ABSTRAKMeningkatnya jumlah penyalahgunaan Narkoba saat ini sudah menjalar hingga sekolah-sekolah dan kampus tanpa memandang tingkatan usia. Khususnya di DKI Jakarta, 20% dari 4 juta pemakai narkoba adalah anak di bawah usia 18 tahun atau remaja yang notabene penerus cikal bakal negeri ini. Bahkan, 3 dari 10 anak di Jakarta terlibat penggunaan narkoba sekaligus terlibat produksi dan distribusinya.
BNN Provinsi DKI Jakarta merupakan lembaga vertikal BNN di wilayah Provinsi DKI Jakarta telah melakukan berbagai macam program pencegahan salah satunya melalui pemeriksaan urin Narkoba di lingkungan sekolah. Pemeriksaan urin narkoba yang dilakukan di sekolah sangat penting karena dapat mendeteksi secara dini apakah seseorang terindikasi penyalahgunaan narkoba atau tidak, sehingga dapat memotong jalur peredaran narkoba di lingkungan sekolah.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif- analitis, dimana faktor operasionalisasi penelitian sudah ditentukan di awal. Data primer diperoleh dari informan yang merupakan Kepala Bidang Pencegahan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan dokter BNNP DKI Jakarta. Data sekunder didapatkan dari data yang telah tersedia dan dilakukan studi data. Analisis disampaikan berdasarkan penilaian (judgement) penulis dengan didasari oleh kerangka teori yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini.
Hasil yang didapatkan dari Implementasi Program Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba di Sekolah Melalui Pemeriksaan Urin Narkoba masih belum maksimal karena belum adanya kesadaran dari peserta tes urin yang hasilnya positif Narkoba untuk melakukan konseling adiksi/rehabilitasi agar menghentikan penggunaan Narkoba dan merubah perilaku yang lebih sehat. Kendala yang ditemukan masih kurang aktifnya pihak sekolah dan orang tua membawa siswa yang positif Narkoba untuk dilakukan konseling adiksi. Saran yang diberikan oleh penulis adalah perlu adanya evaluasi dan pembinaan lanjutan setelah pemeriksaan urin Narkoba melalui kerjasama antara pihak sekolah, orangtua, instansi terkait dan BNN dalam upaya pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba di lingkungan sekolah serta pemberian informasi dan pendidikan sejak dini tentang bahaya Narkoba agar siswa mempunyai kemampuan untuk menghindari dan menolak menggunakan Narkoba.
ABSTRACTThe increasing number of drug abuse is now spreading to schools and colleges regardless of age levels . Especially in Jakarta , 20 % of the 4 million drug users are children under the age of 18 years old or a teenager that in fact the successor to the forerunner of the country. In fact , 3 out of 10 children in Jakarta involved the use of drugs involved in the production and distribution at the same time .
National Narcotic Board of DKI Jakarta Province is a vertical organization BNN in the area of Jakarta has conducted a wide range of prevention programs one of them through urine testing drugs in the school environment . Urine drug conducted in school is very important because it can detect early whether the person indicated drug abuse or not , so as to cut off the circulation of drugs in the school environment .
This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive-analytic design, in which the operation of the factors specified in the initial study. Primary data were obtained from an informant who is the Head of Prevention and Community Empowerment and doctor National Narcotic Board of Jakarta Province. Secondary data were obtained from data already available and carried out the study data. The analysis presented is based on assessment (judgment) by the author based on the theoretical framework used in this study.
The results obtained from the Examination of Drug Abuse Prevention Program in Schools Through Urine Drug Investigation is still not maximized due to the lack of awareness of participants urine test result is positive drug addiction counseling / rehabilitation in order to stop the use of drugs and more healthy behavior change. Problems were found still less active the school and parents bringing students to do positive drug addiction counseling. The advice given by the authors is necessary the evaluation and follow-up coaching after a urine drug through a partnership between the school, parents, relevant agencies and BNN in the prevention of drug abuse in the school environment as well as the provision of information and education from an early age about the dangers of drugs so that students have the ability to avoid and reject the use of drugs., The increasing number of drug abuse is now spreading to schools and colleges regardless of age levels . Especially in Jakarta , 20 % of the 4 million drug users are children under the age of 18 years old or a teenager that in fact the successor to the forerunner of the country. In fact , 3 out of 10 children in Jakarta involved the use of drugs involved in the production and distribution at the same time .
National Narcotic Board of DKI Jakarta Province is a vertical organization BNN in the area of Jakarta has conducted a wide range of prevention programs one of them through urine testing drugs in the school environment . Urine drug conducted in school is very important because it can detect early whether the person indicated drug abuse or not , so as to cut off the circulation of drugs in the school environment .
This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive-analytic design, in which the operation of the factors specified in the initial study. Primary data were obtained from an informant who is the Head of Prevention and Community Empowerment and doctor National Narcotic Board of Jakarta Province. Secondary data were obtained from data already available and carried out the study data. The analysis presented is based on assessment (judgment) by the author based on the theoretical framework used in this study.
The results obtained from the Examination of Drug Abuse Prevention Program in Schools Through Urine Drug Investigation is still not maximized due to the lack of awareness of participants urine test result is positive drug addiction counseling / rehabilitation in order to stop the use of drugs and more healthy behavior change. Problems were found still less active the school and parents bringing students to do positive drug addiction counseling. The advice given by the authors is necessary the evaluation and follow-up coaching after a urine drug through a partnership between the school, parents, relevant agencies and BNN in the prevention of drug abuse in the school environment as well as the provision of information and education from an early age about the dangers of drugs so that students have the ability to avoid and reject the use of drugs.]"