"The _first generation of Road Funds were set up during the 1960's and 1970's in Africa, Asia, and
Latin America. They were characterized by weak legal basis, relied on earmarked revenues, typically
managed by national road agency, and have no oversight board The second generation road agency was
born in early 1990 is with the introduction of new thought of commercial management of road They were
distinct from the _first generation by having revenues generated from charges related to road use,
managed through a separate administration, supported by sound legislation, and by having a public-
private oversight board made up of nominees of organizations with a strong vested interest in well-
managed roam. This paper o't1s'cusses the history of Road Funds, examines their advantage and
disadvantages, and studies their impacts on the road management.
Jurnal Teknologi, 15 (3) September 2001 : 259-269, 2001