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Damian Agata Yuvens
"Berdasarkan Traktat Lisbon 2007, Uni Eropa adalah sebuah organisasi internasional yang memiliki personalitas hukum sehingga dapat melakukan hubungan hukum dengan subjek hukum internasional lain, misalnya menjadi anggota dalam organisasi internasional. Dalam hubungannya dengan negara anggota, Uni Eropa memiliki tiga jenis kewenangan, yaitu kewenangan eksklusif (pajak, kompetisi dalam pasar internal, kebijakan moneter, konservasi bagi sumber daya hayati kelautan, dan kebijakan iklan bersama), kewenangan bersama (pasar bersama, kebijakan sosial, kohesi ekonomi, sosial, dan teritorial, agrikultur dan perikanan, lingkungan, perlindungan konsumen, transportasi, jaringan trans-Eropa, energi, kebebasan, keamanan, dan keadilan, dan kesehatan publik), dan kewenangan untuk memberikan bantuan (perlindungan dan pengembangan kesehatan manusia, industri, kebudayaan, pariwisata, pendidikan, perlindungan masyarakat, dan kerja sama administratif). Dalam proses untuk menjadi anggota dari organisasi internasional, maka harus ada kesepakatan dari tiga organ legislatif Uni Eropa, yaitu Council, Commission, dan European Parliament. Council merupakan organ yang memberikan izin untuk memulai negosiasi, melakukan penandatanganan, dan juga untuk menyatakan keterikatan Uni Eropa terhadap pihak ketiga. Commission merupakan organ yang memiliki wewenang untuk membuat proposal untuk mengikatkan diri dengan pihak ketiga, dan European Parliament merupakan organ yang memberikan masukan terhadap proses pengikatan diri Uni Eropa terhadap pihak ketiga.

Based on Lisbon Treaty 2007, European Union is an international organization that has legal personality which enable European Union to communicate and operate with other subject of international law, including to become a member of international organization. In relation with its member states, European Union has three competences, which are exlusive comptenece (customs union, competition rules of the internal market, monetary policy, conservation of marine biological resources, and common commercial policy), share competence (internal market, social policy economic, social and territorial cohesion, agriculture and fisheries, encivornemt, consumer protection, transport, trans-European networks, enegry, area of freedom, security and justice, and common safety concerns in public health matters), and competence to support (protection and improvement of human health, industry, culture, tourism, education, vocational training, youth and sport, civil protection, and administrative cooperation). To become a member of international organization, there should be an agreement from three legislative bodies of European Union, which are Council, Commission and European Parliament. Council is an organ which authorise the opening of negotiations, authorise the signing of agreements and conclude them. Commission is an organ that submit a recommendations to open a negotiations, and European Parliament is an organ that deliver its opinion regarding a binding process of European Union upon the third party.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia;, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizkita Alamanda
"Organisasi internasional memiliki berbagai klasifikasi, salah satunya dibedakan menurut sifat supranasional dan intergovernmental. Organisasi internasional yang bersifat supranasional dan intergovernmental memiliki perbedaan dalam beberapa hal, termasuk dalam pengambilan suara untuk pengambilan keputusan, organisasi internasional yang bersifat intergovernmental seperti halnya organisasi internasional pada umumnya, memerlukan suara bulat dalam pengambilan keputusan, sedangkan organisasi internasional yang bersifat supranasional menggunakan suara terbanyak dalam pengambilan keputusan, hasil dari pengambilan keputusan tersebut mengikat negara anggotanya. Uni Eropa sebagai organisasi internasional memiliki sejarah yang panjang sejak pembentukannya, selain itu Uni Eropa juga memiliki perbedaan dengan organisasi internasional lainnya, karena sejak awal Uni Eropa dibentuk sebagai organisasi supranasional. Hal tersebut selanjutnya mempengaruhi berbagai hal, salah satunya mengenai pengambilan keputusan dalam Uni Eropa.
Skripsi ini berusaha memaparkan permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut dengan menggunakan bentuk penelitian yuridis-normatif, sehingga menghasilkan data deskriptif-analitis yang dapat menjawab permasalahan-permasalahan di atas. Pada kesimpulannya, pengambilan keputusan dalam Uni Eropa terkait dengan institusi-institusi yang berwenang serta pengambilan suara yang digunakan. Uni Eropa selain mengenal pengambilan suara secara bulat, juga mengenal pengambilan suara menggunakan suara terbanyak, dan sejak berlakunya Traktat Lisbon semakin banyak bidang-bidang yang diputuskan berdasarkan suara terbanyak, dalam mekanisme Uni Eropa dikenal sebagai qualified majority voting (QMV).

International organizations are classified in numerous ways, depending on the purpose for which the classification is being made, for instance the distinction between intergovernmental and supranational organizations. Intergovernmental and supranational organizations have different characteristics, including in the decision making process. Intergovernmental organization enjoys the unanimous approval from all members to adopt a decision, which is different in supranational organization, majority voting is become the main system. European Union as an international organization has supranational characteristics for the very first time, which take an effect on several things and decision making process in particular.
This thesis explains how that matters perform in juridical-normative method. At the conclusion, the decision making process always related to the institution's power and the voting system. However, the European Union recognizes not only unanimity, but also qualified majority voting (QMV) as the voting system which is needed in many areas, especially after the Lisbon Treaty 2007 came into force.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This volume of essays casts light on the shape and future direction of the EU in the wake of the Lisbon Treaty and highlights the incomplete nature of the reforms. Contributors analyse some of the most innovative and most controversial aspects of the Treaty, such as the role and nature of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the relationship between the EU and the European Court of Human Rights. In addition, they reflect on the ongoing economic and financial crisis in the Euro area, which has forced the EU Member States to re-open negotiations and update a number of aspects of the Lisbon 'settlement'. Together, the essays provide a variety of insights into some of the most crucial innovations introduced by the Lisbon Treaty and in the context of the adoption of the new European Financial Stability Mechanism"-- Provided by publisher.
"To remain masters of their destiny, six European countries agreed to establish among themselves a European Economic Community (EEC) in 1957. To remain masters of their creation, the national governments devised a rather unique institutional system whose fundamental features can only be amended by unanimity. In fact, to enter into force, any amendment made to the European founding treaties has always required ratification by all the Member States in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements. Remarkably, this demanding procedural requirement has not precluded a spectacular 'widening' of the membership of what is now known as the European Union (EU) as well as a considerable 'deepening' of the competences conferred on the EU by its Member States. Indeed, from an organisation originally consisting of six countries with a narrow focus on economic matters, the EU has grown beyond recognition. Its 27 Member States now pursue an extensive and diverse set of objectives amongst which one may mention the promotion of balanced and sustainable development of economic activities, the implementation of a common foreign and security policy and the tackling of cross-border crime. In order to effectively pursue these objectives, the EU has also gradually gained the power to legislate in the areas of monetary policy, social policy, environment, consumer protection, asylum and immigration, amongst other things"-- Provided by publisher.
Contents Machine generated contents note: Introduction Diamond Ashiagbor, Nicola Countouris and Ioannis Lianos; 1. The institutional development of the EU post-Lisbon: a case of plus ça change...? Laurent Pech; 2. Competence after Lisbon: the elusive search for bright lines Takis Tridimas; 3. The Charter, the ECJ and national courts P. P. Craig; 4. Accession of the EU to the ECHR: who would be responsible in Strasbourg? Tobias Lock; 5. EU citizenship after Lisbon Niamh Nic Shuibhne; 6. The law and politics of migration and asylum: the Lisbon Treaty and the EU Sabina Anne Espinoza and Claude Moraes; 7. The European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy after Lisbon Panos Koutrakos; 8. The European Ombudsman and good administration post-Lisbon P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, European Ombudsman; 9. European contract law after Lisbon Lucinda Miller; 10. Competition law in the European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon Ioannis Lianos; 11. The unexpected revision of the Lisbon Treaty and the establishment of a European Stability Mechanism Jean-Victor Louis."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012
342.240 2 EUR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihombing, Mangaratua
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang perluasan keanggotaan suatu organisasi internasional, secara khusus mengenai proses perluasan keanggotaan Turki di dalam Uni Eropa. Uni Eropa, seperti kebanyakan organisasi internasional lainnya, memberikan persyaratan perluasan keanggotaan bagi negara-negara yang ingin bergabung menjadi negara anggota. Untuk dapat diterima menjadi negara anggota di Uni Eropa, sebuah negara harus memenuhi persyaratan yang terkandung di dalam Traktat Maastricht 1992 dan Kriteria Copenhagen 1993. Turki telah mengajukan aplikasi perluasan keanggotaan kepada Uni Eropa sejak tahun 1987 dan telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk memenuhi persyaratan yang ada, namun hingga saat ini Turki masih harus puas dengan statusnya sebagai kandidat anggota di Uni Eropa. Berbagai hal dianggap menjadi kendala dalam proses bergabungnya Turki di Uni Eropa, misalnya adalah keadaan ekonomi Turki, hal tentang perlindungan hak minoritas, dan konflik Turki dengan Siprus yang telah menjadi anggota Uni Eropa pada tahun 2004. Namun demikian, Turki hingga saat ini masih terus melakukan upaya-upaya dalam harapan Uni Eropa dapat segera menerima Turki sebagai negara anggota di Uni Eropa.

Every international organization has its own provision or requirement on its enlargement. The European Union, as any other international organizations, also requires the state that desires to join into it as a member state. In order to be accepted as a member state in the European Union, a state must fulfill all the requirements stipulated in Maastricht Treaty 1992 and Copenhagen Criteria 1993. Turkey had submitted its enlargement application in 1987 and it has done all its efforts since then to satisfy the requirements, but until now Turkey has to be content with its status as a candidate state. Several things are considered to be the constraints on the process of Turkey's application; the Turkey's economic condition, the protection of minority rights, and the conflict between Turkey and Cyprus, which had been an European Union's member state since 2004. However, Turkey still continues to make efforts to fulfill all the requirements in the hope of its acceptance in the European Union."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Defry Stiawan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis bagaimana
kedaulatan dari suatu negara atas wilayah yang berada di luar negeri, dengan
mengambil contoh negara Perancis dan Belanda sebagai anggota Uni Eropa yang
menguasai wilayah di luar negeri. Penulis mempergunakan metode penelitian
yuridis normatif dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
meskipun kolonialisasi tidak lagi diakui oleh bangsa-bangsa di dunia, penguasaan
oleh suatu negara terhadap wilayah yang terletak di luar negeri ternyata tidak
bertentangan dengan hukum internasional. Hal ini ditegaskan dengan
disepakatinya konsep non-self governing territories di dalam Piagam PBB serta
dibentuknya Association of Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) oleh Uni
Eropa di dalam Traktat Lisbon. Adanya kedaulatan dari Perancis dan Belanda atas
wilayah-wilayah di luar negeri (OCTs) diakui oleh negara-negara anggota Uni
Eropa sebagaimana diatur dengan ketentuan Article 198 Treaty on the
Functioning of European Union (TFEU).

This research aimed to describe and to analyze the territorial sovereignty of a
State over its overseas territories, by taking examples from France and Kingdom
of Netherlands as Member States of European Union that possess overseas
territories. Author use juridical-normative research method with literature studies.
The research shows that although colonization is no longer recognized by all of
nations, possession of a State over a territory which located overseas of its main
territory is not contradictory to international law. It was acknowledged by the
United Nations which agree upon Non-Self Governing Territories as stated in the
UN Charter, and by European Union which establishing Association of Overseas
Countries and Territories as stated in Lisbon Treaty. The sovereignty of France
and the Kingdom of Netherlands upon their overseas territories was
acknowledged by Member States of European Union as regulated by Article 198
Treaty on the Functioning of European Union (TFEU).
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abid Abdurrahman Adonis
"Semakin berkembangnya kelembagaan dan misi eksternal Uni Eropa khususnya dalam mempromosikan norma-normanya mendorong literatur-literatur untuk membahas peran Uni Eropa sebagai normative power. Normative power dianggap sebagai salah satu peran internasional Uni Eropa yang membedakannya dengan aktor-aktor internasional lainnya. Kendati telah banyak digunakan dalam berbagai literatur mengenai Uni Eropa, namun konsep normative power belum mendapat perhatian serius dari literatur-literatur disiplin Ilmu Hubungan Internasional yang lebih luas.
Kajian literatur ini membahas bagaimana perkembangan literatur mengenai Uni Eropa sebagai normative power. Dengan metode taksonomi, kajian literatur ini menunjukkan perkembangan literatur Uni Eropa sebagai normative power berada dalam empat kategori: 1 konseptualisasi normative power; 2 penggunaan normative power, 3 persepsi aktor mitra terhadap normative power, dan 4 Uni Eropa sebagai normative power dalam perspektif Hubungan Internasional.
Berdasarkan berbagai literatur yang sudah dikaji, kajian literatur ini berpendapat bahwa peran Uni Eropa sebagai normative power merupakan suatu konstruksi yang dikembangkan oleh akademisi dan pejabat Uni Eropa untuk menemukan relevansi dan mengangkat posisi politik Uni Eropa dalam peran internasionalnya. Konstruksi ini dipertegas melalui seleksi memori yang dilakukan oleh Uni Eropa terhadap klaim normative power-nya.
Kajian literatur ini juga menunjukkan terbatasnya keberhasilan penggunaan normative power oleh Uni Eropa terhadap para mitranya. Perkembangan literatur turut mengidentifikasi kecenderungan skeptisisme aktor-aktor mitra Uni Eropa terhadap penggunaan normative power oleh Uni Eropa. Selain itu, kajian literatur ini berargumen bahwa konsep normative power memiliki kecenderungan adanya bias Eurosentris dan perkembangan literatur didominasi oleh literatur-literatur liberal dan konstruktivis.
Berdasarkan literatur-literatur yang ditinjau, tulisan ini menemukan adanya celah riset pada persepsi aktor mitra Uni Eropa terhadap normative power dan penulisan melalui perspektif non Eropa.

The development of European Union's institutions and external mission, especially in promoting its norms, encourages literature to discuss the role of the EU as normative power. Normative power is considered one of the EU's international roles that distinguishes it from other international actors. Although widely used in literature on the European Union, the concept of normative power has not received serious attention from the wider International Relations readers.
This literature review discusses how the development of literature on the European Union as normative power. Using taxonomy method, this literature review shows the literature development of the EU as normative power fall into four categories: 1 the conceptualization of normative power; 2 the use of normative power, 3 partner actors' perceptions of normative power; and 4 EU as normative power according to IR perspectives.
Based on the literature that has been studied, this literature review argues that the role of the EU as normative power is a construction developed by academics and EU officials to find relevance and elevate the political position of the European Union in its international role. It is reasserted by how EU do memory selection to its own history in claiming its normative power.
This literature review also shows the limited success of normative usage power by the EU against its partners. The development of literature also identifies the tendency of skepticism of EU partner actors against the use of normative power by the European Union. In addition, this literature review argues that the concept of normative power has a tendency for Eurocentric bias and the development of literature dominated by liberal and constructivist literature.
Based on the literature reviewed, this paper found a research gap on the perceptions of EU partner actors and writing through a non-European perspective.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hermann-Josef Blanke
"The book contains 24 contributions from European law scholars and practitioners analysing the constitutional basis of the European Union and the normative orientation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) as well as the central economic and monetary provisions (TFEU) after the reform Treaty of Lisbon. Presenting the findings of a European research team, which is composed of authors from eight Member States, the publication underlines the aspiration of the editors to thoroughly analyse the constitutional law of the European Union currently in force."
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salwa Safira
"Dalam upaya menjaga lingkungan, Uni Eropa memberlakukan peraturan Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 (RED II). Gagasan perubahan penggunaan lahan tidak langsung (ILUC), yang membatasi perdagangan minyak sawit mentah (CPO) sementara barang domestik setara lainnya bebas dari pengurangan tersebut, akan menjadi area utama di mana penulis menilai bagaimana RED II diskriminatif terhadap perdagangan Indonesia. dari CPO. Indonesia meminta WTO untuk menyelidiki apakah RED II sesuai dengan komitmen internasional yang digariskan dalam WTO setelah kebijakan ini diumumkan. Penulis akan mengkaji non-diskriminasi berdasarkan hukum WTO, terutama berdasarkan persyaratan Pasal 2.1, 2.2 Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) serta Pasal I:1 dan III:4 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994 bersama dengan kasus hukum WTO terkait. Dengan menggunakan data sekunder dan sumber pustaka, dalam penelitian ini digunakan teknik yuridis-normatif. Kesimpulan dari analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa RED II melanggar kewajiban non-diskriminasi berdasarkan GATT dan TBT karena memperlakukan item yang sebanding secara berbeda, yang menghasilkan perlakuan yang kurang menguntungkan dan kemungkinan persaingan yang tidak merata untuk CPO.

In an effort to safeguard the environment, the European Union enacted the Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 (RED II) regulation. The idea of indirect land use change (ILUC), which restricts trade toward crude palm oil (CPO) while other domestically equivalent goods are free from such reduction, will be the main area in which the authors assess how RED II is discriminatory toward Indonesian trade of CPO. Indonesia asked the WTO to investigate whether RED II complies with the international commitments outlined in the WTO after this policy was announced. The author will examine non-discrimination under WTO law, especially based on the requirements of Articles 2.1, 2.2, of the Technical Barriers to Trade as well as Articles I: 1 and III:4 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994, along with pertinent WTO case law. Using secondary data and library resources, the juridical-normative technique is being used for this research. The conclusion of this analysis demonstrates that RED II does break the non-discrimination duties based on GATT and TBT since it treats comparable items differently, which results in less favorable treatment and uneven possibilities for competition for CPO."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fanny Alda Putri
"Uni Eropa adalah organisasi internasional di wilayah Eropa yang bertujuan untuk mencapai integrasi Eropa. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, Uni Eropa membentuk sistem hukum regionalnya sendiri yang saat ini sudah menjadi komponen yang tidak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan politik dan bermasyarakat di Uni Eropa. Walaupun demikian, keberlakuan hukum internasional dalam sistem hukum regional Uni Eropa jarang sekali dibahas. Beberapa tahun belakang, hubungan antara hukum internasional dan hukum regional Uni Eropa baru banyak dibicarakan dalam kaitannya dengan otonomi hukum regional Uni Eropa.
Dalam beberapa kondisi, Uni Eropa tidak terikat dengan perjanjian internasional atau norma-norma hukum internasional. Putusan-putusan Mahkamah Eropa baru-baru ini menekankan otonomi hukum regional Uni Eropa di atas hukum internasional. Putusan-putusan tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa hubungan antara hukum internasional dengan hukum regional Uni Eropa tidak lagi dilihat menurut teori monisme dan dualisme saja, tetapi dengan teori lain yang lebih kompleks.

European Union is an international organization whose obejective is to develop a European integration. In order to achieve the idea of European integration, European Union created its own legal order which has already becomean established component of European Union's political life and society. Yet, the effect of international law within the Union's domestic order receives far less attention. Over the past decade, the relationship between European and international law has largely been commented through the prism of the autonomy.
In some instances, however, the European Union is not bound by a treaty or international norm. Recent decisions issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union having emphasized the integrity of the European Union legal system.It indicates the relationship between the EU and international law can no longer be understood on the basis of monism or dualism theory, but a much more complex theory.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudha Aji Pangestu
"Penelitian ini akan mengkaji Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement terhadap tindakan proteksi impor crude palm oil yang dilakukan oleh Uni Eropa terhadap Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki permasalahan antara Indonesia-Uni Eropa dalam hambatan
perdagangan proteksi impor CPO. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif yakni
berdasarkan dokumen Pustaka seperti buku, jurnal, peraturan Perundang-undangan dan lain- lan. Adapun bahan hukum yang dipergunakan yakni GATT serta Perjanjian Internasional dan Undang-Undang yang terkait. Bahan hukum sekunder berupa artikel-artikel yang terkait. Berdasarkan temuan hipotesis penelitian yakni konsumsi barang domestik yang diproduksi di Uni Eropa mengalami penurunan sedangkan impor meningkat setelah terbitnya RED II 2018. Hambatan perdagangan merupakan hal yang dilarang oleh WTO, tetapi negara-negara diizinkan untuk memberlakukan pembatasan perdagangan untuk melindungi industri dan lingkungan negara tersebut. Namun, Uni Eropa telah memperlakukan barang impor dalam hal ini CPO secara tidak adil. Ini terbukti dalam konsep eksplisit RED II Uni Eropa, yang menganggap negara lain akan mengadopsi norma pasar yang searah dengan kebijakan Uni Eropa atau mematuhi standar Uni Eropa untuk mempertahankan akses ke pasar Uni Eropa. Konsekuensinya, Uni Eropa dapat memanfaatkan dominasi pasarnya untuk mendorong negara lain.

This research will examine the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement on the protection measures for the import of crude palm oil by the European Union against Indonesia. This study aims to investigate the problems between Indonesia and the European Union in trade barriers to protect CPO imports. This research is a normative juridical research based on literary documents such as books, journals, laws and regulations and others. The legal materials used are GATT as well as international agreements and related laws. Secondary legal material in the form of related articles. Based on the findings of the
research hypothesis, namely the consumption of domestic goods produced in the European Union has decreased while imports have increased after the publication of RED II 2018. Trade barriers are prohibited by the WTO, but countries are allowed to impose trade restrictions to protect the country's industry and the environment. However, the European Union treats imported goods, in this case CPO, unfairly. This is evident in the EU's explicit concept of RED II, which presupposes that other countries will adopt market norms consistent with EU policies or adhere to EU standards in order to maintain access to EU markets. Consequently, the European Union can leverage its market dominance to encourage other countries.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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