ABSTRAKBayi-bayi yang lahir dengan berat badan rendah (BBLR) memiliki risiko untuk
mengalami hambatan pada tumbuh kembangnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengidentifikasi pengaruh edukasi developmental care terhadap pengetahuan,
motivasi dan kepuasan perawat dalam merawat BBLR. Desain penelitian ini
menggunakan eksperimen kuasi dengan pre dan post test tanpa kelompok kontrol,
dengan 20 responden perawat anak di Rumah Sakit Husada Jakarta. Hasilnya
menunjukkan ada peningkatan yang signifikan pada tingkat pengetahuan dan motivasi
perawat (p value = 0,001); sedangkan pada tingkat kepuasan perawat tidak
menunjukkan hasil yang bermakna (p value = 0,083). Edukasi developmental care
efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan motivasi perawat dalam merawat bayi
berat lahir rendah. Peneliti merekomendasikan penelitian selanjutnya untuk
menggunakan sampel yang lebih banyak dan menggunakan desain penelitian lainnya
seperti eksperimen kuasi pre dan post test dengan kelompok kontrol.
ABSTRACTBabies are born with low birth weight (LBW) are at risk for experiencing barriers to
growth. This study aimed to identify the influence of education. Developmental care of
the knowledge, motivation and satisfaction of nurses in the care of LBW. This design
used a quasi-experimental study with pre and post test without a control group, with 20
respondents carers in Husada Hospital Jakarta. The results showed significant increase
in the level of knowledge and motivation of nurses (p value = 0.001); whereas the level
of satisfaction of nurses did not show significant results (p value = 0,083). Educational
developmental care is effective in improving the knowledge and motivation of nurses
in caring for low birth weight infants. The researchers recommend further research to
use more samples, so they can use other designs such as a quasi-experimental study
with pre and post test and control group.;Babies are born with low birth weight (LBW) are at risk for experiencing barriers to
growth. This study aimed to identify the influence of education. Developmental care of
the knowledge, motivation and satisfaction of nurses in the care of LBW. This design
used a quasi-experimental study with pre and post test without a control group, with 20
respondents carers in Husada Hospital Jakarta. The results showed significant increase
in the level of knowledge and motivation of nurses (p value = 0.001); whereas the level
of satisfaction of nurses did not show significant results (p value = 0,083). Educational
developmental care is effective in improving the knowledge and motivation of nurses
in caring for low birth weight infants. The researchers recommend further research to
use more samples, so they can use other designs such as a quasi-experimental study
with pre and post test and control group.;Babies are born with low birth weight (LBW) are at risk for experiencing barriers to
growth. This study aimed to identify the influence of education. Developmental care of
the knowledge, motivation and satisfaction of nurses in the care of LBW. This design
used a quasi-experimental study with pre and post test without a control group, with 20
respondents carers in Husada Hospital Jakarta. The results showed significant increase
in the level of knowledge and motivation of nurses (p value = 0.001); whereas the level
of satisfaction of nurses did not show significant results (p value = 0,083). Educational
developmental care is effective in improving the knowledge and motivation of nurses
in caring for low birth weight infants. The researchers recommend further research to
use more samples, so they can use other designs such as a quasi-experimental study
with pre and post test and control group., Babies are born with low birth weight (LBW) are at risk for experiencing barriers to
growth. This study aimed to identify the influence of education. Developmental care of
the knowledge, motivation and satisfaction of nurses in the care of LBW. This design
used a quasi-experimental study with pre and post test without a control group, with 20
respondents carers in Husada Hospital Jakarta. The results showed significant increase
in the level of knowledge and motivation of nurses (p value = 0.001); whereas the level
of satisfaction of nurses did not show significant results (p value = 0,083). Educational
developmental care is effective in improving the knowledge and motivation of nurses
in caring for low birth weight infants. The researchers recommend further research to
use more samples, so they can use other designs such as a quasi-experimental study
with pre and post test and control group.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014