ABSTRAKRelationship marketing pada industri jasa konstruksi memiliki perbedaan dari
mainstream yang selama ini berlaku di dunia pemasaran pada umumnya. Di dalam
dunia konstruksi, dikenal dengan menggunakan sistem tender sebelum terjadinya
kerjasama proyek antara perusahaan kontraktor dan pelanggannya sehingga hal ini
menjadi menarik untuk melihat bagaimana posisi relationship marketing di dalam
industri jasa konstruksi yang menggunakan sistem tender dalam mengukur loyalitas
Di dalam hipotesis awal diduga variabel kepercayaan, biaya, dan komitmen
mempunyai peranan penting didalam memberikan kepuasan pelanggan yang pada
akhirnya berimplikasi pada loyalitas pelanggan. Hasil penelitian membuktikan
hanya variabel trust yang cukup signifikan dalam membentuk komitmen dan
loyalitas pelanggan, sedangkan faktor transactioncost tidak cukup signifikan dalam
membentuk loyalitas dari pelanggan.
Dari hasil yang diperoleh maka penelitian ini memberikan suatu pemahaman
baru didalam dunia jasa konstruksi bahwa meskipun faktor transaction cost selama
ini dinilai memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam menciptakan loyalitas
pelanggan namun ternyata hasilnya menyatakan sebaliknya, bahwa faktor
transaction cost dinilai tidak cukup signifikan dalam membentuk loyalitas
pelanggan. Dalam penelitian ini menemukan bahwa trust lah yang memiliki peran
cukup signifikan dalam menciptakan loyalitas pelanggan.
ABSTRACTRelationship marketing in the construction services industry differs from
mainstream applications common to the marketing world in general. In the
construction industry, known with its use of the tender system prior to the
cooperative project between corporate contractor and their customers, makes it
interesting to see how relationship marketing in the construction service industry
deals with the tender system in terms of measuring customer loyalty.
In the initial hypothesis, it was expected that trust, cost and commitment
variables would play a major role in producing customer satisfaction. The results
of the research proved that trust variables significantly influenced customer
commitment and loyalty, while transaction cost does not influence customer loyalty
in significant terms.
The findings of the research provides alternative understanding relevant to
the construction service industry that although transaction cost is considered
influential in creating customer loyalty, the reverse is true in the construction
industry and that transaction costs did not significantly produced customer loyalty.
The research concludes that trust instead played a significant role in shaping
customer loyalty.;Relationship marketing in the construction services industry differs from
mainstream applications common to the marketing world in general. In the
construction industry, known with its use of the tender system prior to the
cooperative project between corporate contractor and their customers, makes it
interesting to see how relationship marketing in the construction service industry
deals with the tender system in terms of measuring customer loyalty.
In the initial hypothesis, it was expected that trust, cost and commitment
variables would play a major role in producing customer satisfaction. The results
of the research proved that trust variables significantly influenced customer
commitment and loyalty, while transaction cost does not influence customer loyalty
in significant terms.
The findings of the research provides alternative understanding relevant to
the construction service industry that although transaction cost is considered
influential in creating customer loyalty, the reverse is true in the construction
industry and that transaction costs did not significantly produced customer loyalty.
The research concludes that trust instead played a significant role in shaping
customer loyalty., Relationship marketing in the construction services industry differs from
mainstream applications common to the marketing world in general. In the
construction industry, known with its use of the tender system prior to the
cooperative project between corporate contractor and their customers, makes it
interesting to see how relationship marketing in the construction service industry
deals with the tender system in terms of measuring customer loyalty.
In the initial hypothesis, it was expected that trust, cost and commitment
variables would play a major role in producing customer satisfaction. The results
of the research proved that trust variables significantly influenced customer
commitment and loyalty, while transaction cost does not influence customer loyalty
in significant terms.
The findings of the research provides alternative understanding relevant to
the construction service industry that although transaction cost is considered
influential in creating customer loyalty, the reverse is true in the construction
industry and that transaction costs did not significantly produced customer loyalty.
The research concludes that trust instead played a significant role in shaping
customer loyalty.]"