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"Trafficking in women and children for forced prostitution is one
of the fastest growing transnational criminal activities in the world today.
This illegal activity is considered the third largest source of profit for
transnational organized crime, after drugs and weapons, generating
billions of dollars annually. Although many countries are concerned about
the problem, we know that not one of them has made much progress in
stopping this trafficking in women and children. This paper presents the
preliminary results obtained from on empirical study of the problem in
Malaysia. Specifically, the study .seeks to reveal the magnitude of tire
problem in Malaysia. and to determine the major sources anti destinations
of the women and children who are being trafficked. In additions, the efforts
of the Malaysian government to curb the problem are being studied. The
paper suggests that we should fool at the problem from the perspective of
the " human security " concept, which puts the security and well being of the
individuals of a country as a top priority, and thereby strengthens the
country as a whole, including its security as a stare.
Journal of Population, 10 (1) 2004 : 31-52, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Migration, trafficking and smuggling are different issues but
inter-related. Migration may take place through regular or irregular
channels and could be freely chosen or forced upon the migrant as a means
of survival. international migration is one of the responses to the changes
of socio-economic conditions between countries as people attempt to
improve their standard of living. Social conflicts arising front the collapse
of political systems are mostly behind the movement of people, economic
tensions originating front rebuilding global capitalism are also
contributing forced labor mobility in world scale. Transnational mobility in
Southeast Asia has been made used by syndicates involved in drag
trafficking and also hunan trafficking especially women and children. This
paper attempts to elaborate interlinks between migration, the phenomena of
undocumented labor, trafficking and politics in Southeast Asia.
Journal of Population, 10 (1) 2004 : 13-30, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"War, poverty, and famine; political, social, and economic change; and the deep seated views and rituals rooted in a culture's history and traditions all contribute to the widespread and growing trafficking of women and children. The multilayered complexity, myriad contributing factors, enormous amount of money involved, and sheer magnitude of the problem render it impossible to solve with the fractured and isolated measures of individual organizations and countries. Only complete cooperation and collaboration at all levels can establish the most proactive and self-sustaining approach to reduce this global crime. Gathering knowledge and experience from more than 40 countries, this book clearly demonstrates the scale and spread of the problem, providing a powerful analysis of the circumstances that contribute to the abuse and victimization of women and children as well as the international policies and strategies used to combat this crime. Divided into two parts, it begins with an introduction to the definition, nature, and scope of human trafficking. It discusses several social theories as well as evident environmental influences. It also examines measures to control and prevent human trafficking from stricter laws and monetary aid, to global community and law enforcement collaboration. Part 2 consists of case studies, drawing examples from a range of countries involved in every stage in the process, and highlighting the unique characteristics of human trafficking in each. Chapters include the prevalence of child pornography in Japan, child abduction in China, bonded child labor in India, and child soldiering in Congo (Zaire) and other African countries. The final chapters discuss law enforcement in the US and UK, community policing in Australia, and the cooperative national plan in place in Croatia. "
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2008
364.15 GLO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas pelaksanaan proses rehabilitasi sosial untuk anak wanita usia 15-18 tahun korban trafficking di PSKW Mulya Jaya Pasar Rebo dan juga peran Pekerja Sosial dalam pelaksanaan proses rehabilitasi sosial untuk anak wanita usia 15-18 tahun korban trafficking di PSKW Mulya Jaya Pasar Rebo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menggambarkan proses rehabilitasi sosial, meliputi tahapan pendekatan awal, assessment, rencana intervensi, pelaksanaan intervensi, penyaluran, terminasi dan juga monitoring, serta peran Pekerja Sosial dalam pelaksanaan rehabilitasi sosial Pekerja Sosial berperan sebagai Advocate, Pendamping, Activist, Mediator, Enabler, Perantara (Broker), Pendidik (Educator) dan Inisiator.

This thesis discusses the implementation process of social rehabilitation for young women aged 15-18 years of trafficking victims in PSKW Mulya Jaya Pasar Rebo and also the role of Social Workers in the implementation process of social rehabilitation for young women aged 15-18 years of trafficking victims in PSKW Mulya Jaya Pasar Rebo. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive research methods.
The results illustrate the process of social rehabilitation, encompassing the early stages of the approach, assessment, intervention plans, implementing interventions, distribution, termination and monitoring as well as the role of Social Workers in the implementation of social rehabilitation role as Advocate, Empowerer, Activist, Mediator, Enabler, Broker, Educator and Initiator.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Etika Prabandari
Skripsi ini membahas tentang proses konseling yang dilakukan oleh Rumah
Perlindungan Trauma Center (RPTC) dalam rehabilitasi psikososial. Penelitian ini
menggunakan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus deskriptif. Hasil
penelitian mengungkapkan pelaksanaan konseling pada rehabilitasi psikososial
bagi klien wanita korban trafficking cukup berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya
perubahan perilaku secara positif pada diri klien, yang mencakup baik sikap
terhadap dirinya sendiri maupun sikapnya terhadap lingkungan.

Thesis discusses about the process of counseling conducted by Home Protection
Trauma Center (RPTC) in psychosocial rehabilitation. This research uses
qualitative with the kind case studies types. Research results reveal the
implementation of psychosocial rehabilitation counseling on women victims of
trafficking for clients quite influential on the occurrence of a change behavior
positively on the self client, which includes good attitude towards himself and his
attitude towards the environment."
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Olga Florentyna
Penulisan ini membahas kasus perdagangan perempuan yang terjadi di Rusia
pada masa Federasi dimulai sejak Uni Soviet runtuh pada masa Yeltsin. Setelah
keadaan-keadaan yang berkaitan dengan perempuan Rusia pada masa Uni Soviet, Uni
Soviet paska Perestroika, dan Federasi Rusia dideskripsikan, data-data dari arsip
statistik Uni Soviet dan Federasi Rusia tersebut dianalisis berdasarkan teori
feminisme marxis. Ditemukan adanya peningkatan penindasan terhadap perempuan
terutama pada hak-hak mereka sebagai pekerja. Berdasarkan hasil analisis,
munculnya perdagangan perempuan di Rusia disebabkan oleh peran pemerintah dan
perubahan ideologi dengan adanya peralihan sistem pemerintahan dan perekonomian
dari komunisme di masa Uni Soviet ke kapitalisme pada masa Federasi Rusia.

This theses discusses the cases of women trafficking that occurred in Russian
Federation started after the collapse of Soviet Union in Yeltsin era. After the
circumstances relating to Russian women in the Soviet Union, post-perestroika Soviet
Union, the Russian Federation, data from Soviet Union and Russian Federation
statistic archives had been described, the datas are analyzed based on the theory of
Marxist feminism. Increasing in women?s oppression, especially on their rights as
workers had been found. Based on the analysis, the emergence of women trafficking
in Russia happened due to the role of government and ideology changes with the
system of governance and economic transition from communism in the Soviet Union
to capitalism in the Russian Federation."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sianipar, Josua Goklas Parulian
"Salah satu kejahatan transnasional yang sering terjadi di masyarakat Indonesia adalah kejahatan perdagangan orang. Pelaku dalam kejahatan perdagangan orang tidak selalu berkaitan dengan organisasi kejahatan. Konsep criminal network dipakai untuk menganalisis tulisan ini. Criminal network dalam tulisan ini menjelaskan bahwa didalam suatu kejahatan perdagangan orang terdapat peran individual yang terbagi menjadi directed network dan transaction network, yang menjadikan kejahatan tersebut sebagai kejahatan terorganisir.

One of the most common transnational crimes in Indonesian society is the crime of trafficking in persons. The perpetrators are not always related to criminal organizations nor group. In this paper, I examine the event of human trafficking by borrowing the concept of Criminal Network. I argue that in a trafficking in persons, there is an individual role that is divided into directed network and transaction network, which makes the crime as organized crime."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia , 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parinding, Devina Kara
"Perdagangan orang merupakan masalah yang telah menjadi perhatian internasional sejak dahulu kala. Tindakan perdagangan orang kerap memakan korban yang identik dengan keadaan rentan karena lebih memudahkan dalam prakteknya. Salah satu keadaan rentan yang dimanfaatkan oleh pelaku perdagangan orang adalah kondisi rentan dari seorang pengungsi. Skripsi ini menganalisis kasus-kasus mengenai pengungsi yang menjadi korban perdagangan orang, dan dikaitkan dengan dua instrumen hukum internasional. Seseorang dapat dikatakan tergolong dalam kategori serorang pengungsi jika sudah memenuhi unsur-unsur yang terkandung di dalam Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children adalah instrumen hukum internasional yang mengatur mengenai tindakan perdagangan orang, yang merupakan protokol tambahan dari Convention on Transnational Organized Crime 2000. Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan analisis pendekatan yuridis normatif. Analisis ini mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat berbagai alasan yang mendasari para pengungsi untuk meninggalkan negaranya, dan bahwa keadaan rentan mereka sebagai pengungsi kerap dimanfaatkan oleh para pelaku perdagangan orang melalui berbagai cara yang merupakan unsur-unsur dari perbuatan perdagangan orang yang melanggar TOC Convention 2000 Protocol.

Human trafficking has been a concerning international problem since a long time ago. Traffickers are often targeting vulnerable group of people because it is easier to commit human trafficking towards vulnerable group of people, such as refugees. Vulnerable condition of a refugee is an advantage to traffickers. This thesis analyzes cases about refugees who are victims of human trafficking, and being related to two international law instruments. A person can be categorized as a refugees if the elements of a refugee based on Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951 has been fulfilled. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children is an international law instrument that regulates the act of human trafficking, which also an additional protocol of Convention on Transnational Organized Crime 2000. This thesis uses normative legal method of research as well as juridical normative analysis in addressing the issue. This analysis concludes that there are several reasons for refugees to leave their country, and that their vulnerable condition as a refugee are often being misused by traffickers through ways which are the elements of human trafficking action against TOC Convention 2000 Protocol."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Romli Atmasasmita
"Saat ini, kejahatan transnasional terorganisir berkembang sangat pesat disebabkan adanya liberalisasi perdagangan, perkembangan teknologi komunikasi yang menakjubkan, dan tekanan dari penegakan hukum yang semakin membaik. Hampir di seluruh negara Salah satu kejahatan besar yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah perdagangan manusia, khususnya wanita dan anak-anak. Unluk menangani jenis kejahatan ini, cara yang paling efektif adalah dengan melakukan kerja sama internasional. Hal inilah yang mendorong dihasilkannya United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Konvensi Palermo) beserta ketiga protokolnya yang menyatakan dengan tegas beberapa kejahatan sebagai kejahatan transnasional. Namun tidak
dapat dipungkiri, dalam kerja sama iniernasiona! yang telah
terjalin, terhentur pada beberapa permasalahan disamping
ditemukan beberapa ketnungkinan yang perlu dijajaki untuk
menangani kejahatan ini. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara
yang telah menandatangani Konvensi Palermo dan protokolnya, tengah mempersiapkan instrumen rancangan ratifikasi. Sejauh ini, di Indonesia lerdapat beberapa kasus perdagangan wanita dan anak-anak yang berhasil digagalkan dan diproses hingga ke pengadilan.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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