"Suatu sistem inkubator dibuat untuk mengatasi masalah keterbatasan jumlah petugas yang memantau dengan cara menghubungkan beberapa inkubator ke dalam suatu. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan sensor temperatur, heater, blower, serta mikrokontroler 16-bit H8/3069F. Kestabilan temperatur di dalam inkubator dikontrol dengan metode PID (Proportional Integral Derrivative). Agar dapat menggunakan program yang cukup banyak, perlu menggunakan sistem operasi. Sistem operasi yang dipakai menggunakan kernel linux sehingga pengoperasiannya mirip dengan komputer biasa. Kata Kunci: PID, mikrokontroler 16-bit, sistem operasi, kernel
The incubator system made to solve problem of number medical staff which to monitor some incubator in local area network. This system was design with temperature sensors, heater, blower, and 16-bit microcontroller H8/3069F. Stability of incubator were control with PID method (Proportional Integral Derrivative). Since we use more task than one program, we must download an operating system. Operating system that we use include linux kernel, so the operation is similar with common personal computer. Keywords: PID, microcontroller 16-bit, operating system, kernel."