"Pasca reformasi 1998 gerakan mahasiswa di Indonesia leluasa melakukan protes karena dijamin oleh konstitusi. Kemajuan teknologi semakin membuat gerakan mahasiswa tampil lebih kreatif dan melibatkan ragam elemen dengan memanfaatkan media sosial. Pada September 2019 terjadi serangkaian aksi demonstrasi mahasiswa yang berpusat di depan Gedung DPR RI. Bukan hanya masif di lapangan
(offline), aksi juga masif terjadi di media sosial
(online). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Adapun instumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data adalah melalui wawancara dan studi literatur. Mengacu pada teori Bennet dan Segerberg (2013) tentang
connective action, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa telah terjadi koneksi pada aksi demonstrasi mahasiswa September 2019 dengan aksi digital dalam bentuk
personal action frame. Akun-akun Twitter yang teridentifikasi terlibat dalam percakapan di media sosial mengekspresikan sikap personal mereka melalui ragam bentuk, mulai dari foto, video, maupun poster. Semua akun tersebut membentuk satu kluster bersama melalui tagar dan narasi yang sama, yaitu menolak RKUHP, revisi UU KPK dan RUU lainnya yang dianggap bermasalah. Aksi demonstrasi mahasiswa September 2019 termasuk dalam tipologi
organizationally-enabled action karena bukan hanya terjadi masif di lapangan
(offline), melainkan terjadi juga secara
hybrid di media digital
(online). Struktur formal yaitu Aliansi Mahasiswa Indonesia berperan mengoordinasikan aksi di lapangan, sekaligus media sosial telah membuka partisipasi yang luas dari berbagai kalangan untuk terlibat aksi. Namun demikian, masifnya aksi digital yang terjadi bukan merupakan desain dari gerakan mahsiswa, melainkan terjadi secara organik dan natural.
After the 1998 Reform, the student movement in Indonesia Has more freedom to protest because it is guaranteed by the constitution. The Advances in technology are progressively making student movements appear to be more creative and involve various elements by utilizing social media. In September 2019, there were a series of student demonstrations centered in front of the Indonesian Parliament Building (DPR). The form of demonstrations was not only massively done in the field (offline), but also massively done on social media (online). This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research instrument used to obtain data is through interviews and literature studies. Referring to the theory of Bennet and Segerberg (2013) about connective action, this research found that there was a connection between the September 2019 student demonstrations with digital actions in the shape of personal action frames. The Twitter accounts that was identified, they were engaged in conversations on social media and expressed their personal attitudes through various forms, for examples were photos, videos, and posters. All of these accounts were created a collective cluster by means of the same hashtag and narrative, namely to reject the Draft Legislation of Criminal Code (RKUHP), revisions to the KPK Law and other Draft legislations those were deemed problematic. The student demonstration in September 2019 is included in the typology of organizationally-enabled action since it did not only occur massively in the field (offline), but also I in a hybrid way in digital media (online). The formal structure, namely the Indonesian Student Alliance (Aliansi Mahasiswa Indonesia), had the role of coordinating actions in the field, as well as social media which led to open widely of participation from various groups to get involved in the action. Nevertheless, the massive digital action that occurred, was not the part in the design of the student movement, but occurred organically and naturally."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022