ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan fakta-fakta mengenai dasar-dasar pemeriksaan pabean pada Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai berdasarkan pendekatan manajemen risiko berkaitan dengan kinerja penerimaan bea masuk. Lebih utama lagi terkait penerapan self assessment dalam pemberitahuan impor barang. Objek Penelitian adalah penerimaan bea masuk di Kantor Pelayanan Utama Bea dan Cukai Tipe A Tanjung Priok untuk periode Januari-November 2014. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa penerimaan bea masuk juga dipengaruhi oleh kepatuhan importir. DJBC telah melakukan usahan ekstra (extra effort) untuk menggali potensi penerimaan bea masuk dengan cara menerbitkan surat penetapan. Penerbitan surat penetapan tersebut berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan pabean yang selektif melalui manajemen risiko penjaluran. Sebagai hasilnya terlihat bahwa penerimaan dari jalur merah hasil extra
effort menunjukkan tingkat persentase penerimaan yang lebih besar dari jalur lainnya.
ABSTRACTThis study aim to describe the known facts regarding basics of inspectionat Directorate General Customs and Excise againts import duty revenue. Primarily related application self assessment in a notice of import goods. Object of this study is import duty revenue in Prime Customs Office Tanjung Priok for the period January-November 2014. The result of research shows that import duty revenue affected by compliance of importer. Directorate General Customs and Excise has been doing extra effort to explore the potential import duty by issuing determination letter. It based on the selective inspection risk management through line system. As the result seems that import duty revenue from extra effort the red lines indicates the percentage rate greater than revenue of other lines.;This study aim to describe the known facts regarding basics of
inspectionat Directorate General Customs and Excise againts import duty revenue. Primarily related application self assessment in a notice of import goods. Object of this study is import duty revenue in Prime Customs Office Tanjung Priok for the period January-November 2014. The result of research shows that import duty revenue affected by compliance of importer. Directorate General Customs and Excise has been doing extra effort to explore the potential import duty by issuing determination letter.
It based on the selective inspection risk management through line system.
As the result seems that import duty revenue from extra effort the red lines indicates the percentage rate greater than revenue of other lines.;This study aim to describe the known facts regarding basics of inspectionat Directorate General Customs and Excise againts import duty revenue. Primarily related application self assessment in a notice of import goods. Object of this study is import duty revenue in Prime Customs Office Tanjung Priok for the period January-November 2014. The result of research shows that import duty revenue affected by compliance of importer. Directorate General Customs and Excise has been doing extra effort to explore the potential import duty by issuing determination letter. It based on the selective inspection risk management through line system. As the result seems that import duty revenue from extra effort the red lines indicates the percentage rate greater than revenue of other lines., This study aim to describe the known facts regarding basics of
inspectionat Directorate General Customs and Excise againts import duty revenue. Primarily related application self assessment in a notice of import goods. Object of this study is import duty revenue in Prime Customs Office Tanjung Priok for the period January-November 2014. The result of research shows that import duty revenue affected by compliance of importer. Directorate General Customs and Excise has been doing extra effort to explore the potential import duty by issuing determination letter.
It based on the selective inspection risk management through line system.
As the result seems that import duty revenue from extra effort the red lines indicates the percentage rate greater than revenue of other lines.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015