ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas face negotiation yang terjadi antara generasi muda Batak
sebagai keturunan perantau dengan generasi tua dalam usaha mempertahankan
identitas budaya asal. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori face negotiation untuk
membahas bagaimana konsep muka menyertai dua budaya berbeda dalam
mengendalikan terjadinya konflik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan
paradigma konstruktivis, pendekatan kualitatif, menggunakan metode etnografi.
Subjek penelitian dipilih melalui strategi purposive. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
berdasarkan pembagian cluster dalam teori face negotiation dapat digambarkan
face orientation generasi muda Batak adalah both/mutual face, face movement
yang diterapkan adalah jenis mutual face protection moves, face interaction
strategis adalah mengedepankan high context, gaya konflik komunikasi yang
sering terjadi adalah compromising, dan face content domain adalah reliability
face yang mengedepankan kepercayaan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis studies about face negotiation between Bataknese young generation
which are part of migrant generation in Jakarta and their parents to maintain
ethnic identity of host culture. This studies used face negotiation theory to explain
about face concept between two different culture in maintain conflict. This studies
used constructivism paradigm, qualitative approach, and ethnography method.
Subject in this studies are choosen by purposive sampling by criteria. The result of
this studies shows that based on cluster of face negotiation theory, face orientation
of bataknese young generation is both/mutual face, and also used other face
upgrading moves of face movement criteria. The face interaction strategies is
prior to high context, compromising is conflict communication style prefered, and
face content domain is reliability face, This thesis studies about face negotiation between Bataknese young generation
which are part of migrant generation in Jakarta and their parents to maintain
ethnic identity of host culture. This studies used face negotiation theory to explain
about face concept between two different culture in maintain conflict. This studies
used constructivism paradigm, qualitative approach, and ethnography method.
Subject in this studies are choosen by purposive sampling by criteria. The result of
this studies shows that based on cluster of face negotiation theory, face orientation
of bataknese young generation is both/mutual face, and also used other face
upgrading moves of face movement criteria. The face interaction strategies is
prior to high context, compromising is conflict communication style prefered, and
face content domain is reliability face]"