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Ria Andriani
"Ibu yang memiliki bayi prematur dihadapkan pada rasa takut, stres dan kecemasan yang bisa mengganggu hubungan antara ibu dan bayinya. Studi fenomenologi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengalaman ibu yang memiliki bayi prematur. Penelitian ini mengikutsertakan 8 partisipan yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi enam tema utama: (1) Gambaran bayi prematur, (2) Penyebab kelahiran bayi prematur, (3) Respon ibu terhadap kelahiran prematur, (4) Kemampuan melakukan perawatan bayi prematur di rumah, (5) Dukungan dalam merawat bayi prematur, (6) Harapan untuk mendapatkan Pelayanan Kesehatan yang baik. Rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan tenaga kesehatan dapat mengidentifikasi kebutuhan ibu dalam merawat bayi prematur di rumah.

Mothers of premature babies faced with the fear, stress and anxiety. This conditions can interfere with the relationship between mother and baby. Phenomenological study aims to know, how the mothers experiences treating premature infants. There are 8 Participants were taken with a purposive sampling involved in this study. The study identified six major themes: (1) Overview of premature infants, (2) Causes of preterm birth, (3) Mother?s response of preterm birth, (4) Ability to care of premature infants at home,(5) Support in caring for premature babies, (6) Hope to get good health care. Recommendations from this research are expected to identify the health needs of mothers in caring for premature babies at home."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Omo Sutomo
"Dewasa ini di Indonesia ada sekitar 19 % bayi lahir dengan berat lahir rendah kurang dari 2500 gram. BBLR merupakan salah satu faktor penting kematian neonatal dan juga sebagai determinan yang cukup bermakna bagi kematian bayi dan balita. Penyumbang kematian BBLR adalah prematuxitas, infeksi, asfiksia lahir, hipotermia dan pemberian ASI yang kurang adekuat.
BBLR di Kabupaten Bogor memberi sumbangan atas kejadian kematian bayi sementara informasi secara mendalam mengenai perilalcu ibu-ibu dalam merawat BBLR belum diperoleh. Karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalan ingin memperoleh informasi secara rnendalam perilaku ibu-ibu dalam merawat BBLR di Kabupaten Bogor tahun 2002. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, dengan alat pengumpul data berupa pedoman wawancara mendalam dan fokus group diskusi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan terhadap 15 informan kunci dan 43 ibu BBLR Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah analisis isi (content analysis).
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa karakteristik sosio demografi informan bervariasi dalam hal umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan jumlah anak. Pengetahuan ibu BBLR tentang perawatan BBLR rendah, hampir seluruh ibu BBLR setuju terhadap bayi yang dihangatkan dengan botol berisi air panas. Sebagian besar tidak setuju terhadap bayi yang didekapkan ke dada ibunya (Metode Kanguru) dan tidak setuju terhadap bayi yang diberikan makanan (pisang) terlalu dini. Hampir seluruh ibu BBLR tidak setuju terhadap perawatan tali pusat yang tidak higienes (diberi abu gosok). Namun demikian masih ada yang membubuhi tali pusat dengan abu kayu bakar, asam dicampur air. Ibu BBLR setuju terhadap upaya pencegahan penyakit. Dikalangan ibu BBLR masih ditemukan kepercayaan membawa anaknya keluar harus setelah 40 hari. Sebagian besar ibu BBLR menggunakan cara lama atau tardisional dalam mencegah dan menangani hipotermia. Pada umumnya ibu BBLR memberikan kolostrum pada bayinya, namun demikian sebelum ASI keluar bayi diberikan air atau madu. ASI mulai diberikan paling banyak pada hari ke dua, dan mereka menyusui bayinya sampai 2 tahun. Sebagian besar ibu muda/baru menikah tidak melakukan perawatan tali pusatnya, tetapi oleh dukun atau orang tuanya dan petugas kesehatan. Tali pusat dirawat menggunakan alkohol atau betadin. Pada umumnya ibu BBLR membawa bayinya yang sakit ke petugas kesehatan dan selebihnya mengobati sendiri dengan ramuan, membeli obat di warung atau toko obat, rninum obat untuk bayi yang sakit, dan membawanya ke dukun. Alat dan bahan yang digunakan untuk merawat BBLR tidak sulit didapat. Beberapa faktor penghambat adalah masih adanya kepercayaan, ketidaktahuan ibu, pengaruh otang tua dan dukun, serta faktor ekonomi. Sementara faktor pendukung adalah ibu berpengalaman dalam merawat bayi serta adanya. dukungan keluarga dalam merawat bayi.
Beberapa saran diajukan 1) Depkes R1 dapat mengembangkan prototife atau model media tentang perawatan BBLR. 2) Dinkes Bogor menindaklanjuti pembuatan media dengan menggunakan bahasa dan budaya lokal, pelatihan bagi pengelola program kesehatan ibu dan anak tingkat kabupaten dan tingkat Puskesmas tentang manajemen laktasi dan Perawatan Bayi Lekat serta monitoring dari bidan koordinator kabupaten terhadap bidan puskesmas. 3) Puskesmas Citemeup, Leuwiliang dan Jasinga, perlu adanya monitoring dari kordinator bidan Puskesmas terhadap bidan di desa, bidan di desa memberi contoh kepada dukun bayi cara mencegah hipotermia, Perawatan Bayi Lekat dan ASI eksklusif serta perlunya pendidikan kesehatan bagi ibu-ibu hamil tentang cara mencegah hipotermia, Perawtan Bayi Lekat dan ASI eksklusif di Puskesmas, Posyandu maupun Kelompok Peminat Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak.

Recently, in Indonesia there are about 19 % babies have low birth weight with less than 2500 gram. Low birth weight (LBW) is one of important factor in neonatal mortality and also as determinant factor for infant and babies under tive mortality. The main causation of mortality in low birth weight is pre-term delivery, infection, asphyxia, hypothermia and inadequate breast feeding.
In Bogor, LBW is one of baby mortality factor, while detail information about women?s behavior in caring their babies not found yet. Because of willing to know detail information of women?s behavior in taking care LBW in Bogor in 2002, so that the type of the research is qualitative rsearch, collected data by using indepth interview and discussion group focus. Collecting the data is conducted to 15 key informants and 43 women whose LBW. To analyze the data, it is used content analysis.
Based on the research, there is some sociodemography characteristic of informants in age, education, occupation, number of children, babies birth weight and care givers. Women?s knowlegde in caring LBW is low, most of them agree in waming the baby with hot water. Some of them do not agree in Kangaroo Mother Care in their breast and do not agree in giving feed banana in early. Almost all of mowen do not agree toward unhygienic placenta care. Otherwise, there is some women mix placenta with ash, and mix with tamarind water. LBW women agree in preventing the diseases. There is still a belief in women having LBW that they may take their babies out of home alter 40 days of delivery. Some of them apply traditional method in preventing hypothermia Commonly, they give eolostrum to their babies but previously giving them water or honey before breast out in the first time. Most of them give breast feeding to their baby in the second day, and give it until 2 years. Most of young women do not give placenta care, as their parents or traditional midwife do. Using bethadine or alcohol to clean the placenta Generally, women having LBW take their unhealthy baby to the hospital but some of them self-curing by their own made medicine, buy the generic medicine in the shop, even take them to traditional midwife. Ingredient for medicine is not difficult to find. Some of the LBW obstacles are traditional belief, lack of knowledge, parent and traditional midwife influence, and economical problem. While the effort factor are experienced women and family support in caring the baby.
Some suggestions are recommended, namely : (1) Health Department of Rl can develop prototype or media model for LBW care. (2) Health Instance of Bogor can follow up making media by using local language and culture, training of location management and Kangoroo Mother Care for conductor of women and baby health in district level and Health Center and also monitoring of midwife coordinator to midwife to midwife in district. (3) In Citeureup, Leuwiliang, and Jasinga Health Center, monitoring of midwife coordinator to midwife in the village is needed, how they give demontration to traditional midwife, how to prevent hypotennia, Kangoroo Mother Care and exclusive breast feeding. Furthennore, giving health education for pregnant women in preventing hypoterrnia, kangoroo mother care and giving exclusive breast feeding in Health Center, integrated service post or group of women and baby health lover."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muthia Mutmainnah
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya pengetahuan, kepercayaan diri ibu dan perawatan bayi pada tahun pertama kehidupannya. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan desain kuasi eksperimen, dengan pendekatan pre dan post test dengan kelompok kontrol. Penelitian yang melibatkan 58 orang ibu primipara dengan persalinan normal ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektifitas pendidikan kesehatan dengan Metode Ceramah Plus Demonstrasi dan Latihan (CPDL) dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu primipara merawat bayi. Pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode CPDL ini didasari oleh teori belajar dari Bandura, kerucut pembelajaran (cone of learning), teori behavioristik dan teori humanistic. Pendidikan kesehatan diberikan pada hari kedua dan ketiga post partum selama 45-60 menit dengan materi menyusui, memandikan bayi, dan memberikan stimulasi. Evaluasi terhadap pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu merawat bayi dilakukan satu bulan setelah intervensi dilakukan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan. pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode CPDL cukup efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu dalam merawat bayi, meliputi: menyusui (p =0,00), memandikan bayi (p=0,05) dan memberikan stimulasi (p=0,00). Perilaku menyusui (p=0,03), memandikan (p=0,05), memberikan stimulasi (p=0,00). Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan untuk perawat yang bekerja dalam area keperawatan maternitas untuk dapat menyiapkan pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode CPDL ini dengan tetap memperhatikan kesiapan fisik dan psikologis ibu post partum. Sehubungan dengan waktu kepulangan yang semakin singkat (48 - 72 jam) post partum pada persalinan normal, penelitian ini menyarankan agar pendidikan perawatan bayi telah diperkenalkan sejak masa prenatal.

This research was considering the important of improvement mother's knowledge and self confidence of primipara in caring their infant on the first year of his life. This research design was quation experiment, pre-test and post-test with control group. The study involves 58 primiparas was normal delivery which purpose to examine the effectiveness of health education with CPDL method in improving mother's knowledge and behavior of primipara in caring their infant. Health Education with CPDL method was based on learning theory from Bandura, Cone of learning, Behavioral and Humanistic theory. The intervention was done on the second and third day of post partum during 45 - 60 minutes about breastfeeding, bathing baby, and stimulating for growth and development. Before intervention was provided, pre test was done of mother's knowledge about breastfeeding, bathing baby and stimulating, while evaluation of mother's knowledge and behavior in caring their infant was done for 1 month after intervention was done. The finding of this study indicate that health education with CPDL method was effective in improving mother's knowledge in caring their infant, breastfeeding (p=0,00), bathing baby (p=0,05) and stimulating (p=0,00). Mother's behavior in caring their infant of breastfeeding (p=0,03), baby bathing (p=0,05), stimulating (p=0,00). This research result suggests for maternity nurse to prepare health education with CPDL method without neglecting readiness of mother's physical and psychological of post partum. This health education integrated in nursing care during 24 hours. Referring to go home time which shorten progressively (48 - 72 hours) of partum post, this research also suggest that information about infant care had been provided since prenatal."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Gizi adalah faktor penting yang berperan dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita. Gangguan gizi pada balita mengakibatkan penurunan kecerdasan, terhambatnya pertumbuhan, perkembangan motorik, perkembangan mental dan meningkatnya angka kesakitan, kematian balita. Masalah gizi balita salah satunya disebabkan kurangnya pengetahuan ibu sehingga pengetahuan gizi sangat penting agar asupan gizi balita diberikan sesuai kebutuhan. Diperlukan pendidikan kesehatan mengenai gizi balita. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan ibu dalam memberikan asupan gizi balita di Indralaya Ogan Ilir. Penelitian ini, Quasi Experimental " Non-randomized Control Group Pretes-Postest Design" Populasinya adalah ibu-ibu balita di Kecamatan Indralaya, Desa Tebing Gerinting, Tanjung Seteko, dan Tanjung Agas. Jumlah sampel penelitian ini 120 orang, 40 orang kelompok intervensi 1 (buku panduan, penyuluhan), 41 orang kelompok intervensi 2 (buku panduan, penyuluhan dan kunjungan rumah) dan 39 orang kelompok kontrol (buku panduan). Pengambilan sampel dengan cara cluster sampling. Hasil uji homogenitas responden usia dan pendidikan (P<0,05) sedangkan pekerjaan dan pengeluaran RT (P ≥ 0,05). Analisis pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan ibu memberikan asupan gizi balita menggunakan uji beda lebih dan dua mean (Anova), menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna peningkatan kemampuan ibu antara kelompok intervensi 1, kelompok intervensi 2 dan kelompok kontrol dengan (P=0,0001) pada asupan gizi juga menunjukkan perbedaan peningkatan asupan gizi yang bermakna antara kelompok intervensi 1, intervensi 2 dan kelompok kontrol (P=0,0001) untuk status gizi balita belum dapat dievaluasi perubahannya karena keterbatasan waktu penelitian. Hubungan karakteristik ibu (usia, pendidikan, pekerjaan dan pengeluaran RT) intervensi 1, intervensi 2 dengan peningkatan pengetahuan dan perilaku menggunakan uji Regresi linear ganda menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh karakteristik ibu terhadap peningkatan kemampuan ibu tetapi hanya dipengaruhi oleh intervensi 1 dan intervensi 2. Implikasi dari penelitian ini pendidikan kesehatan dengan menggunakan buku panduan, penyuluhan dan kunjungan rumah dapat diterapkan asuhan keperawatan keluarga dan masyarakat.
Nutrition is an important factor which helps growth and development of child under five years old. Nutrition disturbance under five years old decreases intelligence, growth pursue, motoric development and increases illness and death among under five years old children. This problem nutrition under five years old is one of mother's less knowledge about nutrition under five years old, in order nutrition intake under five years old is gave according to health education of nutrition under five years old. This research purpose to explain the effect of health education for increasing mother's ability in giving nutrition intake under five years old at Indralaya district, Ogan Ilir regency. This research used Quation Experimental "Non-randomized Control Group Pretest-Postest Design". Population in this research is mothers who have under five years old children at Indralaya district, Desa Tebing Gerinting, Tanjung Seteko and Tanjung Agas. Amount of these samples in this research are 120 people, 40 people are intervention group 1 (guidance book, instruction), 4I people are intervention group 2 (guidance book, instruction, and home visit), and 39 people are control group (guidance book). Samples are taken by cluster sampling. Test result of respondent homogeneous according to age and education (P<0,05), according to job and home expenses (P>0,05). Analyzing the influence of health education for increasing mother's ability in giving nutrition intake under five years old used different test over two means (Anova), indicate meaning different of increasing mother's ability between intervention group 1, intervention group 2 and control group (P=0,0001), nutrition intakes also indicate meaning different of increasing nutrition intake between intervention group 1, intervention group 2 and control group (P-0,0001), nutrition status under five years old can not be evaluated its change yet because research time is short. Relation of mother's characteristic (according to age, education, job and home expenses), intervention 1, intervention 2 by increasing knowledge and behavior used Double Linear Regression test, indicate there are not effect for mother's characteristic in increasing mother's ability, but there are only effected by intervention I and intervention 2. This research Implication of health education by using guidance book, instruction and home visit can be applied nursing guidance for family and community."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Lestari Handayani
"Wanita hamil sering (25%-45%) menjadi korban kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh suaminya, padahal dukungan sosial dari suami sangat dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan ibu beradaptasi pada masa post partum dan melakukan interaksi ibu-bayi secara adekuat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh kekerasan fisik, psikologis, ekonomi, dan seksual selama kehamilan terhadap interaksi ibu-bayi selama periode post partum awal. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain kasus kontrol. Populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu post partum normal dengan persalinan spontan pervaginam tanpa komplikasi dan bayi sehat yang di rawat di RSUD Koja Jakarta, dan RSVP Fatmawati. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 orang ibu post partum yang terdiri dari 50 orang kelompok kasus yang mengalami gangguan interaksi dan kelompok kontrol yang tidak mengalami gangguan interaksi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan lembar observasi untuk mengidentifikasi interaksi ibu-bayi selama tiga bari, dan pada hari ketiga post partum ibu diberi kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi pengalaman kekerasan fisik, psikologis, ekonomi dan seksual yang dialami selama hamil. Pegujian pengaruh kekerasan dengan interaksi ibu-bayi dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil analisis pada a 5% diperoleh tidak ada pengaruh kekerasan fisik, psikologi, ekonomi dan seksual selama kehamilan terhadap interaksi ibu-bayi selama periode post partum. Variabel confounding lama perkawinan, paritas dan perencanaan kehamilan juga tidak mempengaruhi interaksi ibubayi. Disarankan kepada perawat untuk melakukan pengkajian tentang pengalaman kekerasan kepada ibu selama masa perinatal dan selalu mendorong interaksi ibu-bayi seawal mungkin.

Pregnant women are vulnerable to violence victim by her husband (25%-45%), however, family support is highly needed for her in order to increase mother's ability in adapting in new inexperienced situation, which is the post partum period, therefore they can perform mother-baby relation adequately. The goals of this research are to analyze the influence of physical, psychological, economy, and sexual violence during pregnancy to the mother-baby interaction in the early post partum period. Sample used for this research are 100 post partum mothers, whom consist of two groups. The cases group is 50 mothers whose have adequacy interaction and the control group is 50 mothers whose have adequacy interaction. The data obtained using observation sheet that identified mother-baby interaction for three days, at the end of the observation day, mothers are given other questionnaire to identify physical, psychological, economical, and sexual violence experienced during pregnancy. The relation between violence during pregnancy and mother-baby interaction is using Chi Square Test. The results with a value 5% is there is no relation between physical, psychological, economical, and sexual violence experienced during pregnancy to the mother-baby interaction in the early post partum period. Confounding variables are length of marital status, parity status, and pregnancy management also doesn't have relation with the mother-baby interaction. It is suggested for the nurses always to assess prenatal mother violence experienced and always to promote mother-baby interaction as early as possible."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masturoh Widuri Sinta
"[Upaya peningkatan pemberian ASI Eksklusif masih terus dilakukan. Kondisi ini yang mendasari dilakukannya penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengalaman menyusui ibu multipara. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain deskriptif melalui pendekatan cross-sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 107 responden menggunakan Breastfeeding Study Questionnaire yang sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Hasil uji coba pada uji validitas didapatkan 35 pertanyaan bernilai valid sedangkan uji reliabilitas didapatkan 13 pertanyaan bernilai reliabel. Hasil penelitian pengalaman menyusui menunjukkan bahwa 88,8% ibu multipara memiliki pengalaman menyusui yang baik. Ibu multipara dengan riwayat menyusui sebelumnya memiliki pengalaman menyusui yang baik. Instrumen penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk survei tentang pengalaman menyusui dan memberikan data yang lebih detil, hanya perlu ditambahkan pertanyaan mengenai menyusui eksklusif.

Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed;Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed;Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed;Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed;Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed, Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masturoh Widuri Sinta
"Upaya peningkatan pemberian ASI Eksklusif masih terus dilakukan. Kondisi ini yang mendasari dilakukannya penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengalaman menyusui ibu multipara. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain deskriptif melalui pendekatan cross-sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 107 responden menggunakan Breastfeeding Study Questionnaire yang sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Hasil uji coba pada uji validitas didapatkan 35 pertanyaan bernilai valid sedangkan uji reliabilitas didapatkan 13 pertanyaan bernilai reliabel. Hasil penelitian pengalaman menyusui menunjukkan bahwa 88,8% ibu multipara memiliki pengalaman menyusui yang baik. Ibu multipara dengan riwayat menyusui sebelumnya memiliki pengalaman menyusui yang baik. Instrumen penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk survei tentang pengalaman menyusui dan memberikan data yang lebih detil, hanya perlu ditambahkan pertanyaan mengenai menyusui eksklusif.

Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novita Ramadhani
"Ibu yang melahirkan bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) cenderung memiliki kepercayaan diri yang rendah. Salah satu intervensi BBLR adalah Perawatan Metode Kanguru (PMK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan self-efficacy ibu dalam menerapkan PMK di Jakarta. Jenis penelitian analitik yang digunakan adalah studi observasi cross-sectional dengan metode pengambilan sampel convenience sampling terhadap 49 responden ibu yang memiliki bayi BBLR. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen pengetahuan ibu mengenai PMK dan instrumen self-efficacy ibu dalam menerapkan PMK. Analisis uji statistik yang digunakan yakni uji korelasi Gamma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan self-efficacy ibu (p value = 0,011 r = 0,732). Peneliti merekomendasikan kepada tenaga kesehatan untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan yang lebih pada ibu yang memiliki BBLR mengenai PMK, terutama waktu yang disarankan untuk melakukan PMK, anggota keluarga lain yang bisa menggantikan ibu melakukan PMK, dan tanda bahaya pada bayi yang mungkin ditemukan saat melakukan PMK.

Mothers who give birth to babies with low birth weight (LBW) tend to have low self-esteem. One of the LBW interventions is the Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). This study aims to identify the relationship between knowledge and mother's self-efficacy in implementing KMC in Jakarta. The type of analytic research used was a cross-sectional observational study with a convenience sampling method of 49 respondents who have LBW babies. The instruments used were the mother's knowledge instrument regarding KMC and the mother's self-efficacy instrument in implementing KMC. The statistical test analysis used is the Gamma correlation test. The results showed that there was a relationship between knowledge and mother's self-efficacy (p value = 0.011 r = 0.732). Researchers recommend that health workers provide more health education to mothers who have LBW regarding KMC, especially when it is recommended to do KMC, other family members who can replace mothers doing KMC, and danger signs in babies that may be found when doing KMC."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Dwi Astuti
"Latar belakang: Keterampilan minum oral merupakan proses yang kompleks dalam perawatan bayi prematur di ruang perawatan intensif neonatus. Peningkatan keterampilan minum oral melibatkan peran serta ibu melalui pembentukan dyadic interaction untuk mengoptimalkan nutrisi bayi prematur Tujuan: Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh Model Intervensi Keperawatan Berfokus Nutrisi terhadap keterampilan minum oral, grafik pertumbuhan bayi prematur, dyadic interaction, dan pengetahuan ibu. Metode: Penelitian mixed methods dengan pendekatan sekuensial eksploratori. Tahap I merupakan studi deskriptif kualitatif eksploratif pada 12 perawat neonatus. Tahap II adalah penyusunan model melalui analisis dan sintesis hasil penelitian tahap I dengan melibatkan tiga pakar. Tahap III adalah validasi model melalui penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Hasil: Teridentifikasi tujuh tema pada penelitian tahap I, yang selanjutnya dijadikan dasar menyusun tiga konsep model pada penelitian tahap II. Tiga konsep model tersebut meliputi: (1) Menciptakan lingkungan terapeutik untuk stimulasi keterampilan minum oral; (2) Membentuk interaksi ibu dengan bayi prematur untuk mengoptimalkan pemberian nutrisi; dan (3) Melibatkan peran serta ibu dan keluarga dalam persiapan perawatan bayi prematur dengan ketidakmampuan minum oral di rumah. Perangkat model yang dihasilkan adalah modul, buku kerja, dan selebaran. Analisis GLM Repeated Measure menunjukkan perbedaan keterampilan minum oral (p value < 0,001), berat badan (p value 0,64), panjang badan (p value 0,72), lingkar kepala (p value 0,28), dyadic interaction (p value < 0,001), pengetahuan ibu (p value < 0,001). Simpulan: Model Intervensi Keperawatan Berfokus Nutrisi efektif meningkatkan keterampilan minum oral, dyadic interaction, pengetahuan ibu, namun belum bermakna terhadap grafik pertumbuhan. Saran: Model Intervensi Keperawatan Berfokus Nutrisi dapat diimplementasikan di ruang perawatan intensif neonatus.

Background: Oral feeding skills are a complex process in the care of premature infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. Improving oral feeding skills involves maternal participation through the formation of dyadic interaction to optimize optimize premature infant nutrition. Objective: The study aimed to analyse the impact of the Nutrition-Focused Nursing Intervention Model on oral feeding skills, growth charts of premature infants, dyadic interaction, and maternal knowledge. Method: This mixed-methods study used a sequential exploratory approach. Stage I was an exploratory descriptive qualitative study involving 12 neonatal nurses. Stage II involved developing a model through analysis and synthesis of the results from Stage I, with input from three experts. Stage III was a model validation through quasi-experimental research. Result: Seven themes were identified in Stage I, which became the basis for developing three model concepts in Stage II. The three model concepts included: (1) Creating a therapeutic environment for stimulating oral feeding skills; (2) Forming interactions between mothers and premature infants to optimize the nutrition; and (3) Involving mothers and families in preparing for the care of premature infants with oral feeding disabilities at home. The resulting model tools included a module, workbook, and leaflet. GLM Repeated Measures analysis showed differences in oral feeding skills (p-value < 0.001), body weight (p-value 0.64), body length (p-value 0.72), head circumference (p-value 0.28), dyadic interaction (p-value < 0.001), and maternal knowledge (p-value < 0.001). Conclusion: The Nutrition-Focused Nursing Intervention Model effectively improved oral feeding skills, dyadic interaction, and maternal knowledge, but did not significantly affect growth charts. Suggestion: The Nutrition-Focused Nursing Intervention Model can be implemented in neonatal intensive care units."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riffa Ismanti
"Malformasi fasial sebagai kondisi cacat bawaan terdiri dari labioskizis, palatoskizis dan labiopalatoskizis. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan pengalaman ibu dalam memberi nutrisi pada anak dengan malformasi fasial. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pemilihan partisipan secara purposive sampling, diikuti oleh 5 partisipan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara mendalam dan catatan lapangan. Analisis data dengan menggunakan langkah-langkah dari Colaizzi. Terdapat 4 tema utama yang teridentifikasi yaitu: kendala dalam pemberian nutrisi, upaya orang tua, pemberian nutrisi, tantangan yang terjadi selama 2 minggu pascaoperasi. Saran yang diajukan untuk meningkatkan penyuluhan mengenai metode dan cara yang tepat dalam pemberian nutrisi pada ibu yang memiliki anak dengan malformasi fasial serta dibentuk sistem pendukung.

Facial malformations as a condition of congenital malformations consisting of labioskizis, palatoskizis and labiopalatoskizis. The goal of research to describe the experience of the mother in giving nutrition in children with facial malformations. This study is a qualitative research with phenomenology approach. Selection of participants by purposive sampling, followed by 5 participants. Data collection techniques by in-depth interviews and field notes. Analysis of data by using the steps of Colaizzi. There are four main themes identified are: the constraints in the provision of nutrition, the efforts of parents, nutrition, challenges that occurred during the 2 weeks postoperatively. Suggestions put forward to improve the extension of the method and the proper way in the provision of nutrition in mothers of children with facial malformations and established support system."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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