"A further reduction in TF R is possible in a short period of
time by meeting the unmet needs of high parity couples in
Bangladesh. The statement is supported by the fact that 91% of the
couples with three or more living children do not want additional
children and that only 51% use family planning methods. However,
9% of the high parity couples want an traditional child. In this
confer! the paper examined whether there exist association between
gender composition of living children and the desire for additional
children among high parity couples using the data extracted from
the 2004 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey. The paper
also examined whether education, socioeconomic status, and NGO
membership can modify the influence of gentler compotition on
desire for more children. The findings of the study showed that
gentler preference, particularly of son, was more common among determinant of
the desire for more children and it was more common among the
women with all _female children, with odds of desiring additional
children was 11,4 times of women those having at least one of both
sexes in rural area while it was 7. 08 times in urban area. The
also revealed that the influence of gentler preference was
nor modified by education, socioeconomic status, and NGO
of woman.