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Ditemukan 1372 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Evy Yunihastuti
"Pancreatic carcinoma commonly occur in patients over 60 years. It is usually manifested as abdominal pain, jaundice, and pancreatic mass. In this report, a pancreatic carcinoma occured in young woman is presented. A surgical drainage was done and followed by Whipple resection. However the patient passed away three month after the diagnosis.

Karsinoma pankreas umumnya terjadi pada pasien berusia di atas 60 tahun. Biasanya bermanifestasi sebagai perut nyeri, penyakit kuning, dan massa pankreas. Dalam laporan ini, karsinoma pankreas yang terjadi pada wanita muda adalah disajikan. Drainase bedah dilakukan dan diikuti dengan reseksi Whipple. Namun pasien tersebut meninggal hilang tiga bulan setelah diagnosis.
Jakarta: The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 2001
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simatupang, Lydia D.
"We reported here a rare case of a 62 year old male patient with obstructive jaundice due to bile duct tumor. The main clinical features were yellowish eye and skin, followed by pruritus and clay-colored stool. Ultrasonography showed common bile duct dilatation and without evidence of stones. Computed Tomography Scan of upper abdomen showed a mass which were thought of head of pancreas origin. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatograph revealed tight narrowing of the distal bile duct to a malignant tumor. A stent was inserted to allow biliary drainage, A surgical plan for billio digestive anastomosis was rejected by the patient and family."
The Indonesia Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juferdy Kurniawan
"Tujuan: mendapatkan kesintasan dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan mortalitas pada pasien ikterus obstruktif dengan etiologi maligna. Metode: penelitian kohort retrospektif dan prospektif dilakukan dengan data sekunder pasien ikterus obstruktif yang dirawat di RS. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta antara Januari 2010-Desember 2013. Faktor-faktor yang dinilai meliputi umur, jenis kelamin, sepsis, hipoalbumin, tingkat bilirubin serum, tingkat CA 19-9 serum, drainase bilier, keganasan non ca ampula Vater, dan komorbid dengan hasil keluaran berupa mortalitas pasien.
Hasil: sebanyak 181 dari 402 pasien ikterus obstruktif dengan etiologi maligna memenuhi kriteria penelitian dengan proporsi laki-laki sebesar 58,6 % dengan pasien berumur ≥50 tahun sebesar 57,5%. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa sepsis, riwayat drainase bilier sebelumnya dan skor komorbid Charlson ≥4 merupakan prediktor independen terhadap mortalitas. Median kesintasan pasien dengan faktor prognosis bermakna adalah 14 hari sedangkan median kesintasan keseluruhan 26 hari. Ambang skor prognostik terbaik didapatkan pada skor ≥2 dengan sensitivitas 68% dan spesifisitas 75%. AUC pada kurva ROC 0.769.
Kesimpulan: kesintasan pasien dengan faktor prognosis sepsis, drainase bilier tidak berhasil/tidak ada, dan skor indeks komorbid Charlson ≥4 lebih pendek dibandingkan kesintasan keseluruhan pasien. Skor prognostik ≥2 termasuk dalam risiko tinggi kematian dan kemampuan prediksi mortalitas dari faktor prognosis bermakna adalah 76.9%.

Aim: to obtain survival rate and mortality-related factors of malignant obstructive jaundice patients.
Methods: all medical records of obstructive jaundice inpatient at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta from January 2010 to December 2013 were reviewed retrospectively. The following factors were analyzed in terms of mortality: age, gender, sepsis, hypoalbumin, serum bilirubin level, serum CA 19-9 level, billiary drainage, non-ampulla Vateri carcinoma, and comorbid factors.
Results: total 181 out of 402 patients were enrolled in this study with male proportion was 58.6%, and patients aged 50 years or above was 57.5%. Multivariate analysis showed that only sepsis, unsuccessful or no prior biliary drainage and Charlson comorbid score ≥4 were independent predictors of mortality. Patients with significant prognostic factors had median survival 14 days compared with overall median survival 26 days. Score ≥2 identified as the highest prognostic score threshold with sensitivity 68%, specificity 75%, and AUC on ROC curve 0.769.
Conclusion: sepsis, unsuccessful or no prior bilirary drainage, and Charlson comorbid score ≥4 are factors significantly associated with shortened survival in malignant obstructive jaundice patients. Prognostic score ≥2 was determined to classify patients into high risk mortality group. Mortality of patients with those significant prognostic factors can be predicted in 76.9%."
Depok: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2016
610 IJIM 48:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Chalangiocarcinoma is the second most common primary liver malignancy with global increase of incidence and mortality. The mean age at presentation is 50 years. Patients with cholangiocarcinoma usually will have symptoms of obstructive jaundice followed with supporting laboratory and imaging findings. The predominant clinical feature of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is biliary obstruction resulting in Jaundice; while intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma causes symptoms of intrahepatic mass including abdominal pain in right upper quadrant and other tumor-related symptoms such as cachexia and malaise. The diagnosis and staging of cholangiocarcinoma require multidisciplinary approaches including laboratory, radiological, endoscopic approaches and analysis on pathology. This case report describes a patient with a cholangiocarcinoma based on result of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) imaging. In addition to a diagnosis tool, ERCP can also be a therapeutic modality for placing stent to reduce symptoms of cholestasis. There were supporting laboratory findings such as increased bilirubin level, alkaline phosphates (ALP) and gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) levels as well as increased level of tumor markers such as carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), carbohydrate antigen (CA 19-9 and cytological examination."
UI-IJGHE 15:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jovita Amelia
"Latar Belakang: Karsinoma pankreas umumnya merupakan adenokarsinoma duktus dari pankreas, karena lebih dari 90% tumor pankreas berasal dari epitel duktus dan memiliki angka mortalitas tinggi. Adenokarsinoma pankreas menyebabkan berbagai gejala akibat obstruksi duktus biliaris dan duktus pankreatikus serta hipermetabolisme terkait perubahan metabolik pada kanker. Tindakan kuratif meliputi pembedahan menyebabkan perubahan anatomi fisiologik saluran cerna dan dapat menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi gastrointestinal yang menyebabkan malnutrisi pada pasien. Perubahan metabolik, gejala penyakit, dan tatalaksana adenokarsinoma pankreas dapat menyebabkan malnutrisi dan kaheksia kanker. Terapi nutrisi perioperatif yang adekuat akan menghasilkan outome bedah yang baik, menurunkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pascabedah, dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien.
Metode: Laporan serial kasus ini menguraikan empat kasus adenokarsinoma pankreas, yaitu dua kasus adenokarsinoma papila Vateri, satu kasus adenokarsinoma papila Vateri yang sudah infiltrasi ke duodenum, dan satu kasus adenokarsinoma pankreas dari kaput sampai kauda. Keempat pasien serial kasus tergolong kaheksia kanker. Pembedahan pada keempat kasus disesuaikan dengan lokasi dan metastasis kanker. Terapi nutrisi pada serial kasus ini dilakukan sesuai dengan pedoman terapi nutrisi perioperatif. Seluruh pasien mendapat terapi nutrisi mulai dari masa prabedah hingga pascabedah dengan pemberian energi dan makronutrien ditingkatkan bertahap sesuai dengan kondisi klinis dan toleransi pasien. Suplementasi mikronutrien juga diberikan kepada keempat pasien. Pemantauan pasien meliputi keluhan subjektif, hemodinamik, analisis dan toleransi asupan, pemeriksaan laboratorium, antropometri, keseimbangan cairan, dan kapasitas fungsional.
Hasil: Selama pemantauan di RS, keempat pasien menunjukkan perbaikan klinis, peningkatan toleransi asupan, outcome bedah yang baik, serta perbaikan kapasitas fungsional dan hasil laboratorium.
Kesimpulan: Terapi nutrisi perioperatif pada keempat pasien berperan penting dalam menunjang perbaikan klinis, dan outcome bedah, serta mendukung terapi pada kasus kanker pankreas.

Background: Pancreatic cancer usually refers to ductal adenocarcinomas of the pancreas, since more than 90% of the tumors are ductal epithelium origin and have high mortality rate. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma causes various symptoms resulted from ductal biliary and pancreatic ducts obstruction, along with hypermetabolism related to metabolic alteration in cancer. Curative management involves surgery will make changes in gastrointestinal anatomy and physiology, and cause various gastrointestinal complication that will lead to malnutrition. Metabolic changes, symptoms of the disease and pancreatic adenocarcinoma therapy will cause malnutrition and cancer cachexia. Adequate perioperative nutrition will have good surgery outcome, reduce postoperative morbidity and mortality and increase patients quality of life.
Methods: This serial case report described four cases of pancreatic adenocarcinoma consist of two cases with adenocarcinoma of the papilla of Vater, one case with adenocarcinoma of the papilla of Vater with duodenum infiltration, and one case with pancreatic adenocarcinoma from head to tail. All patients classified as cancer cachexia. Surgery was carried out corresponds to cancer location and metastasis. Nutrition therapy in this serial case report was conducted in accordance to perioperative nutrition therapy guideline. All patients received nutrition support from preoperative to postoperative with gradual increased of energy and macronutrient adjusted to the clinical condition and food tolerance of the patients. Micronutrients supplementation was given to all patients. Monitoring included patients complaints, hemodynamic, food analysis and intake tolerance, laboratory results, anthropometry, fluid balance and functional capacity.
Results: During monitoring in the hospital, all patients showed improve clinical outcomes, increased food intake tolerance, good surgery outcomes, and improved functional capacity, and laboratory results.
Conclusion: Perioperative nutrition therapy in all patients play an important role in supporting clinical outcome improvement, surgery outcomes, and therapy in pancreatic cancer.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a lethal disease; however, the frequency of recurrence can be reduced if curative surgery following adjuvant chemotherapy is applied. At present, adjuvant chemotherapy is uniformly performed in all patients, as it is unclear which tumor types are controlled best or worst. We investigated patients with recurrence to establish the optimum treatment strategy.
Of 138 patients who underwent curative surgery for PDAC, 85 developed recurrence. Comprehensive clinicopathological factors were investigated for their association with the survival time after recurrence (SAR).
The median SAR was 12.6 months. Treatments for recurrence included best supportive care, GEM-based therapy and S-1. The performance status [hazard ratio (HR) 0.12, P < 0.001], histological invasion of lymph vessels (HR 0.27, P < 0.001), kind of treatment for recurrence (HR 5.0, P < 0.001) and initial recurrence site (HR 2.9, P < 0.001) were independent significant risk factors for the SAR. The initial recurrence sites were the liver (n = 21, median SAR 8.8 months), lung (n = 10, 14.9 months), peritoneum (n = 6, 1.7 months), lymph nodes (n = 6, 14.7 months), local site (n = 17, 13.9 months) and multiple sites (n = 25, 10.1 months). A shorter recurrence-free survival (< 1 year) and higher postoperative CA19-9 level were significantly associated with critical recurrence (peritoneal/liver).
Several risk factors for SAR were detected in this study. Further investigations are needed to individualize the adjuvant chemotherapy for each patient with PDAC."
Tokyo: Springer, 2018
617 SUT 48:10 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Obstructive jaundice can be caused by malignant or benign origi. The treatment for these situations includes drainage by biliary stenting.The main of this study was to evaluate the success rate of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in evaluating malignant obstructive jaundice and the success rate of plastic stent placement...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Gontar Alamsyah
"Background: Tire methods of ERCP have been used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes to pass bile fluid and extract stones from the bite duct in patients with obstructive extrahepatic jaundice.
Method: A retrospective study was performed on patients with obstructive extrahepatic jaundice patients who underwent ERCP dttring a two-years time period from January 1999 to December 2000. ERCP was performed with a premedication of I0 mg midazolam, followed by a chollangiography contrast containing 1 mg/dl of Garamicin and 25 mg of Pethidine if sphincterotomy was performed.
Results: From 126 patients with obstructive extrahepatic jaundice treated with ERCR the male to female ratio was 1.86:1. The majority of the (group) of patients were between 51-60 years of age (33.3 % ). The youngest patient (group) was 24 years and the oldest 97 years. The diagnostic study found the following cases: normal 3 cases (28%), bile duct stone 46 cases (43.4%) carcinoma of ampula voter 20 cases (18.9%), CBD tumor 7 crises (6.6%), carcinoma of head of pancreas 2 cases (1.9%), diverticle 4 cases (38%), duodenal tumor I case (0.9%), carcinoma of ampula vater and bite duct stone 1 case (0.9%), SOD 5 cases (4.7%), CBD stricture 1 case (0.9%) and failure I6 cases (15.1%). The patients received the following treatment: sphyncterotomy 36 cases (51 .4%), stent application 11 cases (15.7%), sphincterotomy with stent 18 cases (25.7%) and basket method 5 cases ( 7. 1%).
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"CA 19-9 merefleksikan derajat keparahan adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas ditunjukkan oleh beberapa studi berhasil menemukan korelasi peningkatan CA 19-9 dengan resektabilitas adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan evaluasi hubungan dan nilai diagnostik CA 19-9 dalam memprediksi resektabilitas adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas. Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang mengambil data dari rekam medis Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2016–2019. Pasien terdiagnosis adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas secara histopatologis atau pencitraan abdomen, berusia ≤65 tahun, dan memiliki catatan pemeriksaan kadar CA 19-9 diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini. Selain kadar CA 19-9, peneliti juga menilai factor terkait operabilitas. Tercatat 54 subjek dengan rerata usia 53,78±11,13 tahun. Ditemukan adanya korelasi positif (0,850) dan signifikan antara tingginya kadar CA 19-9 dengan resektabilitas tumor kaput pankreas. Untuk operabilitas, ditemukan perbedaan bermakna kadar CA 19-9, albumin, dan skor Karnofsky pada kelompok pasien tumor kaput pankreas resectable dan unresectable. Titik potong kadar CA 19-9 tercatat sebesar 140,65 U/mL, dengan sensitivitas sebesar 82,76% (64,23%–94,15%), spesifisitas sebesar 72,00% (50,61%–87,93%), dan AUC sebesar 0,784. CA 19-9 berhubungan secara signifikan dengan resektabilitas tumor kaput pankreas. CA 19-9 memiliki nilai diagnostik yang baik dalam mempredisksi resektabilitas tumor ini.

CA 19-9 reflects the degree of severity of pancreatic head adenocarcinoma shown by several studies to find a correlation of elevated CA 19-9 with resectability of pancreatic head adenocarcinoma. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship and diagnostic value of CA 19-9 in predicting resectability of pancreatic head adenocarcinoma. The study was conducted in a cross-sectional manner, taking data from the medical records of dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo 2016–2019. Patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas by histopathologic or abdominal imaging, aged ≤65 years, and who had a record CA level of 19-9 were included in this study. In addition to CA levels of 19-9, the investigators also assessed operability-related factors. There were 54 subjects with a mean age of 53.78 ± 11.13 years. Found a positive correlation (0, 850) and significant between high levels of CA 19-9 with resectability of head tumors of the pancreas. For operability, there were significant differences in CA 19-9 levels, albumin, and Karnofsky scores in the resectable and unresectable group of pancreatic head tumors. The cut-off point for CA 19-9 levels was recorded at 140.65 U / mL, with a sensitivity of 82.76% (64.23% -94.15%), a specificity of 72.00% (50.61% -87.93 %), and AUC of 0.784. CA 19-9 was significantly associated with pancreatic head tumor resectability. CA 19-9 has a good diagnostic value in predicting the resectability of these tumors. The cut-off point for CA 19-9 levels was 140.65 U / mL, with a sensitivity of 82.76% (64.23% -94.15%), a specificity of 72.00% (50.61% -87.93 %), and AUC of 0.784. CA 19-9 was significantly associated with pancreatic head tumor resectability. CA 19-9 has a good diagnostic value in predicting the resectability of these tumors. The cut-off point for CA 19-9 levels was 140.65 U / mL, with a sensitivity of 82.76% (64.23% -94.15%), a specificity of 72.00% (50.61% -87.93 %), and AUC of 0.784. CA 19-9 was significantly associated with pancreatic head tumor resectability. CA 19-9 has a good diagnostic value in predicting the resectability of these tumors"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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