 : 0.743, CR4 : 0.85 dan HHI : 0.282. Hambatan masuk, MES : 0.21 dan Kinerja industri, PCM : 0.299. Struktur berpengaruh terhadap kinerja industri. Diperoleh juga forecast jumlah produksi, konsumsi, ekspor dan impor untuk tahun 2012 ? 2014.

Indonesia Paper Industry is growing significantly by increasing of installed capacity and many new investments. Industrial paper is one of paper grade with added value as raw material is coming from waste paper. Using this kind of raw material, the paper mill does not to cut trees and clean the environmental. Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) analysis on this industry will provide clear picture of structure and performance of the industry. Concentration Ratio (CRn), Minimum Efficiency Scale (MES) and Profit Cost Margin (PCM) in time series from 2001 ? 2009 will be presented in this paper. Econometric analysis will be applied on Supply Demand data in order to forecast the value of production, export, import and domestic demand to give insight for decision on expansion and new investment. This paper shows that Indonesian paper industry on industrial paper grade is a low competition with high concentration. Calculated Index CR3 : 0.743, CR4 : 0.85 and HHI : 0.282. Entry barrier, MES : 0.21 and industry performance, PCM : 0.299. It shows that structure influence the industry performance. This paper also provide forecast number of production, consumption, export and import for 2012 - 2014."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syahrul Fitra
"[Pengelolaan hutan dan hasil hutan kayu terutama untuk kebutuhan industri pulp dan kertas yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan HTI, sangat rentan untuk dimonopolisasi dan menimbulkan praktek persaingan usaha tidak sehat. Adanya larangan ekspor log (kayu bulat) dan kewajiban bagi perusahaan HTI memasok kayu ke industri semakin memperkuat posisi industri pulp dan kertas. Di samping itu beberapa regulasi atau kebijakan secara tidak langsung mendukung terjadinya
integrasi antara industri pulp dan kertas dengan perusahaan HTI. Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1999 telah melarang adanya integrasi vertikal secara rule of reason, artinya ketika ada integrasi vertikal harus dibuktikan apakah menimbulkan praktek persaingan usaha tidak sehat atau merugikan masyarakat. Untuk mengetahui apakah integrasi vertikal antara industri pulp dan kertas dengan perusahaan HTI adalah integrasi yang dibolehkan atau dilarang, perlu dipertanyakan bagaimana dampak integrasi antara industri pulp dan kertas dengan
perusahaan HTI di Indonesia? selanjutnya apakah integrasi tersebut sejalan dengan prinsip hukum persaingan usaha? Untuk menjawap pertanyaan tersebut, menggunakan pendekatan penelitian hukum doktrinal, karena lebih fokus menilai dari sisi regulasi dan mengaitkannya dengan dampak-dampak yang terjadi di lapangan yang bersumber dari informasi penelitian-penelitian terdahulu atau
pemberitaan terkait. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori economic analysis of law penelitian ini melihat fakta-fakta hukum maupun regulasi terkait dari perspektif ekonomi. Integrasi vertikal antara industri pulp dan kertas dengan perusahaan HTI telah menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap persaingan usaha dibidang HTI, dengan concentration ratio produksi pulp mencapai 93 persen, kendali perusahaan HTI ada ditangan industri, yang rentan menimbulkan praktek persaingan tidak sehat, dan beberapa regulasi mengenai industri dan perusahaan HTI cenderung tidak sejalan dengan prinsip hukum persaingan usaha. Forest management and timber forest products especially for the needs of the pulp and paper industry conducted by the plantation forest, are tend to monopolize and lead to unfair competition practices. The ban on the export of logs and the
obligation of the plantation forest to supply the logs to the industry to further strengthen the position of the pulp and paper industry. In addition, some regulation or policy indirectly support the integration between the pulp and paper industry with plantation forest. Act 5/1999 prohibit vertical integration as rule of reason, its mean the vertical integration to be seen whether the practice raises unfair competition or harm the public. To determine whether the vertical integration between the pulp and paper industry is the integration with the plantation forest is allowed or prohibited, is questionable how the impact of the
integration between the pulp and paper industry with forest plantation companies in Indonesia? The next, whether integration is in line with the principles of competition law? To answer these questions, using the doctrinal legal research approach, because more focus judging from the regulation and relate to impacts that occur in the field of information derived from previous studies or related news. By using an economic analysis of law approach of this study to see the facts of the law and others related regulations from an economic perspective. Vertical
integration between the pulp and paper industry with the plantation forest have an negative effect on competition in the field of plantation forest, the concentration ratio of pulp production reached 93 percent, the control is in the hands of pulp and paper industry, which is prone to the practice of unfair competition, and some regulations on industrial and plantation forest tend not in line with the principles of competition law., Forest management and timber forest products especially for the needs of the pulp
and paper industry conducted by the plantation forest, are tend to monopolize and
lead to unfair competition practices. The ban on the export of logs and the
obligation of the plantation forest to supply the logs to the industry to further
strengthen the position of the pulp and paper industry. In addition, some
regulation or policy indirectly support the integration between the pulp and paper
industry with plantation forest. Act 5/1999 prohibit vertical integration as rule of
reason, its mean the vertical integration to be seen whether the practice raises
unfair competition or harm the public. To determine whether the vertical
integration between the pulp and paper industry is the integration with the
plantation forest is allowed or prohibited, is questionable how the impact of the
integration between the pulp and paper industry with forest plantation companies
in Indonesia? The next, whether integration is in line with the principles of
competition law? To answer these questions, using the doctrinal legal research
approach, because more focus judging from the regulation and relate to impacts
that occur in the field of information derived from previous studies or related
news. By using an economic analysis of law approach of this study to see the facts
of the law and others related regulations from an economic perspective. Vertical
integration between the pulp and paper industry with the plantation forest have an
negative effect on competition in the field of plantation forest, the concentration
ratio of pulp production reached 93 percent, the control is in the hands of pulp
and paper industry, which is prone to the practice of unfair competition, and some
regulations on industrial and plantation forest tend not in line with the principles
of competition law]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pulp merupakan salah satu dari 10 komoditi andalan ekspor penyumbang devisa terbesar bagi Indonesia yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintah. Perkembangan industri pulp yang pesat didukung keunggulan komparatif yang dimiliki Indonesia, membuat investor tertarik untuk menanamkan modal. Industri pulp merupakan industri padat modal. Hal ini memunculkan perusahaan-perusahaan besar dengan modal kuat yang dapat membentuk konsentrasi kekuatan dalam pasar.
Berdasarkan paradigma Structure Conduct Performance, konsentrasi pasar akan mempengaruhi struktur pasar, sedangkan struktur pasar akan mempengaruhi kinerja pasar. Untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya konsentrasi pasar dalam industry pulp di Indonesia dapat dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi struktur pasar. Setelah itu, kinerja pasar juga akan diidentifikasi untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh struktur terhadap kinerja. Variabel-variabel yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur industri pulp di Indonesia adalah konsentrasi pasar dan hambatan masuk. Sedangkan, untuk mengidentifikasi kinerja industri digunakan variabel tingkat keuntungan. Setelah itu, analisis ekonometri digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah struktur berpengaruh terhadap kinerja.
Dari penelitian, didapatkan beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: Industri pulp di Indonesia memiliki struktur oligopoli dengan konsentrasi tinggi. Rata-rata konsentrasi industri untuk 4 perusahaan terbesar adalah sebesar 0,906 dan rata-rata konsentrasi industri untuk 3 perusahaan terbesar adalah sebesar 0,782. Rata-rata nilai Herfindahl-Hirschman Index adalah sebesar 0,254; Kinerja industri pulp di Indonesia yang ditunjukkan oleh rata-rata nilai Price-Cost Margin sebagai indikator tingkat keuntungan sebesar 0,392 mengindikasikan bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan dalam industri pulp di Indonesia memiliki kekuatan pasar; Dalam industri pulp di Indonesia, struktur industri berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja industri.

commodities that contribute a huge amount of exchange for Indonesia. The progress of pulp industry supported by the comparative advantage owned by Indonesia, has make the investors interested to invest in the industry. Pulp industry is a capital intensive industry. It emerges huge companies with strong investment which has the capability to form market concentration.
Based on Structure Conduct Performance paradigm, market concentration will affect market structure, and market structure will eventually affect market performance. To detect whether there is a form of market concentration or not in pulp industry in Indonesia, we can carry out market structure identification. Then, market performance will also be identified to figure out how the structure affect the performance. The variables used to identify the structure of pulp industry in Indonesia are market concentration and entry barrier. Whereas, variable used to identify the performance of the industry is profit level. Afterwards, econometric analysis is used to figure out whether the structure affects the performance or not.
From the research, we could conclude that: Pulp industry in Indonesia has the structure of oligopoly with high concentration. The average value of industry concentration for 4 largest companies is 0,906 and 0,782 for 3 largest companies. The average value of Herfindahl-Hirschman Index is 0,254; Industry performance showed by the average value of Price-Cost Margin as the indicator of profit margin as much as 0,392 indicates that the companies in pulp industry in Indonesia have market power; In pulp industry in Indonesia, industry structure affects industry performance positively.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Christy
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur, perilaku dan kinerja perusahaan penerbangan serta dampak kebijakan Kementerian Perhubungan tentang batas tarif bawah penerbangan terhadap persaingan industri penerbangan domestik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan data sekunder dan analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan Structural, Conduct dan Performance.
Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa struktur pasar penerbangan domestik adalah struktur pasar oligopoli longgar yang mengarah kepada struktur pasar oligopoli ketat, sedangkan hambatan masuk pasar yang tercermin pada perilaku perusahaan penerbangan domestik yang dialami perusahaan penerbangan domestik sebagai pelaku pasar rata-rata masih cukup besar serta kinerja rata-rata seluruh perusahaan penerbangan domestik selama tahun 2008 ? 2013 berfluktuasi menaik dan menurun, dimana kinerja rata-rata seluruh perusahaan penerbangan domestik tertinggi adalah pada tahun 2011 sedangkan kinerja rata-rata seluruh perusahaan penerbangan domestik terendah adalah pada tahun 2008.
Hasil analisis lainnya menunjukkan bahwa adanya kebijakan Kementerian Perhubungan tentang kenaikan tarif batas bawah yang diperlakukan untuk maskapai penerbangan berbiaya rendah, berdampak cukup besar terhadap maskapai penerbangan domestik berbiaya rendah yang melakukan pelayanan kelas ekonomi , sehingga kondisi struktur pasar oligopoly longgar akan mengarah kepada struktur pasar oligopoly ketat dalam waktu yang tidak begitu lama setelah adanya kenaikan tarif batas bawah yang diperlakukan untuk maskapai penerbangan berbiaya rendah. Sedangkan, adanya kebijakan Kementerian Perhubungan tentang penurunan atau peningkatan batas tarif bawah, mengakibatkan fleksibilitas harga yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan penerbangan domestik berbiaya rendah dengan pelayanan kelas ekonomi sampai batas tertentu menjadi terganggu. Selanjutnya, kebijakan Kementerian Perhubungan tentang regulasi tarif akan berdampak langsung terhadap kinerja perusahaan penerbangan domestik karena tidak adanya perlakuan yang berbeda terhadap rute penerbangan dengan tingkat pengisian kapasitas kursi penumpang yang tersedia yang relative rendah dengan rute penerbangan dengan tingkat pengisian kapasitas kursi penumpang yang tersedia yang relative tinggi.

The purpose of this study was to determine the structure, conduct and performance of the airline as well as the Ministry of Transportation policy impact of tarif lines under the cost domestik airline industri to competition. The method used is qualitative descriptive study, using secondary data and the analysis performed by Structural approach, Conduct and Performance.
Results of the analysis showed that the structure of the domestik aviation market is a loose oligopoly market structure that lead to a tight oligopoly market structure, while the market entry barriers are reflected in the behavior of domestik airline companies experienced domestik airline companies as market participants the average is still quite large and the mean performance overall average domestik airline company during the year 2008 - 2013 fluctuated ascending and decline, where the average performance across the enterprise is a top domestik flights in 2011 while the average performance across the enterprise lowest domestik flight was in 2008.
Other analysis results indicate that the policy of the Ministry of Transportation about the lower limit tarif hikes were treated for low-cost airlines, a significant impact on domestik low-cost airline which is in the service economy class, so that the condition of a loose oligopoly market structure would lead to a tight oligopoly market structure in the not so long after the tarif increase in the lower limit is treated for low-cost airlines. Meanwhile, the policy of the Ministry of Transportation of a decrease or increase in tarif limit down, resulting in pricing flexibility to do a low-cost domestik airline with economy-class service to a certain extent be disturbed. Furthermore, the Ministry of Transportation policy regarding the regulation of tarifs will have a direct impact on the performance of domestik airlines in the absence of unequal treatment of flights by the charge level of passenger seats available capacity is relatively low in cost with the level of service charging capacity of passenger seats available is relatively high."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vivi Evertina
"Sebagai negara penghasil CPO terbesar kedua di dunia dan didukung pula oleh upaya yang dilakukan Pemerintah dalam menstabilkan harga minyak goreng sawit dengan menetapkan kebijakan, seperti pungutan ekspor harusnya Indonesia bias mengendalikan harga minyak goreng sawit domestik. Akan tetapi tidak begitu kenyataanya, harga minyak goreng sawit tidak stabil bahkan terus melambung naik, terutama sejak krisis ekonomi yang melanda Indonesia tahun 1998 lalu.
Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengidentifikasikan keadaan pasar sebenarnya dengan melihat struktur, perilaku, dan kinerja industri minyak goreng sawit menggunakan metode Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) sehingga dapat diketahui penyebab dari tidak stabilnya harga minyak goreng domestik. Kemudian dilakukan analisis ekonometrika menggunakan analisis regresi majemuk untuk mengetahui hubungan struktur terhadap kinerja industri (yang dipengaruhi oleh naiknya harga minyak goreng). Selanjutnya adalah mengevaluasi kebijakan yang dibuat Pemerintah dalam menstabilkan harga minyak goreng.
Dari hasil penelitian didapat bahwa adanya perilaku dominasi dari beberapa perusahaan besar dalam menetapkan harga minyak goreng sawit akibat dari struktur pasarnya yang oligopoli (dengan nilai konsentrasi pasar 4 perusahaan terbesar (CR4) lebih dari 40%). Nilai tingkat kuntungan (PCM)/kinerja perusahaan industri minyak goreng sawit melebihi indeks lerner 0 (antara 0,2 - 0,35). Artinya perusahaan pada industri minyak goreng sawit memiliki kekuatan pasar. Dari hasil penelitian juga dapat diketahui juga bahwa kebijakan yang dikeluarkan Pemerintah dalam menstabilkan harga minyak goreng kurang efektif, terbukti dengan harga minyak goreng yang selalu naik.

As the second largest country producing CPO in the world, Indonesia should have As the second largest country producing CPO in the world, Indonesia should have had the power to control domestic palm cooking oil price. Even though the government made serious efforts to stabilize the price by establishing policies, such as export tax, as a matter of fact, palm cooking oil price is unstable and keep rising, particularly since Indonesia's economy crisis in 1998.
This research tried to identify the real market condition by observing the structure, conduct, and performance of palm cooking oil industry using Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) method to find the cause of the instability of palm cooking oil price. To know the relationship between variables indicating structure and industry performance we used econometric analysis using multiple regression analysis, so the factors that affect the performance (affect by the rising of palm cooking oil price) can be identified. The next step is evaluating government policies in stabilizing domestic palm cooking oil.
The research results are: there is the domination behavior from some big companies in order to decide the price of palm cooking oil as consequences of Oligopoly market structure (with four largest companies concentration ratio (CR4) is more than 0,4). The average profit margin (PCM) of palm cooking oil industry is more than 0 (between 0,2 ' 0,35). It means that company has a power to control the market. And also from the research is known that The government policies to stabilize palm cooking oil price are not effective because of the palm cooking price still increases until now.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afif Saipudin
Tesis ini membahas tentang aplikasi pendekatan structure-conduct performance untuk menganalisis kinerja industri AB. Tahapan-tahapan penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan pengolahan dan analisa data sekunder yakni Laporan
Keuangan dan data Transaksi Efek. Pengukuran structure (struktur pasar)
dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode rasio konsentrasi (CRn) dan Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI), dan Panzar & Rosse. Perilaku (conduct) dilakukan
pengukuran melalui analisa penetapan harga produk,analisa kegiatan di luar
bidang usaha, dan kasus. Sedangkan performance (kinerja) diukur menggunakan
profit marjin, BOPO, asset turnover, ROA, dan ROE. Selanjutnya hasil analisa
data sekunder, dijadikan bahan utama untuk melaksanakan interview (Bursa Efek
Indonesia) dan survey (Anggota Bursa), yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui
persepsi dari masing-masing pihak terkait fenomena keuangan yang terjadi di
industri dan usulan regulasi yang disimpulkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisa diketahui
bahwa struktur pasar industri AB adalah Pasar Persaiangan Sempurna (CRn dan
HHI) atau Persaingan Monopolistik (Panzar-rosse), untuk tingkat kompetisi
industri sangat ketat (overcompetition), excessive dan mengarah ke cut throat
competition yang ditandai dengan kompetisi penetapan harga produk (fee
Transaksi), adanya pelaku industri yang mengandalkan pendapatan di luar bidang
usaha, dan terjadinya kasus pelanggaran ketentuan. Analisis kinerja industri juga
menunjukan tren yang cenderung menurun dan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan
industri keuangan lainnya (asuransi). Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut diusulkan
untuk dikeluarkan pengaturan terkait besaran minimum tarif fee Transaksi Efek
sebagai solusi jangka pendek untuk membuat iklim kompetisi yang sehat dan
kesempatan bagi AB untuk memperkuat diri, dan penerbitan produk-produk yang
menarik bagi investor sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai Transaksi Efek yang
berujung pada kenaikan nilai pendapatan dari AB.

This thesis discusses about application Structure-Conduct-Performance approach in analyzing the performance Exchange Member's industry. The stages of
research is done by the processing and analysis of secondary data that Financial
Statements and Transaction Data. Measurements structure (structure of the
market) were calculated using the concentration ratio (CRn) and the Herfindahl -
Hirschman Index (HHI), and using Panzar-rosse. Understanding the conduct by
analysis of product pricing, analysis activities outside the core business, and the
case, while the performance using the profit marjin, BOPO, assets turnover, ROA,
and ROE. Furthermore, secondary data analysis, become the main topic to carry
out the interview (with Indonesia Stock Exchange) and the survey (with Exchange
Member), which aims to determine the perception of each party related financial
phenomena that occur in the industry and the proposed regulations are concluded.
Based on the analysis known that the industry market structure AB is a market of
Perfect competition (CRN and HHI) or Monopolistic Competition (Panzar-rosse),
and the level of industry competition is very tight (overcompetition), excessive
and leads to cut-throat competition which is characterized by competition product
pricing (transaction fee), industry players rely on their income outside the field of
business, and the occurrence of cases of violation. Analysis of industry
performance also shows that trends tend to decline and was lower as compared to
other financial industries (insurance). In this regard proposed to be issued the
regulations related to the amount of minimum fees Transaction as a short-term
solution to create a climate of healthy competition and opportunities for AB to
strengthen themselves, and publishing products that are attractive to investors so
as to increase the value of the transaction was led to increase in revenue from AB"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Andi Fahmi
"Based an Structure-Conduct-Performance [SCP] paradigm, the fact that concentration ratio of Indonesian banking industry decreasing, in terms of deposit and credit. con be interpreted as the increasing of competitiveness. This proposition tested using econometric regression that relating between profit and concentration. ii there is positive relationship then one can conclude that high profit comes from collusive behavior Other competing paradigm, Chicago School, argues this proposition and said that high profit can come from efficiency, instead of collusive behavior. Using Polius and Samuel model this study tries to prove which hypotheses, §CP hypotheses or Efficiency hypotheses that can be used to explain the conditions in indonesian banking industry. The result shows that efficiency variables have statistically significant relation with bank's profit while all other structure variables are insignificant. This conclusion suggested that profit level of commercial banks in indonesia influenced by efficiency, rather than structure variables."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanda Prasetya Taswanda
"Struktur industri telekomunikasi selular bidang jasa komunikasi bergerak ( GSM ) menjadi hal yang vital bagi pemerintah selaku regulator mengingat struktur tersebut dapat memberikan informasi mengenai keadaan pertelekomunikasian selular di Indonesia. Penelitian tentang struktur, kinerja, dan perilaku industri ini menggunakan paradigma SCP (Structure, Conduct, Performance). Paradigma SCP dapat menjelaskan mengenai keadaan struktur, perilaku dan performa para pelaku industri telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia. Untuk mendapatkan struktur, perilaku dan performa dilakukan penelitian terhadap para pelaku industry telekomunikasi seluler bidang jasa komunikasi bergerak (GSM) di Indonesia dari tahun 2001 hingga tahun 2007. Penelitian ini menggunakan rasio konsentrasi, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index serta Minimum Efficient Scale sebagai alat ukur struktur, kemudian pola integrasi dan kepemilikan saham, perilaku harga serta welfare cost sebagai alat ukur perilaku dan rasio efisiensi, rasio likuiditas, rasio solvabilitas serta rasio efisiensi sebagai alat ukur kinerja.Setelah analisa deskriptif dilakukan, berikutnya adalah analisa secara ekonometrika untuk mengetahui kondisi yang berlaku pada industri ini. Kondisi struktur, perilaku dan performa para pelaku industri telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia diharapkan dapat memberi masukan bagi pemerintah untuk membuat regulasi guna memperbaiki struktur industri telekomunikasi seluler.

Structure of cellular telecommunication industry is an important things for the government as a regulator due to the fact that the structure can give information about the fact of telecommunication industry. Research in this case uses an SCP ( Structure Conduct Performance ) paradigm. SCP paradigm can explain about the structure, conduct and performance of stakeholder in telecommunication industry. The object of this research is stakeholder of cellular telecommunication industry in GSM area from 2001 until 2007. This research uses concentration ratio , Herfindahl-Hirschman Index and Minimum Efficient Scale as indicator of structure of industry, Then integration of company, shareholder, price activity and welfare cost as indicator of conduct of industry. Then efficiency ratio, liquidity ratio, leverage ratio and profitability ratio as indicator of perform of industry. After descriptive analysis then econometric analysis is used to identify the condition of industry. This research can give suggestion for the government as the regulator to repair current condition."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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