ABSTRAKKompetensi pembimbing klinik berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan perilaku caring dan komitmen perawat baru untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan kompetensi pembimbing klinik dengan perilaku caring dan komitmen perawat baru di RS. Desain penelitian adalah analitik komparatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional pada 104 perawat baru di satu RS di wilayah Jakarta Selatan yang dipilih dengan metode random sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu Kuesioner Kompetensi Pembimbing Klinik, Caring Behavior Inventory CBI -24 dan kuesioner Komitmen Allen Meyer. Hasil uji t-independent menunjukkan ada hubungan antara kompetensi pembimbing klinik dengan perilaku caring perawat baru p < 0,001; ? = 0,05 dan hasil uji chi square menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara kompetensi pembimbing klinik dan komitmen perawat baru p = 0,844 . Uji regresi linier mendapatkan bahwa karakteristik personal pembimbing klinik merupakan faktor yang paling dominan yang berhubungan perilaku caring. Upaya pembinaan dan pemeliharaan karakteristik personal caring yang baik perlu diprogramkan, juga pelatihan dan penyegaran pembimbing klinik perlu dimasukkan dalam perencanaan strategis dan rencana kerja tahunan. Kata kunci : komitmen, kompetensi pembimbing klinik, perilaku caring
ABSTRACTCompetence of clinical instructure contributes to improving caring behavior and commitment of new nurses to improve the quality of nursing service. This study aims to identify the relationship of clinical instructure rsquo s competence with caring behavior and commitment of new nurses at the hospital. The study design was analytic comparative with the cross sectional approach of 104 new nurses in one hospital in South Jakarta area selected by random sampling method. The measuring instruments used are Competency Guidance Questioner Clinic, Caring Behavior Inventory CBI 24 and Allen Meyer 39 s Commitment Questionnaire. The result of the t independent test showed that there was a relationship between clinical instructure rsquo s competence and caring behavior of new nurse p 0,001 0,05 and chi square test showed the clinical instructure rsquo s competence was not relation to new nurse rsquo s commitment p 0,844 . The linear regression test found that personal characteristics of clinical instructure were the most dominant factor in caring behavior. Better coaching and maintenance of good personal caring characteristics needs to be programmed, as well as training and review of clinical instructures should be included in strategic planning and annual workplans. Keywords commitment, clinical instructor competence, caring behavior"