"Sebuah konstruksi timbunan badan jalan mengalami kelongsoran, dan kemungkinan penyebab kelongsoran harus dievaluasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi parametrik faktor -faktor
yang mempunyai kontribusi pada kelongsoran. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan piranti lunak metode elemen hingga untuk geoteknik Plaxis versi 8.1. Empat (4) hipotesis dasar diambil dalam studi parametrik ini, yaitu kelongsoran tanah lempung-lanau kaki timbunan, perubahan derajat kelapukan permukaan batulempung, kualitas konstruksi tanah timbunan, dan kegagalam sistem subdrain di dalam badan timbunan. Tujuh (7) kasus kemudian dianalisis, dan berdasarkan faktor keamanan serta bentuk dan lokasi bidang gelincir yang diperoleh, diperkirakan kelongsoran terjadi karena permukaan
batulempung berada dalam kondisi lapuk kuat. Sedang faktor lainnya
merupakan kontributor minor terhadap kelongsoran.
AbstractA road embankment failed after construction, and the probable cause of the failure needed to be evaluated. The approach was to conduct a parametric study on the possible contributing factors to the failure.
The evaluation was to be conducted using geotechnical finite element software Plaxis versi on 8.1.Four (4) basic hypotheses were proposed, namely a failure of the embankment toe, a change in the degree of weathering of the claystone geomaterial, a low quality embankment construction , and failure in the the subdrain system underlying the embankment. Subsequently, seven (7) cases were analyzed, and
based on the factor of safety and the slip surface?s shape
and location, it was concluded that the failure must have been due to
the highly weathered claystone geomaterial. The other factors were believed to have less significant effects. "
[Fakultas Teknik UI, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia], 2009