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Wiji Saraswati
"Dukungan sosial keluarga merupakan bentuk dukungan yang diberikan oleh keluarga agar klien TB merasa nyaman, dicintai, dihargai, dan diperhatikan sehingga klien TB termotivasi untuk mematuhi pengobatan yang sedang dijalaninya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dukungan sosial keluarga terhadap klien TB Paru yang berobat di Poli Paru Puskesmas Kecamatan Jagakarsa. Metode deskriptif dengan total sampling diterapkan pada penelitian ini.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dukungan yang baik dari masing-masing jenis dukungan. Jenis dukungan instrumental memiliki rata-rata dukungan tertinggi (25,51%). Oleh karena itu disarankan Puskesmas Kecamatan Jagakarsa untuk mengembangkan dukungan instrumental untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan kepatuhan berobat klien TB.

A family social support is a form of support provided by the family to make TB clients feel comfortable, loved, respected, and noted that clients are motivated to adhere to TB treatment. This study aims to describe family social support for TB clients who seek treatment at Jagakarsa Health Center. A descriptive with total sampling method applied in this study.
The results showed good support from each type of support. The instrumental support had the highest average score (25.51%). It is therefore recommended Jagakarsa Health Centers develop instrumental support guidance to enhance client motivation and adherence to TB treatment.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maula Maratus Solikhah
Nama:Maula Maratus Solikhah Program Studi :Magister Keperawatan, Peminatan Komunitas Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas IndonesiaJudul:Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Efikasi Diri Klien Tuberkulosis Paru di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan Pengobatan Tuberkulosis TB membutuhkan dukungan dari keluarga dan efikasi diri yang baik mengingat jangka waktu pengobatan minimal 6 bulan sehingga klien TB dapat menjalani pengobatan secara lengkap dan sembuh. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan efikasi diri klien TB. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling untuk menentukan 99 klien TB di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 64,6 responden beusia 18-40 tahun, 50,5 berjenis kelamin laki-laki, 74,7 status menikah, 86,9 tidak merokok, 38,4 responden tidak bekerja dan tidak berpenghasilan. Terdapat hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan efikasi diri p value 0.004, ?: 0.05 . Klien TB yang kurang mendapatkan dukungan keluarga memiliki risiko 3,556 kali untuk memiliki efikasi yang kurang setelah dikontrol oleh tingkat pendidikan. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan pemberdayaan keluarga untuk memaksimalkan dukungan keluarga kepada klien TB dalam rangka meningkatkan efikasi diri. Kata kunci: Tuberkulosis, dukungan keluarga, efikasi diri

Nama Maula Mar rsquo atus Solikhah Program Studi Master in Nursing, Community Health Nursing SpecializationJudul The Relationship between family support and self efficacy of Tuberculosis Client in Puskesmas Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan Treatment of Tuberculosis TB requires at six month periods so it needs of family support and self efficacy to complete TB treatment. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of family support with self efficacy of TB clients. This study used cross sectional design. Sampling with purposive sampling with 99 clients TB in Puskesmas Jagakarsa. The results showed that 64.6 of respondents were 18 40 yearsold, 50,5 were male, 74.7 were married status, 86,9 do not smoke, 38.4 unemployment and did not income. There is a relationship of family support with selfefficacy p value 0.004, 0 05 . clients who lack family support at risk 3,556 to have lack of self efficacy after being controlled by the level of education. The study recommends the empowerment of family to maximize family support for TB client in order to increase self efficacy. Keywords Tuberculosis, family support, self efficacy "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rani Ardina
Nama : Rani ArdinaProgram Studi : Magister Ilmu KeperawatanJudul : Hubungan Dukungan Sosial dengan Status Gizi Remaja di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jagakarsa Proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada masa remaja menyebabkan kebutuhan asupan nutrisi melalui makanan yang lebih besar dari masa anak-anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan sosial dengan status gizi remaja. Desain yang digunakan deskriptif korelasional pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dengan stratified random sampling 107 remaja SMP kelas 7 dan 8. Studi ini mengkaji dukungan sosial yang bersumber dari orangtua dan teman sebaya dengan status gizi remaja IMT/U . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata usia remaja 12,62, berjenis kelamin perempuan 57 , pendidikan terakhir ibu lebih banyak SMA 49,5 , paling banyak remaja dari keluarga dengan pengahasilan lebih dari UMR 78,5 . Dukungan sosial kurang lebih banyak dari dukungan sosial baik 51,4 . Berdasarkan bentuk dukungan, dukungan informasi lebih banyak yang dirasakan baik 67,3 , dukungan emosi lebih banyak dirasakan kurang 53,3 , dan dukungan instrumental lebih banyak baik 57 . Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara dukungan sosial dengan status gizi remaja p> 0,005 , namun secara klinis dapat meningkatkan peluang status gizi normal pada remaja OR=1,176; 95 CI =0,529-2,614 . Banyaknya faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap status gizi juga berpengaruh terhadap perilaku pemenuhan gizi pada remaja. Disarankan agar dukungan sosial yang berasal dari keluarga dan teman sebaya perlu dikembangkan agar dapat meningkatkan perilaku kesehatan remaja. Kata Kunci: dukungan sosial, remaja, status gizi

Name Rani ArdinaStudy Programe Master Programe In Nursing ScienceTitle The Relationships Between Social Support and Nutritional Status among Adolescent in Area of Puskesmas Jagakarsa The process of growth and development during adolescence leads to the need of nutrients through greater food intake than that in childhood. This study aimed to determine the relationships between social support and nutritional status among adolescents in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. The design was a descriptive correlational with cross sectional approach. A total sample of 107 adolescents of junior high school grade 7 and 8 were selected using stratified random sampling .The results showed that the average age of adolescents was 12.62, female was 57 , the mother who graduated from senior high school were more than 49.5 , families were more from minimum wage were 78.5 . Social support less were more social support good 51.4 . Based on the form of social support, information support were more good 67.3 , emotional support less were more from emotional support good 53.3 , and the instrumental support good were more 57 . There was no significant relationships between social support and nutritional status of adolescents p 0.005 , but social support could notably increase the chances of normal nutritional status in adolescents OR 1.176 95 CI 0.529 to 2.614 . Many factors affected the nutritional status also affected the nutrition behaviors in adolescents. It is recomended that social support from parent and peer can be develop to increase adolescent healthy behaviours.Key word social support, adolescent, nutritional status"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmi Fitri
"Berdasarkan data profil kesehatan Provinsi Riau, Kabupaten Rokan Hulu merupakan peringkat ke-3 tertinggi jumlah kasus penderita TBC Paru dari 12 kab/kota yang ada di Provinsi Riau. Puskesmas Ujung Batu merupakan salah satu puskesmas yang memiliki kasus penderita TBC terbanyak se-Kabupaten Rokan Hulu. Faktor penyebab dari tingginya angka penderita TBC Paru dapat disebabkan oleh praktik perilaku pencegahan penularan penyakit TBC Paru yang rendah sehingga mempercepat penyebaran TBC Paru. Faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi pencegahan penularan TBC Paru adalah faktor pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan dari individu. Dukungan dari keluarga merupakan unsur terpenting dalam meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dan motivasi penderita TBC Paru dalam berperilaku untuk mencegah penularan TBC Paru. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran dukungan keluarga terhadap perilaku pencegahan penularan penyakit pada penderita TBC Paru di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ujung Batu. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi kasus melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap lima orang informan utama dan lima orang informan kunci. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh mayoritas penderita TBC Paru berjenis kelamin laki-laki yang berusia 30-60 tahun,status sosial ekonomi keluarga berada di level menengah kebawah dengan tingkat pendidikan mayoritas tamat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), praktik dalam keluarga sebagian besar sudah menerapkan perilaku pencegahan penularan TBC Paru, budaya dalam batuk/bersin sebagian penderita sudah berperilaku menutup mulut dengan tangan/masker namun budaya meludah masih disembarang tempat. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dukungan keluarga berpengaruh kuat terhadap perilaku pencegahan penularan penyakit pada penderita TBC Paru. Bagi puskesmas sebaiknya mengoptimalkan sosialisasi terkait peran dukungan keluarga bagi penderita TBC Paru, sehingga masyarakat khususnya keluarga dapat berperan aktif dalam memberikan dukungan untuk meningkatkan perilaku pencegahan penularan penyakit pada penderita TBC Paru.

Based on health profile data for Riau Province, Rokan Hulu Regency is ranked 3rd with the highest number of cases of pulmonary TB sufferers from 12 districts/cities in Riau Province. Ujung Batu Health Center is one of the health centers that has the most TB cases in Rokan Hulu Regency. The causal factor for the high number of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis can be caused by the low level of practice of prevention of transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis, thereby accelerating the spread of pulmonary tuberculosis. The factors that influence the prevention of transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis are the factors of knowledge, attitudes and actions of individuals. Support from the family is the most important element in increasing the self-confidence and motivation of people with pulmonary tuberculosis in behavior to prevent transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of family support for the behavior of preventing disease transmission in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the working area of the Ujung Batu Health Center. Methods This research uses qualitative methods with case studies through in-depth interviews with five key informants and five key informants. The results of this study obtained that the majority of pulmonary TB sufferers were male aged 30-60 years, the socioeconomic status of the family was at the lower middle level with the education level of the majority graduating from junior high school (SMP), most of the practices in the family had implemented behavioral prevention of pulmonary TB transmission, culture in coughing/sneezing, some sufferers have the behavior of covering their mouths with their hands/masks, but the culture of spitting is still everywhere. This study shows that family support has a strong effect on disease prevention behavior in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. It is better for puskesmas to optimize socialization related to the role of family support for pulmonary tuberculosis sufferers, so that the community, especially families, can play an active role in providing support to improve disease transmission prevention behavior in pulmonary tuberculosis sufferers. "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dukungan keluarga dan motivasi dalam perawatan diabetes dapat meningkatkan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan bagi diabetisi tipe 2 dalam upaya mencegah komplikasi diabetes dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup diabetisi. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik, dukungan keluarga, dan motivasi diabetisi tipe 2 dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan Cross-Sectional. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 110 responden yang diambil secara proporsional random sampling. Analisa data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Chi-Square dan regresi logistik berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan dukungan penghargaan keluarga dan motivasi intrinsik dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan p value.

Family Support and motivation treatment in diabetes patients will improve health services utilization. It aims to prevent diabetes complications and improve the diabetes patients quality of life. This study aimed to investigate the Relationship between patients characteristics, family support and motivation in patients with diabetes type 2 with health services utilization. This study used cross sectional with descriptive analytical approach with 110 respondents Which choosen by proportional random sampling. Analysis result using chi square and multiple logistic regression showed relationship between family reinforcement support and Intrinsic motivation with health services utilization p value.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deri Wilasa
"Pengobatan tuberkulosis paru dalam jangka waktu yang lama memungkinkan penderita mengalami stress sehingga diperlukan pemberian dukungan sosial. Stigma sering melekat pada tuberkulosis paru. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran stigma masyarakat terhadap klien tuberkulosis paru tuberkulosis paru tuberkulosis paru di Pancoran Mas.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif dengan 110 sampel berusia 20-59 tahun, diawali cluster sampling untuk menetapkan wilayah dan purposive sampling untuk responden.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas responden memiliki stigma dengan bentuk diskriminasi. Memaksimalkan peran perkesmas serta pembentukan kelompok pemerhati tuberkulosis paru menjadi cara agar stigma tidak muncul. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat melihat gambaran stigma diri pada klien tuberkulosis paru.

Pulmonary tuberculosis clients who get treatments in the long term experience stress that caused by stigma. This study aimed to determine description of society's stigma towards pulmonary tuberculosis clients in Pancoran Mas.
This study applied descriptive design to 110 patients with age range of 20-59 years old. Sampling recruitment consisted of cluster sampling technique and purposive technique.
The results showed that majority of respondents had stigma discrimination. Maximizing role of public health nurses and pulmonary tuberculosis support groups may become way to raise public awareness in stigma prevention. A future study may explore self stigma of pulmonary tuberculosis clients.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Entin Sutini
Tuberkulosis merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Penyakit ini dapat
menyerang siapa pun baik tua maupun muda atau laki-laki perempuan. Penyakit ini
dapat disembuhkan dengan menjalankan pengobatan selama kurang lebih 6 bulan.
Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pengobatan salah
satunya dukungan keluarga. Tujuan peneliti dalam penelitian adalah untuk
mengetahui hubungan dukungan keluarga terhadap kepatuhan minum obat pada
klien tuberkulosis di puskesmas Pancoran Mas. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan
metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross secsional jenis analitik korelasi dengan
jumlah sampel sebanyak 45 klien. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
adanya hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan minum obat yang
dijalankan oleh klien TB dengan p-value 0.01.

Tuberculosis was a public health problem. This disease attacked anyone, young or
old, men or women. Tuberculosis cured by taking medicine for about 6 months.
There was several factors that affect the success of treatment one family support.
The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of family support for
medication adherence in tuberculosis in the clinic clients Pancoran Mas. This study
design using quantitative methods with cross sectional analytic kind of correlation
with the total sample of 45 clients. The results of this study indicate that there was
a relationship between family support with medication adherence run by
Tuberculosis clients (p <0.05). So, in order to increase family support, Family
Health Center help to monitor family on client-related TB medication adherence
with wile cadre region to conduct home visits to control adherence to TB clients"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astuti Yuni Nursasi
"[Pengendalian TB paru di Kota Depok masih berorientasi pada pelaksanaan program pengendalian TB nasional, belum terintegrasi dengan pelaksanaan Perawatan Kesehatan Masyarakat sehingga klien TB belum mandiri melakukan perawatan TB. Model P2K3 dikembangkan berdasarkan integrasi model perawatan diri, model perawatan berbasis komunitas dan pendekatan perawatan yang berpusat pada klien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas model pemberdayaan perawat, kader, keluarga dan klien (P2K3) terhadap tingkat kemandirian klien dalam perawatan TB Paru, menggunakan desain kuasi eksperimen pre-post test pada dua kelompok. Penelitian dilakukan di 15 wilayah kerja Puskesmas di Kota Depok dengan kasus TB tertinggi. Penelitian terdiri dari tahap pengembangan model dan pengujian efektivitas model. Sampel diambil secara purposif sebanyak 108, terdiri dari 54 kelompok kontrol dan 54 kelompok intervensi. Hasil menunjukkan model P2K3 efektif untuk meningkatkan kemandirian klien TB Paru sebesar 40,2%. Penerapan model ini perlu didukung dengan kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan dari Dinas Kesehatan. Model P2K3 dan modulnya direkomendasikan digunakan oleh perawat di komunitas sebagai acuan pemberdayaan kader, keluarga dan klien TB Paru;

Pulmonary tuberculosis control in Depok has not been integrated to the implementation of the Community Health Care Program, so that the clients? self-care independence in their TB treatment still low. The nurse, community workers, family and clients empowerment model was developed based on integration of self-care model, community based care model, and patient centered care approach. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of nurse, health volunteers, family and clients empowerment model to the level of pulmonary tuberculosis clients? self-care independence that applied quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent group pretest-posttest method. This study consisted of model development and testing of the model?s effectiveness. It was held in 15 areas of Public Health Centers in Depok that have high prevalence of TB cases. The samples size were 108 that taken purposively. It was consisted of 54 the control group and 54 intervention group. The result showed that the model is effective for improving pulmonary tuberculosis clients? level of self-care independence as 40,2%. The application of this model needs to be supported by the policy of the Health Office Authority. This model was recommended to implement by nurses in the community as referral to empower community workers, family and pulmonary TB clients;Pulmonary tuberculosis control in Depok has not been integrated to the implementation of the Community Health Care Program, so that the clients’ self-care independence in their TB treatment still low. The nurse, community workers, family and clients empowerment model was developed based on integration of self-care model, community based care model, and patient centered care approach. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of nurse, health volunteers, family and clients empowerment model to the level of pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ self-care independence that applied quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent group pretest-posttest method. This study consisted of model development and testing of the model’s effectiveness. It was held in 15 areas of Public Health Centers in Depok that have high prevalence of TB cases. The samples size were 108 that taken purposively. It was consisted of 54 the control group and 54 intervention group. The result showed that the model is effective for improving pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ level of self-care independence as 40,2%. The application of this model needs to be supported by the policy of the Health Office Authority. This model was recommended to implement by nurses in the community as referral to empower community workers, family and pulmonary TB clients;Pulmonary tuberculosis control in Depok has not been integrated to the implementation of the Community Health Care Program, so that the clients’ self-care independence in their TB treatment still low. The nurse, community workers, family and clients empowerment model was developed based on integration of self-care model, community based care model, and patient centered care approach. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of nurse, health volunteers, family and clients empowerment model to the level of pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ self-care independence that applied quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent group pretest-posttest method. This study consisted of model development and testing of the model’s effectiveness. It was held in 15 areas of Public Health Centers in Depok that have high prevalence of TB cases. The samples size were 108 that taken purposively. It was consisted of 54 the control group and 54 intervention group. The result showed that the model is effective for improving pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ level of self-care independence as 40,2%. The application of this model needs to be supported by the policy of the Health Office Authority. This model was recommended to implement by nurses in the community as referral to empower community workers, family and pulmonary TB clients, Pulmonary tuberculosis control in Depok has not been integrated to the implementation of the Community Health Care Program, so that the clients’ self-care independence in their TB treatment still low. The nurse, community workers, family and clients empowerment model was developed based on integration of self-care model, community based care model, and patient centered care approach. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of nurse, health volunteers, family and clients empowerment model to the level of pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ self-care independence that applied quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent group pretest-posttest method. This study consisted of model development and testing of the model’s effectiveness. It was held in 15 areas of Public Health Centers in Depok that have high prevalence of TB cases. The samples size were 108 that taken purposively. It was consisted of 54 the control group and 54 intervention group. The result showed that the model is effective for improving pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ level of self-care independence as 40,2%. The application of this model needs to be supported by the policy of the Health Office Authority. This model was recommended to implement by nurses in the community as referral to empower community workers, family and pulmonary TB clients]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Sakinah
"Belum diketahuinya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan kontrasepsi pasca persalinan di Puskesmas kecamatan Jagakarsa membuat penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian tentang factor apa saja yang mempengaruhi penggunaan kontrasepsi pasca persalinan di Puskesmas Kecamatan Jagakarsa. Faktor-faktor yang akan diteliti adalah: faktor predisposisi (pengetahuan ibu tentang kontrasepsi dan layanan KB, sikap ibu terhadap kontrasepsi, umur ibu, pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, jumlah anak hidup, umur anak terkecil, niat reproduksi dan otonomi terhadap fertilitas dan KB), faktor pemungkin (keterjangkauan terhadap layanan KB) dan faktor penguat (dukungan suami dan konseling KB).   Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian kasus kontrol yang dilakukan pada bulan Mei – Juni 2013. Dalam penelitian ini populasi kasus adalah semua wanita yang berusia 15-49 tahun, mempunyai anak terkecil dengan usia 0-42 hari dan menggunakan kontrasepsi. Sedangkan populasi control adalah semua wanita yang berusia 15-49 tahun, mempunyai anak tterkecil dengan usia 0-42 hari dan belum menggunakan kontrasepsi. Jumlah sampel yang didapat dari rumus uji beda dua proporsi adalah 49 responden untuk kelompok kasus dan 49 responden untuk kelompok kontrol. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan sistematik random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengajkan pertanyaan yang ada pada kuesioner.

The unknown factors affecting postpartum contraceptive use in sub-district health centers Jagakarsa makes the writer interested in conducting research on the factors that influence the use of postpartum contraception in Jagakarsa district health center. The factors that will be examined are: predisposing factors (maternal knowledge about contraception and family planning services, maternal attitudes toward contraception, maternal age, maternal education, maternal occupation, number of living children, the youngest child age, reproductive intentions and autonomy on fertility and family planning) , enabling factors (affordability of family planning services) and reinforcing factors (husband support and counseling KB). This research is quantitative research design of case-control study conducted in May-June 2013. In the case of this study population was all women aged 15-49 years, had the smallest child to the age of 0-42 days and using contraception. While population control is all women aged 15-49, have children ages 0-42 tterkecil the day and not using contraception. Number of samples obtained from two different test formula proportions were 49 respondents for the case group and 49 respondents to the control group. Sampling was done by systematic random sampling. Data collected by mengajkan question on the questionnaire."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Tiara Sabila
Upaya pencegahan penularan TBC perlu dilakukan oleh individu dan keluarga sebagai unit terdekat individu dalam perawatan kesehatan dan pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kebutuhan keluarga terkait perawatan klien TBC di Kecamatan Cimanggis. Metode deskriptif dengan total sampling diterapkan pada penelitian ini. Penelitian ini melibatkan 83 keluarga sebagai PMO di Kecamatan Cimanggis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kebutuhan tertinggi keluarga dalam memenuhi dukungan emosional berada pada pilihan cara memberi semangat untuk berobat sampai tuntas skor 140, kebutuhan informasi pada cara pengobatan TBC skor 138, kebutuhan penghargaan pada cara memberi penilaian terhadap perilaku klien dalam menjaga kesehatan 133, kebutuhan dukungan instrumental pada bantuan finansial untuk biaya rontgen 114. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada pihak puskesmas untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan kepada keluarga terkait cara memenuhi kebutuhan dalam memenuhi dukungan keluarga.

Prevention efforts for TBC transmission need to be carried out by individuals and families as the closest unit of the individual in health care and decision making. This study aims to determine the description of family needs related to TBC client care in Cimanggis District. Descriptive method with total sampling applied in this research. The results of the study indicate that the highest needs of the family in meeting the emotional support are in the choice of how to encourage complete treatment score 140, information needs on TBC treatment score 138, reward needs on how to assess client behavior in health care 133, the need for instrumental support on financial assistance for x ray 114. This research recommends to the puskesmas to provide health education to families related to how to meet the needs in fulfilling family support."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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