"Evaluasi ilmiah terhadap aktifitas farmakologi obat herbal memerlukan model pengujian dengan metode induksi tukak yang sesuai pada hewan coba. Dalam kajian ini, metode antiulserogenik diinvestigasi menggunakan beberapa induktor. Tikus putih jantan galur Sprague-Dawley dibagi ke dalam 5 kelompok model yang masing-masing diberi
air suling, indometasin (48 mg/kg bb), aspirin-HCl (150 mg/kg bb), 96% etanol (1 ml/200 g bb), dan 80% etanol (1 ml/200 g bb) secara oral. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok yang diinduksi dengan 80% etanol memberikan indeks ulkus tertinggi. Pengujian secara histologi menunjukkan adanya abnormalitas sel-sel mukosa lambung
pada kelompok model tukak lambung yang diinduksi dengan aspirin-HCl, 96% dan 80% etanol.
AbstractScientific evaluation on pharmacological activity of medicinal herbs required reproducible and valid method-induced ulcer models in animal. In this study, the method of antiulcerogenic effect was investigated using several inducers. The male white Sprague-Dawley rats divided into five groups which were orally administrated water,
indomethacin (48 mg/kg bw), aspirin-HCl (150 mg/kg bw), 96% ethanol (1 ml/200 g bw), and 80% ethanol (1 ml/200 g bw), respectively. The result of this study showed that the group was induced with 80% ethanol demonstrated the highest ulcer index. Histological examination of the stomach showed abnormality of mucosa cells
on the aspirin-HCl, 96% ethanol, and 80% ethanol-induced gastric ulcer model in rats."
[Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia], 2008