"The change of state leadership/succession can be normally/conventionally and abnormally/non-conventionally. Normally, succession according to applicable law procedure (constitutional). While on the contrary of succession happened midway of necessity or unconventional.
Commutation of government from Orde Baru by Soeharto power to BJ Habibie instead September 21st 1998 has done abnormally, its happened by mass disturbances effect of May 1998 to be political violence so that induce to leadership of state terminating Orde Baru era.
Mass disturbances and political hardness May 1998 believed by the existence interference abroad which handling the important things of monetary area and together with movement domestic country with demonstration of student assisted by element of society wishing the happening of reformation from socio-political condition of Indonesia as before Orde Baru 32 years, going to new era of Indonesian living (reformation era) overseas interference in fact didn't too ugly as a result, if economic fundamental of Indonesia was strong. Economic fundamental of Indonesia was weak for example overseas debt, Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) added by case of Aid of Licuiditas of Indonesia Bank (BLBI). BLBI equal to Rp 144,5 trillion came out July-December 1997 by Indonesia Bank to make healthy national banking, but a lot to be credit stuck, so that when monetary crisis knock over Indonesia, economics of Indonesia was broken.
Succession of Leadership of Indonesia which non-conventional was very disturb to national resilience of Indonesia because outside planning, happened was very sudden so that disturb to economic activity, national development and security stability."