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F.X. Supartono
"In the framework of the design of Cisadane Cable Stayed Bridge, a wind tunnel testing on scaled model has been conducted lo observe its aerodynamic forces. The wind tunnel which is used for test, was a low speed wind tunnel.
The test results are the coefficient Ci, Cd and Cm. The coefficients can be used lo calculate the load of the structure, the lift Force and the pitching moment. Based on the test results, shape improvement of the proposed bridge deck is also considered."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irawan Tani
"Studying about cable stayed bridge become trend in the last few years. Since the improvement of the material technology and the need of longer bridge so the cable stayed bridge become more important in the last few years.
Since the span become longer, so the structure will become more flexible and external load such are traffic, wind, rain and earthquake become more significant to the structure. When the displacement of the deck will increase, it will make uncomforting for human. Many scientists and engineers try to make a control of cable stayed bridge, so that the response will become safety and good for human comfort also.
In this study we try to simulate the model from experiment to the behavior of the cable stayed bridge itself. We also try to control the response of the structure. This control that we have done must be realistic and easy to use.
In fact with computer simulation we can do such sophisticated control, but the main problem if it's not applicable the control that we use become useless, otherwise it will be dangerous also if we get a result in reality far from out simulation.
So in this study we do simple control to cable stayed bridge, and do some test that could be realistic in the reality. The sag of the cable is big and it will make a non linear effect. We do some analysis of cable stayed bridge in ANSYS 5.5.3 and do control simulation in SIMULINK by catching the static non linear result from ANSYS 5.5.3.
The simulation that we done here to see the effectives of the control in many cases. We can be sure that the control is good if we get a good solution with the control of the structure."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tahapan konstruksi ketika pembangunan jembatan cable-stayed akan berpengaruh terhadap analisis strukturnya. Respon struktur yang dihasilkan ketika analisis dilakukan secara langsung (jembatan utuh) tanpa memperhitungkan tahapan konsturksi akan berbeda dengan analisis sequential sesuai dengan tahapan konstruksinya.
Tulisan ini akan membandingkan hal tersebut. Untuk itu, analisis sequential perlu dilakukan sesuai tahapan konstruksi yang dilakukan. Gaya kabel prategang yang diberikan akan berbeda antara analisis langsung dengan analisis sequential. Gaya tersebut tergantung boundary condition yang ingin dicapai. Gaya dalam kabel prategang, gaya dalam momen lentur gelagar serta gaya dalam momen lentur pylon berubah-ubah setiap tahapan konstruksinya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat perbedaan respon struktur yang dihasilkan oleh analisis langsung dan analisis sequential. Perbedaan ini memiliki nilai maksimum sebesar 19,15% untuk gaya penarikan kabel, 3,27% untuk gaya dalam kabel pada saat jembatan utuh, dan 163,04% untuk gaya dalam momen lentur gelagar.

Applied construction stages in cable-stayed bridge construction will affect its structure analysis. The resulting structural response when the analysis is done by direct analysis (full structure) without considering the staging will be different with sequential analysis prior to its construction stage.
This paper will compare the result. Therefore, the analysis needs to be carried out according to the given sequential stages. Applied cable pretension forces will be different between direct and sequential analysis. The pretension forces depend on the boundary conditions need to be fulfilled. Cable's internal tension forces, girder's and pylon's bending moment change in every phase in construction stage.
The results show that there are differences between direct and sequential analysis. The differences have maximum value 19,15% for cable’s pretension force, 3,27% for cable's internal tension force when the member of the bridge is full, and 163,04% for bending moment at girder.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afdol Pranata
"[Tulisan ini membahas perilaku struktur jembatan cable stayed dengan studi kasus A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridge. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini yaitu mengevaluasi dan membandingkan perilaku struktur pada saat konstruksi (analisa sequential) dengan analisa struktur jembatan utuh (analisa langsung). Adapun hasil yang diperoleh yaitu gaya dalam kabel pada saat konstruksi, gaya dalam gelagar, tegangan pada masing-masing elemen dan lendutan yang terjadi pada gelagar jembatan. Metode analisa yang digunakan pada saat konstruksi yaitu forward assemblage analysis. Pada saat konstruksi nilai gaya dalam dan lendutan pada gelagar akan berubah menurut tahapannya. Respon struktur juga akan berbeda pada saat konstruksi dengan analisa langsung sehingga masing-masing analisa perlu diperhatikan.

This article discusses the behavior of cable stayed bridge structures with case studies A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridges. The results will be obtained in this study is to evaluated and compare the behavior of structure during construction (sequential analysis) with intact structure analysis (direct analysis). As for the result to be obtained by force in the cable at the time of construction, the style of the girder, stresses and deflections which occur on the bridge girder. The analytical methods used at the time of construction is forward assemblage analysis. At the time of construction, value of the force and deflection in the girder will chance according stages constructions. The respon structure will also be different at the time of construction with direct analysis so that each analysis need to be considred.;This article discusses the behavior of cable stayed bridge structures with case studies A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridges. The results will be obtained in this study is to evaluated and compare the behavior of structure during construction (sequential analysis) with intact structure analysis (direct analysis). As for the result to be obtained by force in the cable at the time of construction, the style of the girder, stresses and deflections which occur on the bridge girder. The analytical methods used at the time of construction is forward assemblage analysis. At the time of construction, value of the force and deflection in the girder will chance according stages constructions. The respon structure will also be different at the time of construction with direct analysis so that each analysis need to be considred, This article discusses the behavior of cable stayed bridge structures with case studies A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridges. The results will be obtained in this study is to evaluated and compare the behavior of structure during construction (sequential analysis) with intact structure analysis (direct analysis). As for the result to be obtained by force in the cable at the time of construction, the style of the girder, stresses and deflections which occur on the bridge girder. The analytical methods used at the time of construction is forward assemblage analysis. At the time of construction, value of the force and deflection in the girder will chance according stages constructions. The respon structure will also be different at the time of construction with direct analysis so that each analysis need to be considred]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oby Robini
Jembatan merupakan salah satu struktur bangunan yang memegang peranan penting dalam sistem transportasi. Kerap kali kasus keruntuhan jembatan di Indonesia terjadi karena lemahnya pemantuan dan pemeliharaan jembatan pada masa layannya. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu sistem pintar pada jembatan yang terdiri dari sensor-sensor dan mikrokontroler untuk memudahkan pemantauan respon struktur jembatan secara real time. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada permodelan dan pengujian subjek jembatan model rangka baja skalatis dengan melakukan beberapa tahapan analisis yakni: mengetahui parameter respon jembatan model terkait uji statik dan dinamik, membandingkan hasil pengujian dengan modelisasi program SAP2000. Respon struktur terhadap beban statik dilakukan untuk mengetahui parameter lendutan pada jembatan model. Analisis terhadap respon dinamik dilakukan dengan memberikan eksitasi pada jembatan model sehingga struktur bergetar bebas yang direkam oleh sensor accelerometer dan diolah bahasa pemrograman python. Perbandingan antara parameter statik maupun dinamik hasil modelisasi dengan eksperimen menunjukkan hasil identik. Persentase perbandingan hasil permodelan SAP2000 dengan eksperimen pada jembatan model untuk nilai lendutan adalah sebesar 5,79 , sedangkan untuk nilai frekuensi alami struktur yang didapatkan perbandingan sebesar 8,56 . Pada percobaan simulasi penurunan kekakuan jembatan, sistem dapat mendeteksi adanya perubahan nilai frekuensi alami yang dapat dikorelasikan dengan teori dinamika struktur.

Bridge is one of the building structures that play an important role in the transportation system. Often the case of collapse of bridges in Indonesia occurs due to weak monitoring and maintenance of bridges in the service period. For that we need a smart system on the bridge consisting of sensors and microcontroller to facilitate the monitoring of the response of the bridge structure in real time. This research is focused on modeling and testing of skeletal steel frame bridge model subjects by performing several stages of analysis that is knowing the parameter of bridge response model related to static and dynamic test, compare the test result with SAP2000 program modeling. The structural response to the static load is performed to determine the displacement parameters on the model bridge. The analysis of the dynamic response is done by giving the excitation on the model bridge so that the free vibrating structure is recorded by the accelerometer sensor and python programming language is processed. Comparisons between static and dynamic parameters modeled by experiments show identical results. The percentage of comparison of SAP2000 model result with experiment on bridge model for displacment value is 5,79 , while for natural frequency value of structure got comparison equal to 8,56 . In the simulation experiments of the decrease in bridge stiffness, the system can detect any changes in natural frequency values that can be correlated with structural dynamics theory."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1999
R 624.2 BRI
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Thomas Telford, 1999
624.5 CAB (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pollalis, Spiro N.
Cambridge, UK: MIT Press, 1999
624.2 POL w (2);624.2 POL w (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kaisha Tamara
Jalan Tol Cikampek-Padalarang Cipularang membentang pada tebing curam dengan stratifikasi tanah lempung serpih yang memiliki kuat geser tanah rendah pada lerengnya. Pusjatan melampirkan data bahwa pada 23 Desember 2016 tiang P2 Jalan Tol Cipularang mengalami pergeseran hingga 57,02 cm. Pergeseran ini diduga terjadi akibat tanah lempung serpih yang berinteraksi langsung dengan air dari sungai Cisomang. Pergeseran tiang P2 mengindikasikan terjadinya pergeseran struktur pondasi Jembatan Cisomang sedalam 22 m secara lateral yang lebih besar dari penurunan aksial. Untuk itu, dilakukan studi dengan metode analisis balik dalam menentukan pengaruh perkuatan pondasi berupa borepile untuk menentukan pengaruh borepile kepada pergeseran lateral lempung serpih dibantu dengan perangkat lunak PLAXIS dalam menyimulasikan perilaku tanah. Penelitian ini mengajukan kedalaman borepile 35 m dan 60 m sebagai perkuatan pondasi eksisting. Disamping kontribusinya dalam mengurangi pergeseran lateral mencapai 33-68, perkuatan ini memotong bidang gelincir dari lereng Cipulareng dan meningkatkan faktor keamanan FK sebesar 4.7-16.

Cisomang bridge is one of the bridges connecting Jakarta and Bandung through Cikampek Padalarang Cipularang Highway. The Road and Bridge 39s Research and Development Center PUSJATAN presents data that on December 23rd, 2016 Pier P2 of Cipularang Highway is shifted for 57,02 cm. This movement is suspected occurred due to decreasing of clayshale 39 s shear strength caused by Cisomang River 39 s seepage. Pier P2 movement indicates more massive lateral displacement of Cisomang Bridge 39 s foundation for 22 m depth than its settlement. Accordingly, we study trough back analysis method for determining the impact of bore pile to lateral displacement on clayshale using PLAXIS to simulate the behavior of soil. This research proposes 35 m and 60 m depth bore pile to be a foundation reinforcement. Aside from its contribution on decreasing lateral displacement of existing foundation up to 33 68 , this reinforcement cut the slip surface of Cipularang slope and increase its safety factor SF for 4.7 16."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wanda Heryudiasari
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk membandingkan keefektifan perilaku jembatan i girder dengan u girder akibat pembebanan yang terjadi pada struktur atas jembatan. Jembatan girder dengan panjang 36,6 meter dibebani oleh beberapa pembebanan yaitu berat sendiri, beban mati tambahan, beban lajur ?D?, beban angin, beban rem, temperatur, dan beban gempa. Jembatan menggunakan beton prategang yang mempunyai kabel prategang pada setiap girdernya. Variasi analisis jembatan pada setiap kondisi awal, kondisi kosong, kondisi akhir 1, dan kondisi akhir 2 menghasilkan nilai lendutan, tegangan, gaya dalam, kehilangan prategang, dan volume pekerjaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jembatan u girder mempunyai tingkat keefektifan yang lebih tinggi daripada jembatan i girder pada hasil perbandingan lendutan, tegangan, dan gaya dalam. Tetapi, volume pekerjaan pada jembatan u girder lebih besar daripada jembatan i girder dengan perbandingan volume adalah 9,86%.

The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of behavior of i girder bridge with u girder due to loading that occurs on top of the bridge structure. Girder bridge with a length of 36.6 meters which is burdened by a dead load, superimposed dead load, lane ?D? load, wind load, load brakes, temperature, and seismic loads. Prestressed concrete bridge using prestressed cable having at each girder. Variation analysis of the bridge at the beginning of each condition, empty condition, final condition 1 and condition 2 yields the value displacement, stress, internal force, loss of prestressed, and volume of works. The results showed u girder bridges have a higher level of effectiveness than i girder bridge of the results of the comparison displacement, stress, and internal force. However, the cost of construction on the u girder bridge is greater than the i girder bridge with comparison volume is 9,86%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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